Understanding how akka references are handled upon upstream failure - akka

I'm building an application that requires delayed response to a sender reference pointing to the upstream sender. For clarity, if actor A sends a message to actor B, then A is the sender of B.
Upon A's failure and restart by its supervisor, does the sender reference held by B still point to the newly restarted A actor?

Yes, after a restart the ActorRef points to the new actor instance which is considered to belong to the same actor incarnation (see the actor lifecycle section of in the Akka docs).
The documentation also states this explicitly here:
Equality of ActorRef match the intention that an ActorRef corresponds
to the target actor incarnation. Two actor references are compared
equal when they have the same path and point to the same actor
incarnation. A reference pointing to a terminated actor does not
compare equal to a reference pointing to another (re-created) actor
with the same path. Note that a restart of an actor caused by a
failure still means that it is the same actor incarnation, i.e. a
restart is not visible for the consumer of the ActorRef.
So it makes a differences whether the actor is terminated and another instance is created or it is restarted by the supervisor.


Is there a way to achieve service downgrade in akka cluster sharding?

I'm trying to build up an Akka cluster ShardRegion that might need to be downgraded in the production environment when a bug occurs. However, instead of unregistering it by calling
which will terminate the ShardRegion and its child actors after all messages are consumed before PoisonPill, my sharding child actors have their internal state and purposes that need to be accomplished. I need an elegant way to slowly downgrade the process with the ShardRegion to let any session in-between finish, e.g. any new message with a different EntityId will be sent elsewhere.
I haven't yet found any means to downgrade it or just simply stop any new sharding AkkaActor to prop up on the ShardRegion.Is this even achievable in Akka Cluster ShardRegion?
You can accomplish part of this by specifying a custom stopMessage. The shard region will send this command to the entity actors when they are to be passivated or rebalanced. The default is PoisonPill, but a custom one allows the entity actors to do whatever they need to do to shut down (they do need to eventually stop themselves in this scenario).
If you're triggering a rebalance, the messages to the shard will be buffered until all the active entities in that shard have stopped, which may qualify as "any new message with a different entity ID will be sent elsewhere". Note that messages which are being sent outside of cluster sharding (i.e. directly between entity actors) will still be delivered normally (until said entity actors stop).

Akka Typed ActorSelection/Receptionist

I have question about ActorSelection/Receptionist in new Akka Typed.....
Before Akka Typed I didn't use ActorSelection because I read somewhere that it was not performant so I kept reference to the actor over HashMaps, now I am reading the documentation of the Akka Typed, I see that another mechanism Receptionist exist, so for me the question is, does it also suffers the same problems ActorSelection and I should stick to my old pattern of keeping reference to Actor over HashMap or now the receptionist is the way to go....
My specific scenario, my Actor spawns several Child Actors creates several Child Actors, if the parent Actor passivates or restored over Akka Persistence, it should again find reference to these Child Actors....
So what do you think, would I experience Performance problems if I convert to Receptionist?????
Thx for answers...
ActorSelection will resolve the actor path to an ActorRef each time you use it, this is somewhat costly, if used for a high throughput actor but has the upside that if the actor is stopped, and then later a new actor is started at the same path, the ActorSelection will deliver messages to the new actor, while if you had an ActorRef it specifically points to the actor instance that is no stopped and messages end up in dead letters.
The receptionist is quite different and is more like a registry of actors that you can subscribe to. When the set of ActorRefs registered for a key changes you get an update message with the new set, there is no extra overhead per message sent, you are dealing directly with the ActorRefs of the recipients.
Note that you can use the GroupRouter for delivery to actors registered with the receptionist and to avoid having to implement the subscription part in your actor.

Akka and persistence

I use Akka.Net in my pet project. I've heard a lot about actor model and finally have a chance to play with it. First thing I was surprised of is that persistence is not a basic functionality, it is kind of "plugin". Now I ran into situation I didn't understand. Let's say I have an API and all external commands are routed to Supervisor actor. While processing those commands this actor creates child actors and routes commands to them. That's the way I learned from books. Now let's say Supervisor created to children: A and B and they have ActorRef to each other. I want to use Context.SetReceiveTimeout to free memory occupied by 'idling' actors, because I may have millions of them in total. So, imagine actor B decides it's time to 'passivate' or remove itself from memory. I'm using Akka.Persistence, so everything is stored somewhere in form of messages (events) or snapshots. So actor be kills itself by PoisonPill. The problem is that in Actor's lifecycle there is no state like 'removed-from-memory'. So from Supervisor point of view, now it has only one children, actor A. And if actor A sends message to actor B via owned ActorRef, it goes nowhere.
I ran into this situation first time when I tried to gracefully restart my service. I found that after restart Supervisor actor knows nothing about it's children A and B. But if it tries to recreated them, then and only then they're restored from storage because PersistenceId kept the same.
Please help me understand what I'm doing wrong. As I said before, for me it looks like that persistence wasn't meant from Day 0. If I were designing such thing as Actor framework, I would think it is responsibility of framework to hide differences between actor existing and in memory and actor existing but swapped to storage. It is very similar to page fault with virtual memory!

Akka actor read state from database

I would like to ask for pattern when it is required to init actor state from database. I have a DAO which return Future[...] and normaly to be non blocking message should be send to actor on future complete. But this case is different. I cannot receive any message from actor mailbox before initialization complete. Is the only way to block actor thread while waiting for database future complete?
The most trivial approach would be to define two receive methods, e.g. initializing and initialized, starting with def receive = initializing. Inside your inizializing context, you could simply send back a message like InitializationNotReady to tell the other actor that he should try it again later. After your actor is initialized, you switch your context with context become initialized to the new state, where you can operate normally.
After all, another good aproach could be to have a look at Akka Persistence. It enables stateful actors to persist their internal state so that it can be recovered when an actor is started, restarted after a JVM crash or by a supervisor, or migrated in a cluster.
In you case, you can restore your state from a database, since their are multiple storage options for Akka persistence. you can find them here. After that recovery, you can receive messages like you're used to it.

Actor model with Akka.NET: how to prevent sending messages to dead actors

I am using Akka.NET to implement an actor system in which some actors are created on demand and are deleted after a configurable idle period (I use Akka's "ReceiveTimeout" mechanism for this). Each of these actors is identified by a key, and there should not exist two actors with the same key.
These actors are currently created and deleted by a common supervisor. The supervisor can be asked to return a reference to the actor matching a given key, either by returning an existing one or creating a new one, if an actor with this key doesn't exist yet. When an actor receives the "ReceiveTimeout" message, it notifies the supervisor who in turn kills it with a "PoisonPill".
I have an issue when sending a message to one of these actors right after it has been deleted. I noticed that sending a message to a dead actor doesn't generate an exception. Worse, when sending an "Ask" message, the sender remains blocked, waiting indefinitely (or until a timeout) for a response that he will never receive.
I first thought about Akka's "Deatchwatch" mechanism to monitor an actor's lifecycle. But, if I'm not mistaken, the "Terminated" message sent by the dying actor will be received by the monitoring actor asynchronously just like any other message, so the problem may still occur in between the target actor's death and the reception of its "Terminated" message.
To solve this problem, I made it so that anyone asking the supervisor for a reference to such an actor has to send a "close session" message to the supervisor to release the actor when he doesn't need it anymore (this is done transparently by a disposable "ActorSession" object). As long as there are any open sessions on an actor, the supervisor will not delete it.
I suppose that this situation is quite common and am therefore wondering if there isn't a simpler pattern to follow to address this kind of problem. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I have an issue when sending a message to one of these actors right after it has been deleted. I noticed that sending a message to a dead actor doesn't generate an exception.
This is by design. You will never receive an exception upon attempting to send a message - it will simply be routed to Deadletters and logged. There's a lot of reasons for this that I won't get into here, but the bottom line is that this is intended behavior.
DeathWatch is the right tool for this job, but as you point out - you might receive a Terminated message after you already sent a message to that actor.
A simpler pattern than tracking open / closed sessions is to simply use acknowledgement / reply messages from the recipient using Ask + Wait + a hard timeout. The downside of course is that if your recipient actor has a lot of long-running operations then you might block for a long period of time inside the sender.
The other option you can go with is to redesign your recipient actor to act as a state machine and have a soft-terminated or terminating state that it uses to drain connections / references with potential senders. That way the original actor can still reply and accept messages, but let callers know that it's no longer available to do work.
I solved this problem with entity actors created through Akka's Cluster Sharding mechanism:
If the state of the entities are persistent you may stop entities that are not used to reduce memory consumption. This is done by the application specific implementation of the entity actors for example by defining receive timeout (context.setReceiveTimeout). If a message is already enqueued to the entity when it stops itself the enqueued message in the mailbox will be dropped. To support graceful passivation without losing such messages the entity actor can send ShardRegion.Passivate to its parent Shard. The specified wrapped message in Passivate will be sent back to the entity, which is then supposed to stop itself. Incoming messages will be buffered by the Shard between reception of Passivate and termination of the entity. Such buffered messages are thereafter delivered to a new incarnation of the entity.