I am trying to compile the project present at Link
While compiling from the main folder I am getting the error:
:-1: error: Project ERROR: qtspeech/examples/speech/qmlspeech/qmlspeech.pro is lacking an install target.
I tried adding following text in the qmlspeech.pro file:
target.path += /home/harshmittal/build
INSTALLS += target
I got the following error:
:-1: error: Project ERROR: /qtspeech/examples/speech/qmlspeech/qmlspeech.pro installs target to unexpected location.
If I try to open the project Individually and try to compile it, I receive the following error:
:-1: error: Project ERROR: You cannot build examples inside the Qt source tree, except as part of a proper Qt build.
I want to compile this project, original youtube link: Video
Qt Version: 5.15
OS: Linux
I have set up 2 identical windows 10 PC's where I have installed the Xilinx 2015.4 SDK. Only a single PC gives the following errors:
c:/xilinx/sdk/2015.4/gnu/arm/nt/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-xilinx-eabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-xilinx-eabi/bin/ld.exe: error: ../../standalone_bsp_0/ps7_cortexa9_0/lib\libxil.a(xgpio.o) uses VFP register arguments, framework.elf does not
c:/xilinx/sdk/2015.4/gnu/arm/nt/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-xilinx-eabi/4.9.2/../../../../arm-xilinx-eabi/bin/ld.exe: failed to merge target specific data of file ../../standalone_bsp_0/ps7_cortexa9_0/lib\libxil.a(xgpio.o)
I have already tried adding the following flags:
-mfloat-abi=hard -print-multi-lib which causes the following errors:
arm-xilinx-eabi-g++: error: ./src/Services/SOES/esc.o: No such file or directory
arm-xilinx-eabi-g++: error: ./src/main.o: No such file or directory
arm-xilinx-eabi-g++: error: ./src/platform.o: No such file or directory
arm-xilinx-eabi-g++: error: ./.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.make.core/specs.o: No such file or directory
Note that the other PC works perfectly fine with just the MinGW installation and no additional modifications to the SDK and toolchain configuration directly from our VCS repo.
Both windows installations have MinGW installed with the following packages.
However the PC that's giving the errors had mingw32-base installed AFTER the errors appeared (small mistake).
Perhaps there is something wrong with the PATH variable?
The state of the project
I'm trying to integrate the QVTKWidget in a qmake Qt 5.7 project and thus provide my application with some nice support for 3D surface plot charts (the 2D chart feature is currently handled by Qwt but I might switch to VTK's 2D charts module if I find it easy enough to integrate).
What has been done so far
I have successfully built the VTK toolkit in both debug and release version (available respectively at C:\VTK and C:\VTKDebug\. In addition to that I have also already successfully managed to place some VTK content in my QWidget by manually specifying which DLL libraries are to be included.
The problem
The issue mentioned in the title comes when I use qmake's function files() to retrieve ALL shared libraries from C:\VTK\bin or C:\VTKDebug\bin depending on the build type of the project. The reason for that is that depending on what I include in my application I might need to manually specify 3-4 or maybe 20-30 VTK libraries. For creating a prototype this is quite the manual labour and I would like to skip that part and deal with it later on AFTER I evaluate whether VTK suits my needs or not. The provided cmake modules in VTK offer this functionality so you can simply link against ${VTK_LIBRARIES} if you want to. Currently I don't know of out-of-the-box support for qmake projects.
Here is my pro file:
QT += core gui
CONFIG += c++11
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
RESOURCES = resources.qrc
# Variables will store the path to the root directory of each library using the information provided by the respective system environment variables.
QWT_API = ""
VTK_API = ""
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
message(Application will be built in DEBUG mode)
MHCP_API = $$(MCHP_HMI_API_PATH) # TODO Compile the library for debug releases (requires Visual C++)
QWT_API = $$(QWT_PATH) # QWT on my system is compiled in debug_and_release mode which means that both versios of the library are located at the same location (different names though!)
LIBS += -L$$QWT_API\\lib -lqwtd \
-L$$MHCP_API\\lib -lmchp_hmid
else {
message(Application will be built in RELEASE mode)
LIBS += -L$$QWT_API\\lib -lqwt \
-L$$MHCP_API\\lib -lmchp_hmi
isEmpty(MHCP_API) { error(MHCP_API variable is empty. Please make sure that MCHP_HMI_API_PATH system variable is set and that you have both reading and writing access to it) }
else { message(MHCP_API root folder set to $$MHCP_API) }
isEmpty(QWT_API) { error(QWT_API variable is empty. Please make sure that QWT system variable is set and that you have reading access to it) }
else { message(QWT_API root folder set to $$QWT_API) }
isEmpty(VTK_API) { error(VTK_API variable is empty. Please make sure that VTK system variable is set and that you have reading access to it) }
else { message(VTK_API root folder set to $$VTK_API) }
#LIBS += -L$$VTK_API\\lib -lvtkRenderingCore-7.0 -lvtkRenderingOpenGL2-7.0 -lvtkCommonExecutionModel-7.0 -lvtkCommonCore-7.0 -lvtkViewsQt-7.0 -lvtkGUISupportQt-7.0 -lvtkRenderingQt-7.0 -lvtkChartsCore-7.0 -lvtkFiltersSources-7.0 #-lvtkRenderingOpenGL2-7.0 #FilterSources is required for the SphereSource example
LIBS += -L$$VTK_API\\bin
VTK_API_SHARED_LIB_FILES = $$files($$VTK_API\\bin\\*.dll)
BASENAME = $$basename(FILE)
NO_PREFIX_NAME = $$replace(BASENAME, lib,)
VTK_LIB = $$replace(NO_PREFIX_NAME, .dll,)
message(Found "$$VTK_LIB")
message(Appending $$LIBS)
INCLUDEPATH += $$MHCP_API\\include \
$$QWT_API\\include \
HEADERS += device_api.h \
device_api_dynamic.h \
demo.h \
device.h \
misc.h \
SOURCES += main.cpp\
demo.cpp \
device.cpp \
FORMS += demo.ui
When I execute qmake I see the following message in my Qt Creator (using Qt 5.7 SDK with MinGW 5.3 all 32bit on a 64bit Windows 10 system):
Project MESSAGE: Application will be built in DEBUG mode
Project MESSAGE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Project MESSAGE: MHCP_API root folder set to C:\Program Files (x86)\Device\api
Project MESSAGE: QWT_API root folder set to C:\Qwt-6.1.3
Project MESSAGE: VTK_API root folder set to C:\VTKDebug
Project MESSAGE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkalg-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkChartsCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkCommonColor-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkCommonComputationalGeometry-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkCommonCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkCommonDataModel-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkCommonExecutionModel-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkCommonMath-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkCommonMisc-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkCommonSystem-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkCommonTransforms-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkDICOMParser-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkDomainsChemistry-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkDomainsChemistryOpenGL2-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkexoIIc-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkexpat-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersAMR-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersExtraction-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersFlowPaths-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersGeneral-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersGeneric-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersGeometry-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersHybrid-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersHyperTree-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersImaging-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersModeling-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersParallel-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersParallelImaging-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersProgrammable-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersSelection-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersSMP-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersSources-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersStatistics-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersTexture-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkFiltersVerdict-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkfreetype-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkGeovisCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkglew-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkGUISupportQt-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkGUISupportQtSQL-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingColor-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingFourier-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingGeneral-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingHybrid-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingMath-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingMorphological-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingSources-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingStatistics-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkImagingStencil-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkInfovisCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkInfovisLayout-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkInteractionImage-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkInteractionStyle-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkInteractionWidgets-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOAMR-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOEnSight-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOExodus-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOExport-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOGeometry-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOImage-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOImport-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOInfovis-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOLegacy-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOLSDyna-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOMINC-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOMovie-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIONetCDF-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOParallel-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOParallelXML-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOPLY-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOSQL-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOVideo-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOXML-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkIOXMLParser-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkjpeg-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkjsoncpp-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkxml2-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkmetaio-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkNetCDF-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkNetCDF_cxx-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkoggtheora-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkParallelCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkpng-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkproj4-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingAnnotation-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingContext2D-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingContextOpenGL2-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingFreeType-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingImage-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingLabel-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingLOD-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingOpenGL2-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingQt-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingVolume-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtksys-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkTestingGenericBridge-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkTestingIOSQL-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkTestingRendering-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtktiff-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkverdict-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkViewsContext2D-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkViewsCore-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkViewsInfovis-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkViewsQt-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkz-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkhdf5-7.0
Project MESSAGE: Found vtkhdf5_hl-7.0
Project MESSAGE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Project MESSAGE: Appending -LC:\Qwt-6.1.3\lib -lqwtd -LC:\Program Files (x86)\Device\api\lib -ldevice_apid -LC:\VTKDebug\bin -lvtkalg-7.0 -lvtkChartsCore-7.0 -lvtkCommonColor-7.0 -lvtkCommonComputationalGeometry-7.0 -lvtkCommonCore-7.0 -lvtkCommonDataModel-7.0 -lvtkCommonExecutionModel-7.0 -lvtkCommonMath-7.0 -lvtkCommonMisc-7.0 -lvtkCommonSystem-7.0 -lvtkCommonTransforms-7.0 -lvtkDICOMParser-7.0 -lvtkDomainsChemistry-7.0 -lvtkDomainsChemistryOpenGL2-7.0 -lvtkexoIIc-7.0 -lvtkexpat-7.0 -lvtkFiltersAMR-7.0 -lvtkFiltersCore-7.0 -lvtkFiltersExtraction-7.0 -lvtkFiltersFlowPaths-7.0 -lvtkFiltersGeneral-7.0 -lvtkFiltersGeneric-7.0 -lvtkFiltersGeometry-7.0 -lvtkFiltersHybrid-7.0 -lvtkFiltersHyperTree-7.0 -lvtkFiltersImaging-7.0 -lvtkFiltersModeling-7.0 -lvtkFiltersParallel-7.0 -lvtkFiltersParallelImaging-7.0 -lvtkFiltersProgrammable-7.0 -lvtkFiltersSelection-7.0 -lvtkFiltersSMP-7.0 -lvtkFiltersSources-7.0 -lvtkFiltersStatistics-7.0 -lvtkFiltersTexture-7.0 -lvtkFiltersVerdict-7.0 -lvtkfreetype-7.0 -lvtkGeovisCore-7.0 -lvtkglew-7.0 -lvtkGUISupportQt-7.0 -lvtkGUISupportQtSQL-7.0 -lvtkImagingColor-7.0 -lvtkImagingCore-7.0 -lvtkImagingFourier-7.0 -lvtkImagingGeneral-7.0 -lvtkImagingHybrid-7.0 -lvtkImagingMath-7.0 -lvtkImagingMorphological-7.0 -lvtkImagingSources-7.0 -lvtkImagingStatistics-7.0 -lvtkImagingStencil-7.0 -lvtkInfovisCore-7.0 -lvtkInfovisLayout-7.0 -lvtkInteractionImage-7.0 -lvtkInteractionStyle-7.0 -lvtkInteractionWidgets-7.0 -lvtkIOAMR-7.0 -lvtkIOCore-7.0 -lvtkIOEnSight-7.0 -lvtkIOExodus-7.0 -lvtkIOExport-7.0 -lvtkIOGeometry-7.0 -lvtkIOImage-7.0 -lvtkIOImport-7.0 -lvtkIOInfovis-7.0 -lvtkIOLegacy-7.0 -lvtkIOLSDyna-7.0 -lvtkIOMINC-7.0 -lvtkIOMovie-7.0 -lvtkIONetCDF-7.0 -lvtkIOParallel-7.0 -lvtkIOParallelXML-7.0 -lvtkIOPLY-7.0 -lvtkIOSQL-7.0 -lvtkIOVideo-7.0 -lvtkIOXML-7.0 -lvtkIOXMLParser-7.0 -lvtkjpeg-7.0 -lvtkjsoncpp-7.0 -lvtkxml2-7.0 -lvtkmetaio-7.0 -lvtkNetCDF-7.0 -lvtkNetCDF_cxx-7.0 -lvtkoggtheora-7.0 -lvtkParallelCore-7.0 -lvtkpng-7.0 -lvtkproj4-7.0 -lvtkRenderingAnnotation-7.0 -lvtkRenderingContext2D-7.0 -lvtkRenderingContextOpenGL2-7.0 -lvtkRenderingCore-7.0 -lvtkRenderingFreeType-7.0 -lvtkRenderingImage-7.0 -lvtkRenderingLabel-7.0 -lvtkRenderingLOD-7.0 -lvtkRenderingOpenGL2-7.0 -lvtkRenderingQt-7.0 -lvtkRenderingVolume-7.0 -lvtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2-7.0 -lvtksys-7.0 -lvtkTestingGenericBridge-7.0 -lvtkTestingIOSQL-7.0 -lvtkTestingRendering-7.0 -lvtktiff-7.0 -lvtkverdict-7.0 -lvtkViewsContext2D-7.0 -lvtkViewsCore-7.0 -lvtkViewsInfovis-7.0 -lvtkViewsQt-7.0 -lvtkz-7.0 -lvtkhdf5-7.0 -lvtkhdf5_hl-7.0
So far, so good. As mentioned things fail at the linking stage namely I get the following errors
cannot find -lvtkalg-7.0
cannot find -lvtkxml2-7.0
cannot find -lvtkz-7.0
even though I can clearly see them in the output from qmake:
Project MESSAGE: Appending -LC:\Qwt-6.1.3\lib
-lqwtd -LC:\Program Files (x86)\Device\api\lib -ldevice_apid
-LC:\VTKDebug\bin -lvtkalg-7.0 ... -lvtkxml2-7.0 .. -lvtkz-7.0
I doubt that this actually has anything to do with VTK per se but instead with how my project is structured.
EDIT: I have found out WHY but don't know how to fix it. Basically the mentioned files have the naming convension libvtkNAMElib-7.0. So when I do $$replace(BASENAME, lib,) both lib substrings are removed which leaves me with vtkNAME-7.0 which doesn't exists. I discovered this while looking at the mentioned DLL files in Explorer and noticed this nuisance. I'm now looking for a way to replace only the first occurrence of substring.
PS: I'm pretty upset how the VTK toolkit is managed in terms of file structure. Naming conventions for library files doesn't seem to matter that much to the developers (no offence intended with this comment). :-/
Okay, problem solved. As I've mentioned in the EDIT section at the end of my question the problem is in the weird naming conventions the VTK developers have chosen and the fact that three (at least with my build where not all features are enabled) of those libraries are not conform to the rest.
The libraries which cause the problem are
while the rest follow the naming schema
A colleague of mine noticed the patter that ALL files start with libvtk* and not just lib. If edit my regex pattern for replace() to
NO_PREFIX_NAME = $$replace(BASENAME, libvtk, vtk)
I get the desired result since only lib also covers *lib* while libvtk covers *libvtk* which means that *lib-7.0 doesn't fall into the match.
Here is the final DLL file grabbing loop for those who want it:
LIBS += -L$$VTK_API\\bin
VTK_API_SHARED_LIB_FILES = $$files($$VTK_API\\bin\\*.dll)
BASENAME = $$basename(FILE)
NO_PREFIX_NAME = $$replace(BASENAME, libvtk, vtk) # 3 of the VTK libs have the naming convention libvtkXXXlib-7.0 instead of libvtkXXX-7.0
VTK_LIB = $$replace(NO_PREFIX_NAME, .dll,)
message(Found "$$VTK_LIB")
I installed the Qwt library (osx) and added it to my Qt project. After executing:
qmake -set QMAKEFEATURES ${QWT_ROOT}/features
I got the project build error:
QT project error: Unknown module in QT: widget
I removed the Qwt library from my project and system but the error is still existing. I also tried to reinstall Qt 5.2.1 and removed all user settings but still the same problem. To check if the property is still there I executed:
qmake -query QMAKEFEATURES
which returned:
therefore this should not be the problem.
The compiler gives the following output:
ASSERT: "fileName.isEmpty() || isAbsolutePath(fileName)" in file /work/build/qt5_workdir/w/s/qtbase/qmake/library/ioutils.cpp, line 61
I found out there is a bug report in QT:
As I entered the command:
qmake -query
without an argument, it output that the property QMAKEFEATURES was still set:
Finally invoking:
qmake -unset QMAKEFEATURES
solved the problem.
I just installed Mac OS X 10.8.3 and Qt Creator 3, XCode, and XCode command line tools. I'm trying to compile a project that works on another computer but each time I go to "build all" I get error: 'QtGui/QAction' file not found
in #include <QtGui/QAction>
I tried adding the second and third line in the .pro file but it didn't help
QT += core gui opengl
CONFIG += qt
QT += gui
TARGET = BasicOpenGL
UPDATE: I also tried this .pro file and it didn't work
QT += core gui opengl
QT += widgets
TARGET = BasicOpenGL
I should say this is my first time attempting development on mac.
Compile Output from Qt
Versions/A/Headers -I/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Headers -I. -I. -F/Users/john/Qt/5.2.0/clang_64/lib -o mainwindow.o ../Framework/mainwindow.cpp
In file included from ../Framework/mainwindow.cpp:2:
../Framework/ui_mainwindow.h:14:10: fatal error: 'QtGui/QAction' file not found
#include <QtGui/QAction>
1 error generated.
make: *** [mainwindow.o] Error 1
15:51:32: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project BasicOpenGL (kit: Desktop Qt 5.2.0 clang 64bit)
When executing step 'Make'
UPDATE: I got it to work but with all the screwing around I'm not exactly sure what did it. I started with a fresh mac image, installed system updates, installed xcode, installed xcode command line tools, installed QT Creator 3.0, installed QT libraries 4.8.1, setup the compilers in QT Creator.
Try doing a make clean followed by a make. I had this exact problem on a Windows 7 system, and this is what worked for me.
In Qt5, QAction header is in QtWidgets include sub-directory, not in QtGui (that's true for Qt4). Though you don't actually need to specify include sub-directories since qmake will handle that for you. You just need to add QT += widgets to your .pro file.
Set the version to Qt5, change all #include<QtQui/*>s into #include<QtWidgets/*>.
And add QT += widgets in your .pro file.
Rebuild the project, when you get the error again, tap into the error message, and change the #include<QtQui/*>s into #include<QtWidgets/*> too.
Some answers here say that you have to change include from <QtGui/QAction> to <QtWidgets/QAction>.
It was the case when you compile under QT-5. But after QT-6 was released you have to do the opposite in QT-6 application.
Now you have to change <QtWidgets/QAction> to <QtGui/QAction>, because now QAction is located in QtGui folder in QT-6.
Although my answer is not related to your very old question, as you had QT-4 problem, still your question pops up first in Google hence I'm posting my answer for those StackOverflow visitors who have same problem but with compiling QT-5 project under QT-6, as I did.
I'm currently learning Qt by working through examples in the ebook "C+ GUI Programming with Qt 4, Second Edition".
The first example is a "Hello World" application. Following the steps in the example I've been able to create the following files:
hello.cpp, by typing out the provided code.
hello.pro, by using OS X Terminal command "qmake -project".
hello.xcodeproj and info.plist by using command "qmake hello.pro"
However, I am unable to create "hello.app"
The command "make" yields:
"make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop."
The command "make hello" yields:
g++ hello.cpp -o hello
hello.cpp:1:24: error: QApplication: No such file or directory
hello.cpp:2:18: error: QLabel: No such file or directory
hello.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
hello.cpp:6: error: ‘QApplication’ was not declared in this scope
hello.cpp:6: error: expected `;' before ‘app’
hello.cpp:7: error: ‘QLabel’ was not declared in this scope
hello.cpp:7: error: ‘label’ was not declared in this scope
hello.cpp:7: error: expected type-specifier before ‘QLabel’
hello.cpp:7: error: expected `;' before ‘QLabel’
hello.cpp:9: error: ‘app’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [hello] Error 1
While I can't create "hello.app" from the terminal with these two commands, I can create it by simply opening Xcode and pressing the button "Build and Go".
Can someone tell me why in the world these two commands don't work? And how I can make the "hello.app" from the terminal?
I see that qmake has generated an *.xcodeproj-file for you. Try running xcodebuild instead of make :)
It looks like you didn't include the directories from the Qt SDK in your makefile paths. Did you also remember to run QMake?
I would suggest you download and install Qt SDK. Then familiar yourself with Qt Creator, the IDE for Qt. It's much easier that way since all the frameworks and docs are installed and configured for you.