What does the children function in tree-seq do - clojure

In clojure standard library there is function tree-seq which does depth-first traversal on a sequence.
(tree-seq branch? children root)
The branch parameter checks for terminal nodes, how ever what does the children function do?
According to the docs children must be a fn of one arg that returns a sequence of the children
In flatten, tree-seq is used as follows (tree-seq sequential? seq x). However if you do (seq 1) then it throws an IllegalArgumentException.
When and how is the children function used?

tree-seq's branch? function checks if a parameter is a branch, not if it's a terminal node. A branch has leaf nodes, a terminal node is a leaf node.
If we have a branch the children functions should return the wanted leaf nodes.
In the case of flatten's (tree-seq sequential? seq x) a branch is checked with sequential? and children of a branch are returned via seq.
E.g., (sequential? [1 2 3 4]) ;; => true, and the children via (seq [1 2 3 4]) ;; => (1 2 3 4). And for a leaf node (sequential? 1) => false, and we terminate.


Is manipulating a vector of nested maps possible using zippers?

I need to turn the following input into output by applying the following two rules:
remove all vectors that have "nope" as last item
remove each map that does not have at least one vector with "ds1" as last item
(def input
[{:simple1 [:from [:simple1 'ds1]]}
{:simple2 [:from-any [[:simple2 'nope] [:simple2 'ds1]]]}
{:walk1 [:from [:sub1 :sub2 'ds1]]}
{:unaffected [:from [:unaffected 'nope]]}
{:replaced-with-nil [:from [:the-original 'ds1]]}
{:concat1 [:concat [[:simple1 'ds1] [:simple2 'ds1]]]}
{:lookup-word [:lookup [:word 'word :word 'ds1]]}])
(def output
[{:simple1 [:from [:simple1 'ds1]]}
{:simple2 [:from-any [[:simple2 'ds1]]]}
{:walk1 [:from [:sub1 :sub2 'ds1]]}
{:replaced-with-nil [:from [:the-original 'ds1]]}
{:concat1 [:concat [[:simple1 'ds1] [:simple2 'ds1]]]}
{:lookup-word [:lookup [:word 'word :word 'ds1]]}])
I was wondering if performing this transformation is possible with zippers?
I'd recommend clojure.walk instead for this kind of general tree transformation. It can take a bit of fiddling to get the replacement functions right but it works nicely with any nesting of Clojure data structures, which AFAIK can be a bit more challenging in a zipper based approach.
We're looking to shrink our tree, so postwalk is my go-to here. It takes a function f and a tree root and goes through the tree, replacing each leaf value with (f leaf), then their parents and their parents etc. until finally replacing the root. (prewalk is similar but proceeds from root and down to leaves, so it's usually more natural when you're growing the tree by splitting branches.)
The strategy here is to somehow construct a function that prunes any branch which meets our removal criteria, but returns any other value unchanged.
(ns shrink-tree
(:require [clojure.walk :refer [postwalk]]))
(letfn[(rule-1 [node]
(and (vector? node)
(= 'nope (last node))))
(rule-2 [node]
(map? node)
(not-any? #(and (vector? %) (= 'ds1 (last %)))
(tree-seq vector? seq (-> node vals first)))))
(remove-marked [node]
(if (coll? node)
(into (empty node) (remove (some-fn rule-1 rule-2) node))
(= output (postwalk remove-marked input)))
;; => true
Here the fns rule-1 and rule-2 try to turn your rules into predicates and remove-marked:
If a node is a collection, returns the same collection, less any members for which rule1 or rule2 return truthy when called with that member. To check for either one at the same time we combine the predicates with some-fn.
Otherwise returns the same node. This is how we keep values like 'ds1 or :from-any around.
You might also want to consider looking at specter. It supports these sorts of transformations by allowing you to select and transform arbitrarily complex structures.

"nth not supported" on PersistentHashSet when destructuring Set in Loop header

Clojure noob here.
I want to pull the front and rest out of a Set. Doing (front #{1}) and (rest #{1}) produce 1 and () respectively, which is mostly what I'd expect.
However in the code below, I use the destructuring [current-node & open-nodes] #{start} in my loop to pull something out of the set (at this point I don't really care about if it was the first or last item. I just want this form working) and it breaks.
Here's my function, half-implementing a grid search:
(defn navigate-to [grid start dest]
"provides route from start to dest, not including start"
(loop [[current-node & open-nodes] #{start} ;; << throws exception
closed-nodes #{}]
(if (= dest current-node)
[] ;; todo: return route
(let [all-current-neighbours (neighbours-of grid current-node) ;; << returns a set
open-neighbours (set/difference all-current-neighbours closed-nodes)]
(recur (set/union open-nodes open-neighbours)
(conj closed-nodes current-node))))))
When stepping through (with Cider), on the start of the first loop, it throws this exception:
UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: PersistentHashSet clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom (RT.java:933)
I could use a nested let form that does first/rest manually, but that seems wasteful. Is there a way to get destructured Sets working like this in the loop form? Is it just not supported on Sets?
Sets are unordered, so positional destructuring doesn't make much sense.
According to the documentation for Special Forms, which treats destructuring as well, sequential (vector) binding is specified to use nth and nthnext to look up the elements to bind.
Vector binding-exprs allow you to bind names to parts of sequential things (not just vectors), like vectors, lists, seqs, strings, arrays, and anything that supports nth.
Clojure hash sets (being instances of java.util.Set) do not support lookup by index.
I don't know the context of your example code, but in any case pouring the set contents into an ordered collection, for example (vec #{start}), would make the destructuring work.
As mentioned by others you cannot bind a set to a vector literal, because a set is not sequential. So even this simple let fails with nth not supported:
(let [[x] #{1}])
You could work around this by "destructuring" the set with the use of first and disj:
(loop [remaining-nodes #{start}
closed-nodes #{}]
(let [current-node (first remaining-nodes)
open-nodes (disj remaining-nodes current-node)]
;; rest of your code ...
Using (rest remaining-nodes) instead of (disj remaining-nodes current-node) could be possible, but as sets are unordered, rest is in theory not obliged to take out the same element as was extracted with first. Anyway disj will do the job.
NB: be sure to detect remaining-nodes being nil, which could lead to an endless loop.
Algorithm for returning the route
For implementing the missing part in the algorithm (returning the route) you could maintain
a map of paths. It would have one path for each visited node: a vector with the nodes leading from the start node to that node, keyed by that node.
You could use reduce to maintain that map of paths as you visit new nodes. With a new function used together with that reduce and an added nil test, the program could look like this:
(defn add-path [[path paths] node]
"adds a node to a given path, which is added to a map of paths, keyed by that node"
[path (assoc paths node (conj path node))])
(defn navigate-to [grid start dest]
"provides route from start to dest, including both"
(loop [remaining-nodes #{start}
closed-nodes #{}
paths (hash-map start [start])]
(let [current-node (first remaining-nodes)
current-path (get paths current-node)
all-current-neighbours (neighbours-of grid current-node)
open-neighbours (set/difference all-current-neighbours closed-nodes)]
(if (contains? #{dest nil} current-node)
current-path ;; search complete
(recur (set/union (disj remaining-nodes current-node) open-neighbours)
(conj closed-nodes current-node)
(second (reduce add-path [current-path paths] open-neighbours)))))))
The essence of the algorithm is still the same, although I merged the original let with the one needed for destructuring the nodes. This is not absolutely needed, but it probably makes the code more readable.
I tested this with a poor-mans definition of grid and neighbours-of, based on this graph (digits are nodes, bars indicate linked nodes:
0--1 2
| | |
This graph seems a good candidate for a test as it has a loop, a dead end, and is connected.
The graph is encoded with grid being a vector, where each element represents a node. An element's index in that vector is the node's identifier. The content of each element is a set of neighbours, making the neighbours-of function a trivial thing (your implementation will be different):
(def grid [#{1 3} #{0 4} #{5}
#{0 4 6} #{1 3 5} #{2 4}
#{3 7} #{6 8} #{7} ])
(defn neighbours-of [grid node]
(get grid node))
Then the test is to find the route from node 0 to node 8:
(println (navigate-to grid 0 8))
Output is:
[0 1 4 3 6 7 8]
This outcome demonstrates that the algoritm does not guarantee a shortest route, only that a route will be found if it exists. I suppose the outcome could be different on different engines, depending on how the Conjure internals decide which element to take from a set with first.
After removing one of the necessary node links, like the one between node 7 and 8, the output is nil.
NB: I found this an interesting question, and probably went a bit too far in my answer.

Clojure (or any functional language): is there a functional way of building flat lists by a recursive function?

I've got a recursive function building a list:
(defn- traverse-dir
"Traverses the (source) directory, preorder"
[src-dir dst-root dst-step ffc!]
(let [{:keys [options]} *parsed-args*
uname (:unified-name options)
[dirs files] (list-dir-groomed (fs/list-dir src-dir))
... recursive call of traverse-dir is the last expression of dir-handler
(doall (concat (map-indexed (dir-handler) dirs) (map-indexed (file-handler) files))))) ;; traverse-dir
The list, built by traverse-dir, is recursive, while I want a flat one:
flat-list (->> (flatten recursive-list) (partition 2) (map vec))
Is there a way of building the flat list in the first place? Short of using mutable lists, that is.
I don't quite understand your context with a dir-handler that is called with nothing and returns a function which expects indices and directories, list-dir-groomed and all of that, but I'd recommend a look at tree-seq:
(defn tree-seq
"Returns a lazy sequence of the nodes in a tree, via a depth-first walk.
branch? must be a fn of one arg that returns true if passed a node
that can have children (but may not). children must be a fn of one
arg that returns a sequence of the children. Will only be called on
nodes for which branch? returns true. Root is the root node of the
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
[branch? children root]
(let [walk (fn walk [node]
(cons node
(when (branch? node)
(mapcat walk (children node))))))]
(walk root)))
My go-to use here is
(tree-seq #(.isDirectory %) #(.listFiles %) (clojure.java.io/as-file file-name))
but your context might mean that doesn't work. You can change to different functions for getting child files if you need to sanitize those, or you can just use filter on the output. If that's no good, the same pattern of a local fn from nodes into pre-walks that handles children by recursively mapcatting itself over them seems pretty applicable.

Traversing a tree in Pre-order

I am new to clojure as well as to Functional Programming. I am trying to traverse a tree in pre-order using:
(def preordercoll [])
(deftrace preorder [mytree]
(if-not (empty? mytree)
(do (println "position"(value mytree))
(cons (value mytree) (preorder (left-child mytree)))
(cons (value mytree) (preorder (right-child mytree))))
)preordercoll) )
(preorder [45[65 [90 nil nil] [81 nil nil]] [72[82 nil nil][96 nil nil]]])
I am unable to append values of node in some list, like I tried using 'conj' operation on global variable preordercoll, but yes it doesn't work like object oriented , so I tried using cons, but only few values are returned, that too in improper order. Can anyone guide me what mistake am making?
I also thought of using Partial function but could not find how to supply value of node in recursive manner. Am not asking for code but please draw me in right direction to get collection of values in pre-order.
you're on the right track, just have the nesting of the cons calls a little off. First a note on evaluation of forms in clojure. One of the key ideas is that every form evaluates to something* which is why there is no "return" statement in the language, because you could say everything would be a return statement so what's the point in having it. In the case of a do expression the return value of the expression is the last statement so:
(do 1 2 3)
returns (evaluates to) 3. In the do expression in your code it returns the result of the second cons, and the first cons has no effect.
(do (println "position"(value mytree))
(cons (value mytree) (preorder (left-child mytree))) ;; <-- this does nothing
(cons (value mytree) (preorder (right-child mytree))))
instead it sounds like you would like an expression that starts with the result of calling preorder on the left tree, then concatinates the result of calling preorder on the right tree, then attaches the current node's value to the front of that.
(let [left-side (preorder (left-child mytree))
right-side (preorder (left-child mytree))
this-value (value mytree)]
(do (println "position" this-value)
(cons this-value (concat right-side left-side))
*(for the pedants) "except the ignore reader maco #_"

Differences between a seq and a list

What's the differences between seqs and lists in Clojure language?
(list [1 2 3]) => ([1 2 3])
(seq [1 2 3]) => ([1 2 3])
These two forms seem to be evaluated as the same results.
First of all, they may seem to be the same, but they're not:
(class (list [1 2 3])) => clojure.lang.PersistentList
(class (seq [1 2 3])) => clojure.lang.PersistentVector$ChunkedSeq
list is usually an implementation, whereas seq is always an abstraction.
The differences between seqs and lists lies in the following three aspects, as pointed out in Clojure Programming
1. getting the length of a seq can be costy:
e.g. from Clojure Programming
(let [s (range 1e6)]
(time (count s))) => 1000000
; "Elapsed time: 147.661 msecs"
(let [s (apply list (range 1e6))]
(time (count s))) => 1000000
; "Elapsed time: 0.03 msecs
Because a list always holds a record of its own length, so the operation of counting a list costs constant time. A seq, however, needs to traverse itself to retrieve its count.
2. seqs can be lazy, whereas lists cannot.
(class (range)) => clojure.lang.LazySeq
(class (apply list (range))) ;cannot be evaluated
; "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded"
3. seqs can be infinite, thus uncountable, whereas lists are always countable.
Also, lists are their own seqs (implementation details):
(class (seq '(1 2 3))) => clojure.lang.PersistentList
One can always create a seq using cons. Check out more information in this post for differences between cons and conj.
Lists are a collection data structure implemented as a linked list. (Other core collection data structures are vectors, maps, and sets.)
Sequences are a list abstraction that can be applied to many kinds of data. Think of sequences as a logical view that lets you traverse the elements of something in order.
Lists are a case where the concrete type matches the abstraction, so lists actually are a sequence. However, there are many sequences that are not lists, but some other implementation as a view over another data structure (like clojure.lang.PersistentVector$ChunkedSeq).
If you look closely, functions in the core library are separated into either collection functions (which take a collection as the first argument and return a collection of the same type) and sequence functions (which take a "seqable" thing as the last argument, convert it to a sequence, perform their function, and return a sequence). Example collection functions are conj, assoc, count, get, etc. Example sequence functions are map, reduce, filter, etc. In fact, the majority of the core library works on sequences, not particular collection types.
Sequences are the abstraction that unites all of the Clojure data structures with all of the FP functions in the core library. This unification is what underlies much of the conciseness and reusability of Clojure code.
Further to Albus Shin's answer ...
A list is one kind of sequence among several. You can't see any difference between them because Clojure prints them identically. Here are a few (with a vector thrown in for good measure):
=> (map (juxt identity seq? type)
[(range 1 4)
(take 3 (iterate inc 1))
(list 1 2 3)
(conj (list 2 3) 1)
(cons 1 (list 2 3))
[1 2 3]
(seq [1 2 3])])
produces ...
([(1 2 3) true clojure.lang.LazySeq]
[(1 2 3) true clojure.lang.LazySeq]
[(1 2 3) true clojure.lang.PersistentList]
[(1 2 3) true clojure.lang.PersistentList]
[(1 2 3) true clojure.lang.Cons]
[[1 2 3] false clojure.lang.PersistentVector]
[(1 2 3) true clojure.lang.PersistentVector$ChunkedSeq])