Clojure - Too many arguments for function called with apply - clojure

I'm currently doing the tutorial examples for clojure, and one of them involves
calling a function 3 times on multiple arguments, my code looks like this:
(defn triplicate [f] (dotimes [n 3] (f)))
(defn triplicate2 [f & args] (
(triplicate #(apply f args))))
(triplicate2 #(println %) 1)
it works with 1 functiona and 1 rest parameter, but when I call it like this:
(triplicate2 #(println %) 1 3 4)
I get this error
ArityException Wrong number of args (2) passed to:
clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity (
Am I thinking diferently from what I should?
Help !

The function you are passing to triplicate2
#(println %)
is expecting one argument and you are passing one in the working example and three in the non-working example.
Since println is already variadic, you can just call
(triplicate2 println 1)
(triplicate2 println 1 3 4)


Clojure apply that does not realize the first four elements of a lazy sequence?

It appears that apply forces the realization of four elements given a lazy sequence.
(take 1
(apply concat
(repeatedly #(do
(println "called")
(range 1 10)))))
=> "called"
=> "called"
=> "called"
=> "called"
Is there a way to do an apply which does not behave this way?
Thank You
Is there a way to do an apply which does not behave this way?
I think the short answer is: not without reimplementing some of Clojure's basic functionality. apply's implementation relies directly on Clojure's implementation of callable functions, and tries to discover the proper arity of the given function to .invoke by enumerating the input sequence of arguments.
It may be easier to factor your solution using functions over lazy, un-chunked sequences / reducers / transducers, rather than using variadic functions with apply. For example, here's your sample reimplemented with transducers and it only invokes the body function once (per length of range):
(mapcat identity)
(take 1))
(repeatedly #(do
(println "called")
(range 1 10))))
;; called
;; => (1)
Digging into what's happening in your example with apply, concat, seq, LazySeq, etc.:
repeatedly returns a new LazySeq instance: (lazy-seq (cons (f) (repeatedly f))).
For the given 2-arity (apply concat <args>), apply calls RT.seq on its argument list, which for a LazySeq then invokes LazySeq.seq, which will invoke your function
apply then calls a Java impl. method applyToHelper which tries to get the length of the argument sequence. applyToHelper tries to determine the length of the argument list using RT.boundedLength, which internally calls next and in turn seq, so it can find the proper overload of IFn.invoke to call
concat itself adds another layer of lazy-seq behavior.
You can see the stack traces of these invocations like this:
(take 1
(repeatedly #(do
(clojure.stacktrace/print-stack-trace (Exception.))
(range 1 10))))
The first trace descends from the apply's initial call to seq, and the subsequent traces from RT.boundedLength.
in fact, your code doesn't realize any of the items from the concatenated collections (ranges in your case). So the resulting collection is truly lazy as far as elements are concerned. The prints you get are from the function calls, generating unrealized lazy seqs. This one could easily be checked this way:
(defn range-logged [a b]
(when (< a b)
(println "realizing item" a)
(cons a (range-logged (inc a) b)))))
user> (take 1
(apply concat
(repeatedly #(do
(println "called")
(range-logged 1 10)))))
;;=> called
;; called
;; called
;; called
;; realizing item 1
user> (take 10
(apply concat
(repeatedly #(do
(println "called")
(range-logged 1 10)))))
;; called
;; called
;; called
;; called
;; realizing item 1
;; realizing item 2
;; realizing item 3
;; realizing item 4
;; realizing item 5
;; realizing item 6
;; realizing item 7
;; realizing item 8
;; realizing item 9
;; realizing item 1
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1)
So my guess is that you have nothing to worry about, as long as the collection returned from repeatedly closure is lazy

Variadic function with keyword arguments

I'm a newbie to Clojure and I was wondering if there is a way to define a function that can be called like this:
(strange-adder 1 2 3 :strange true)
That is, a function that can receive a variable number of ints and a keyword argument.
I know that I can define a function with keyword arguments this way:
(defn strange-adder
[a b c & {:keys [strange]}]
(println strange)
(+ a b c))
But now my function can only receive a fixed number of ints.
Is there a way to use both styles at the same time?
unfortunately, no.
The & destructuring operator uses everything after it on the argument list so it does not have the ability to handle two diferent sets of variable arity destructuring groups in one form.
one option is to break the function up into several arities. Though this only works if you can arrange it so only one of them is variadic (uses &). A more universal and less convenient solution is to treat the entire argument list as one variadic form, and pick the numbers off the start of it manually.
user> (defn strange-adder
[& args]
(let [nums (take-while number? args)
opts (apply hash-map (drop-while number? args))
strange (:strange opts)]
(println strange)
(apply + nums)))
user> (strange-adder 1 2 3 4 :strange 4)
Move the variadic portion to the the tail of the argument list and pass the options as a map:
(defn strange-adder [{:keys [strange]} & nums]
(println strange)
(apply + nums))
(strange-adder {:strange true} 1 2 3 4 5)
There is no formal support that I know of, but something like this should be doable:
(defn strange-adder
[& args]
(if (#{:strange} (-> args butlast last))
(do (println (last args))
(apply + (drop-last 2 args)))
(apply + args)))
I don't know if this can be generalized (check for keywords? how to expand to an arbitrary number of final arguments?). One option may be putting all options in a hashmap as the final argument, and checking if the last argument is a hashmap (but this would not work for some functions that expect arbitrary arguments that could be hashmaps).

Clojure: Wrong number of args (4) passed to: core$rest

Write a function which allows you to create function compositions. The
parameter list should take a variable number of functions, and create
a function applies them from right-to-left.
(fn [& fs]
(fn [& args]
(->> (reverse fs)
(reduce #(apply %2 %1) args))))
=> (= [3 2 1] ((_ rest reverse) [1 2 3 4]))
clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (4) passed to: core$rest
What's causing this error? I can't see it.
It's in your use of apply - this turns the last parameter into a flattened list of parameters, creating a call that looks like:
(rest 1 2 3 4)
Which is presumably not what you intended..... and explains the error you are getting.

How to pass optional macro args to a function

Clojure macro noob here. I have a function with some optional parameters, e.g.
(defn mk-foo [name & opt]
(vec (list* name opt)))
giving this:
user> (mk-foo "bar" 1 2 3)
["bar" 1 2 3]
I'm trying to write a macro which takes the same optional arguments and passes them transparently to an invocation of mk-foo. So far I have this:
(defmacro deffoo [name & opt]
`(def ~name ~(apply mk-foo (str name) opt)))
which has the desired effect:
user> (macroexpand '(deffoo bar 1 2 3))
(def bar ["bar" 1 2 3])
The use of apply to flatten the list opt feels clumsy. Is there an idiomatic way to do this? I'm guessing ~# is needed, but I can't get the quoting right. Many thanks.
Your intuition about using apply served you well in this case. When you have a quoted form ` and then unqote all of them it can help to think about moving the un-quoting down to the smallest part or the list. This avoids using code to generate forms that could be simply written.
user=> (defmacro deffoo [name & opt] `(def ~name [~(str name) ~#opt]))
user=> (macroexpand '(deffoo "bar" 1 2 3))
(def "bar" ["bar" 1 2 3])
and here it is with the call to mk-foo:
(defmacro deffoo [name & opt] `(def ~name (mk-foo ~(str name) ~#opt)))
user=> (macroexpand '(deffoo "bar" 1 2 3))
(def "bar" (user/mk-foo "bar" 1 2 3))
in this second case we move the ~ in one level and let the call to mk-foo stay quoted and only unquote the args required to build the parameter list (using splicing-unquote as you suspected)

swap! alter and alike

I am having a problem understanding how these functions update the underlying ref, atom etc.
The docs say:
(apply f current-value-of-identity args)
(def one (atom 0))
(swap! one inc) ;; => 1
So I am wondering how it got "expanded" to the apply form. It's not mentioned what exactly 'args' in the apply form is. Is it a sequence of arguments or are these separate values?
Was it "expanded" to:
(apply inc 0) ; obviously this wouldnt work, so that leaves only one possibility
(apply inc 0 '())
(swap! one + 1 2 3) ;; #=> 7
Was it:
(apply + 1 1 2 3 '()) ;or
(apply + 1 [1 2 3])
(def two (atom []))
(swap! two conj 10 20) ;; #=> [10 20]
Was it:
(apply conj [] [10 20]) ;or
(apply conj [] 10 20 '())
The passage you quoted from swap!'s docstring means that what happens is the equivalent of swapping in a new value for the Atom obtained from the old one with (apply f old-value args), where args is a seq of all additional arguments passed to swap!.
What actually happens is different, but that's just an implementation detail. For the sake of curiosity: Atoms have a Java method called swap, which is overloaded to take from one to four arguments. The first one is always an IFn (the f passed to swap!); the second and third, in present, are the first two extra arguments to that IFn; the fourth, if present, is an ISeq of extra arguments beyond the first two. apply is never involved and the fixed arity cases don't even call the IFn's applyTo method (they just use invoke). This improves performance in the common case where not too many extra arguments are passed to swap!.