Left Join C++ MYSQL library - c++

I'm trying to access "category" table with LEFT JOIN. I need to retrieve the field "name" in this table.
This is my code:
void Product::read(MYSQL *connection)
MYSQL_RES *result;
if(mysql_query(connection, "SELECT * FROM product LEFT JOIN category ON product.category=category.category_id"))
std::cout<<"Query failed!!"<<mysql_error(connection)<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Name: "<<row[1]<<" Brand: "<<row[3]<<" Price: "<<row[4]<<" Category: "<<row[5]<<" Amount: "<<row[6]<<std::endl;
And this is the result of the query:
Name: Oneplus Nord 2 5G Brand: Oneplus Price: 299.99 Category: 1 Amount: 3
Name: Acer Swift 3 Brand: Acer Price: 899.99 Category: 2 Amount: 5
Name: Bose SoundLink Revolve Brand: Bose Price: 100.23 Category: 1 Amount: 3
How can I show the name of the category?

You can be more specific about what columns are you selecting and their order. Rather than * you can specify the table_name.column_name (or just column_name if you have no overlaps, or alias_name.column_name if you want to use aliases), so you could try something like:
SELECT product.name, product.brand, product.price, category.name, product.amount FROM product LEFT JOIN category ON product.category=category.category_id
I am assuming how columns are named.
This way the following code will be more predictable, because indices would be based on what you've written in select.
std::cout<<"Name: "<<row[1]<<" Brand: "<<row[3]<<" Price: "<<row[4]<<" Category: "<<row[5]<<" Amount: "<<row[6]<<std::endl;


How to count the specific item in dynamic list?

#Published var storedMedicines: [Medicine] = [
Medicine(Title: "Medicine 1", Description: "Lower blood sugar", date: .init(timeIntervalSince1970: 1664779248), isTaken: false),
Medicine(Title: "Medicine 1", Description: "Lower blood sugar", date: .init(timeIntervalSince1970: 1664880248), isTaken: false),
Medicine(Title: "Medicine 1", Description: "Lower blood sugar", date: .init(timeIntervalSince1970: 1664720990), isTaken: false),
Medicine(Title: "Medicine 1", Description: "Lower blood sugar", date: .init(timeIntervalSince1970: 1664720990), isTaken: false),
I want to know how can I count the "isTaken" attribute in here. I want to specifically make it said that "2 isTaken true" and 2 isTaken false"
There are two many ways to do this.
Using filter.
let trueCount = storedMedicines.filter(\.isTaken).count
let falseCount = storedMedicines.count - trueCount
Using reduce.
let trueCount = storedMedicines.reduce(0, { $0 + ($1.isTaken ? 1 : 0) })
let falseCount = storedMedicines.count - trueCount

Flutter Filter List base on Month

How I can categorise list based on Month
let say I have example list like below :
id: '01',
nameFood: 'ravioli',
date : 2021/may/14,
price: 20
id: '02',
nameFood: 'cheese garlic',
date : 2021/june/02,
price: 30,
id: '03',
nameFood: 'steak',
date : 2021/march/21
price 25,
I want to Categorize it to like this
nameFood: steak,
total price: 240,
and etc
the problem is I dnt know how to filter each List(month) because each month have different length of days like 30,31 and 28
If you store your dates as a DateTime, you can try using the month number. I'm going on a limb here, assuming you have a List of objects of type Record, where Record is.
class Record {
final String id;
final double price;
final DateTime date;
final String nameFood;
You can loop through your list and do whatever it is you want to do with it, like so.
for (final record in _listOfRecords) {
final _monthOfRecord = record.date.month; // Gives the month number. January = 1, April = 4, etc.
// Do other stuff, based on the current monthNumber
switch (_monthOfRecord) {
case 1:
// Do something

How to count category value of array of List

let's say I have a list like the example below
<Categories>myList = [
nameCategory: 'Book',
amount: '20'
nameCategory: 'Book',
amount: '40'
nameCategory: 'Food',
amount: '20'
nameCategory: 'Food',
amount: '15'
How I can combine the duplicate values of that list and count the value of the list based on name ??
I can combine the list and the count value of the list but that only works just in a general list like sum total
what I want to do is make a new List but only combine several parts that share the same property like the same category or same class like that
this is an example what I want to achieve
<Categories> anotherList= [
nameCategory: 'Book',
amount: '60'
nameCategory: 'Food',
amount: '35'
I would replace your List<Categories> with a Map<String, Categories>. Then you can easily look up the Categories object given its name and mutate the existing Categories object. For example, something like:
var mergedCategories = <String, Categories>{};
for (var categories in myList) {
var name = categories.nameCategory;
var amount = categories.amount;
(mergedCategories[name] ??= Categories(nameCategory: name, amount: 0))
.amount += amount;
You're essentially trying to get an aggregate value from a list, which is what List.fold is meant to help with.
Here's an example of how you might use it:
class Category {
final String name;
int amount;
Category({required this.name, required this.amount});
String toString() => "Category(name: $name, amount: $amount)";
void main() {
final categories = [
name: 'Book',
amount: 20
name: 'Book',
amount: 40
name: 'Food',
amount: 20
name: 'Food',
amount: 15
* Here is where the aggregation is done
final List<Category> aggregated = categories.fold([], (list, item) {
try {
// Check whether the category is already in the aggregate
final existingCategory = list.firstWhere((c) => c.name == item.name);
// Category is already in the list, so just add the amount of the current item.
existingCategory.amount += item.amount;
return list;
} catch (_) {
// The category has not yet been added - so add it here
return list;
I've changed your category class a bit for simplicity, but the principle should be the same. You can read more about the fold function here: https://api.dart.dev/stable/2.13.4/dart-core/Iterable/fold.html
A pretty straightforward method is by using the groupBy function provided by the collection.dart package.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
groupBy<Categories, String>(list, (c) => c.nameCategory).values.map(
(list) => list.reduce(
(a, b) => new Categories(a.nameCategory, a.amount + b.amount)

Filter data being passed into a crossfilter group without using dimensional filters

I'm trying to figure out how to add a filter onto a crossfilter group that is not related to a dimensional filter. Let's look at an example:
var livingThings = crossfilter({
// Fact data.
{ name: “Rusty”, type: “human”, legs: 2 },
{ name: “Alex”, type: “human”, legs: 2 },
{ name: “Lassie”, type: “dog”, legs: 4 },
{ name: “Spot”, type: “dog”, legs: 4 },
{ name: “Polly”, type: “bird”, legs: 2 },
{ name: “Fiona”, type: “plant”, legs: 0 }
}); //taken from http://blog.rusty.io/2012/09/17/crossfilter-tutorial/
if we were to make a dimension on type and a group of that dimension:
var typeDim = livingThings.dimension(function(d){return d.type});
var typeGroup = typeDim.group();
we would expect typeGroup.top(Infinity) to output
My question is how can we filter the data such that they include only 4 legged creatures in this grouping? I also don't want to use dimension.filter... because i don't want this filter to be global, just for this one grouping. In other words
var filterDim = livingThings.dimension(function(d){return d.legs}).filterExact(4);
is not allowed.
I'm thinking of something similar to what I did to post-filter dimensions as in https://stackoverflow.com/a/30467216/4624663
basically I want to go into the internals of the typeDim dimension, and filter the data before it is passed into the groups. Creating a fake group that calls typeDim.group().top() will most likely not work as the individual livingThings records are already grouped by that point. I know this is tricky: thanks for any help.
Probably best to use the reduceSum functionality to create a pseudo-count group that only counts records with 4 or more legs:
var livingThings = crossfilter({
// Fact data.
{ name: “Rusty”, type: “human”, legs: 2 },
{ name: “Alex”, type: “human”, legs: 2 },
{ name: “Lassie”, type: “dog”, legs: 4 },
{ name: “Spot”, type: “dog”, legs: 4 },
{ name: “Polly”, type: “bird”, legs: 2 },
{ name: “Fiona”, type: “plant”, legs: 0 }
}); //taken from http://blog.rusty.io/2012/09/17/crossfilter-tutorial/
var typeDim = livingThings.dimension(function(d){return d.type});
var typeGroup = typeDim.group().reduceSum(function(d) {
return d.legs === 4 ? 1 : 0;
That will sum across a calculated value that will be 1 for records with 4 legs and 0 for records with ... not 4 legs. In other words, it should just count 4-legged creatures.
I think, this is what you are looking for. Comment back if I'm wrong.
var dimByLegs = livingThings.dimension(function(d){return d.legs});
var dogs = dimByLegs.group();
dimByLegs.top(Infinity).forEach(function(d){console.log(d.type, d.legs);});

Couchbase View _count Reduce For Given Keys

I am trying to write a view in Couchbase using a reduce such as _count which will give me a count of the products at an address.
I have some documents in the database in the following format;
Document 1
id: 1,
address: {
street: 'W Churchill St'
city: 'Chicago',
state: 'IL',
product: 'Cable'
Document 2
id: 2,
address: {
street: 'W Churchill St'
city: 'Chicago',
state: 'IL',
product: 'Cable'
Document 3
id: 3,
address: {
street: 'W Churchill St'
city: 'Chicago',
state: 'IL',
product: 'Satellite'
Document 4
id: 4,
address: {
street: 'E Foster Rd'
city: 'New York',
state: 'NY',
product: 'Free To Air'
I already have a view which gives me all the products at an address which uses a composite key such as;
emit([doc.address.street, doc.address.city, doc.address.state], null)
Now this leads me on to the actual problem, I want to be able to get a count of products at a address or addresses.
I want to be able to see for an array of "keys"
['W Churchill St','Chicago','IL']
['E Foster Rd','New York','NY']
which products and a count of them. So i would expect to see in my results.
'Cable' : 2,
'Satellite': 1,
'Free To Air': 1
however if I specified only this "key",
['W Churchill St','Chicago','IL']
I would expect to see
'Cable' : 2,
'Satellite': 1
How to write my view to accommodate this?
The solution to this was to append my product to the key like so;
emit([doc.address.street, doc.address.city, doc.address.state, doc.product], null)
Then using;
{"key":['W Churchill St','Chicago','IL','Cable'], "value":2},
{"key":['W Churchill St','Chicago','IL','Satellite'], "value":1}
I would then need to repeat this query for each of the addresses and sum the results.