When I run my tests, I realised that pytest-cov only shows coverage reports for files that are touched during the automated tests. How can I set it so that it shows coverage for even files that are not touched?
I had the exact same issue.
Make sure you have a __init__.py file in every subdirectory (package).
More info: why you want __init__.py files.
My pyproject.toml file for reference:
addopts = [
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
src/mypackage/__init__.py 4 0 100%
src/mypackage/sub/__init__.py 0 0 100%
src/mypackage/sub/mod1.py 23 23 0% 1-33
src/mypackage/sub/mod2.py 41 41 0% 1-61
i have a main src folder which has another folder say xyz which has a main.clj file , i have another folder test which has folder xyz and file main_test.clj , but when i run : lein test it says :
lein test user
Ran 0 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
i need to test functions of main.clj , i am very new to clojure any help would be great.
--- project1
| |_____main.clj
| |_____main_test.clj
i have tried different ways with require and load . i have to write the unit tests .
If your source file is src/xyz/main.clj and its ns form calls it xyz.main, then make sure you have test/xyz/main_test.clj and its ns form calls it xyz.main-test -- note the hyphen there corresponding to the _ in the filename.
If that intermediate folder is x_y_z then the corresponding namespace segment would be x-y-z.
You need to add the test directory to the classpath for running tests. This is for Leiningen done in project.clj:
(defproject project1
:test-paths ["test"]
Sean has some good points. If that doesn't work, try the following to get a baseline setup that runs:
~/expr > lein new app sample
~/expr > cd sample
~/expr/sample > lein test
lein test sample.core-test
lein test :only sample.core-test/a-test
FAIL in (a-test) (core_test.clj:7)
FIXME, I fail.
expected: (= 0 1)
actual: (not (= 0 1))
Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
1 failures, 0 errors.
Tests failed.
I am trying to get gitlab code coverage parsing working. The server is a local instance of Gitlab 10.4.1-ee. The code coverage tool is lcov via a slightly modified version of this cmake file.
I've entered the regex into the CI Settings as well as in the gitlab ci file to no avail. From what I understand the code coverage will not even attempt to parse if this is not supplied. It did work on one job (out of hundreds) and never again (not sure why). I have supplied both the output and the regex as inputs into http://rubular.com and it seems to parse correctly. I've also fooled around with various iterations of including the single quotes or not or the slashes or not in the regex also to no avail. I can't see where we can get any debugging output or something to show that this step is actually performed.
The project's CI/CD Settings > Test coverage parsing entry:
The job's relevant .gitlab-ci.yml
stage: build
image: <redacted>:stable
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. && make coverage
coverage: '/(?m)\bOverall\D+(\d+[.]\d\%)/'
- build/coverage/
The job's relevant output:
Overall coverage rate:
lines......: 95.2% (749 of 787 lines)
functions..: 96.5% (110 of 114 functions)
Open ./coverage/index.html in your browser to view the coverage report.
[100%] Built target coverage
Uploading artifacts...
build/coverage/: found 63 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=20671 responseStatus=201 Created token=kRnB--qX
Job succeeded
Turns out gitlab's coverage parser is not multi-line. The following regex ended up working lines[\.]+\: (\d+\.\d+)\%. My ci file coverage line ended up being:
coverage: '/lines[\.]+\: (\d+\.\d+)\%/'
I have a Java project.
PS: In my project, I don't have any java program/source code in src/test/java. - This folder just contains a blank.txt file.
I have two different Gradle versions:
Gradle 1.6 with Java 7 (as Java 8 is NOT compatible with Gradle 1.6 or any version < less than 1.10 version if I'm correct).
The other version is: Gradle 2.3 with Java 8.
Using both of the above mentioned Gradle 1.6 + Java7 OR Gradle 2.3 + Java 8 versions my project build successfully.
Though, I noticed one thing: That while running the build, it calls "test" task automatically (as per the Gradle design, test task runs for free); I found during Gradle 1.6 + Java7 run --- I see the following output.
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
As you'll notice, it says I don't have any test source code (i.e. src/test/java doesn't contain any source code OR there's nothing new for Gradle to compile this time may be nothing changed since last time gradle ran the build) and that's why compileTestJava task is showing UP-TO-DATE in front of it.
But, :test task is showing that it ran successfully. I have used jacoco (code coverage) section within test { .. } task, then it actually ran that part (as there is no UP-TO-DATE in front of test task). Jacoco section is NOT defined in my project's build.gradle but actually it's coming from a top level / GRADLE_HOME/init.d/some-common-top-level.gradle file (where test { ... has jacoco { ... } .. } section in it).
As I mentioned above, test task didn't say UP-TO-DATE, therefore, after Gradle build process was complete, I can see it created the following folder/files structure inside build/tmp/expandedArchives/org.jacoco.... folder:
$ ls -ltr build/tmp/expandedArchives/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 e020001 Domain Users 0 Jul 7 20:45 org.jacoco.agent-
$ ls -ltr build/tmp/expandedArchives/org.jacoco.agent-
total 272
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 e020001 Domain Users 0 Jul 7 20:58 META-INF
-rwxr-xr-x 1 e020001 Domain Users 2652 Jul 7 20:58 about.html
-rwxr-xr-x 1 e020001 Domain Users 272311 Jul 7 20:58 jacocoagent.jar
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 e020001 Domain Users 0 Jul 7 20:58 org
The same is NOT happening when I'm running Gradle 2.3 and Java8.
Build is successful but I'm not getting build/tmp/expandedArchives/org.jacoco.... folder containing jacocoagent.jar file.
Any idea, why Gradle 2.3 is not creating this jacoco specific .jar file.
With Gradle 2.3+Java8, the following output shows UP-TO-DATE in front of both :compileTestJava and :test tasks (which was not the case with Gradle 1.6 for test task).
I ran "gradle clean build".
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:test UP-TO-DATE
I need Gradle 2.3 to generate this jacocoagent.jar under build/tmp/expandedArchives/org.jacoco..... folder so that I can use it in a downstream Jenkins job (which runs non-Unit tests) as this project does have some Integration tests and I'm fetching the jacocoagent.jar from the parent main build job (which runs gradle clean build including test task) in downstream job so that I can pass it to TOMCAT JVM while starting Tomcat (so that I can get jacocoIT.exec code coverage for IT tests). But, after I switched to Gradle 2.3, all projects where I don't have src/test/java ... now jacocoagent.jar is not getting created and the copy artifact plugin fails while trying to copy the .jar file from parent job.
One more point:
With Gradle 1.6 + Java7, if I run gradle clean build, it successfully creates that jacocoagent.jar inside build/tmp/expandedArchives/org.jacoco..... folder but it works this way, only when I run gradle clean build or "gradle clean; gradle test".
If I run gradle clean build, and then remove build/tmp folder, and now just run: gradle test, it shows me UP-TO-DATE in front of both :compileTestJava and :test tasks and doesn't create build/tmp/expandedArchives/org.jacoco.... folder containing jacocoagent.jar file.
For more info, I'm attaching the profile run (i.e. using --profile option) while running gradle test task for Gradle 1.6 + java 7.
I see that, in the profile html file that when test task is run, it first calls compileJava as per Gradle process logic and then test task and it's also calling depedencies --- :jacocoAgent (as per the dependency resolution tab):
with Gradle 2.3 + Java8, the dependency Resolution / order and Task execution step is not same (or in the order as compared to Gradle 1.6) for generating or showing any reference to jacocoAgent dependency as it's not even calling it.
Running Gradle1.6 +Java7 test task with -i (or --info) option shows why it ran test task even though I had no test source code, see the reason why:
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
Skipping task ':processResources' as it has no source files.
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
Skipping task ':classes' as it has no actions.
Skipping task ':compileTestJava' as it has no source files.
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
Executing task ':processTestResources' due to:
No history is available.
Skipping task ':testClasses' as it has no actions.
file or directory '/my/workspace/project/build/classes/test', not found
Executing task ':test' due to:
No history is available.
file or directory '/my/workspace/project/build/classes/test', not found
Finished generating test XML results (0.001 secs)
Generating HTML test report...
Finished generating test html results (0.012 secs)
you can force the test task to be executed no matter what the status of inputs and outputs are:
for earlier gradle versions you can ensure the class directory exists by
task createTestClassesDir << {sourceSets.test.output.classesDir.mkdirs()}
test.dependsOn createTestClassesDir
With Gradle 2.3, if there are no valid .java/.groovy (or etc) test code, then test task won't even run and thus there'll be no jacocoagent.jar created somewhere deep in build/tmp/exapandedArchives/org.jacoco.xxx.... folder.
Solution was to include the following (in top level $GRADLE_HOME/init.d/some-global-file.gradle) inside allprojects { .... } section. All we are doing is, if src/test/java (standard) or any legacy folder structure (src/java if your project structure is like this) doesn't have any valid test source code, then we can add a dummy test file (DummyTestXYZ.java or groovy) and let test task run which will generate jacocoagent.jar (which we can use / tie in Tomcat options for generating jacoco report for non-unit aka integration tests). This way, if your main build job calls a downstream/child job to run your IT tests, it won't fail as it can fetch jacocoagent.jar (from main build job's workspace) as test task will create jacocoagent.jar in build/tmp/expandedArchives/org.jacoco.xx.x.xx..x folder (that you can get using Copy Artifact plugin in Jenkins).
PS: Change the if statement logic acc. to your own folder setup i.e. in which folder you'd want to create the DummyTestXYZ.java file. In our case, all new projects were using src/test/java (standard folder structure as per Maven/Gradle standard) and during the new project creation, we are adding valid sample unit tests checked-in to the source control. Thus, in the logic below, we are actually ignoring to create this DummyTestXYZ.java in case src/test/java exists and creating this file only if src/test/java folder doesn't exist in the project (i.e. this is a project which has legacy folder structure) + test/java (legacy folder for storing JUnit unit tests) has no .java programs and/or if test/java doesn't exist then create it first and then create the dummy file. I know, we could have uploaded jacocoagent.jar at some location on Jenkins server and use that file while starting Tomcat for getting code coverage for IT tests. The dummy test file we added requires junit:junit:4.10 or 4.11 library version for the :compileTestJava task to succeed.
compileJava {
doLast {
def dirName = "${projectDir}/test/java"
if(!file( "${projectDir}/src/test/java" ).exists())
if(!file( dirName ).exists())
new File( dirName ).mkdirs()
if(file( dirName ).exists()) {
def javaCnt = new FileNameByRegexFinder().getFileNames(dirName, /.*\.java/).size()
if(javaCnt == 0) {
def f = new File( dirName , 'DummyTestXYZ.java' )
def w = f.newPrintWriter()
w.println('import org.junit.Test;')
w.println('public class DummyTestXYZ {')
w.println('#Test' )
w.println('public void test() {')
test {
doFirst {
testResultsDirName = "test-results/UT"
testReportDirName = "tests/UT"
maxParallelForks = 5
forkEvery = 50
//ignoreFailures = true
// Following Jacoco section is required only in Jenkins
// But a developer can uncomment them if they want this feature to work for their
// Desktop local Gradle builds.
jacoco {
//Following vars works only with versions >= 1.7 version of Gradle
destinationFile = file("$buildDir/jacoco/UT/jacocoUT.exec")
doLast {
if (file("${projectDir}/test/java/DummyTestXYZ.java").exists()) {
println "++"
println "++"
println "++"
println "======================================================="
println "DEV Team – Please add valid Unit tests in this project."
println "======================================================="
println "++"
println "++"
println "++"
sleep(30 * 1000)
new File("${projectDir}/build/classes/test").deleteDir()
new File("${buildDir}/jacoco/UT").deleteDir()
new File("${buildDir}/test-results/UT").deleteDir()
delete "${projectDir}/test/java/DummyTestXYZ.java"
//Do the same (as above test code) for any other similar test tasks like integartionTest, acceptanceTest etc..
jacocoTestReport {
//cleaning any compile time generated (for ex: JiBx classes files) so that jacoco task won't fail for not finding the actual source files (.java/.groovy for the compile time generated .class files)
doFirst {
delete fileTree (dir: "${buildDir}/classes", include: "**/JiBX_*.class")
group = "Reporting"
description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports after running tests."
//ignoreFailures = true
executionData = fileTree(dir: 'build/jacoco', include: '**/*.exec')
reports {
enabled true
//Following value is a file
destination "${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/xml/jacoco.xml"
csv.enabled false
enabled true
//Following value is a folder
destination "${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/html"
sourceDirectories = files(['src/java','src/main/java', 'src/main/groovy'])
classDirectories = files('build/classes/main')
doLast {
if (file("${projectDir}/test/java/DummyTestXYZ.java").exists()) {
delete "${projectDir}/test/java/DummyTestXYZ.java"
I'm trying to use coverage with Django, but I seem to be getting incorrect results. My app is named "stats" and I have this test:
class ListSchoolsTest(TestCase):
def test_initial_list(self):
self.client.login(username='skeezy', password='skeezy')
resp = self.client.get("/stats/list_schools/")
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
On the command line, I run:
coverage run --source="." manage.py test stats
And the test passes. All my views are currently in stats/views.py
But when I run "coverage report", I get this line:
Name Stmts Miss Cover
stats/views 110 110 0%
Any idea what I am (not) doing that would cause coverage to report all lines missed in stats/views.py, even though it would have to be hit in order for the test to pass? (just as a belt-and-suspenders, I put a print statement in my view, and it's definitely getting hit.)
Maybe you have pip installed your app without the -e flag? Then the modules are not imported from your project directory but the path they were installed to and coverage thinks those are different files.
I am trying to test my symfony2 application using PHPUnit. I got one project where everything works as expected, but on my other project I have this strange behaviour that PHPUnit either stops executing the Test Suite randomly near the end of all tests and restarts or restarts the tests after finishing the Test Suite and writing the code coverage. Other times it runs normally.
Here is some output to make visible what is happening ( Test is restarting over and over):
PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from C:\workspace\cllctr\app\phpunit.xml
................................................................. 65 / 83 ( 78%)
...........PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from C:\workspace\cllctr\app\phpunit.xml
................................................................. 65 / 83 ( 78%)
...PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from C:\workspace\cllctr\app\phpunit.xml
................................................................. 65 / 83 ( 78%)
............PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from C:\workspace\cllctr\app\phpunit.xml
................................................................. 65 / 83 ( 78%)
............PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from C:\workspace\cllctr\app\phpunit.xml
................................................................. 65 / 83 ( 78%)
Time: 01:03, Memory: 43.00Mb
OK (83 tests, 145 assertions)
Writing code coverage data to XML file, this may take a moment.
Generating code coverage report, this may take a moment.
Here is an example of the Test Suite restarting after executing all tests:
PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from C:\workspace\cllctr\app\phpunit.xml
................................................................. 65 / 83 ( 78%)
Time: 01:29, Memory: 53.25Mb
OK (83 tests, 145 assertions)
Writing code coverage data to XML file, this may take a moment.
Generating code coverage report, this may take a moment.
PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from C:\workspace\cllctr\app\phpunit.xml
................................................................. 65 / 83 ( 78%)
............PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
As my other project runs without any problems, there must be some problem within my code. But I cannot figure out what possibly triggers this behaviour! The logs don't show nothing unexpected/strange.
Yesterday, I noticed something strange: I decided to switch from MongoDB to MySQL because of some unrelated reasons. After the transition was done, all tests run without any problems. I tried it many times and I'm not able to reproduce it anymore. As this only happened with my functional tests, I tend to think that the problem was my WebTestCase class, which runs some commands to clear and rebuild the database. Maybe someone who also uses MongoDB can reproduce this behaviour?
I'd suggest to check the database servers connection limits and pools.
For example if you've got a max limit of 100 connections, and some of the tests leaves connections open ("leaks"), you'd hit the limits there.
That would also explain why sometimes it works and sometimes it hits the limit, as your database could handle other tasks simultaneously, so sometimes you hit the ceiling, other times when nothing else runs, you can successfully run your tests.
Check for persistent network connections and other external resources.