Flask-Login disconnects me from the database ... then from my backoffice - flask

I have a problem with (I think) Flask Login.
The project is a keyword tracking on Google.
I have a page, which lists all the keywords in a chart (ChartJs).
It's a loop. For each keyword, I generate a chart that retrieves all the positions in the database.
Before, I did not use Flask Login. I was blocking ips via htaccess.
Everything worked fine. The (approximately) 80 keyword graphs loaded without problems.
But since I use Flask Login, only 3 graphics load.
When I want to reload the pager OR go to another page of the site, I get disconnected.
With this information, can you see what the problem is?
What script from the project should I share to make it clearer?


Django Rest Framework browsable API breaks when changing the port

I'm currently developing my first app with DRF and I'm pretty impressed by it and the browsable API it has build in. However, when I change the port where I host my application (both in manage.py aswell as in the runserver command), all the buttons stop working. I can still click on links to make sure resources where created, but that's about it. I also can't log in and the POST forms don't appear, which is really the most annoying part. Moreover, when I change the port back to the default 8000, it's still broken.
Don't really know if I can post an example of this. It doesn't seem to depend on anything in the actual code. It just happens when I change the port.
So while I don't know what exactly caused it, a CTRL-reload has fixed it for now. Still pops up from time to time.

I can't sign into the Django admin login page

I have started multiple Django projects with like four different tutorials. Every single time I try "python manage.py createsuperuser", the admin login page just loads and loads and never goes anywhere. I want to make it absolutely clear that I haven't touched a thing in the code and everything is default code. I migrated everything before login. I've tried deleting the database and re-migrating. None of that works. Can someone help me? I have made around 10-15 accounts and NONE of them work. The page just keeps loading indefinitely and never goes anywhere. I've looked at EVERY stackoverflow post and no answers work. I started a virtualenv, downloaded Django, didn't touch the code, made migrations, I followed every tutorial TOO THE LETTER(!!!) and this is what I keep getting. The current tutorial hasn't changed in default code and he signed in with no problems. I'm assuming if he did, I can...I don't think putting code in is necessary since it's all virgin code, never touched. I didn't even make any apps yet.
I've tried deleting database and re-migrating
changing the password of current superuser
deleting the entire project and following everything the instructor said (TO THE LETTER!!!)
I have made 10-15 superuser accounts and none work
This sounds similar to a problem I was seeing. I wrote a question for it here (no answers yet): Django local dev server hangs with chrome after form submission. Works in firefox
Are you using windows and the chrome browser? Try using firefox to access the admin page and login. That worked for me. I'm still trying to figure out why Chome doesn't work, though. Like you, I created a brand new project from scratch; sometimes Chrome works and most of the time it doesn't. I've also found that hitting the stop button while the browser is sitting there thinking, then refresh, makes the logged in admin page show up.

Magento 2 cannot login admin because form key invalid

I'm in a brain-breaking problem here. I've created a nice Magento 2.1.7 installation with two websites (two stores, two domains) and somehow after a while we are unable to login the backend of Magento.
Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.
Now, after trying a few options, still no success. Checked core_config_data, edit max_input_vars, nothing works. The strange thing is, on the front it's still possible to checkout and do your shopping.
Anyway, I'm stumped here. Why is this happening, and how can this be fixed. Any help is welcome.
I often get this error, clearing the cookies for that site, then opening the admin panel in a new tab will resolve this.
You can recreate this error message if you double click the login button after filling out your login information.
Here are a few other reasons you may experience this issue
The form key inputs are outside of the form, you should check the html on the admin panel to check these inputs and exists and have correct values
Make sure the link you use to get to the admin page does not already have a form key in the url
Does this issue generate anything in var/log/system.log ?
Eventually, nothing helped, but what did the trick was creating a new install, setup this new install with all necessary modules (fortunately there were only four), configure the fresh installment like the old one (long live GitHub) and compare your fresh installation to the old one in the database table core_config_data. Basically reproduce your entire setup without any products in it, but just create your stores and categories.
If you spot any differences between the new installment and the old one in the core_config_data, edit them in the old one to be the same as your new one.
Next, edit your env.php with the database credentials to the old database which you've compared and edited.
And the last step, recompile, flush/clean cache and reindex.
Oh, and word of advice, if you're going to use https for your store, setup magento on https. I think something went very wrong when we've changed the base url's from insecure to secure.

How to use react-router and Django templates

I am pretty sure I am not the first one to stumble on this problem. But somehow I am unable to find any relevant resources out there.
Here is my issue, I have a backend in Django and my front completely written in Reactjs- React Router - Redux (nice combo right).
when entering the url webhost.com/, django provides me with a page with links to a bundle that is my whole react application and different stylesheets
The problem arise when I want to refresh a page, the browser still tries to query the server even though a route exists in my react-router configuration.
I had a look at the answer here (catch-all option) React-router urls don't work when refreshing or writting manually , but I don't quite understand it and I am afraid to have a new redux state everytime Django will provide the user with a new page.
You can setup up a wildcard url pattern that will render the same view that gets rendered when a request is sent to webhost.com. I don't know if that's going to retain your store though.

Why Django blocks simultaneous requests within the same session?

I tried to add sleep(30) at the first line of my view. After that I opened this page in two browser tabs. The first tab loaded the page after 30 seconds, and the second one loaded it in 60 seconds. In the meantime I was able to open pages from another pc just fine. So it looks like Django blocks the concurrent requests from the same client.
This is very well for my app. And I'd like to be sure my site will work this way in the future. However I have not found any documentation or articles describing such Django behaviour. So I'm still not sure if this is a feature or just fortune. Could somebody please explain how and why this works?
What I actually need is to block the session while view is processing. Of course I can use some flags or db transactions. But I'd not like to add a feature that is already implemented in Django.
I use python 2.6.5, django 1.4, ubuntu server, nginx and uwsgi. Tried both postgresql and sqlite.
My uwsgi settings:
<app mountpoint="/">
<workers>4</workers><!-- Not sure this is needed -->
I also got same effect with runserver command.
Actually Django does not block simultaneous requests.
If I run two browsers (for example chrome and firefox) with the same session (by copying the sessionid cookie from the first browser to the second one), blocking does not happen. So, this is a browser feature, and it's not related to Django anyhow. This means I still need to add some blocking feature by myself to make the code safe.