How do I show the variables in the side bar instead of in the editor when debugging c++ with vscode? - c++

I noticed that when debugging with vscode, the "variables" disappeared from the side bar, and instead shows up in the editor. Is there a way to change this?
I tried going into settings and searched for debug, but I didn't dind any settings related.


Disable Eclipse Highlight on Hover

I am using Eclipse.
I have opened a project that contains errors. Here is an example of the errors:
When I hover over the symbol on the left to get more information, I get a dialogue box and the error is automatically highlighted, like this:
When I click away from the error, the highlighting still persists, like this:
This will happen for multiple errors, Like this:
I would like to disable this feature. How would I do so?
For further information, I am using:
Eclipse Version 2019-12 (4.14.0)
Build id: 20191212-1212
Operating System is:
The theme is what the IDE defaulted to upon first execution, pictured here:
Upon Changing the theme to "classic" the issue persists, but with different syntax highlighting:
I have scraped through all settings pertaining to syntax highlighting in the IDE. I recognize that the theme displayed as the default theme was pertaining to window coloring as well. When changed, it still did modify the colors for syntax highlighting.

run option gone from Microsoft Visual C++ 2010

I think I accidentally changed some settings in my MSVC 2010 compiler and now I can't find the compile and execute option. Also when I hit the tab button for indentation an arrow(->) appears. I wonder whats wrong??
Use the tools menu "Import and Export Settings" then select "Reset all Settings" to reset the settings back to default.
To reset editor blunder, just hit Ctrl+Shift+8, from inside the text editor itself. This is toggle-able option, which can be used to see white spaces. Sometimes useful!

How to run app from VC++ without debug?

I'm trying to learn to love Visual C++ 2010 Express, but it is difficult! I've just created a "Hello world" console app and compiled it - no problems. I now want to run it. It seems the only option open to me is to run it in the debugger - there is a "Run" button on the toolbar but it is disabled. I don't want to debug it - I really don't like debuggers! Is there any way of just running the app from inside the VS IDE?
If you can't see the "Start Without Debugging" command in the toolbar, go to "Tools -> Settings -> Expert Settings". Basic Settings hides lots of stuff you probably want to see.
Professional version of VC2010 doesn't seem to have this switch.
Open the Tools menu
Go to Customize
Switch to the Commands tab
Select the Debug category
Drag the "Start Without Debugging" command to the Debug menu item
Edit: Full disclosure, I don't actually have VC++2010 Express installed on this computer, so I'm just sort of winging it here.
If you want to have a "Start Without Debugging" icon on the menu bar instead of in the drop-down Debug menu (even if Tools->Settings = "Basic Settings"), do this:
Tools->Customize->Commands->(choose Menu bar)->Add Command->Debug->Start Without Debugging->ok.
Then Move Up/Down if you want to change its position.

Visual C++ 2008 - breakpoint cannot be hit

I am trying to dissect a legacy application through debugging, but I can't get the breakpoint to hit in certain places of the application. The application has a c# GUI frontend and a c++ backend.
I am trying to put a breakpoint in a c++ project of the solution. There are a couple of c++ projects, but I cannot set a breakpoint in one of them. I tried deleting bin/obj files but had no luck.
Afterwards I checked debug > windows > modules, and then noticed that the dll for that particular project is not being shown. The program executes correctly, but perhaps since there is no entry for that project shown in debug > windows > modules, a breakpoint cannot be set. The problem is, I don't know how to make a fix to this problem. Can anyone give a helping hand?
Thanks a lot in advance.
It sounds like you need to enable unmanaged code debugging. Try the follownig
Right click on the C# project and select Properties
Go to the Debug tab
Check "Enable Unmanaged Code Debugging"

Run .exe outside IDE but use break points inside IDE

Using VS .NET 2003. Would like to run the .exe from outside the IDE (i.e. command prompt or double clicking .exe icon in windows) However, still want break points to hit in the IDE.
How do I set this up?
(Running from outside IDE but IDE seeing it as run from "Debug" -> "Start")
On the Debug menu, choose the "Attach to process" option to attach a debugger to your externally-running application.
Visual Studio enables Just In Time Debugging by default. If you haven't turned it off you can call DebugBreak() and you will get a popup allowing you to attach a debugger. If you don't attach a debugger then the program will exit, so you could try wrapping the DebugBreak call in a MessageBox or some other conditional code based on an environment variable or config item.
Since it is C the call to DebugBreak() is correct - this will give you a nasty error dialog (different look depending on the OS), which should have a 'Debug' option. If you click this you should get a dialog to select one of the installed debuggers (VS.NET shoud be among them). Selecting it should bring you to the DebugBreak() line. However this can fail if the debugger can not find the pdb files for your app - in that case you will just get the disassembly view and no source code view.
You can also use WinDBG and the 'Open executable option' - again it will need the pdb files to yield anything useful.