a is a data structure that stores:
(0 2)
I want to access last value that is (0 2),how can I do that?
You can solve it with get:
(def data [[]
'(0 2)])
data => [[] [] [] (0 2)]
(get data 3) => (0 2)
but it is generally easier if you use square brackets to create a vector instead of a list. That way, you don't need quoting anywhere:
(def data2 [[]
[0 2]])
data2 => [[] [] [] [0 2]]
(get data2 3) => [0 2]
I'm learning Clojure. I found some exercises which require finding indexes for values in an array which are, for example, lower than next value. In Java I'd write
for (int i = 1; ...)
if (a[i-1] < a[i]) {result.add(i-1)}
in Clojure I found keep-indexed useful:
(defn with-keep-indexed [v]
(keep-indexed #(if (> %2 (get v %1)) %1) (rest v)))
It seems to works ok, but
is there a better way to do so?
This approach should work well for "find all values" or "find first value" (wrapped in first). But what if I need "find last". Then I have to either (with-keep-indexed (reverse v)) or (last (with-keep-indexed v)). Is there better way?
Edit: Example: for [1 1 2 2 1 2]
(with-keep-indexed [1 1 2 2 1 2])
;;=> (1 4)
Use partition to transform the vector to a sequence of consecutive pairs. Then use keep-indexed to add an index and filter them:
(defn indices< [xs]
(keep-indexed (fn [i ys]
(when (apply < ys) i))
(partition 2 1 xs)))
(indices< [1 1 2 2 1 2]) ;; => (1 4)
To find just the last such index, use last on this result. While it is possible to use reverse on the input, it does not offer any performance benefit for this problem.
The logic of forming pairs of numbers and comparing each number to the next number in the sequence can be factored out in a transducer that does not care about whether you want your result in the form of a vector with all indices or just the last index. Forming pairs can be done using partition as already suggested in the other answers, but I did not find a transducer implementation of that function, which would greatly facilitate. Here is a workaround that uses a mapping transducer along with some mutable state.
(defn indexed-pairs []
(let [s (atom [-2 nil nil])]
(comp (map #(swap! s (fn [[i a b]] [(inc i) b %])))
(remove (comp neg? first)))))
(defn indices-of-pairs-such-that [f]
(comp (indexed-pairs)
(filter (fn [[i a b]] (f a b)))
(map first)))
In this code, the function indices-of-pairs-such-that will return a transducer that we can use in various ways, for instance with into to produce a vector of indices:
(into [] (indices-of-pairs-such-that <) [1 1 2 2 1 2])
;; => [1 4]
Or, as was asked in the question, we can use tranduce along with a reducing function that always picks the second argument if we only want the last index:
(transduce (indices-of-pairs-such-that <) (completing (fn [a b] b)) nil [1 1 2 2 1 2])
;; => 4
This is the power of transducers: they decouple sequence algorithms from the results of those algorithms. The function indices-of-pairs-such-that encodes the sequence algorithm but does not have to know whether we want all the indices or just the last index.
The general problem can be solved with ...
(defn indexes-of-pairs [p coll]
(let [check-list (map (fn [i x rx] (when (p x rx) i)) (range) coll (rest coll))]
(filter identity check-list)))
... which returns the indexes of adjacent pairs of a sequence coll that are related by predicate p. For example,
(indexes-of-pairs < [1 1 2 2 1 2])
=> (1 4)
For your example, you can define
(def with-keep-indexed (partial indexes-of-pairs <))
(with-keep-indexed [1 1 2 2 1 2])
=> (1 4)
There are many ways to solve a problem. Here are two alternatives, including a unit test using my favorite template project. The first one uses a loop over the first (N-1) indexes in an imperative style not so different than what you'd write in Java:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(defn step-up-index-loopy
[xs] ; a sequence of "x" values
[xs (vec xs) ; coerce to vector in case we get a list (faster)
accum (atom []) ; an accumulator
N (count xs)]
(dotimes [i (dec N)] ; loop starting at i=0
(let-spy [j (inc i)
ival (get xs i)
jval (get xs j)]
(when (< ival jval)
(swap! accum conj i))))
When run, it produces this output:
calling step-up-index-loopy
xs => [1 1 2 2 1 2]
accum => #object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x4e4dcf7c {:status :ready, :val []}]
N => 6
j => 1
ival => 1
jval => 1
j => 2
ival => 1
jval => 2
j => 3
ival => 2
jval => 2
j => 4
ival => 2
jval => 1
j => 5
ival => 1
jval => 2
The second one uses a more "functional" style that avoids direct indexing. Sometimes this makes things simpler, but sometimes it can appear more complicated. You be the judge:
(defn step-up-index
[xs] ; a sequence of "x" values
[pairs (partition 2 1 xs)
pairs-indexed (indexed pairs) ; append index # [0 1 2 ...] to beginning of each pair
reducer-fn (fn [accum pair-indexed]
; destructure `pair-indexed`
(let-spy [[idx [ival jval]] pair-indexed]
(if (< ival jval)
(conj accum idx)
result (reduce reducer-fn
[] ; initial state for `accum`
The function indexed is from the Tupelo Clojure library.
When you run the code you'll see:
calling step-up-index
pairs =>
((1 1) (1 2) (2 2) (2 1) (1 2))
pairs-indexed =>
([0 (1 1)] [1 (1 2)] [2 (2 2)] [3 (2 1)] [4 (1 2)])
reducer-fn =>
#object[tst.demo.core$step_up_index$reducer_fn__21389 0x108aaf1f "tst.demo.core$step_up_index$reducer_fn__21389#108aaf1f"]
[idx [ival jval]] => [0 [1 1]]
[idx [ival jval]] => [1 [1 2]]
[idx [ival jval]] => [2 [2 2]]
[idx [ival jval]] => [3 [2 1]]
[idx [ival jval]] => [4 [1 2]]
result =>
[1 4]
Both of them work:
(println "calling step-up-index-loopy")
(is= [1 4]
(step-up-index-loopy [1 1 2 2 1 2]))
(println "calling step-up-index")
(is= [1 4]
(step-up-index [1 1 2 2 1 2])))
With results:
Clojure 1.10.3 Java 15.0.2
Testing tst.demo.core
Ran 2 tests containing 2 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
The form let-spy is from the Tupelo Clojure library, and makes writing & debugging things easier. See the docs for more info. When satisfied everything is working, replace with
let-spy => let
Also be sure to study the list of documentation sources included in the template project, especially the Clojure CheatSheet.
Another solution using keep-indexed is pretty short:
(defn step-up-index
(let [pairs (partition 2 1 xs)
result (vec
(fn [idx pair]
(let [[ival jval] pair]
(when (< ival jval)
(is= [1 4] (step-up-index [1 1 2 2 1 2])))
Is there a more elegant way to have into work with single items and lists than the following (admittedly atrocious) function?
(defn into-1-or-more
[this-list list-or-single]
(into this-list (flatten (conj [] list-or-single))))
Which can handle either:
(into-1-or-more [1 2 3 4] 5)
;[1 2 3 4 5]
(into-1-or-more [1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8])
;[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]
I am building a collection with reduce using into [] with results from functions in a list. However some of the functions return single items, and others return lists of items. Like:
(reduce #(into [] (% data)) [func-return-item func-return-list func-return-either])
Would the best solution be to just do the following instead?
(into [] (flatten (map #(% data) [func-return-item ...])
Although it would be more ideal to know for sure what return type you are getting, here is a simple answer:
(flatten [ curr-list (mystery-fn) ] )
(flatten [[1 2 3] 9 ] )
;=> (1 2 3 9)
(flatten [[[1] 2 3] [4 5] 6 ] )
;=> (1 2 3 4 5 6)
You could wrap it into a function if you want, but it hardly seems necessary.
This transducer flattens sequential inputs, but only by one "level":
(defn maybe-cat [rf]
(let [catrf (cat rf)]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result input]
(if (sequential? input)
(catrf result input)
(rf result input))))))
(into [] maybe-cat [[:foo] :bar [[:quux]]])
;= [:foo :bar [:quux]]
As this example demonstrates, this approach makes it possible to include sequential collections in the output (by wrapping them in an additional sequential layer – [[:quux]] produces [:quux] in the output).
Just started learning Clojure, so I imagine my main issue is I don't know how to formulate the problem correctly to find an existing solution. I have a map:
{[0 1 "a"] 2, [0 1 "b"] 1, [1 1 "a"] 1}
and I'd like to "transform" it to:
{[0 1] "a", [1 1] "a"}
i.e. use the two first elements of the composite key as they new key and the third element as the value for the key-value pair that had the highest value in the original map.
I can easily create a new map structure:
=> (into {} (for [[[x y z] v] {[0 1 "a"] 2, [0 1 "b"] 1, [1 1 "a"] 1}] [[x y] {z v}]))
{[0 1] {"b" 1}, [1 1] {"a" 1}}
but into accepts no predicates so last one wins. I also experimented with :let and merge-with but can't seem to correctly refer to the map, eliminate the unwanted pairs or replace values of the map while processing.
You can do this by threading together a series of sequence transformations.
(->> data
(group-by #(->> % key (take 2)))
(map (comp first first (partial sort-by (comp - val))))
(map (juxt #(subvec % 0 2) #(% 2)))
(into {}))
;{[0 1] "a", [1 1] "a"}
... where
(def data {[0 1 "a"] 2, [0 1 "b"] 1, [1 1 "a"] 1})
You build up the solution line by line. I recommend you follow in the footsteps of the construction, starting with ...
(->> data
(group-by #(->> % key (take 2)))
;{(0 1) [[[0 1 "a"] 2] [[0 1 "b"] 1]], (1 1) [[[1 1 "a"] 1]]}
Stacking up layers of (lazy) sequences can run fairly slowly, but the transducers available in Clojure 1.7 will allow you to write faster code in this idiom, as seen in this excellent answer.
Into tends to be most useful when you just need to take a seq of values and with no additional transformation construct a result from it using only conj. Anything else where you are performing construction tends to be better suited by preprocessing such as sorting, or by a reduction which allows you to perform accumulator introspection such as you want here.
First of all we have to be able to compare two strings..
(defn greater? [^String a ^String b]
(> (.compareTo a b) 0))
Now we can write a transformation that compares the current value in the accumulator to the "next" value and keeps the maximum. -> used somewhat gratuitusly to make the update function more readable.
(defn transform [input]
(-> (fn [acc [[x y z] _]] ;; take the acc, [k, v], destructure k discard v
(let [key [x y]] ;; construct key into accumulator
(if-let [v (acc key)] ;; if the key is set
(if (greater? z v) ;; and z (the new val) is greater
(assoc acc key z) ;; then update
acc) ;; else do nothing
(assoc acc key z)))) ;; else update
(reduce {} input))) ;; do that over all [k, v]s from empty acc
user> (def m {[0 1 "a"] 2, [0 1 "b"] 1, [1 1 "a"] 1})
user> (->> m
(mapcat (fn [x]
(vector (-> x butlast vec)
(last x))))
(apply sorted-map))
;=> {[0 1] "a", [1 1] "a"}
I'm wondering how to force a lazy sequence of functions to be evaluated.
For example if I have a function that returns the integer 1:
test.core=> (fn [] 1)
#<core$eval2480$fn__2481 test.core$eval2480$fn__2481#4163c61>
test.core=> ((fn [] 1))
And I construct a lazy sequence of these functions:
test.core=> (repeat 5 (fn [] 1))
(#<core$eval2488$fn__2489 test.core$eval2488$fn__2489#76fd6301> ...)
test.core=> (class (repeat 5 '(fn [] 1)))
How do I actually execute the functions in the sequence?
test.core=> (take 1 (repeat 5 (fn [] 1)))
(#<core$eval2492$fn__2493 test.core$eval2492$fn__2493#46e1e0c8>)
test.core=> (take 1 (repeat 5 '(fn [] 1)))
((fn [] 1))
test.core=> ((take 1 (repeat 5 '(fn [] 1))))
ClassCastException clojure.lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
I've read through How to convert lazy sequence to non-lazy in Clojure , which suggested doall...but I'm not sure where the results are going? I'm expecting [1 1 1 1 1] or something similar.
test.core=> (doall (repeat 5 (fn [] 1)))
(#<core$eval2500$fn__2501 test.core$eval2500$fn__2501#14e3c50c>...)
test.core=> (realized? (doall (repeat 5 (fn [] 1))))
Your problem is that you are returning a sequence of un-evaluated functions. You can evaluate them as follows:
=> (map #(%) (repeat 5 (fn [] 1)))
(1 1 1 1 1)
Both map and repeat are lazy, but the REPL or any other consumer forces the evaluation of at least as much of a lazy sequence as it needs.
I have a list [2 3 5] which I want to use to remove items from another list like [1 2 3 4 5], so that I get [1 4].
Try this:
(let [a [1 2 3 4 5]
b [2 3 5]]
(remove (set b) a))
which returns (1 4).
The remove function, by the way, takes a predicate and a collection, and returns a sequence of the elements that don't satisfy the predicate (a set, in this example).
user=> (use 'clojure.set)
user=> (difference (set [1 2 3 4 5]) (set [2 3 5]))
#{1 4}
You can do this yourself with something like:
(def a [2 3 5])
(def b [1 2 3 4 5])
(defn seq-contains?
[coll target] (some #(= target %) coll))
(filter #(not (seq-contains? a %)) b)
; (3 4 5)
A version based on the reducers library could be:
(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(defn seq-contains?
[coll target]
(some #(= target %) coll))
(defn my-remove
"remove values from seq b that are present in seq a"
[a b]
(into [] (r/filter #(not (seq-contains? b %)) a)))
(my-remove [1 2 3 4 5] [2 3 5] )
; [1 4]
EDIT Added seq-contains? code
Here is my take without using sets;
(defn my-diff-func [X Y]
(reduce #(remove (fn [x] (= x %2)) %1) X Y ))