How to conserve user setting for hidden dataset for update? - chart.js

I have hidden datasets (hidden:true).
The user can unhide the dataset by clicking on the legend.
When I now update the dataset the dataset is hidden again (instead of the users unhide).
How can I find out the users setting for hidden, before I update the dataset?
(in the chart is only the original setting stored - or I am wrong?)
chart.js 3.7.1

This can be done through chart.getDatasetMeta(index) as follows:
let chart = new Chart(ctx, {...});
let hidden = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).hidden;


Oracle Apex 22.21 - Chart Page - Bar Type - How to return a range of date values based on user input

I have a table ORDERS which contains column ORDER_DATE. I have created a Chart as a Bar type.
Right now, the chart returns all the orders because I did not specify a Maximum Rows. The date on the x-axis and the number of orders on the y-axis.
How can I add a form for the user to select a range of dates and return only the values for those dates?
Doesn't necessarily have to be a calendar. A dropdown is fine as well. Or even a 'text' input since that is the easiest way.. I just need to know how to go about creating this feature. Your help is appreciated. Thank you.
First create a page item as date picker or some other plugin you already have to let users select a date or date range. (make sure that when user selects a date, the page item value is set by using a dynamic action or by a setting that your plugin has (set item value after selection kind of setting) )
Then create a new view with the source of your ORDERS table but it should have a where statement as it filters records by your page item such as:
select count(1)
where order_date between :P1_DATE_FROM and :P1_DATE_TO
Set the source of the chart to this new view.
After user sets a value, refresh the chart by a dynamic action if it is not refreshed automatically.
In summary, the idea is to make your chart's source filtered by page items that users can change. Then refreshing the chart so that the new page item values are effective.

Button to change selected records

I have an interactive grid with a bunch of records, and I want to set up a button on the page that changes one column in all records currently selected.
Running APEX 18.2, the IG has a whole bunch of columns and I want to change just one of them, but on a whole bunch of rows, so I do need a button.
The IG has ROWID as PK because the actual PK is assembled from 4 different columns.
I have spent some time googling this issue and have found a couple people with solutions:
This is the first, and simplest solution. But it doesn't return any rowid or anything like that, it returns the value in the first column.
Then I also found
Which are pretty similair and seem to be the best for me, but I get a Javascript error in the console:
And I dont really know much Javascript, so I dont know what went wrong or how to best fix it.
I set up a Dynamic action on button click that executes Javascript and I have the selected element being the region named CUR_STAT.
var record;
//Identify the particular interactive grid
var ig$ = apex.region("CUR_STAT").widget();
//Fetch the model for the interactive grid
var grid = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews","grid");
//Fetch the model for the interactive grid
var model = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews","grid").model;
//Fetch selected records
var selectedRecords = apex.region("CUR_STAT").widget().interactiveGrid("getViews","grid").view$.grid("getSelectedRecords");
//Loop through selected records and update value of the AVT_OBR column
for (idx=0; idx < selectedRecords.length; idx++)
//Get the record
record = model.getRecord(selectedRecords[idx][0]);
// set Value for column AVT_OBR on "D"
model.setValue(record,"AVT_OBR", 'D');
The column named AVT_OBR is a select list with display values(DA, NE) and return values(D, N). But I tried having it be a text field and it didnt help.
I want to be able to select multiple columns and change the data in those entries.
If possible I would also like to be able to change data in such a way in a hidden column. Or if I could get all the ROWIDs for selected records and execute a PLSQL block with them.
Ended up with noone responding so I spent a lot of time and finally came up with a solution.
var g = apex.region('myIG').widget().interactiveGrid('getViews','grid');
var r = g.getSelectedRecords();
for(i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
g.model.setValue(r[i], 'myColumn', 'Value');
For some reason none of the solutions I found had worked. But I learned from those solutions and made this simple piece of code that does what I need.
Also, I was wanting to set up so I could do this set value on a hidden column, I achieved this by just having the column visible and editable, but then when running the page I clicked on the column and hid it, and set the current view as the default report.
If anyone stumbles upon this question, I hope it helps.

Extract specific cell data from Interactive table - Oracle-APEX

I have an item P0_ITEM, I want to use a value from a particular cell in an interactive report and assign it to the item P0_ITEM, How can this be done?
Set static region ID to something like p1_ir
Define a dynamic action on click of jQuery selector
#p1_ir td
Event scope: dynamic
Execute JavaScript code
$s('P0_ITEM', $(this.triggeringElement).text());

Ember.js Multiple Selection in a Table

I'm newbie in Ember.js framework, and I have a problem, I need a multiple selection of rows in a table. I'm using jQuery Datatables, with Ember-Data, and I need to have an ID of the selected rows, something like push to the array and I have no clue how to do this.
For multiple selection, make sure you initialize the table with the select option set to "multi":
select: "multi"
When you want to get the list of all the rows selected, use a jQuery selector to get all the rows that have the selected class and get their data. In this example, the ID is the first column in the data, hence the [0]
var selectedRows = Ember.$('#myDT tbody tr.selected');
var selectedIDs = [];
Ember.$.each(selectedRows, function (i, element) {
You can read more about DataTables API (for things like getting row data using the method here:

Addepar Table Emberjs Row Selection

I am new to emberjs and just started using addepar table. I need to add my own customization on click of a row in the table. Could someone please tell how can I override the default click/or row selection operation for the addpar table?
I am trying to achieve to call a new route on click of a row at any column in a row. Render the new route based on the row selected.. say displaying summary and detail of the record. Addepar table displays list of summary of records on click of a row displays in details.
Please let me know the steps to customize on click for entire row selection.
To do this you extend Ember Table and override the row view. The row view setting is here, and defaults to Ember.Table.TableRow:
The result will look something like this:
App.MyTableComponent = Ember.Table.EmberTableComponent.extend({
tableRowView: 'App.MyTableRow'
App.MyTableRow: Ember.Table.TableRow.extend({
click: function() {
// Handle click
This assumes you really care about the click event. If instead you just want to do something with the row that is selected (or when it is selected), you should use the selection output of the Ember Table API and add computed properties/observers around that. See the docs at: