How to use Postman to authenticate Google Login with dj_rest_auth - django

So I am following the official documentation for Google sign in with DjangoRestFramework using DJ Rest Auth (this link)
I intend to authenticate with Postman Oauth2 (by following the guide and generating an Access Token)
Postman is generating an access token successfully, but I cannot seem to use this authentication in my API calls. Please who knows which step I am missing - I want to handle everything in Postman.
urlpatterns = [
path('', Home.as_view(), name='home'),
path('accounts/', include(api_urls, namespace='api')),
path('accounts/login/', GoogleLogin.as_view(), name='google_login'),
path('accounts/', include('rest_framework.urls')),
class GoogleLogin(SocialLoginView):
adapter_class = GoogleOAuth2Adapter
callback_url = 'http://localhost:8080/accounts/google/login/callback/'
client_class = OAuth2Client
On calling an API endpoint, I get an invalid token error:
If I however visit the Google Login view in my RestFramework UI (in my case http://localhost:8080/accounts/login), I get an endpoint to make a POST, and on making a POST request, a key is generated. Only this key (if used as a Bearer token) works in my API calls.
How can I authenticate on Google, and make my API calls independent of the DRF UI?
Callback URL has been configured on my Google Developer Client.
PS: I feel the answer is in step 6 of the documentation, but I am unable to figure out how to do this in Postman
POST code or token to specified URL(/dj-rest-auth/google/)

What I did here is from postman go to headers then put Authorization = Token youraccesskey
which in your case Authorization = Token ef057......
Hope it helps


Can Django admin url be on a swagger file using drf-yasg?

I am deploying a Django API on Google Endpoint.
Google endpoint needs a documentatin generated with openapi2.0 to set all endpoint. If an url is not defined on the yaml file generated by openapi (here by drf-yasg) the endpoint can not be reached even if it is available.
Thing is, it would be very very very useful for me to access my django admin zone on my api but when I generate my yaml file it skips my admin url.
here is my url, basic:
urlpatterns = [
# back
path('', include('api.urls')),
path('', include(spectacular_url)),
Do you know how to do this ?

Trouble getting Salesforce login working with dj-rest-auth + django-allauth

My app has a Django 3.1 backend with django-allauth and dj-rest-auth (actively supported fork of django-rest-auth).
My mobile and web frontends can already sign in using Facebook and Google via REST. I'm now trying to add Salesforce as a 3rd REST social login method, but am running into issues.
I've followed the django-allauth instructions for Salesforce:
Created a Salesforce Connected App with id and openid scopes (along with some others), and set the callback URL to
Created a SocialApplication in Django with client ID, secret, and login URL in the "Key" field (
Included allauth.socialaccount.providers.salesforce in INSTALLED_APPS
I've been using client-side JSforce to kick off the Salesforce auth request in the frontend, but I'm open to other methods if they are simpler/better/etc.
Running jsforce.browser.login() in my clients' JS code opens a Salesforce login popup. After entering Salesforce login credentials, the Salesforce system redirected to my defined callback URL, resulting in a page that shows the following text:
Social Network Login Failure
An error occurred while attempting to login via your social network account.
The URL in the address bar on that page looks something like this:
I tried to debug and print the error in my backend, but both auth_error.code and auth_error.exception were blank/empty.
I also tried sending the access_token from that URL's hash to my Salesforce API endpoint (see below), but that resulted in a 400 error ("Incorrect value").
Here is how I've defined my SocialLoginViews in my, based on dj-rest-auth's social auth documentation:
from dj_rest_auth.registration.views import SocialLoginView
from allauth.socialaccount.providers.facebook.views import FacebookOAuth2Adapter
from import GoogleOAuth2Adapter
from allauth.socialaccount.providers.salesforce.views import SalesforceOAuth2Adapter
class FacebookLogin(SocialLoginView):
adapter_class = FacebookOAuth2Adapter
class GoogleLogin(SocialLoginView):
adapter_class = GoogleOAuth2Adapter
class SalesforceLogin(SocialLoginView):
adapter_class = SalesforceOAuth2Adapter
from .views import FacebookLogin, GoogleLogin, SalesforceLogin
urlpatterns = [
# Sending access_token to the Facebook and Google REST endpoints works,
# but doing the same for the Salesforce REST endpoint does not (400 error: "Incorrect value")
url(r'^api/rest-auth/facebook/$', FacebookLogin.as_view(), name='fb_login'),
url(r'^api/rest-auth/google/$', GoogleLogin.as_view(), name='google_login'),
url(r'^api/rest-auth/salesforce/$', SalesforceLogin.as_view(), name='salesforce_login'),
How can Salesforce social auth be made to work in this app?
I figured it out and got it working: when posting to my dj-rest-auth Salesforce API endpoint, I was only including access_token in my POST body. I actually need both access_token and key, where key is the Salesforce login URL ("").
It was indeed in the django-allauth instructions for Salesforce, but I misinterpreted the wording. I now know that it says to require both access_token and key in the POST body.

How to use DRF JWT resfresh

I can generate token,However, after the Web accesses me with the first token, I cannot give a new token
I set it in setting
But I don't know how to get a new one
Please let me know if you need anything else
I thought that after this setting is completed, the token will be changed automatically Medium expiration time,Looks like I'm wrong
based on this post, you have to do the following:
request the token http post username=vitor password=123
this returns a access token and a refresh token
use the access token to access the site
if the access token expires (site returns 403) use the refresh token to get a new valid access token http post refresh=REFRESHTOKEN
Note that the refresh token can also expire, then you would have to restart the flow.
EDIT: code snippets
install library
pip install djangorestframework_simplejwt
docs of the library
from django.urls import path
from rest_framework_simplejwt import views as jwt_views
urlpatterns = [
# Your URLs...
path('api/token/', jwt_views.TokenObtainPairView.as_view(), name='token_obtain_pair'),
path('api/token/refresh/', jwt_views.TokenRefreshView.as_view(), name='token_refresh'),

Redirect after login using JWT authentication

Im using this library django-rest-framework-simplejwt and want to
I want to be able to redirect to the endpoint after successfully obtaining a token.
I have a standard implementation of getting a token taken from the documentation
from rest_framework_simplejwt import views as jwt_views
urlpatterns = [
path('api/token/', jwt_views.TokenObtainPairView.as_view(), name='token_obtain_pair'),
path('api/token/refresh/', jwt_views.TokenRefreshView.as_view(), name='token_refresh'),
Is there any way to change the operation of the TokenObtainPairView function to redirect to the endpoint?

Need clarity on using django-rest-framework-jwt with django-rest-auth for social login

I am able to receive a facebook authentication access_token from django-rest-auth by following their instructions in their docs, but it doesn't look like it's a JWT token generated by django-rest-framework-jwt.
I did set REST_USE_JWT = True in That's all I've done, I'm not sure if there's anything else I need to do to ensure that the token is being generated by JWT.
I set up an endpoint to verify a jwt token like so:
from rest_framework_jwt.views import obtain_jwt_token, verify_jwt_token
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^api/token-verify/', verify_jwt_token),
that's how I'm testing if the access token received by this endpoint
url(r'^rest-auth/facebook/$', views.FacebookLogin.as_view(), name='fb_login'),
is a valid JWT token. When I try to verify the token I get an error Error decoding signature.
On a side note, I noticed when I try to do a POST request to rest-auth/facebook/ API endpoint twice using the same access_token returned by a Facebook login I am receiving a 403 Forbidden from django.
Can someone please explain a bit how to make JWT work with django-rest-auth?