Using AVX to xor two zmm (512 bit) registers - c++

I would like to bit-wisr xor zmm0 with zmm1.
I read around the internet and tried:
asm volatile(
"vmovdqa64 (%0),%%zmm0;\n"
"vmovdqa64 (%1),%%zmm1;\n"
"vpxorq %%zmm1, %%zmm0;\n"
"vmovdqa64 %%zmm0,(%0);\n"
:: "r"(p_dst), "r" (p_src)
: );
But the compiler gives "Error: number of operands mismatch for `vpxorq'".
What am I doing wrong?

Inline asm for this is pointless (, and your code is unsafe and inefficient even if you fixed the syntax error by adding the 3rd operand.
Use the intrinsic _mm512_xor_epi64( __m512i a, __m512i b); as documented in Intel's asm manual entry for pxor. Look at the compiler-generated asm if you want to see how it's done.
Unsafe because you don't have a "memory" clobber to tell the compiler that you read/write memory, and you don't declare clobbers on zmm0 or zmm1.
And inefficient for many reasons, including forcing the addressing modes and not using a memory source operand. And not letting the compiler pick which registers to use.
Just fixing the asm syntax so it compiles will go from having an obvious compile-time bug to a subtle and dangerous runtime bug that might only be visible with optimization enabled.
See for more about inline asm. But again, there is basically zero reason to use it for most SIMD because you can get the compiler to make asm that's just as efficient as what you can do by hand, and more efficient than this.

Most AVX512 instructions use 3+ operands, i.e. you need to add additional operand - dst register (it can be the same as one of the other operands).
This is also true for AVX2 version, see
VPXOR ymm1, ymm2, ymm3/m256
VPXORD zmm1 {k1}{z}, zmm2, zmm3/m512/m32bcst
Note, that the above is intel syntax and would roughly translate into *mm1 = *mm2 ^ **mm3, in your case I guess you wanted to use "vpxorq %%zmm1, %%zmm0, %%zmm0;\n"
Be advised, that using inline assembly is generally a bad practice reserved for really special occasions. SIMD programming is better (faster, easier) done by using intrinsics supported by all major compilers. You can browse them here:


c++ AVX512 intrinsic equivalent of _mm256_broadcast_ss()?

I'm rewriting a code from AVX2 to AVX512.
What's the equivalent I can use to broadcast a single float number to a _mm512 vector? In AVX2 it is _mm256_broadcast_ss() but I can't find something like _mm512_broadcast_ss().
AVX512 doesn't need a special intrinsic for the memory source version1. You can simply use _mm512_set1_ps (which takes a float, not a float*). The compiler should use a memory-source broadcast if that's efficient. (Potentially even folded into a broadcast memory source for an ALU instruction instead of a separate load; AVX512 can do that for 512-bit vectors.),4980
Footnote 1: The reason for _mm256_broadcast_ss even existing separately from _mm256_set1_ps is probably because of AVX1 vbroadcastss ymm, [mem] vs. AVX2 vbroadcastss ymm, xmm. Some compilers like MSVC and ICC let you use intrinsics without enabling the ISA extensions for the compiler to use anywhere, so there needed to be an intrinsic for only the AVX1 memory-source version specifically.
With AVX512, both memory and register source forms were introduced with AVX512F so there's no need to give users of those compilers a way to micro-manage which asm is allowed.

How to emulate _mm256_loadu_epi32 with gcc or clang?

Intel's intrinsic guide lists the intrinsic _mm256_loadu_epi32:
_m256i _mm256_loadu_epi32 (void const* mem_addr);
Instruction: vmovdqu32 ymm, m256
CPUID Flags: AVX512VL + AVX512F
Load 256-bits (composed of 8 packed 32-bit integers) from memory into dst.
mem_addr does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary.
a[255:0] := MEM[mem_addr+255:mem_addr]
dst[MAX:256] := 0
But clang and gcc do not provide this intrinsic. Instead they provide (in file avx512vlintrin.h) only the masked versions
_mm256_mask_loadu_epi32 (__m256i, __mmask8, void const *);
_mm256_maskz_loadu_epi32 (__mmask8, void const *);
which boil down to the same instruction vmovdqu32. My question: how can I emulate _mm256_loadu_epi32:
inline _m256i _mm256_loadu_epi32(void const* mem_addr)
/* code using vmovdqu32 and compiles with gcc */
without writing assembly, i.e. using only intrinsics available?
Just use _mm256_loadu_si256 like a normal person. The only thing the AVX512 intrinsic gives you is a nicer prototype (const void* instead of const __m256i*) so you don't have to write ugly casts.
#chtz suggests out that you might still want to write a wrapper function yourself to get the void* prototype. But don't call it _mm256_loadu_epi32; some future GCC version will probably add that for compat with Intel's docs and break your code.
From another perspective, it's unfortunate that compilers don't treat it as an AVX1 intrinsic, but I guess compilers which don't optimize intrinsics, and which let you use intrinsics from ISA extensions you haven't enabled, need this kind of clue to know when they can use ymm16-31.
You don't even want the compiler to emit vmovdqu32 ymm when you're not masking; vmovdqu ymm is shorter and does exactly the same thing, with no penalty for mixing with EVEX-encoded instructions. The compiler can always use an vmovdqu32 or 64 if it wants to load into ymm16..31, otherwise you want it to use a shorter VEX-coded AVX1 vmovdqu.
I'm pretty sure that GCC treats _mm256_maskz_epi32(0xffu,ptr) exactly the same as _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)ptr) and makes the same asm regardless of which one you use. It can optimize away the 0xffu mask and simply use an unmasked load, but there's no need for that extra complication in your source.
But unfortunately GCC9 and earlier will pessimize to vmovdqu32 ymm0, [mem] when AVX512VL is enabled (e.g. -march=skylake-avx512) even when you write _mm256_loadu_si256. This was a missed-optimization, GCC Bug 89346.
It doesn't matter which 256-bit load intrinsic you use (except for aligned vs. unaligned) as long as there's no masking.
error: '_mm512_loadu_epi64' was not declared in this scope
What is the difference between _mm512_load_epi32 and _mm512_load_si512?

Optimized code in VC++ and ASM

Good evening. Sorry, I used google tradutor.
I use NASM in VC ++ on x86 and I'm learning how to use MASM on x64.
Is there any way to specify where each argument goes and the return of an assembly function in such a way that the compiler manages to leave the data there in the fastest way? We can too specify which registers will be used so that the compiler knows what data is still saved to make the best use of it?
For example, since there is no intrinsic function that applies the exactly IDIV r/m64 (64-bit signed integer division of assembly language), we may need to implement it. The IDIV requires that the low magnitude part of the dividend/numerator be in RAX, the high in RDX and the divisor/denominator in any register or in a region of memory. At the end, the quotient is in EAX and the remainder in EDX. We may therefore want to develop functions so (I put inutilities to exemplify):
void DivLongLongInt( long long NumLow , long long NumHigh , long long Den , long long *Quo , long long *Rem ){
// Specify used register: [rax], specify pre location: NumLow --> [rax]
reg(rax)=NumLow ,
// Specify used register: [rdx], specify pre location: NumHigh --> [rdx]
reg(rdx)=NumHigh ,
// Specify required memory: memory64bits [den], specify pre location: Den --> [den]
mem[64](den)=Den ,
// Specify used register: [st0], specify pre location: Const(12.5) --> [st0]
reg(st0)=25*0.5 ,
// Specify used register: [bh]
reg(bh) ,
// Specify required memory: memory64bits [nothing]
mem[64](nothing) ,
// Specify used register: [st1]
// Specify code
IDIV [den]
// Specify pos location: [rax] --> *Quo
*Quo=reg(rax) ,
// Specify pos location: [rdx] --> *Rem
) ;
Is it possible to do something at least close to that?
Thanks for all help.
If there is no way to do this, it's a shame because it would certainly be a great way to implement high-level functions with assembly-level features. I think it's a simple interface between C ++ and ASM that should already exist and enable assembly code to be embedded inline and at high level, practically as simple C++ code.
As others have mentioned, MSVC does not support any form of inline assembly when targeting x86-64.
Inline assembly is supported only in x86-32 builds, and even there, it is rather limited in what you can do. In particular, you can't specify inputs and outputs, so the use of inline assembly necessarily entails a lot of shuffling of values back and forth between registers and memory, which is precisely the opposite of what you want when writing high-performance code. Unless there is something that you cannot possibly do any other way except by causing the manual emission of machine code, you should avoid the inline assembler. Its original purpose was to do things like generate OUT instructions and call ROM BIOS interrupts in obsolete 8-bit and 16-bit programming environments. It made it into the 32-bit compiler for compatibility purposes, but the team drew the line with 64-bit.
Intrinsics are now the recommended solution, because these play much better with the optimizer. Virtually any SIMD code that you need the compiler to generate can be accomplished using intrinsics, just as you would on most any other compiler targeting x86, so not only are you getting better code, but you're also getting slightly more portable code.
Even on Gnu-style compilers that support extended asm blocks, which give you the type of input/output operand power that you are looking for, there are still lots of good reasons to avoid the use of inline asm. Intrinsics are still a better solution there, as is finding a way to represent what you want in C and persuading the compiler to generate the assembly code that you wish it to emit.
The only exception is cases where there are no intrinsics available. The IDIV instruction is, unfortunately, one of those cases. (There are intrinsics available for 128-bit multiplication. They go by various names: either Windows-specific or compiler-specific.)
On Gnu compilers that support 128-bit integer types as an extension on 64-bit targets, you can get the compiler to generate the code for you:
__int128_t dividend = 1234;
int64_t divisor = 64;
int64_t quotient = (dividend / divisor);
Now, this is generally compiled as a call to their library function that does 128-bit division, rather than an inline IDIV instruction that returns a 64-bit quotient. Presumably, this is because of the need to handle overflows, as David mentioned. Actually, it's worse than that. No C or C++ implementation can use the DIV/IDIV instructions because they are non-conforming. These instructions will result in overflow exceptions, whereas the standard says that the result should be truncated. (With multiplication, you do get inline IMUL/MUL instruction(s) because these don't have the overflow problem, since they return 128-bit results.)
This isn't actually as big of a loss as you might think. You seem to be assuming that the 64-bit IDIV instruction is really fast. It isn't. Although the actual numbers vary depending on the number of significant bits in the absolute value of the dividend, your values probably are quite large if you actually need the range of a 128-bit integer. Looking at Agner Fog's instruction tables will give you some idea of the performance you can expect on various architectures. It's getting faster on newer architectures (especially on the newer AMD processors; it's still sluggish on Intel), but it still has pretty substantial latencies. Just because it's one instruction doesn't mean that it runs in one cycle or anything like that. A single instruction might be good for code density when you're optimizing for size and worried about a call to a library function evicting other instructions from your cache, but division is a slow enough operation that this usually doesn't matter. In fact, division is so slow that compilers try very hard not to use it—whenever possible, they will do multiplication by the reciprocal, which is significantly faster. And if you're really needing to do multiplications quickly, you should look into parallelizing them with SIMD instructions, which all have intrinsics available.
Back to MSVC (although everything I said in the last paragraph still applies, of course), there are no 128-bit integer types, so if you need to implement this type of division, you will need to write the code in an external assembly module and link it in. The code is pretty simple, and Visual Studio has excellent, built-in support for assembling code with MASM and linking it directly into your project:
; Windows 64-bit calling convention passes parameters as follows:
; RCX == first 64-bit integer parameter (low bits of dividend)
; RDX == second 64-bit integer parameter (high bits of dividend)
; R8 == third 64-bit integer parameter (divisor)
; R9 == fourth 64-bit integer parameter (pointer to remainder)
Div128x64 PROC
mov rax, rcx
idiv r8 ; 128-bit divide (RDX:RAX / R8)
mov [r9], rdx ; store remainder
ret ; return, with quotient in RDX:RAX
Div128x64 ENDP
Then you just prototype that in your C++ code as:
extern int64_t Div128x64(int64_t loDividend,
int64_t hiDividend,
int64_t divisor,
int64_t* pRemainder);
and you're done. Call it as desired.
The equivalent can be written for unsigned division, using the DIV instruction.
No, you don't get intelligent register allocation, but this isn't really a big deal with register renaming in the front end that can often elide register-register moves entirely (in other words, MOVs become zero-latency operations). Plus, the IDIV instruction is so restrictive anyway in terms of its operands, since they are hardcoded to RAX and RDX, that it's pretty unlikely a scheduler would be able to keep the values in those registers anyway, at least for any non-trivial piece of code.
Beware that once you write the necessary code to check for the possibility of overflows, or worse—the code to handle exceptions—this will very likely end up performing the same or worse as a library function that does a proper 128-bit division, so you should arguably just write and use that (until such time as Microsoft sees fit to provide one). That can be written in C (also see implementation of __divti3 library function for Gnu compilers), which makes it a candidate for inlining and otherwise plays better with the optimizer.
No, it is not possible to do this. MSVC doesn't support inline assembly for x64 builds. Instead, you should use intrinsics; almost everything is available. The sad thing is, as far as I know, 128-bit idiv is missing from the intrinsics.
A note: you can solve your issue with two movs (to put inputs in the correct registers). And you should not worry about that; current CPUs handle mov very well. Putting mov into a code may not slow it down at all. And div is very expensive compared to a mov, so it doesn't matter too much.

Is there a more direct method to convert float to int with rounding than adding 0.5f and converting with truncation?

Conversion from float to int with rounding happens fairly often in C++ code that works with floating point data. One use, for example, is in generating conversion tables.
Consider this snippet of code:
// Convert a positive float value and round to the nearest integer
int RoundedIntValue = (int) (FloatValue + 0.5f);
The C/C++ language defines the (int) cast as truncating, so the 0.5f must be added to ensure rounding up to the nearest positive integer (when the input is positive). For the above, VS2015's compiler generates the following code:
movss xmm9, DWORD PTR __real#3f000000 // 0.5f
addss xmm0, xmm9
cvttss2si eax, xmm0
The above works, but could be more efficient...
Intel's designers apparently thought it was important enough a problem to solve with a single instruction that will do just what's needed: Convert to the nearest integer value: cvtss2si (note, just one 't' in the mnemonic).
If the cvtss2si were to replace the cvttss2si instruction in the above sequence two of the three instructions would just be eliminated (as would the use of an extra xmm register, which could result in better optimization overall).
So how can we code C++ statement(s) to get this simple job done with the one cvtss2si instruction?
I've been poking around, trying things like the following but even with the optimizer on task it doesn't boil down to the one machine instruction that could/should do the job:
int RoundedIntValue = _mm_cvt_ss2si(_mm_set_ss(FloatValue));
Unfortunately the above seems bent on clearing out a whole vector of registers that will never be used, instead of just using the one 32 bit value.
movaps xmm1, xmm0
xorps xmm2, xmm2
movss xmm2, xmm1
cvtss2si eax, xmm2
Perhaps I'm missing an obvious approach here.
Can you offer a suggested set of C++ instructions that will ultimately generate the single cvtss2si instruction?
This is an optimization defect in Microsoft's compiler, and the bug has been reported to Microsoft. As other commentators have mentioned, modern versions of GCC, Clang, and ICC all produce the expected code. For a function like:
int RoundToNearestEven(float value)
return _mm_cvt_ss2si(_mm_set_ss(value));
all compilers but Microsoft's will emit the following object code:
cvtss2si eax, xmm0
whereas Microsoft's compiler (as of VS 2015 Update 3) emits the following:
movaps xmm1, xmm0
xorps xmm2, xmm2
movss xmm2, xmm1
cvtss2si eax, xmm2
The same is seen for the double-precision version, cvtsd2si (i.e., the _mm_cvtsd_si32 intrinsic).
Until such time as the optimizer is improved, there is no faster alternative available. Fortunately, the code currently being generated is not as slow as it might seem. Moving and register-clearing are among the fastest possible instructions, and several of these can probably be implemented solely in the front end as register renames. And it is certainly faster than any of the possible alternatives—often by orders of magnitude:
The trick of adding 0.5 that you mentioned will not only be slower because it has to load a constant and perform an addition, it will also not produce the correctly rounded result in all cases.
Using the _mm_load_ss intrinsic to load the floating-point value into an __m128 structure suitable to be used with the _mm_cvt_ss2si intrinsic is a pessimization because it causes a spill to memory, rather than just a register-to-register move.
(Note that while _mm_set_ss is always better for x86-64, where the calling convention uses SSE registers to pass floating-point values, I have occasionally observed that _mm_load_ss will produce more optimal code in x86-32 builds than _mm_set_ss, but it is highly dependent upon multiple factors and has only been observed when multiple intrinsics are used in a complicated sequence of code. Your default choice should be _mm_set_ss.)
Substituting a reinterpret_cast<__m128&>(value) (or moral equivalent) for the _mm_set_ss intrinsic is both unsafe and inefficient. It results in a spill from the SSE register to memory; the cvtss2si instruction then uses that memory location as its source operand.
Declaring a temporary __m128 structure and value-initializing it is safe, but even more inefficient. Space is allocated on the stack for the entire structure, and then each slot is filled with either 0 or the floating-point value. This structure's memory location is then used as the source operand for cvtss2si.
The lrint family of functions provided by the C standard library should do what you want, and in fact compile to straightforward cvt* instructions on some other compilers, but are extremely sub-optimal on Microsoft's compiler. They are never inlined, so you always pay the cost of a function call. Plus, the code inside of the function is sub-optimal. Both of these have been reported as bugs, but we are still awaiting a fix. There are similar problems with other conversion functions provided by the standard library, including lround and friends.
The x87 FPU offers a FIST/FISTP instruction that performs a similar task, but the C and C++ language standards require that a cast truncate, rather than round-to-nearest-even (the default FPU rounding mode), so the compiler is obligated to insert a bunch of code to change the current rounding mode, perform the conversion, and then change it back. This is extremely slow, and there's no way to instruct the compiler not to do it except by using inline assembly. Beyond the fact that inline assembly is not available with the 64-bit compiler, MSVC's inline assembly syntax also offers no way to specify inputs and outputs, so you pay double load and store penalties both ways. And even if this weren't the case, you'd still have to pay the cost of copying the floating-point value from an SSE register, into memory, and then onto the x87 FPU stack.
Intrinsics are great, and can often allow you to produce code that is faster than what would otherwise be generated by the compiler, but they are not perfect. If you're like me and find yourself frequently analyzing the disassembly for your binaries, you will find yourself frequently disappointed. Nevertheless, your best choice here is to use the intrinsic.
As for why the optimizer emits the code in the way that it does, I can only speculate since I don't work on the Microsoft compiler team, but my guess would be because a number of the other cvt* instructions have false dependencies that the code-generator needs to work around. For example, a cvtss2sd does not modify the upper 64 bits of the destination XMM register. Such partial register updates cause stalls and reduce the opportunity for instruction-level parallelism. This is especially a problem in loops, where the upper bits of the register form a second loop-carried dependency chain, even though we don't actually care about their contents. Because execution of the cvtss2sd instruction cannot begin until the preceding instruction has completed, latency is vastly increased. However, by executing an xorss or movss instruction first, the register's upper bits are cleared, thus breaking dependencies and avoiding the possibility for a stall. This is an example of an interesting case where shorter code does not equate to faster code. The compiler team started inserting these dependency-breaking instructions for scalar conversions in the compiler shipped with VS 2010, and probably applied the heuristic overzealously.
Visual Studio 15.6, released today, appears to finally correct this issue. We now see a single instruction used when inlining this function:
inline int ConvertFloatToRoundedInt(float FloatValue)
return _mm_cvt_ss2si(_mm_set_ss(FloatValue)); // Convert to integer with rounding
I'm impressed that Microsoft finally got a round tuit.

Why is strcmp not SIMD optimized?

I've tried to compile this program on an x64 computer:
#include <cstring>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return ::std::strcmp(argv[0],
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really long string"
I compiled it like this:
g++ -std=c++11 -msse2 -O3 -g a.cpp -o a
But the resulting disassembly is like this:
0x0000000000400480 <+0>: mov (%rsi),%rsi
0x0000000000400483 <+3>: mov $0x400628,%edi
0x0000000000400488 <+8>: mov $0x22d,%ecx
0x000000000040048d <+13>: repz cmpsb %es:(%rdi),%ds:(%rsi)
0x000000000040048f <+15>: seta %al
0x0000000000400492 <+18>: setb %dl
0x0000000000400495 <+21>: sub %edx,%eax
0x0000000000400497 <+23>: movsbl %al,%eax
0x000000000040049a <+26>: retq
Why is no SIMD used? I suppose it could be to compare, say, 16 chars at once. Should I write my own SIMD strcmp, or is it a nonsensical idea for some reason?
In a SSE2 implementation, how should the compiler make sure that no memory accesses happen over the end of the string? It has to know the length first and this requires scanning the string for the terminating zero byte.
If you scan for the length of the string you have already accomplished most of the work of a strcmp function. Therefore there is no benefit to use SSE2.
However, Intel added instructions for string handling in the SSE4.2 instruction set. These handle the terminating zero byte problem. For a nice write-up on them read this blog-post:
GCC in this case is using a builtin strcmp. If you want it to use the version from glibc use -fno-builtin. But you should not assume that GCC's builtin version of strcmp or glibc's implementaiton of strcmp are efficient. I know from experience that GCC's builtin memcpy and glibc's memcpy are not as efficient as they could be.
I suggest you look at Agner Fog's asmlib. He has optimized several of the standard library functions in assembly. See the file strcmp64.asm. This has two version: a generic version for CPUs without SSE4.2 and a version for CPUs with SSE4.2. Here is the main loop for the SSE4.2 version
add rax, 16 ; increment offset
movdqu xmm1, [rs1+rax] ; read 16 bytes of string 1
pcmpistri xmm1, [rs2+rax], 00011000B ; unsigned bytes, equal each, invert. returns index in ecx
jnbe compareloop ; jump if not carry flag and not zero flag
For the generic version he writes
This is a very simple solution. There is not much gained by using SSE2 or anything complicated
Here is the main loop of the generic version:
mov al, [ss1]
cmp al, [ss2]
jne _notequal
test al, al
jz _equal
inc ss1
inc ss2
jmp _compareloop
I would compare the performance of GCC's builtin strcmp , GLIBC's strcmp and the asmlib strcmp. You should look at the disassembly to make sure that you get the builtin code. For example GCC's memcpy does not use the builtin version from sizes larger than 8192.
In regards to the the string length, Agner's SSE4.2 version reads up to 15 bytes beyond the of the string. He argues this is rarely a problem since nothing is written. It's not a problem for stack allocated arrays. For statically allocated arrays it could be a problem for memory page boundaries. To get around this he adds 16 bytes to the .bss section after the .data section. For more details see the section 1.7 String instructions and safety precautions in the manaul of the asmlib.
When the standard library for C was designed, the implementations of string.h methods that were most efficient when dealing with large amounts of data would be reasonably efficient for small amounts, and vice versa. While there may be some string-comparison scenarios were sophisticated use of SIMD instructions could yield better performance than a "naive implementation", in many real-world scenarios the strings being compared will differ in the first few characters. In such situations, the naive implementation may yield a result in less time than a "more sophisticated" approach would spend deciding how the comparison should be performed. Note that even if SIMD code is able to process 16 bytes at a time and stop when a mismatch or end-of-string condition is detected, it would still have to do additional work equivalent to using the naive approach on the last 16 characters scanned. If many groups of 16 bytes match, being able to scan through them quickly may benefit performance. But in cases where the first 16 bytes don't match, it would be more efficient to just start with the character-by-character comparison.
Incidentally, another potential advantage of the "naive" approach is that it would be possible to define it inline as part of the header (or a compiler might regard itself as having special "knowledge" about it). Consider:
int strcmp(char *p1, char *p2)
int idx=0,t1,t2;
t1=*p1; t2=*p2;
if (t1 != t2)
if (t1 > t2) return 1;
return -1;
if (!t1)
return 0;
p1++; p2++;
} while(1);
...invoked as:
if (strcmp(p1,p2) > 0) action1();
if (strcmp(p3,p4) != 0) action2();
While the method would be a little big to be in-lined, in-lining could in the first case allow a compiler to eliminate the code to check whether the returned value was greater than zero, and in the second eliminate the code which checked whether t1 was greater than t2. Such optimization would not be possible if the method were dispatched via indirect jump.
Making an SSE2 version of strcmp was an interesting challenge for me.
I don't really like compiler intrinsic functions because of code bloat, so I decided to choose auto-vectorization approach. My approach is based on templates and approximates SIMD register as an array of words of different sizes.
I tried to write an auto-vectorizing implementation and test it with GCC and MSVC++ compilers.
So, what I learned is:
1. GCC's auto-vectorizer is good (awesome?)
2. MSVC's auto-vectorizer is worse than GCC's (doesn't vectorize my packing function)
3. All compilers declined to generate PMOVMSKB instruction, it is really sad
Version compiled by online-GCC gains ~40% with SSE2 auto-vectorization. On my Windows machine with Bulldozer-architecture CPU auto-vectorized code is faster than online compiler's and results match the native implementation of strcmp. But the best thing about the idea is that the same code can be compiled for any SIMD instruction set, at least on ARM & X86.
If anyone will find a way to make compiler to generate PMOVMSKB instruction then overall performance should get a significant boost.
Command-line options for GCC: -std=c++11 -O2 -m64 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -ftree-vectorize -msse2 -march=native -Wall -Wextra
Source code compiled by Coliru online compiler
Assembly + Source code (Compiler Explorer)
#PeterCordes, thanks for the help.
I suspect there's simply no point in SIMD versions of library functions with very little computation. I imagine that functions like strcmp, memcpy and similiar are actually limited by the memory bandwidth and not the CPU speed.
It depends on your implementation. On MacOS X, functions like memcpy, memmove and memset have implementations that are optimised depending on the hardware you are using (the same call will execute different code depending on the processor, set up at boot time); these implementations use SIMD and for big amounts (megabytes) use some rather fancy tricks to optimise cache usage. Nothing for strcpy and strcmp as far as I know.
Convincing the C++ standard library to use that kind of code is difficult.
AVX 2.0 would be faster actually
Edit: It is related to registers and IPC
Instead of relying on 1 big instruction, you can use a plethora of SIMD instructions with 16 registers of 32 bytes, well, in UTF16 you it gives you 265 chars to play with !
double that with avx512 in few years!
AVX instructions also do have high throughput.
According this blog:
Today on the latest Haswell processors, we have the potent AVX2
instructions. The AVX2 instructions operate on 32 bytes, and most of
the boolean/logic instructions perform at a throughput of 0.5 cycles
per instruction. This means that we can execute roughly 22 AVX2
instructions in the same amount of time it takes to execute a single
PCMPESTRI. Why not give it a shot?
Edit 2.0
SSE/AVX units are power gated, and mixing SSE and/or AVX instructions with regular ones involves a context switch with performance penalty, that you should not have with the strcmp instruction.
I don't see the point in "optimizing" a function like strcmp.
You will need to find the length of the strings before applying any kind of parallel processing, which will force you to read the memory at least once. While you're at it, you might as well use the data to perform the comparison on the fly.
If you want to do anyting fast with strings, you will need specialized tools like finite state machines (lexx comes to mind for a parser).
As for C++ std::string, they are inefficient and slow for a large number of reasons, so the gain of checking length in comparisons is neglectible.