This question already has answers here:
"Function template has already been defined" with mutually exclusive `enable_if`s
(1 answer)
C++ SFINAE : is_constructible for const char[] vs std::string
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to write a template class with two template parameters, where one implementation of a method is available when the parameter types are the same, and a different implementation when the types are different.
I know I can do this with template specialization:
template<typename T, typename W> class MyClass {
void myMethod() { std::cout << typeid(T).name() << " != " << typeid(W).name() << std::endl; }
template<typename T> class MyClass<T,T> {
void myMethod() { std::cout << typeid(T).name() << " = " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl; }
But I was trying to get better at SFINAE paradigms, and so tried writing something like this:
template<typename T, typename W> class MyClass {
template<typename T_ = T, typename W_ = W,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T_,W_>>> void myMethod() {
std::cout << typeid(T_).name() << " = " << typeid(W_).name() << std::endl;
template<typename T_ = T, typename W_ = W,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T_,W_>>> void myMethod() {
std::cout << typeid(T_).name() << " != " << typeid(W_).name() << std::endl;
But the compiler says that this is redeclaration of the method.
Can someone correct my usage of SFINAE here?
I am using both g++ 7.5.0 and clang 6.0.0 on ubuntu to try the SFINAE function of auto dispatching function call according to the method existence of an object and the result doesn't go as expected.
what I expected is that for the container of vector, it should invoke the clear method of the vector in the container's destruction function. for primitive types like int, it does nothing other than printing out messages.
but they give both the later one now. I wonder what's wrong here.
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template <typename T> struct has_clear {
typedef char true_type;
typedef int false_type;
template <typename U, size_t (U::*)() const> struct SFINAE {
template <typename U> static char Test(SFINAE<U, &U::clear> *);
template <typename U> static int Test(...);
static const bool has_method = sizeof(Test<T>(nullptr) == sizeof(char));
typedef decltype(Test<T>(nullptr)) ret_type;
// typedef Test<T>(0) type_t;
template <typename T> class MyContainer {
// using typename has_clear<T>::true_type;
// using typename has_clear<T>::false_type;
T _obj;
MyContainer(const T &obj) : _obj(obj) {}
// static void clear(MyContainer *m);
void clear(const typename has_clear<T>::true_type t)
cout << "the " << typeid(_obj).name() << " object has clear() function!" << endl;
cout << "typeid(t).name(): " << typeid(t).name() << endl;
cout << "clear has be done!" << endl;
void clear(const typename has_clear<T>::false_type t)
cout << "the " << typeid(_obj).name() << " object has no clear() function!" << endl;
cout << "typeid(t).name(): " << typeid(t).name() << endl;
cout << "just do nothing and quit!" << endl;
cout << "has_clear<T>::true_type: " << typeid(typename has_clear<T>::true_type()).name()
<< endl;
cout << "has_clear<T>::flase_type: " << typeid(typename has_clear<T>::false_type()).name()
<< endl;
clear(typename has_clear<T>::ret_type());
// template <bool b> ~MyContainer();
int main()
cout << "before MyContainer<vector<int>>" << endl;
vector<int> int_vec;
MyContainer<vector<int>> int_vec_container(int_vec);
cout << "after MyContainer<vector<int>>" << endl;
cout << "before MyContainer<int>" << endl;
MyContainer<int> int_container(1);
cout << "after MyContainer<int>" << endl;
it yields:
before MyContainer<vector<int>>
has_clear<T>::true_type: FcvE
has_clear<T>::flase_type: FivE
the St6vectorIiSaIiEE object has no clear() function!
typeid(t).name(): i
just do nothing and quit!
after MyContainer<vector<int>>
before MyContainer<int>
has_clear<T>::true_type: FcvE
has_clear<T>::flase_type: FivE
the i object has no clear() function!
typeid(t).name(): i
just do nothing and quit!
after MyContainer<int>
You have a bug in the implementation of has_clear:
template <typename U, size_t (U::*)() const> struct SFINAE {
}; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
std::vector::clear returns void and can't be const. So:
template <typename U, void (U::*)()> struct SFINAE {
I don't know what the issue is with your implementation has_clear, but it can be replaced with this greatly simplified, working implementation using more modern SFINAE/type_traits features:
template<typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct has_clear : std::false_type {};
template<typename T>
struct has_clear<
std::is_same_v<decltype(&T::clear), void (T::*)()> ||
std::is_same_v<decltype(&T::clear), void (T::*)() noexcept>
> : std::true_type {};
And for convenience:
template<typename T>
constexpr bool has_clear_v = has_clear<T>::value;
Combined with if constexpr, you can very cleanly and simply decide which code path to run when others would fail to compile. For example:
template<typename T>
void maybe_clear(T t){
if constexpr (has_clear_v<T>){
// only compiled when T has a non-static clear() method
std::cout << "clearing " << typeid(T).name() << '\n';
} else {
// only compiled when T does not have a non-static clear() method
std::cout << "doing nothing with " << typeid(T).name() << '\n';
I believe this achieves what you want, but correct if I have misunderstood. This solution comes at the cost of requiring C++17.
Live Demo
Using C++11's enable_if I want to define several specialized implementations for a function (based on the type of the parameter, say) as well as a default implementation. What is the correct way to define it?
The following example does not work as intended since the "generic" implementation is called, whatever the type T.
#include <iostream>
template<typename T, typename Enable = void>
void dummy(T t)
std::cout << "Generic: " << t << std::endl;
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type>
void dummy(T t)
std::cout << "Integral: " << t << std::endl;
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
void dummy(T t)
std::cout << "Floating point: " << t << std::endl;
int main() {
dummy(5); // Print "Generic: 5"
dummy(5.); // Print "Generic: 5"
One solution in my minimal example consists in explicitly declaring the "generic" implementation as not for integral nor floating point types, using
std::enable_if<!std::is_integral<T>::value && !std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type
This is exactly what I want to avoid, since in my real use cases there are a lot of specialized implementations and I would like to avoid a very long (error prone!) condition for the default implementation.
You can introduce a rank to give priority to some of your overloads:
template <unsigned int N>
struct rank : rank<N - 1> { };
template <>
struct rank<0> { };
You can then define your dummy overloads like this:
template<typename T>
void dummy(T t, rank<0>)
std::cout << "Generic: " << t << std::endl;
template<typename T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
void dummy(T t, rank<1>)
std::cout << "Integral: " << t << std::endl;
template<typename T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
void dummy(T t, rank<1>)
std::cout << "Floating point: " << t << std::endl;
Then, you can hide the call behind a dispatch:
template <typename T>
void dispatch(T t)
return dummy(t, rank<1>{});
int main()
dispatch(5); // Print "Integral: 5"
dispatch(5.); // Print "Floating point: 5"
dispatch("hi"); // Print "Generic: hi"
live example on wandbox
Using rank introduces "priority" because implicit conversions are required to convert a rank<X> to a rank<Y> when X > Y. dispatch first tries to call dummy with rank<1>, giving priority to your constrained overloads. If enable_if fails, rank<1> is implicitly converted to rank<0> and enters the "fallback" case.
Bonus: here's a C++17 implementation using if constexpr(...).
template<typename T>
void dummy(T t)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<T>)
std::cout << "Integral: " << t << std::endl;
else if constexpr(std::is_floating_point_v<T>)
std::cout << "Floating point: " << t << std::endl;
std::cout << "Generic: " << t << std::endl;
live example on wandbox
Function cannot be partially specialized. I assume what you want to do is to prefer those overloads which contains explicit condition? One way to achieve that is by using variadic arguments ellipsis in declaration of the default function as the ellipsis function have lower priority in overload resolution order:
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
void dummy_impl(T t, ...)
std::cout << "Generic: " << t << std::endl;
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
void dummy_impl(T t, int)
std::cout << "Integral: " << t << std::endl;
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
void dummy_impl(T t, int)
std::cout << "Floating point: " << t << std::endl;
template <class T>
void dummy(T t) {
dummy_impl(t, int{});
int main() {
Integral: 5
Floating point: 5
Generic: abc
[live demo]
Another option as #doublep mention in comment is by use of structure with implementation of your function and then partially specialize it.
I would use tag dispatching like so:
namespace Details
namespace SupportedTypes
struct Integral {};
struct FloatingPoint {};
struct Generic {};
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct GetSupportedType
typedef SupportedTypes::Generic Type;
template <typename T>
struct GetSupportedType< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type >
typedef SupportedTypes::Integral Type;
template <typename T>
struct GetSupportedType< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type >
typedef SupportedTypes::FloatingPoint Type;
template <typename T>
void dummy(T t, SupportedTypes::Generic)
std::cout << "Generic: " << t << std::endl;
template <typename T>
void dummy(T t, SupportedTypes::Integral)
std::cout << "Integral: " << t << std::endl;
template <typename T>
void dummy(T t, SupportedTypes::FloatingPoint)
std::cout << "Floating point: " << t << std::endl;
} // namespace Details
And then hide the boiler plate code like so:
template <typename T>
void dummy(T t)
typedef typename Details::GetSupportedType< T >::Type SupportedType;
Details::dummy(t, SupportedType());
GetSupportedType gives you one central way to guess the actual type you are going to use, that's the one you want to specialize everytime you add a new type.
Then you just invoke the right dummy overload by providing an instance of the right tag.
Finally, invoke dummy:
dummy(5); // Print "Generic: 5"
dummy(5.); // Print "Floating point: 5"
dummy("lol"); // Print "Generic: lol"
I have following implementation of is_function:
template <typename SomeType>
struct _is_function_helper : public _false_expression {};
template <typename ReturnType, typename ... ArgumentTypes>
struct _is_function_helper<ReturnType (ArgumentTypes ...)> : _true_expression {};
template <typename ReturnType, typename ... ArgumentTypes>
struct _is_function_helper<ReturnType (ArgumentTypes ..., ...)> : _true_expression {};
template <typename SomeType>
struct _is_function : public _boolean_expression<_is_function_helper<typename _remove_cv<typename _remove_reference<SomeType>::Type>::Type>::value> {};
I remove references, cv qualifiers and then try to inherit from same bool expression as _is_function_helper would. Then I tried following tests:
void func(int,int) { };
struct A { void foo(int); };
auto r = func;
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::cout << std::is_function<decltype(func)>::value << " " << _is_function<decltype(func)>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << std::is_function<int(int)>::value << " " << _is_function<int(int)>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << std::is_function<int(*)(int)>::value << " " << _is_function<int(*)(int)>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << std::is_function<decltype(r)>::value << " " << _is_function<decltype(r)>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << std::is_function<decltype(*r)>::value << " " << _is_function<decltype(*r)>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << std::is_function<decltype(&A::foo)>::value << " " << _is_function<decltype(&A::foo)>::value << std::endl;
And here is output of these tests:
true true
true true
false false
false false
false true
false false
I have two questions:
Why is output in 5th test case different?
How is it possible to detect member function of struct using _is_function?
The output in the 5th case is different because decltype(*r) is a reference to a function. Your implementation removes this reference, but std::is_function does not.
You can detect a member function pointer by adding a specialization like this:
template <typename ReturnType, typename ... ArgumentTypes, typename T>
struct _is_function_helper<ReturnType (T::*) (ArgumentTypes ...)>
: _true_expression {};
class trytemplate
//////// 1
template <typename T>
trytemplate(const T& p)
std::cout << p << std::endl;
//////// 2
template <typename U>
trytemplate(const std::vector<U>& p)
std::cout << p[0] << " " << p.size() << std::endl;
//////// 3
template <typename U, typename V>
trytemplate(const V<U>& p)
std::cout << p[0] << " " << p.size() << std::endl;
ctor 2 works fine, but I'd like to make it something like 3 (3 doesnt compile).
So that I can do something like:
int i = 123;
trytemplate o1(i); // call ctor 1
std::vector<float> v1(1, 123.0f);
trytemplate o2(v1); // ideally can be deduced by compiler, and call ctor 3
MyVector<float> v2(1, 123.0f);
trytemplate o3(v2); // ideally can be deduced by compiler, and call ctor 3
In such case I can pass in any vector-like container, just making sure that class has operator[] and size().
So the question is: is it possible to make ctor like number 3?
Or is there any better approach?
P.S. If anyone could suggest a better title then I would change it, thanks!
Use a template template parameter
template <template<typename> class V, typename U>
trytemplate(const V<U>& p)
std::cout << p[0] << " " << p.size() << std::endl;
You can also add in variadic templates to accept class templates that take more than one template parameters.
template <template<typename...> class V, typename... Params>
trytemplate(const V<Params...>& p)
std::cout << p[0] << " " << p.size() << std::endl;
Note that if you use the non-variadic (first) version then the class template you pass in should only take a single template argument. This means it cannot be used with std::vector because it takes a second template argument, the allocator type (which has a default argument of std::allocator<T>). If your compiler doesn't support variadic templates, like VS2012 without Nov CTP, then use this
template <template<typename, typename> class V, typename U, typename A>
trytemplate(const V<U, A>& p)
std::cout << p[0] << " " << p.size() << std::endl;
consider the code
template <class A>
class B;
template <class A>
class B<const A>{};
template <class A, int N>
class B<A[N]>{};
template <class A>
class B<A*>{};
template <class A>
class B<A&>{};
The following template instantiations work fine:
A<const int*>
but the following one doesn't work:
A<const int[3]>
Is there some reason that this particular combination is invalid or is it perhaps a bug with g++4.6.3?
By the way I managed to get around this using SFINAE and boost::disable_if<>, so at least the problem is solved.
I forgot to mention that the error in question is an ambiguous class template instantiation and it couldn't decide between the overload for const or the overload for an array.
This has nothing to do with pointers, here's the full context:
I'm going through the book C++ Template Metaprogramming and am doing question 2-3 (Chapter 2 question 3) which says:
Use the type traits facilities to implement a type_descriptor class template, whose instances, when streamed, print the type of their template parameters:
NOTE: we cannot use RTTI to the same effect since, according to 18.5.1 [] paragraph 7 of the standard, typeid(T).name() is not guaranteed to return a meaningful result.
My solution (including the the workaround for the compilation error) is as follows:
template <class T, class enable = void>
struct type_descriptor
std::string operator()() const
return "Unknown";
//specializations for primitive types
#define TYPE_DESC_SPEC(type) template <> \
struct type_descriptor<type,void> \
{std::string operator()() const{return #type;}};
TYPE_DESC_SPEC(unsigned char)
TYPE_DESC_SPEC(unsigned short)
TYPE_DESC_SPEC(unsigned long)
//specializations for modifiers *, const, &, and [N]
template <class T>
struct type_descriptor<T&,void>
{std::string operator()(){return type_descriptor<T>()() + " &";}};
template <class T>
struct type_descriptor<T*,void>
{std::string operator()(){return type_descriptor<T>()() + " *";}};
//Replace void with what's in the comment for the workaround.
template <class T>
struct type_descriptor<const T, void/*typename boost::disable_if<boost::is_array<T> >::type*/>
{std::string operator()(){return type_descriptor<T>()() + " const";}};
template <class T>
struct type_descriptor<T(*)(),void>
{std::string operator()(){return type_descriptor<T>()() + " (*)()";}};
template <class T, class U>
struct type_descriptor<T(*)(U),void>
{std::string operator()(){return type_descriptor<T>()() + " (*)(" + type_descriptor<U>()() + ")";}};
template <class T, int N>
struct type_descriptor<T[N],void>
std::string operator()()
std::stringstream s;
s << type_descriptor<T>()() << " [" << N << "]";
return s.str();
template <class T>
struct type_descriptor<T[],void>
{std::string operator()(){return type_descriptor<T>()() + " []";}};
//Now overload operator<< to allow streaming of this class directly
template <class T>
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & s, type_descriptor<T> t)
return s << t();
Sample usage is:
std::cout << "\nQuestion 2-3 results\n";
std::cout << type_descriptor<int*>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<int*[3]>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<std::string*>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<const int&>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<const int *const&>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<int[4]>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<int(*)()>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<int*&(*)(const char &)>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<int*&>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<int[]>() << std::endl;
std::cout << type_descriptor<const long[]>() << std::endl;
and the corresponding output is (when the workaround is in, otherwise it doesn't compile on that last one):
int *
int * [3]
Unknown *
int const &
int const * const &
int [4]
int (*)()
int * & (*)(Unknown const &)
int * &
int []
long const []
So C++ is able to differentiate pointers and arrays for the template parameters, is able to correctly, recursively, separate compound types and output the correct result, except for const A[]. It needs help with that one
An array type with a const element type is both a const qualified type (the const applies bidirectionally) and an array type.
So you should fix the specializations.