I'm following the instructions on the Amazon Connect Streams github to use the AWS Connect Streams: https://github.com/amazon-connect/amazon-connect-streams
When I follow the github
$ git clone https://github.com/aws/amazon-connect-streams
$ cd amazon-connect-streams
$ make
I receive the error:
make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop.
I've tried renaming the makefile (currently Makefile with no extension), running it as Sudo, verifying the components the Makefile is asking for are in the correct folders, and checking folder permissions.
Could anybody advise further checking I could do?
The Makefile contains a default goal though the default goal was not specified.
The Makefile needed all: $(OUTPUT_JS) to be added.
Is this the right Make file code if I want to deploy my Golang server on Amazon AWS EC2 with this configuration:
Im not allowed to embed image so click here to see the image
Here is the Make File Code:
Shipping package
Assumes user is on MacOS, if other OS, please change PROTO_ROOT_DIR to the path of protobuf installation PROTO_ROOT_DIR = $(shell brew
--prefix)/Cellar/protobuf/3.6.0/include PROJECT_NAME = hello-grpc
Dart requires you to manually ship all google provided proto files too.
_gendart: #mkdir -p model/gen/ship/dart #protoc -I=model/protodefs --dart_out=grpc:model/gen/ship/dart model/protodefs/.proto #protoc -I$(PROTO_ROOT_DIR) --dart_out=model/gen/ship/dart $(PROTO_ROOT_DIR)/google/protobuf/.proto
_gengo: #mkdir -p model/gen #protoc -I=model/protodefs --go_out=plugins=grpc:model/gen model/protodefs/*.proto
gen: _gengo _gendart
build: get gen #env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build
-ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o build/${PROJECT_NAME}_linux_amd64 . #env GOARCH=amd64 go build
-ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o build/${PROJECT_NAME}_macosx_amd64 .
get: #go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep #dep ensure
install: get gen #cp config_template.json config.json
My confusion is that for building files for Amazon AWS EC2 with the above configuration I need to use (assuming my server go file name is main):
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o main
But in the Make file this "GOARCH=386" is mentioned in this line:
build: get gen #env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build
What could be the right make file code when Im building Go gRPC Server on Mac OS for the above mentioned Amazon AWS EC2 instance
Please help me :(
I am learning pktgen based on DPDK. There is no problem during the DPDK's process(for example, installation, allocating large pages, binding NICs, running DPDK sample programs, etc.). I follow Getting Started with Pktgen and when I run run.py it shows an empty list of config files. Then I try to execute the instructions on the doc, I get an error says "Config file 'default' not found".
root#ubuntu:/home/chang/pktgen-dpdk/tools# ./run.py
>>> sdk '/home/chang/dpdk', target 'x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc'
*** Pick one of the following config files
Name - Description
---- -----------
root#ubuntu:/home/chang/pktgen-dpdk/tools# ./run.py -s default
>>> sdk '/home/chang/dpdk', target 'x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc'
*** Config file 'default' not found
Name - Description
---- -----------
But in fact, the configuration file does exist in /pktgen-dpdk/cfg
root#ubuntu:/home/chang/pktgen-dpdk/cfg# ls
bond.cfg default.cfg pktgen-1.cfg server_mif.cfg
client_memif.cfg half-bond.cfg pktgen-2.cfg
client_mif.cfg many-cores.cfg server_memif.cfg
My system is Ubuntu 18.04 installed on VMware. I tried to re-clone the code, re-compile dpdk and pktgen, tried to install it on another machine, but got the same error.
Thanks in advance!
Looks like we have to run the script from the main project directory, i.e. do cd .. and try again. Here is the quote from the README.md
Using the new tools/run.py script to setup and run pktgen with different configurations. The configuration files are located in the cfg directory with filenames ending in .cfg.
To use a configuration file;
$ ./tools/run.py -s default # to setup the ports and attach them to DPDK (only needed once per boot)
$ ./tools/run.py default # Run the default configuration
I'm trying to build c++ project.
When I run the make command in terminal it works,
but when I do it through Jenkins, it shows me a message that files are missing.
What can be the problem, and how can I solve it?
The Error:
+ make
make -f enclave_lib.mk SGX_DEBUG=1
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/yoni/Documents/private_ledger-tp/CryptoLib'
mt19937ar.c:44:19: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
From your comments, the problem is that Jenkins is executed as root user, and can not find the lib stdio.h.
To fix this you can have several options:
locate stdio.h
You run this command from your user. It will give you the path to stdio.h. That you can feed in your make
sudo apt-get install build-essential
As a root user, you install build-essential. That should install this missing dependency
execute Jenkins with your privilege, not with root privilege
in your build process, connect to your account (su youruser)
It turned out that in our case it was an issue of environment variables.
What I did to solve it is
Getting the data on environment variables both from Terminal and Jenkins, and write them sorted into 2 files.
Comparing the 2 files with meld
Any variables that seemed relevant that the Terminal environment and the Jenkins didn't I placed into /etc/environment file (Jenkins takes additional environment vars from there)
env | sort > envInTerminal.txt
env | sort > envInJenkins.txt
meld envInTerminal.txt envInJenkins.txt
sudo gedit /etc/environment
We have a server that we use to build our software and sometimes it is overloaded. I was told that our servers network configured in such a way that I could build/compile our source code on another machine that might be not so overloaded at that time via bsub.
So from the directory where my Makefile (/home/username/workspace) is, I enter:
$ bsub make clean
It seems that this command successfully send 'make clean' to another machine because a few minutes later I got notification via email. However, it seems that 'make clean' has failed. This is what the email says:
Job <make clean> was submitted from host <myserver> by user <username> in cluster <Cluster_Name>.
Job was executed on host(s) <hostname>, in queue <long>, as user <username> in cluster <Cluster_Name>.
</home/username> was used as the home directory.
</tmp> was used as the working directory.
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
So, it appears that /tmp was used as the working directory instead of my /home/username/workspace where the Makefile is.
Now the questions are:
How do I make my workspace as the working directory? OR
How do I copy all the necessary files to the /tmp? OR
Maybe I'm doing this all wrong?
I don't have any background at all on distributed computing or related fields, so I might not be asking the right questions.
Thanks in advance!
I'm following this tutorial:
In the section Running Application, there are many scripts, but when I try to run them (./PostUser..) I recevied this error:
peer command not found...
How and in what directory should I run them?
The executable peer is not found, it should be in $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/build/docker/bin/peer.
If you cannot find the executable peer, please:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric
make all
Good luck