i have 2 lists in groovy and im trying to 'filter' one list from the other,and get them into a new list .I'm also doing that in a groovy function for a jenkins pipeline I'm writing. Many thank.
l1 = ['abc','def','ghi','jkl']
l2 = ['def','jkl']
def sum = []
for (y in l1) {
for (x in l2) {
if (x != y){
sum = sum + x
print sum
eventually I did this and it worked
sum = l1 - l2
print "${sum}" //prints the elements in the array
I would like to know the number of cases in which 1 dollar can be expressed in 1,5,10,20,50 cents.
For example, the count(100,[50,25]) is:
Because 50 * 1 + 25 * 2, it = 3:int is printed.
However, in my code, only the front part of the list is printed, so even if I count (100,[50,25]), it = 2:int is printed.
In other words, My code is not taking advantage of the whole list.
How do I solve this?
SML coin count function:
fun count(x,[]) = 0
| count (x,y::ys) =
let val cnt = 0
in if y*2 = x then cnt+2
else if y*4 = x then cnt + 4
else if y*10 = x then cnt + 10
else if y*10 = x then cnt + 10
else if y*20 = x then cnt + 20
else count(x-y,ys)
Consider what happens as you evaluate your test expression of count (100, [50, 25]).
cnt is 0, y is 50, and ys is [25].
y times 2 does equal 100, so it returns cnt+2 which is 2. Nothing further happens.
When it comes to recursion, remember than the parameter list to a function is your means of communication. It seems like cnt is something that should be passed as a parameter so you can update it between recursive calls.
With count(x, []) = 0 you already have an exit point that will stop the recursion.
Edit: Based on comments, it looks like you're trying to figure out how many times each value in a list goes into a value x.
So the end result of your recursive function isn't a single integer. It's a list of integers. Or better yet, of tuples containing the value to look for, and the number of times it goes into x.
So if the list is empty, the result is obvious.
fun count(x, []) = []
It's an empty list. Otherwise, we need to append something onto a list.
fun count(x, []) = []
| count(x, y::ys) =
(y, x div y) :: count(x, ys)
Of course, we also have functions like map that basically do this for us.
fun count(x, lst) = List.map (fn y => (y, x div y)) lst
I am trying to write a simple function in OCaml
let rec pell (i: int) =
(if i <= 2 then i (*if given n is less tahn 2 then return 2, else return previous n-1 th term and n-2 nd term recursively*)
else if i>2 then
2 * pell i - 1 + pell i - 2
else failwith "unimplemented" (*else fail with unimplemented message*)
Write an infinite precision version of the pell function from before
pell2 0 = []
pell2 1 = [1]
pell2 7 = [9; 6; 1]
pell2 50 = [2; 2; 5; 3; 5; 1; 4; 2; 9; 2; 4; 6; 2; 5; 7; 6; 6; 8; 4]
I have written below code for this:
let rec pell2 i =
(if i <= 2 then
[] -> i;
else if i=0 then [];
else if i>2 then (*finding pell number and using sum function to
output list with infinite precision...*)
[] -> pell2 i-1 + pell2 i-2;
else failwith "unimplemented"
but still has some syntax errors. Can someone help me with this please.
if i <= 2 then
[] -> i
In snippets like this, the -> is invalid. It looks like you might be mixing pattern matching with match ... with ... and if/else up.
Also, you're first checking if i is less than or equal to 2, but then you have an else to test for i being equal to zero. The first check means the second is never going to happen.
First, let's look at the examples for the output of pell2. We see that pell2 has a single integer parameter, and returns a list of integers. So, we know that the function we want to create has the following type signature:
pell2: int -> int list
Fixing (some but not all of) the syntax errors and trying to maintain your logic,
let rec pell2 i =
if i=0 then []
else if i <= 2 then i
else if i>2 then pell2 i-1 + pell2 i-2
Note that I removed the semicolons at the end of each expression since OCaml's use of a semicolon in its syntax is specifically for dealing with expressions that evaluate to unit (). See ivg's excellent explanation on this. The major flaw with this code is that it does not type check. We see that we conditionally return a list, and otherwise return an int. Notice how above we defined that pell2 should return an int list. So, we can begin fixing this by wrapping our int results in a list:
let rec pell2 n =
if n = 0 then []
else if n <= 2 then [n]
else ... something that will return the Pell number as a list ...
As you have already written, the else branch can be written using recursive calls to the pell2 function. However, we can't write it as you did previously, because pell2 evaluates to a list, and the binary operator + only works on two integers. So, we will have to define our own way of summing lists. Calling this sum_lists, we are left with the following code:
We can now fully define our function pell2:
let rec pell2 n =
if n = 0 then []
else if n <= 2 then [n]
else (* Pell(n) = (2 * Pell(n-1)) + Pell(n-2) *)
let half_of_first_term = pell2 n-1 in
let first_term = sum_lists half_of_first_term half_of_first_term in
let second_term = pell2 n-2 in
sum_lists first_term second_term
So, all that is left is to define sum_lists, so that we are properly summing together two lists of the same format as the return type of pell2. The signature for sum_lists would be
sum_lists: int list -> int list -> int list
I'll give a basic outline of the implementation, but will leave the rest for you to figure out, as this is the main crux of the assignment problem.
let sum_lists lst1 lst2 =
let rec sum_lists_helper lst1 lst2 carry =
match lst1, lst2 with
| [], [] -> if carry = 1 then [1] else []
| h::t, []
| [], h::t -> ...
| h1::t1, h2::t2 -> ...
sum_lists_helper lst1 lst2 0
I have two lists of numbers of the same length.
I want to go through both lists at once, multiply that pair of numbers and add them to an accumulator. In python I'd do:
a = [1,2,3]
b = [4,5,6]
acc = 0
for x,y in zip(a,b):
acc = acc + x*y
I've looked at foreachand list comprehension constructs in Neo4j but couldn't make it work... what should I do?
Here is an example using reduce and a range iterator based on the list size :
WITH [1,2,3] AS list1, [4,5,6] AS list2
RETURN reduce(
x IN range(0, size(list1)-1) |
acc + (list1[x] + list2[x])
) AS total
I have a problem, namely, I would like to turn the following code into a recursive function for adding even list elements, but unfortunately I do not know how much ...
let even = List.filter(fun x -> x%2=0)[1..100]
let sum = List.length even
printfn "Even: %A sum: %d " even sum
Thank you for any help!
You can use pattern matching to check if the first element in your list is even,
and if so, to add it into accumulator list and call the same method on the rest of the list. In case the element is odd - just call the same method for the rest of the list without adding anything to accumulator. When list is empty - return the accumulator and you will have list of just even numbers.
let rec getEven (input : int list) (acc: int list) =
match input with
| head :: tail when head % 2 = 0 -> (getEven tail (head :: acc))
| head :: tail when head % 2 = 1 -> (getEven tail (acc))
| _ -> acc
let even = getEven [1..10] []
let sum = List.sum even
Function above will produce:
val getEven : input:int list -> acc:int list -> int list
val even : int list = [10; 8; 6; 4; 2]
val sum : int = 30
P.S. to calculate sum of the elements, you should use List.sum instead of List.length that will return you the number of elements in list.
Also note, that you can calculate sum of even elements in getEven function, storing not the list of even elements, but their sum.
I want to access elements of a list within one list and check whether the elements are greater than a minimum value.
Example: List[([1,2],0.3), ([1.5,6],0.35), ([4,10],0.25), ([7,15],0.1)]
Let the minimum value: 1
The result should be: List[([1,6],0.65), ([4,10],0.25), ([7,15],0.1)]
As 1.5-1 is less than minimum value 1, it will merge the elements [1,2],0.3) and ([1.5,6],0.35) as [1, 6], 0.65, meaning it will take the 1st element of the inside list and last element of the 2nd element of the outside list and the 2nd element of the outside list will be added (0.3+0.35). This will be done for all elements of the outside list.
The code I tried is written below:
def reduce (d1:List[(Interval, Rational)]): List[(Interval, Rational)] =
var z = new ListBuffer[(Interval, Rational)]()
def recurse (list: List[(Interval, Rational)]): Unit = list match {
case List(x, y, _*) if ((y._1_1 - x._1_1) < min_val) =>
val i = x._1_1; y._1_2
val w = x._2 + y._2
z += (i,w)
z += x
case Nil =>
But this is not working. Please help me to fix this.
OK, what you've written really isn't Scala code, and I had to make a few modifications just to get a compilable example, but see if this works for you.
type Interval = (Double,Double)
type Rational = Double
def reduce (lir:List[(Interval, Rational)]): List[(Interval, Rational)] = {
val minVal = 1.0
lir.foldLeft(List.empty[(Interval, Rational)]){
case (a, b) if a.isEmpty => List(b)
case (acc, ((i2a, i2b), r2)) =>
val ((i1a, _), r1) = acc.head
if (i2a - i1a < minVal) ((i1a, i2b), r1 + r2) :: acc.tail
else ((i2a, i2b), r2) :: acc
Test case:
reduce(List( ((1.0,2.0),0.3), ((1.5,6.0),0.35), ((4.0,10.0),0.25), ((7.0,15.0),0.1) ))
// result: List[(Interval, Rational)] = List(((1.0,6.0),0.6499999999999999), ((4.0,10.0),0.25), ((7.0,15.0),0.1))