Where are gdb-multiarch sources? - gdb

I've been struggling a hour to find the git repository of gdb-multiarch but couldn't succeed. Is the source available somewhere ?

GDB's web site is here, the page that describes source access is here. Basically for read-only access you want:
git clone https://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git


Github Desktop. Remote end hung up unexpectedly

I am using github desktop and the website. no git code, and I created a repository for my unreal engine 4 c++ project. I then try to publish the repository to github but I get this error
I have seen many posts with this error but none that use github desktop, just git code and it is not what im using.
I use windows, and also I cannot clone unreal engine c++ repositories either that I created at the college PCs.
thats the best I can ask sorry if my question is vague
error when publishing repository:
error when cloning a repository from github (repository made in college pc)
You need to clone the repository with ssh.
Run the following command and remove your repository:
git remote rm origin
Then, try the command below and push afterwards:
git remote add origin git#github.com:username/project.git
It appears the internet I was using had protection on some websites because of the house policies of a student house. because of this it was messing up with big repositories and stopping the cloning.
not a github problem just figured it was the internet since it works fine in other internet. thank you all for you help it was my bad

How to link GitHub repository with Wamp Server correctly?

Anyone know how to link a local Github repo with the Wamp server? I'm trying to run my project with localhost so I'm using Wamp. Whenever I run these commands
cd C:\Users\my\Documents\GitHub\repo
git --work-tree=C:\wamp\www status
(repo is the name of the repo)
to link them up though (as suggested by another user in this thread Can I combine my local Github repository with WAMP localhost folder?), I get a "fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree."
The user's other answers don't work either.
There have been similar questions on Stack Overflow and I've tried all the suggested solutions, and none have worked. Some suggested that my repository was bare, but I'm able to do git add, commit, push, pull, so I'm not sure why I'm getting that error. I even tried configuring core.bare to false, but still get the same error.
Maybe I don't have enough knowledge in using Github to know why I'm getting this error, but I'd appreciate any help.
Considering that git --work-tree=C:\wamp\www --git-dir=C:\Users\my\Documents\GitHub\repo status returns:
fatal: not a git repository
That means C:\Users\my\Documents\GitHub\repo is not a valid git repo (maybe no .git folder in it or its path isn't properly recognized in the current shell session)
Note: depending on your current shell, you might need to use posix paths.
In a git bash shell session (as opposed to a git-cmd.bat DOS shell session):
git --work-tree=/C/wamp/www --git-dir=/c/Users/my/Documents/GitHub/repo status
Since the errors were persistent, the OP concluded:
ended up just git cloning into the www directory and it works now.

Setup Latest django code on local machine to learn and develop?

I want to know how can i setup django code(forked from github or any) on my local machine ?
I am not taking about installing it. I am talking about to work as a developer
on django code itself. My whole aim is to learn django even more better and
improve myself.I want to know how the automatic admin is built , etc.
How exactly i can run it on my ubuntu system ?
If you installed it, you'll have the entire code available somewhere like /usr/lib/python/site-packages/django (use locate django in terminal to find the correct dir) on Linux or C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/django on Windows.
You can see the code, and even make modifications. If you want to contribute to Django, you'll need some knowledge before, and follow some rules.
You can clone the repository, if you have git installed:
$ git clone https://github.com/django/django.git
$ cd django
django $ ls
You can create a virtual environment, install django in it and the play with the local copy:
$ virtualenv ~/my_django
$ source ~/my_django/bin/activate
(my_django) $ pip install django
The easiest option is to simply browse the source online if all you want to know is how something is put together.

How do clone a Mercurial repository into a directory that already exists?

I have a client's Django project that I'm developing locally, using Mercurial for version control. I push my local repository to my personal remote server (where I keep all my projects) and then when I come to deploy it (on whichever web server) I clone that respository there from my personal server.
This works fine on most servers (where I have total control) but I have a few projects where I'm deploying on to WebFaction. WebFaction is great, but a little unusual with it's setup, as I need to first declare the Django project as an 'application' through their control panel. This creates a few things automatically, such as an 'apache2', 'myproject', etc folder. It's this same folder though where I want to clone the repository from my personal remote server. Doing the usual hg clone command just doesn't work though as it says the destination folder already exists. There isn't much I can do about the contents of this folder really, so I need to work around this.
I'm not an expert at Mercurial and the only way I could seem to work it out is clone it to another folder and then moving all the contents (including the .hg) into the actual folder I want. This seems silly though...
I'm using Mercurial v1.6.2 (installed through easy_install). Could anyone share some light on this?
Many thanks.
Copying just the .hg dir definitely works, but you could also do a hg init and then hg pull http://remote/repo. A repo that has just been initalized has only the 000000000000000 changeset, so you can pull from any repo without getting the "unrelated repos" warning. This is essentially the same as hg clone --pull with a manual init.
You can copy just the .hg folder, then revert or update to tip. E.g.:
cp -a src/.hg dest/
cd dest
hg up -C
you can either move the folder after the fact, or you can just make a symlink to it. my webfaction directory is actually symlinked, so i know it works fine.
In the main, it looks like you might be trying to use Mercurial as an installation manager which is certainly not its design goal.
If I am reading you correctly, part of your source repository should be something like make deploy which puts the files into their proper places. Put another way, having a repository clone (in .hg) in your deployment directory seems odd and trouble-prone.

Creating a submodule in a git project

I have a Django project and it's currently hosted in GitHub and it's private. I'm looking to move many useful parts of it into an open-source project. I think I need to use a 'submodule' thing, but unfortunately I have no idea how to operate these.
Please can someone help me :)
move many useful parts of it into an open-source project.
That means extract one or several directories (and their associated history) into several independant git repositories, each one pushed to a public GitHub repo.
To extract a sub-directory from a Git repo, see the filter-branch command in this SO question
(also in:
"Howto extract a git subdirectory and make a submodule out of it?"
Detach subdirectory into separate Git repository
to reference those new repositories, reference them in your original private repo to see them again directly from your current Django project: see true nature of submodules.