I have been checking on internet for quite a some time but could not find any useful information regarding this cause every page says elasticache for redis but not on how I can migrate from aws elasticache to azure redis. On azure I can see that I can migrate from other redis cache to azure redis cache but not from aws elasticache to azure redis. Can someone show me the point where I should start my research on this cause its taking up so much of time with no luck.
Thanks in advance.
I need to do local/offline development using AWS ElastiCache for Redis. I checked LocalStack but the open source Community Edition do not provide this feature. You can refer the pricing model here.
Is there any other alternative for local/offline development using AWS ElastiCache for Redis?
Elasticache is just hosted Redis; you don't need anything special for development, just a local copy of Redis (in a container if you'd like).
I want to periodically sync my Cloud SQL Postgres DB with an Amazon Aurora DB.
Setting up a Lambda that does pgdump and psql from one to the other should work but is there a cleaner solution?
You can take a look at the Database Migration Service in AWS. As long as one of the databases is in AWS (which Aurora is) you can use it to perform full-loads + continuous migration using Change Data Capture. PostgreSQL is supported, so you'd have to create a migration instance, configure the Postgres and Aurora endpoints and set up a replication task.
Creating tasks for ongoing replication using AWS DMS
I ended up running a pg_dump and psql cron job on an EC2 instance. I could not access GCP db as endpoint as from DMS for some reason.
We have been facing latency issues with our redis lately.
We are trying to debug what's going on, I came across this post and it mentioned going over the redis logs to investigate how often the db is saved in the background (ie using bgsave)
I did some research on how to access the redis logs file but couldn't find anything on how to find it on AWS ElastiCache. I also tried running the monitor command from the redis cli but it's not giving me information about stuff like backing up the database etc.
How can I access such logs?
Apparently, there is no way to access to the Redis server-side logs ('yet').
src: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=219210
This feature is available starting with version 6 Redis.
You can now publish logs from your Amazon ElastiCache for Redis clusters to CloudWatch and Kinesis Data Firehose, by enabling slow logs in ElastiCache Console.
You can read more details here
Can some one please advise the steps required for migrating a web application which is currently running on tomcat server at onpremise to AWS ec2 instance. I understand this is not a straight forward and requires some detailed process.
The code is wrriten in Java and database used as oracle.
So it would be helpfull if someone can suggest me any relavent document or any website which gives some demo to refer me and proceed with this scenario.
If it's a personal project then I would recommend Lightsail as the simplest way to deploy existing Java application.
For a database a small instance of MySQL or if relational database is not needed then a document database like DynamoDB. https://aws.amazon.com/products/databases/?nc2=h_m1
There are multiple choices one how to migrate a Java application to AWS.
You could potentially use existing AWS services like:
Lightsail - https://aws.amazon.com/lightsail/
Beanstock - https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/
EC2 instance and install Tomcat manually
Use ECS with Docker https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/tutorials/deploy-docker-containers/?nc2=type_a
As for Database solution Oracle is an option but quite expensive one.
When moving to AWS it's better to use one of the RDS managed databases like MySQL, Postgress or more expensive like Aurora.
In order to propose an architecture some details would be needed on predicted load, the size of the application and volume of data. Is the product regional or global, are there any additional issues that need to be addressed while moving to a cloud (performance, availability etc), how users are authenticated (are any other services needed).
I have a Django app that runs on the AWS EB environment. With recent updates, I had to integrate django-rq and rqscheduler for some queue-based background tasks. This all works fine on localhost with commands rqworker and rqscheduler. But I am having real trouble finding a way to make it run on the AWS EB environment. My analysis says the only way to go is to use ElastiCache. Can anyone guide me in the right direction or any blog posts that could help me with this?
Yeah! So you're probably going to want to separate your persistent store (Redis) from your workers. This is really well abstracted in Heroku (not saying you should necessarily use them, but their UI reflects reality very well) with Resources (not restarted between deploys) and Dynos (restarted between deploys).
You should likely have an ElastiCache (or self-hosted Redis) instance for each of your deployed environments (production, staging, etc.) with any URLs/credentials via YAML. That way, you won't lose jobs when your service is rebooted (because Redis will still be alive) but you can deploy new code whenever you want!