I adore the feature in WebStorm that moves the current block (not line, not selection) up and down by block (not by line). On Windows it is/was Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down. For example you could change the order of sequential functions with a single command without selection.
function first() {
function second() { // WITH CURSOR HERE, HIT CTRL+SHIFT+UP
function third() {
function second() { // TA-DA!!
function first() {
function third() {
It doesn't appear to work anymore after the most recent WS update to 2020.3.
(Neither does Ctrl+. as basically equivalent to alt+enter)
If I knew what the command was called I could reassign it but I never got to it from anywhere besides the key command which I discovered accidentally.
Anyone know?
It's possible that in your keymap it has completely different shortcuts.
The actual action can be invoked using mouse from main menu: Code | Move Statement Up (and the opposite Code | Move Statement Down).
You can check what shortcut is has in your keymap and change it as needed at Settings/Preferences | Keymap (use local search field to narrow down the list).
Hi (although greeting usually gets deleted),
I'm using the MFC's CTabCtrl control and try to determine which tab was clicked (to drag & drop it later). Should be quite easy I thought - anyway got stuck with the HitTest function which returns "1" for whichever tab is clicked.
As I started the project very recently, it's literaly just a handful of lines. The mentioned HitTest function is used in Tdi.cpp file in CHlavniOkno::CTdi::OnLButtonDown function (full source code at http://nestorovic.hyperlink.cz/cpp_mfc.zip ):
afx_msg void CHlavniOkno::CTdi::OnLButtonDown(UINT flagy,CPoint bod){
if (::DragDetect(m_hWnd,bod)){
if (int idZalozky=HitTest(&hti)>=0)
parametryTazeneZalozky=new TParametryTazeneZalozky(this,idZalozky);
I definitely must have omitted something tiny, as is almost always the case...
Thanks for your time by having a look at the problem.
The statement int idZalozky=HitTest(&hti)>=0 is setting idZalozky to the result of the test HitTest(&hti)>=0. As a boolean test this will always return either 0 or 1.
You probably want:
int idZalozky=HitTest(&hti);
if (idZalozky>=0)
I have added a CMFCOutlookBar control to a dialog. This outlookbar contains some 12 trees.
As per following link https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb983453.aspx
we can set active tab (in my case tree control) of our wish.
but it doesn't seems to work.
as per above link this function returns non zero value on success. Indeed it is returning 1 when i used it to set tree of my choice. but visually it's not changed.
can someone help me?
Problem solved.
CMFCOutlookBarTabCtrl::SetActiveTab() only works after window has been displayed.
I guess this is because CMFCOutlookBar stores it's previous state to registory and reloads on next run. And this overrides changes made by SetActiveTab(), if we use it before displaying of window.
I had the same problem, and you are correct that on load the tab gets set to the last session value - actually it seems to get set several times during the load process - some of them seem to correspond to each time a tab is added, and then the last time it is called seems to be the tab from the previous session.
The solution is to set the value once the window is ready to be shown. This can be done by overriding the OnShowWindow callback on the view which contains the tab bar.
In my case the tab bar is added in a view called MainFrame, which has a member variable CMFCOutlookBarTabCtrl* m_pOutlookBar; which is initialised in the OnCreate callback.
I can then correctly set the tab by overriding OnShowWindow to contain the following:
void MainFrame::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus)
CFrameWndEx::OnShowWindow(bShow, nStatus);
if ((m_pOutlookBar != NULL) && bShow) {
//When the tab bar is shown, select the correctview
for (int tabIdx = 0; tabIdx < m_pOutlookBar->GetTabsNum(); tabIdx++) {
CString requiredLabel;
CString thisLabel;
requiredLabel.LoadString(IDS_OF_TAB); //The ID of the tab wanted
if (requiredLabel.Compare(thisLabel) == 0) {
//If the tab label matches the one required
m_pOutlookBar->SetActiveTab(tabIdx); //set it as the active one.
break; //done.
Ive made a search function for my List Control in Report View in my MFC Dialog. It looks like this
m_List.SetItemState((m_List.FindItem(&Finde)),LVIS_SELECTED,LVIS_SELECTED );
It searches the Content that is in the Variable Finde and marks it. Now it should mark the row. But I first have to click somewhere in the program. It doesnt mark the row directly after the function gets called.
Can anyone help me?
Here is the full function
Finde.psz = _T("Siffert");
if ((m_List.FindItem(&Finde)) != -1)
m_List.SetItemState((m_List.FindItem(&Finde)),LVIS_SELECTED,LVIS_SELECTED );
MessageBox(_T("No Results"));
You need to use the style LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS
Otheriwse the selection is only shown when the control has the focus and is active.
EDIT: Also keep in mind that there is also a LVIS_FOCUSED style, that also forces scrolling to this item.
In my application, I have my re-implemented QGraphicsView checking for a mouseReleaseEvent(), and then telling the item at the position the mouse is at to handle the event.
The QGraphicsItem for my view is made up of two other QGraphicsItems, and I check which one of the two is being clicked on (or rather having the button released on), and handle the respective events.
In my Widget's constructor, I set one of the items as selected by default, using the same methods I used when the items detect a release.
When I debugged, I found that for the LabelItem, select is called without a problem from the constructor (and the result is clear when I first start the application). But, when I click on the items, the application terminates. I saw that I was getting into the select function, but not leaving it. So the problem is here.
Which is very weird, because the select function is just a single line setter.
void LabelItem::select()
selected = true;
This is the mouseReleaseEvent;
void LayerView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
LayerItem *l;
if(event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
l = (LayerItem *) itemAt(event->pos());
{ //No problem upto this point, if label is clicked on
l->setSelection(true); //in setSelection, I call select() or unselect() of LabelItem,
//which is a child of LayerItem, and the problem is there.
//In the constructor for my main widget, I use setSelection
//for the bottom most LayerItem, and have no issues.
emit selected(l->getId());
else if(l->inCheckBox(event->pos()))
bool t = l->toggleCheckState();
emit toggled(l->getId(), t);
When I commented the line out in the function, I had no errors. I have not debugged for the other QGraphicsItem, CheckBoxItem, but the application terminates for its events as well. I think the problem might be related, so I'm concentrating on select, for now.
I have absolutely no clue as to what could have caused this and why this is happening. From my past experience, I'm pretty sure it's something simple which I'm stupidly not thinking of, but I can't figure out what.
Help would really be appreciated.
If the LabelItem is on top of the LayerItem, itemAt will most likely return the LabelItem because it is the topmost item under the mouse. Unless the LabelItem is set to not accept any mouse button with l->setAcceptedMouseButtons(0).
Try to use qgraphicsitem_cast to test the type of the item. Each derived class must redefine QGraphicsItem::type() to return a distinct value for the cast function to be able to identify the type.
You also could handle the clicks in the items themselves by redefining their QGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent() method, it would remove the need for the evil cast, but you have to remove the function LayerView::mouseReleaseEvent() or at least recall the base class implementation, QGraphicsView::mouseReleaseEvent(), to allow the item(s) to receive the event.
I have seen these odd behaviours: It was mostly binary incompatibility - the c++ side looks correct, and the crash just does not make sense. As you stated: In your code the "selected" variable cannot be the cause. Do you might have changed the declaration and forgot the recompile all linked objects. Just clean and recompile all object files. Worked for me in 99% of the cases.
Language: C++
Development Environment: Microsoft Visual C++
Libraries Used: MFC
Background: So I've created an application that is basically a large preference dialog where the user can configure a number of pages, each with a bunch of different settings. When the user is finished, he/she has three options for saving the preferences (as XML): Save Current [page], Save These, and Save All.
I'm working with the Save These function right now. When the user chooses this option, a dialog appears with check boxes for each page, allowing them to choose which pages they wish to output. Once they choose the directory into which they wish the files to be saved, the magic happens and the XML files are written.
Problem: I have a function (UpdatePageData) that will detect which page is being displayed and update the current page's data by calling UpdateData. I have put in a break point to watch to make sure the variables are being filled with the user's inputted values, and everything is dandy and working correctly. However, when the program jumps from the checkbox dialog (where I call UpdatePageData) to the classes for the pages I'm saving, suddenly all of the values are wrong.
Below I've included some code that will help you guys understand the program flow.
NOTE: In SaveThese, I am currently just working on saving a single page...I will have it update all pages selected once I figure out the problem I'm having.
Location: Main Dialog
void CSAPrefsDialog::OnSaveThese()
int msgboxID = ::MessageBox(
(LPCSTR)"Are you sure you want to save?",
(LPCSTR)"Save These",
switch (msgboxID)
case IDOK:
CSaveThese m_sT;
Location: Main Dialog
void CSAPrefsDialog::UpdatePageData()
if ((m_iCurPage >= 0) && (m_iCurPage < m_pages.GetSize()))
pageStruct *pPS = (pageStruct *)m_pages.GetAt(m_iCurPage);
if (pPS)
if (pPS->pDlg)
if (!pPS->pDlg->UpdateData()) // THIS WORKS. THE DATA IS UPDATED.
AfxMessageBox("Did not update data.");
Location: SaveThese Class
void CSaveThese::OnBnClickedOk()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
UpdateData(TRUE); // figures out which boxes are checked for saving
CDirDialog dir;
CSAPrefsDialog prefsDialog;
prefsDialog.m_strDirectorySavePath = dir.m_strPath;
// [ other if-statements like the one below to check the check boxes ]
FSC_Main m_FS;
Location: FSC_Main Class
void FSC_Main::Save(CString dirPath)
dirPath += "\\FS_Config.xml";
FILE *fp = fopen(dirPath, "w+");
By the time it gets to WriteXML, the values have either reverted back to their initialized values (empty strings and -1 for all combo boxes), or have strange values (empty for strings, and large numbers for combo boxes).
I imagine I just have something in the wrong place. I'm just not sure why this is happening, and it's really the biggest hurdle between me and really getting this project rolling.
Jon, Very hard to understand your code. What i understood is you have a member variable m_pages in CSAPrefsDialog dialog class which you are updating by calling UpdateData. And then you are creating a local variable CSaveThese m_sT and calling DoModal. Do you expect CSaveThese class should hold the values of m_Pages?