User login system in Django, with MongoDB as the primary database - django

So, here is the thing. I want the best method to log users on my website. I've already made a registration system that registers details of Users in the mongoDB using model forms.
I don't understand how to login the user in th website. Do I fetch the user data from the DB and match with the the form data entered by the user to log in, what is the best practice?


Django tutorial login, delete data on user logging out

I am preparing a multitenant website on Django using tenant-id for identification (and not schema). Now, for tutorial, I would want to have a webpage with sample login and password (like Django CMS does). However, I don't want to store user data from that login/password combination, so that the data would be availabale for each session and as soon as the user logs out, the data deletes. Is there any application/packages that could help me with this? Otherwise, how can I do this?

Django registering users against a list of existing usernames

I am using Django rest framework to build my application backend. I have used Django-rest-auth ( to enable login and registration for my app. It is already working.
However as per my new requirement, I have a list of usernames and only those usernames can register into my system. How can I achieve this?
I had few ideas (do not know if they make total sense):
1. A new model to store usernames, so that in future more usernames can be added via admin interface
2. Whenever a user makes a call from client: the entered username is checked against this new usernames table and if it exists in the table registration is allowed.
Or there can be a still easier way to do this? Any code snippets?

Django: what are some good strategies for persisting form input across login?

I have a webapp that allows authenticated as well as anonymous users to start entering some form data. If a user is happy with his/her input, he/she can save that form to the server. This is a very similar problem to a shopping cart application that does not require login until checkout time.
For the authenticated user, implementing a save button is trivial. However for the anonymous user, the form data need to be stored somewhere while authentication is taking place, then correctly retrieved after logged in. Can someone please suggest some general strategies to go about this?
I found this link that is promising but I want to be thorough about this topic.
I think the correct way of doing this is to use django sessions. Basically each user (anonymousUser included) has a session during its stay on the website (or even more).
If you have a form that you want to store for a specific session, you can do it by using
request.session['myform'] = form
you get it by
and you can delete it using
del request.session['myform']
Basically Django pickles a dictionary of the session and saves it in a place (typically the database, but can be on other place as explained in django sessions).

Basic django app - app design issue

To learn Django, I was making a very basic app which does the following:
Takes a user's login (checks id password in a database).
If user exists and password is right, give user option to either insert,delete or update.
If insert, user can insert an entry into a common table.
Similarly for delete or update.
I was cruising through this but I just got stuck.
My Login page is /index/.
Option for insert/delete/update is at /application/.
Now next, page is displayed according to insert/delete/update at /application/action/
Now the problem is that after completing one insertion, I want to return to /application to carry on my next operation.
But if I do that, I get this error
"Key 'userid' not found in <QueryDict: {}>"
So the view for /application/ is expecting the userid and password in request.POST.
How do I get around this without using external user login modules. I just want a very basic login system just to learn.
Django comes with user authentication built in. I don't think it is external as it is included in django.contrib.
If you use the built in user authentiaction and User model, you will not have to pass the userid to each view. Django will automatically retrieve the logged in user from the session and make it available as a property of the request object.
So using built in user and authentiaction, after logging in a user, you can access that user at

Django Database router based on user selection

I'm writing a django project that will require me to route queries to
certain large databases based on the user selection.
So all the tables for django.contrib.auth and session and stuff will be
in the 'central' database, as well as a table that maps users to which
database they need to use for the main app.
Can you help me come up with a way of routing database queries this way
using a Django database router?
Log in user form has the database selection option.If the user is a valid user , then he will be connected to the his selected DB
At the start of the view could I take the logged in user from
request.user or wherever it is, and some how provide that variable to my
database router for the rest of the request?
All suggestions welcome.