lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to IPersistantVector - clojure

In the process of learning Clojure.
I have a function to draw a random card from the deck
(defn draw-random-card
(let [card (rand-nth cards)
index (.indexOf cards card)]
{:card card :remaining-cards (concat (subvec cards 0 index)
(subvec cards (inc index)))}))
Running it:
(draw-random-card ["Ace" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Jack" "Queen" "King"])
=> {:card 4, :remaining-cards ("Ace" 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Jack" "Queen" "King")}
I'd like to call it twice and get 2 cards out but the second time it calls it, it will pass the reduced deck from the first call.
IN the end I'd like to have the 2 cards and the reduced deck to use later.
I would have thought I could do something like:
(def full-deck ["Ace" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Jack" "Queen" "King"])
(let [first-draw (draw-random-card full-deck)
first-card (:drawn-card first-draw)
second-draw (draw-random-card (:remaining-cards first-draw))
second-card (:drawn-card second-draw)
remaining-deck (:remaining-cards second-draw)]
(println "First card: " first-card)
(println "Second card: " second-card)
(println "Remaining deck:" remaining-deck))
However, I'm obviously doing something dumb here as I get the error:
Execution error (ClassCastException) at aceyducey.core/draw-random-card (form-init3789790823166246683.clj:5).
clojure.lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IPersistentVector
I think the problem is in the line
second-draw (draw-random-card (:remaining-cards first-draw))]
Because remaining-cards isn't a vector?
Which means
concat (subvec cards 0 index)
(subvec cards (inc index)))}))
Isn't returning a vector? Rather a lazy sequence ???
But at this point I'm lost.

#amalloy makes a good point: the Clojure built-in function shuffle is probably what you want:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test) )
(def cards [:ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 :jack :queen :king] )
(dotimes [i 3]
(spyx (shuffle cards))))
Testing tst.demo.core
(shuffle cards) => [:king :jack 6 2 9 10 :ace 4 8 5 3 :queen 7]
(shuffle cards) => [2 :jack 7 9 :queen 8 5 3 4 :ace 10 :king 6]
(shuffle cards) => [7 :queen :jack 4 3 :king 6 :ace 2 10 5 8 9]
This and much more is available at the Clojure CheatSheet. Be sure to bookmark it and always keep a browser tab open with it.

concat returns a lazy sequence. You can coerce it into a vector by using:
(vec (concat ...))
Here is the full code with a test:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(defn draw-random-card
(let [card (rand-nth cards)
index (.indexOf cards card)]
{:drawn-card card :remaining-cards (vec (concat (subvec cards 0 index)
(subvec cards (inc index))))}))
(def full-deck ["Ace" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Jack" "Queen" "King"])
(let [first-draw (draw-random-card full-deck)
first-card (:drawn-card first-draw)
second-draw (draw-random-card (:remaining-cards first-draw))
second-card (:drawn-card second-draw)
remaining-deck (:remaining-cards second-draw)]
(println "First card: " first-card)
(println "Second card: " second-card)
(println "Remaining deck:" remaining-deck))
and result:
Clojure 1.10.0 Java 12
Testing tst.demo.core
First card: Queen
Second card: King
Remaining deck: [Ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack]
To be specific, the problem was the call to subvec in the 2nd iteration of your code. Here is an example:
(let [vals (vec (range 10)) ; a vector
s1 (subvec vals 2 4) ; so `subvec` works
s2 (subvec vals 6) ; and again
lazies (concat s1 s2)] ; creates a lazy sez
(is= [2 3] (spyxx s1))
(is= [6 7 8 9] (spyxx s2))
(is= [2 3 6 7 8 9] (spyxx lazies))
(throws? (subvec lazies 0 2)))) ; ***** can't call `subvec` on a non-vector (lazy sequence here) *****
with result:
s1 => <#clojure.lang.APersistentVector$SubVector [2 3]>
s2 => <#clojure.lang.APersistentVector$SubVector [6 7 8 9]>
lazies => <#clojure.lang.LazySeq (2 3 6 7 8 9)>
so by coercing the output of concat to a vector, the call to subvec succeeds on the next time through the function.
So, in hindsight, a better solution would have been to coerce the input to a vector like so:
(let [cards (vec cards)
card (rand-nth cards)
index (.indexOf cards card)]
{:drawn-card card
:remaining-cards (vec (concat (subvec cards 0 index)
(subvec cards (inc index))))}))
Update #2
If you don't want to coerce your input to a vector, you can use the .subList() function via Java interop:
(spyxx (.subList (concat (range 5) (range 10 15)) 5 10))
(spyxx (.subList (range 10) 2 5))
(spyxx (.subList (vec (range 10)) 2 5))
(spyxx (subvec (vec (range 10)) 2 5))
(throws? (subvec (range 10) 2 5))) ; *** not allowed ***
with result
(.subList (concat (range 5) (range 10 15)) 5 10)
=> <#java.util.ArrayList$SubList [10 11 12 13 14]>
(.subList (range 10) 2 5)
=> <#java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList [2 3 4]>
(.subList (vec (range 10)) 2 5)
=> <#clojure.lang.APersistentVector$SubVector [2 3 4]>
(subvec (vec (range 10)) 2 5)
=> <#clojure.lang.APersistentVector$SubVector [2 3 4]>


How to find odd item in given list of numbers?(PS here odd means different)

I have to display the index of the odd items in a given list of numbers.
I tried getting the remainder but I have to divide the given list by [2 3 5 10] in order to know which element is odd.
(defn odd_one_out [y]
(println (map #(rem % 2) y)))
(odd_one_out [2 8 9 200 56])
I expect the output 9 or index of 9 since it is the only element which cannot be divided by 2.
The output i am getting is 0 0 1 0 0
If I understand correctly, you want to find the number which is uniquely indivisible for given divisors. You could use group-by to group the numbers by their divisibility, then find the one(s) that are indivisible by exactly one divisor.
(defn odd-one-out [nums divs]
(->> nums
(group-by #(map (fn [d] (zero? (mod % d))) divs))
(some (fn [[div-flags nums']]
(and (= 1 (count nums'))
(= 1 (count (filter true? div-flags)))
(first nums'))))))
(odd-one-out [2 8 9 200 56] [2 3 5 10]) ;; => 9
(odd-one-out [2 10 20 60 90] [2 3 5 10]) ;; => 2
If you just want to extend your current function, you could use map-indexed,which will give you this list ([0 0] [1 0] [2 1] [3 0] [4 0]), which you can then filter to keep only the vectors that have 1 in the second position. This will return the index of the odd character.
(defn odd-one-out [y]
(->> y
(map #(rem % 2))
(map-indexed vector)
(filter #(= 1 (second %)))
(map first)))
(odd-one-out [2 8 9 200 56])
Even better would be to use the function odd? from Clojure's standard library.
(->> [2 8 9 200 56]
(map odd?)
(map-indexed vector)
(filter #(second %))
(map first))
Another version using keep.
(to return the index)
(->> [2 8 9 200 56]
(map-indexed vector)
(keep #(when (odd? (second %))
(first %))))
(to return the value)
(->> [2 8 9 200 56]
(map-indexed vector)
(keep #(when (odd? (second %))
(second %))))

split a sequence by delimiter in clojure?

Say I have a sequence in clojure like
'(1 2 3 6 7 8)
and I want to split it up so that the list splits whenever an element divisible by 3 is encountered, so that the result looks like
'((1 2) (3) (6 7 8))
(EDIT: What I actually need is
[[1 2] [3] [6 7 8]]
, but I'll take the sequence version too : )
What is the best way to do this in clojure?
partition-by is no help:
(partition-by #(= (rem % 3) 0) '(1 2 3 6 7 8))
; => ((1 2) (3 6) (7 8))
split-with is close:
(split-with #(not (= (rem % 3) 0)) '(1 2 3 6 7 8))
; => [(1 2) (3 6 7 8)]
Something like this?
(defn partition-with
[f coll]
(when-let [s (seq coll)]
(let [run (cons (first s) (take-while (complement f) (next s)))]
(cons run (partition-with f (seq (drop (count run) s))))))))
(partition-with #(= (rem % 3) 0) [1 2 3 6 7 8 9 12 13 15 16 17 18])
=> ((1 2) (3) (6 7 8) (9) (12 13) (15 16 17) (18))
This is an interesting problem. I recently added a function split-using to the Tupelo library, which seems like a good fit here. I left the spyx debug statements in the code below so you can see how things progress:
(ns tst.clj.core
(:use clojure.test tupelo.test)
[tupelo.core :as t] ))
(defn start-segment? [vals]
(zero? (rem (first vals) 3)))
(defn partition-using [pred vals-in]
(loop [vals vals-in
result []]
(if (empty? vals)
(t/spy-let [
out-first (take 1 vals)
[out-rest unprocessed] (split-using pred (spyx (next vals)))
out-vals (glue out-first out-rest)
new-result (append result out-vals)]
(recur unprocessed new-result)))))
Which gives us output like:
out-first => (1)
(next vals) => (2 3 6 7 8)
[out-rest unprocessed] => [[2] (3 6 7 8)]
out-vals => [1 2]
new-result => [[1 2]]
out-first => (3)
(next vals) => (6 7 8)
[out-rest unprocessed] => [[] [6 7 8]]
out-vals => [3]
new-result => [[1 2] [3]]
out-first => (6)
(next vals) => (7 8)
[out-rest unprocessed] => [[7 8] ()]
out-vals => [6 7 8]
new-result => [[1 2] [3] [6 7 8]]
(partition-using start-segment? [1 2 3 6 7 8]) => [[1 2] [3] [6 7 8]]
or for a larger input vector:
(partition-using start-segment? [1 2 3 6 7 8 9 12 13 15 16 17 18 18 18 3 4 5])
=> [[1 2] [3] [6 7 8] [9] [12 13] [15 16 17] [18] [18] [18] [3 4 5]]
You could also create a solution using nested loop/recur, but that is already coded up in the split-using function:
(defn split-using
"Splits a collection based on a predicate with a collection argument.
Finds the first index N such that (pred (drop N coll)) is true. Returns a length-2 vector
of [ (take N coll) (drop N coll) ]. If pred is never satisified, [ coll [] ] is returned."
[pred coll]
(loop [left []
right (vec coll)]
(if (or (empty? right) ; don't call pred if no more data
(pred right))
[left right]
(recur (append left (first right))
(rest right)))))
Actually, the above function seems like it would be useful in the future. partition-using has now been added to the Tupelo library.
and one more old school reduce-based solution:
user> (defn split-all [pred items]
(when (seq items)
(apply conj (reduce (fn [[acc curr] x]
(if (pred x)
[(conj acc curr) [x]]
[acc (conj curr x)]))
[[] []] items))))
user> (split-all #(zero? (rem % 3)) '(1 2 3 6 7 8 10 11 12))
;;=> [[1 2] [3] [6 7 8 10 11] [12]]

I would like to Parallelize my Clojure implementation

Ok so i have an algorithm what it does is , it loops through a fill line by line and then looks for a given word in the line. Not only does it return the given word but it also returns a number(given also as a parameter) of words that come before and after that word.
Eg.line = "I am overflowing with blessings and you also are"
parameters = ("you" 2)
output = (blessings and you also are)
(with-open [r ( "resources/small.txt")]
(doseq [l (line-seq r)]
(let [x (topMostLoop l "good" 2)]
(if (not (empty? x))
(println x)))))
the above code is working fine. But i would like to parallelize it so i did this below
(with-open [r ( "resources/small.txt")]
(doseq [l (line-seq r)]
(let [x (topMostLoop l "good" 2)]
(if (not (empty? x))
(println x))))))
but then the outputs comes out all messy. I know I need to lock somewhere but dont know where.
(defn topMostLoop [contents word next]
(let [mywords (str/split contents #"[ ,\\.]+")]
(map (fn [element] (
return-lines (max 0 (- element next))
(min (+ element next) (- (count mywords) 1)) mywords))
(vec ((indexHashMap mywords) word)))))
Please would be glad if someone can help me this is the last thing Im left with.
NB. Do let me know if i need to post the other functions as well
I have added the other functions for more clarity
(defn return-lines [firstItem lastItem contentArray]
(take (+ (- lastItem firstItem) 1)
(map (fn [element] (str element))
(vec (drop firstItem contentArray)))))
(defn indexHashMap [mywords]
(->> (zipmap (range) mywords) ;contents is a list of words
(reduce (fn [index [location word]]
(merge-with concat index {word (list location)})) {})))
First, use map for first example when you are using serial approach:
(with-open [r ( "resources/small.txt")]
(doseq [l (map #(topMostLoop %1 "good" 2) (line-seq r))]
(if (not (empty? l))
(println l))))
With this approach topMostLoop function is applied on each line, and lazy seq of results is returned. In body of doseq function results are printed if not empty.
After that, replace map with pmap, which will run mapping in parallel, and results will appear in same order as given lines:
(with-open [r ( "resources/small.txt")]
(doseq [l (pmap #(topMostLoop %1 "good" 2) (line-seq r))]
(if (not (empty? l))
(println l))))
In your case with futures, results will be normaly out of order (some later futures will finish execution sooner than former futures).
I tested this with following modifications (not reading text file, but creating lazy sequence of vector of numbers, searching for value in vectors and returning surrounding):
(def lines (repeatedly #(shuffle (range 1 11))))
(def lines-10 (take 10 lines))
([5 8 3 10 6 9 7 2 1 4]
[6 8 9 7 2 5 10 4 1 3]
[2 7 8 9 1 5 10 3 4 6]
[10 8 3 5 7 2 4 9 6 1]
[8 6 10 1 9 4 3 7 2 5]
[9 6 8 1 5 10 3 4 2 7]
[10 9 3 7 1 8 4 6 5 2]
[6 1 4 10 3 7 8 9 5 2]
[9 6 7 5 8 3 10 4 2 1]
[4 1 5 2 7 3 6 9 8 10])
(defn surrounding
[v value size]
(let [i (.indexOf v value)]
(if (= i -1)
(subvec v (max (- i size) 0) (inc (min (+ i size) (dec (count v))))))))
(doseq [l (map #(surrounding % 3 2) lines-10)] (if (not (empty? l)) (println l)))
[5 8 3 10 6]
[4 1 3]
[5 10 3 4 6]
[10 8 3 5 7]
[9 4 3 7 2]
[5 10 3 4 2]
[10 9 3 7 1]
[4 10 3 7 8]
[5 8 3 10 4]
[2 7 3 6 9]
(doseq [l (pmap #(surrounding % 3 2) lines-10)] (if (not (empty? l)) (println l)))
[5 8 3 10 6]
[4 1 3]
[5 10 3 4 6]
[10 8 3 5 7]
[9 4 3 7 2]
[5 10 3 4 2]
[10 9 3 7 1]
[4 10 3 7 8]
[5 8 3 10 4]
[2 7 3 6 9]

Changing 1-3 random index(s) in a sequence to a random value

I would also like the changed value to be random. For example
'(1 2 3 4 5)
one possible output.
'(1 3 3 4 5)
'(1 5 5 4 5)
there are more idiomatic ways to do this in clojure. For example this one:
you can generate infinite lazy sequence of random changes to the initial collection, and then just take a random item from it.
(defn random-changes [items limit]
(rest (reductions #(assoc %1 (rand-int (count items)) %2)
(vec items)
(repeatedly #(rand-int limit)))))
in repl:
user> (take 5 (random-changes '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 100))
([1 2 3 4 5 64 7 8] [1 2 3 4 5 64 58 8] [1 2 3 4 5 64 58 80]
[1 2 3 4 5 28 58 80] [1 2 3 71 5 28 58 80])
user> (nth (random-changes '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 100) 0)
[1 2 3 64 5 6 7 8]
and you can just take an item at the index you want (so it means collection with index + 1 changes).
user> (nth (random-changes '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 100) (rand-int 3))
[1 46 3 44 86 6 7 8]
or just use reduce to take the n times changed coll at once:
(defn random-changes [items limit changes-count]
(reduce #(assoc %1 (rand-int (count items)) %2)
(vec items)
(repeatedly changes-count #(rand-int limit))))
in repl:
user> (random-changes [1 2 3 4 5 6] 100 3)
[27 2 33 4 76 6]
also you can just associate all the changes in a vector at once:
(assoc items 0 100 1 200 2 300), so you can do it like that:
(defn random-changes [items limit changes-count]
(let [items (vec items)
rands #(repeatedly changes-count (partial rand-int %))]
(apply assoc items
(interleave (rands (count items))
(rands limit)))))
in repl:
user> (random-changes [1 2 3 4 5 6] 100 3)
[1 65 61 44 5 6]
Figured it out. Decided to go a longer route and make a function.
(defn changeSequence
[sequ x]
(def transsequ (into [] sequ))
(if (> x 0)
(changeSequence (assoc transsequ (rand-int (count transsequ)) (rand-int foo)) (dec x))
(seq sequ)

List of a..b in clojure

In Clojure, I can have a sequence a..b with (range a b). But this is a lazy sequence as I understand. Can I just generate a list and/or vector of numbers a..b?
Note: I am new to Clojure.
do you mean something like
user> (vec (range 2 7))
[2 3 4 5 6]
user> (apply list (range 2 7))
(2 3 4 5 6)
user> (into [] (range 2 7))
[2 3 4 5 6]
user> (into '() (range 2 7))
(6 5 4 3 2) ; <-- note the order
user> (into #{} (range 2 7))
#{2 3 4 5 6}