I am working on react native project using expo framework. But when my app launches then before splash screen for small interval blank screen is shown.
first delete the default icon and splash screen in the assets folder and replace them with your newly created custom splash screen and icon.then edit the App.json file to
"icon": "./assets/yourIconName.png", //the name of image in asset folder
"splash": {
"image": "./assets/yourSplashNmae.png", //the name of image in asset folder
"resizeMode": "contain",
"backgroundColor": "#ffffff"
When I was loading the theme, I had to rename the theme archive from name.zip to name.ocmod.zip via Windows Explorer (the theme is displayed in the admin panel, so everything is OK).
The problem is that when I try to change the default theme to mine, I get errors like in the screenshots.enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
I can open an inline of the generated pdf on my Mac browsers Safari & Chrome.
But when I open it on Firefox & Chrome of my Windows 10 OS, it does not work. It always render as attachment/download.
render pdf: 'show',
template: 'show.pdf.haml',
page_size: 'A4',
layout: 'pdf_design.html.haml',
show_as_html: params.key?('debug'),
header: { html: { template: 'header.pdf.haml' } },
footer: { html: { template: 'footer.pdf.haml' }, right: '[page] of [topage]' },
margin: { left: 0, right: 0, top: 10 },
dpi: '72',
disposition: 'inline'
Versions I've used:
gem 'wicked_pdf', '~> 1.0', '>= 1.0.6'
gem 'wkhtmltopdf-binary-edge', '~>'
I've also posted an issue in the repo.
The browser settings may be overriding your preferences.
See How to change browser download settings for PDF files
For example, Google Chrome:
By default Google Chrome should open a PDF in the browser and not save the PDF in the download folder to be opened by a PDF editor such as Adobe Reader. To change how Google Chrome treats PDF files in the browser follow the steps below.
Open Google Chrome.
Click on the Menu icon (Google Chrome Menu icon) in the top-right corner of the Window.
Click Settings.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings window and click Advanced.
In the Advanced section click Content Settings.
Click PDF documents.
Change the "Open PDFs using a different application" from the on position (blue) to the off position (grey).
Close the Settings tab and now any PDF should be opened in Chrome instead of being downloaded.
Tip: If you do want PDFs to be downloaded instead of opened in Chrome you can follow these steps and turn on the "Open PDFs using a different application" option.
I'm developing an Ionic 2 project and I already had a page called "home", so I had to create another page and did the command "ionic g page home", so my actual page "home" was replaced. Is there any chance to get my "home" back? The visual studio code editor don't have history and I can't restore in windows too
I have a problem in a new Django app with filer.
I can upload an image from disk, but I can't select
this image to choose it. There is no arrow to pick up the image.
This is my screen
enter image description here
I'm trying to display an image using "Photos metro application" (C++).
Below is teh code snippet using which I'm able to display images.
But I want to use only "Photos" metro app to display my images.
If I right click on each image manually & change it's default application as "Photos" in properties menu then the below code snippet is working fine for display images using "Photos application".
But I want to embed this control of choosing which appliation to use for displaying images in mu code.
How do I force my code to display an image say "color.png" using Photos metro app?
int DisplayImage(std::string image)
printf("\nThe image is %s", image);
std::string command = "Start " + image;
I want to run this code on a mobile phone/tablet but my code generates
an EXE (not a metro Windows store app). I use TSHELL to run my EXE in
mtero mobile phone/tablet enviroment.
How do you plan to handle the scenario where the user doesn't have the Photos app installed?
You can launch the photo in the default handler (as you are doing) and it will display in the Photos app if that is what the user has chosen. This is generally the right thing to do and is user-friendly. This is the only way to programmatically launch the photo or the Photos app in a Windows Store app.
From a desktop app you can explicitly activate a Windows Runtime app with a file by calling the IActivateActivationManager::ActivateForFile method. This cannot be called from a Windows Runtime app. Like your existing code, it won't run on a production phone.
To write a Windows Runtime app (either Windows Store or Windows Phone Store) you'll need to start with one of the Windows Store templates in Visual Studio. You cannot write a console app as a Windows Runtime app. See Get started in the Windows Developer Center on MSDN for an overview of how to write Windows Runtime apps.