Multiply two lists component-wise in Prolog - list

I would like to create a function in Prolog that multiplies two lists together component-wise and returns the resulting list.
For example:
?- multiply_lists([1,2,3], [4,5,6], X).
X = [4,10,18].
I would like to write this function without using built-in Prolog functions.

First define the base case - the result of multiplying two empty lists together is the empty list.
Then, define the recursive part of the function:
multl([H1|Tail1],[H2|Tail2], [H3|Tail3]):-
multl(Tail1, Tail2, Tail3),
H3 is (H1 * H2).
What's happening here is that the elements at the head of both lists are being multiplied together and being concatenated with the tail of the result.
All in all, we have:
multl([H1|Tail1],[H2|Tail2], [H3|Tail3]):-
multl(Tail1, Tail2, Tail3),
H3 is (H1 * H2).

Interesting is
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
mutiply(X,Y,Z) :-
Z #= X*Y.
multiply_lists(L1, L2, Out) :-
maplist(mutiply, L1,L2,Out).
With results :
?- multiply_lists([1,2,3], [4,5,6], X).
X = [4, 10, 18].
?- multiply_lists(X, [4,5,6], [4,8,10]).
?- multiply_lists(X, [4,5,6], [4,10,18]).
X = [1, 2, 3].
?- multiply_lists(X, Y, [4,10,18]).
X = [_17366, _17372, _17378],
Y = [_17396, _17402, _17408],
_17366 in -4.. -1\/1..4,
_17396 in -4.. -1\/1..4,
_17372 in -10.. -1\/1..10,
_17402 in -10.. -1\/1..10,
_17378 in -18.. -1\/1..18,
_17408 in -18.. -1\/1..18.


Prolog on finding last element of a list with append

So i found a way of solving it from stackoverflow and it involves this answer:
last(X,Y) :-
But i can't actually understand how this actually works.
If anyone can help me it would be really helpful.Thanks.
You can use append/3 [swi-doc] in several directions. You can for example pass a list, and look how two lists can append to that list. For example:
?- append(X, Y, [1,4,2,5]).
X = [],
Y = [1, 4, 2, 5] ;
X = [1],
Y = [4, 2, 5] ;
X = [1, 4],
Y = [2, 5] ;
X = [1, 4, 2],
Y = [5] ;
X = [1, 4, 2, 5],
Y = [] ;
As you can see, there are five ways to construct that. For example with X = [] and Y = [1,4,2,5], or with X = [1] and Y = [4,2,5].
We thus define the predicate last/2 as:
last(X, L) :-
append(_, [X], L).
Notice the [X] as second parameter. We here thus specify that the second list should be a singleton list (a list with exactly one element). An empty list, or a list with two or more elements will not unify with [X].
The append/3 predicate will this aim to unify the second list with candidates like we have seen in the example. But only if the second list is an singleton list, it will match, in which case X is unified with the last element.
See the definition on the SWI-Prolog website.
One of the examples is:
?- append(X, [Last], [a,b,c]).
X = [a,b],
Last = c.
It means the Last is the single element in a list.
Think of the imperative way that X appends the "Last" to the end of the list. Then, it becomes the list [a,b,c].
Therefore, to define the last, we could:
append(_,[Last],Xs). % doesn't care about the rest of the elements except the [Last]

Prolog: Reversed list -- can't find the error

I want to write a reverse/2 function. This is my code and I cannot figure out where the error is.
The output:
rev ([1,2,3,4], X).
rev(?List1,?List2) is true when elements of List2 are in reversed order compared to List1
rev(Xs, Ys) :-
rev(Xs, [], Ys, Ys).
rev([], Ys, Ys, []).
rev([X|Xs], Rs, Ys, [_|Bound]) :-
rev(Xs, [X|Rs], Ys, Bound).
?- rev([1,2,3,4],X).
X = [4, 3, 2, 1].
?- rev([3,4,a,56,b,c],X).
X = [c, b, 56, a, 4, 3].
Explanation of rev/4
On call rev([X|Xs](1), Rs(2), Ys(3), [_|Bound](4))
[X|Xs](1) - List1, the input list in our case (we can either call rev(Z,[3,2,1]).)
Rs(2) - ResultList is a helping list, we start with an empty list and on every recursive call we push (adding as head member) a member from [X|Xs](1).
Ys(3) - List2, the output list (reversed list of List1)
[_|Bound](4) - HelpingList for bounding the length of Ys(3) (for iterating "length of Ys" times).
On every recursion call rev(Xs(5), [X|Rs](6), Ys(3), Bound(7)).,
we push head member X ([X|Xs](1)) to the front of Rs ([X|Rs](6)),
and iterating the next member of Ys (Bound(7),[_|Bound](4)).
The recursion ends when rev([](9), Ys(10), Ys(3), [](12)). is true.
Every [X|Xs](1) (now the list is empty [](9)) member moved in reversed order to Ys(10), we bounded the size of Ys(3) (using [_|Bound](4) and now it's empty [](12)).
Notice that append/3 - append(?List1, ?List2, ?List1AndList2).
was wrong used in your code, append(T,H,_) when H is not a List2 (it's the head member of the list).
Example use of append/2 and append/3:
?- append([[1,2],[3]],X). % append/2 - Concatenate a list of lists.
X = [1, 2, 3].
?- append([4],[5],X). % append/3 - X is the concatenation of List1 and List2
X = [4, 5].
You should not place a space between the functor name rev and the argument list. Usually this gives a syntax error:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 7.7.1)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
?- rev ([1,2,3],X).
ERROR: Syntax error: Operator expected
ERROR: rev
ERROR: ** here **
ERROR: ([1,2,3],X) .
Otherwise I think the rev/4 solution aims at a bidirectional solution. If you don't need this, and want to go for an accumulator solution that doesn't leave a choice point, you can try:
reverse(X, Y) :-
reverse2(X, [], Y).
reverse2([], X, X).
reverse2([X|Y], Z, T) :-
reverse2(Y, [X|Z], T).

Prolog predicate that will check if a list A is a list of the prefix sums of a list D

So I'm very new to prolog and have to write a predicate that is satisfiable when an integer list D is the list of prefix sums of a list A.
sums(A, D)
So for example,
sums([4,11,1,-3,8], [4,15,16,13,21]) is satisfiable
I have written this predicate over a dozen different ways to no avail. This is what I currently have written.
sums([], []).
sums([A], [A]).
sums([A|[B|C]], [A|[E|F]]) :- TOTAL is A + B, E = TOTAL, sums([C], [F]).
This somewhat works, in that it will check that the first values of each list are equal, and also check that the second element in the list is correct in that it should be 15. I understand why it works incorrectly in this way, but I am having trouble coming up with how to write it differently, in the correct way.
I have since changed the code to,
sumrunner(L, S) :- sumrunner(L, S, 0).
sumrunner([], [], _).
sumrunner([A], [A], _).
sumrunner([A|B], [C|D], TOTAL) :- TOTAL is TOTAL + A, TOTAL = C,sumrunner(B, D, TOTAL).
However, now it just says false for all cases except for when the two lists are empty, and when the lists both contain one element and they are both equal to each other.
You should learn more about list notation: [A|[B|C]] can be written as [A,B|C] for example. It is now clearer that C is the tail of the list, and thus, is a list itself! Therefore, when you write sums([C], [F]), you are wrapping C and F into a list, even though they are already lists, which is your problem.
If we fix this and run your predicate, we get this:
?- sums([4,11,1,-3,8],Z).
Z = [4, 15, 1, -2, 8]
It is still wrong as you can see. The main problem is that, the recursive call sums in the third rule expresses that the prefix sums of the tail of a list are the tail of the prefix sums of the list, which is wrong because those prefix sums depend on the previous element!
To solve this, you need to introduce an extra argument to maintain the sum value throughout recursive calls:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
prefix_sums(L, D) :-
prefix_sums(L, 0, D).
prefix_sums([], _, []).
prefix_sums([H|T], S, [S1|T2]) :-
S1 #= H + S,
prefix_sums(T, S1, T2).
Using library(clpfd), we get the behaviour we expect:
?- prefix_sums([4,11,1,-3,8],Z).
Z = [4, 15, 16, 13, 21].
But also the reverse behaviour:
?- prefix_sums(Z, [4,15,16,13,21]).
Z = [4, 11, 1, -3, 8].
And also correct behaviour with even less information:
?- prefix_sums([A,B,C],Z).
Z = [A, _7964, _7970],
?- prefix_sums(X,Z).
X = Z, Z = [] ;
X = Z, Z = [_7122],
_7122 in inf..sup ;
X = [_7452, _7458],
Z = [_7452, _7482],
_7458+_7452#=_7482 ;
X = [_7770, _7776, _7782],
Z = [_7770, _7806, _7812],
_7782+_7806#=_7812 ;
Your code must be simplified a lot:
sums(L, S) :- sumrunner(L, S, 0).
sumrunner([], [], _).
sumrunner([A|B], [C|D], TOTAL) :- C is TOTAL + A, sumrunner(B, D, C).
?- sums([4,11,1,-3,8], [4,15,16,13,21]).
?- sums([4,11,1,-3,8], [4,15,16,14,21]).
The expression C is TOTAL + A both checks the requirements and update the accumulator for the recursive step.

Create list of pair of values 0 to n-1 in lexicographical order

I'm doing a program with Result is a pair of values [X,Y] between 0 and N-1 in lexicographic order
I have this right now:
pairs(N,R) :-
pairsHelp(N,[],N,N) :- !.
pairsHelp(N,[],N,0) :- !.
pairsHelp(N,[[X,Y]|List],X,Y) :-
Y is N-1,
X < N,
X1 is X + 1,
pairsHelp(N,[[X,Y]|List],X,Y) :-
Y < N,
Y1 is Y + 1,
I'm getting what I want the first iteration but Prolog keeps going and then gives me a second answer.
R = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]] ;
I don't want the second answer (false), just the first. I want it to stop after it finds the answer. Any ideas?
Keep in mind that there is a much easier way to get what you are after. If indeed both X and Y are supposed to be integers, use between/3 to enumerate integers ("lexicographical" here is the same as the order of natural numbers: 0, 1, 2, .... This is the order in which between/3 will enumerate possible solutions if the third argument is a variable):
pairs(N, R) :-
succ(N0, N),
bagof(P, pair(N0, P), R).
pair(N0, X-Y) :-
between(0, N0, X),
between(0, N0, Y).
And then:
?- pairs(2, R).
R = [0-0, 0-1, 1-0, 1-1].
?- pairs(3, R).
R = [0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 1-0, 1-1, 1-2, 2-0, 2-1, ... - ...].
I am using the conventional Prolog way of representing a pair, X-Y (in canonical form: -(X, Y)) instead of [X,Y] (canonical form: .(X, .(Y, []))).
The good thing about this program is that you can easily re-write it to work with another "alphabet" of your choosing.
?- between(0, Upper, X).
is semantically equivalent to:
% ...
?- x(X).
For example, if we had an alphabet that consists of b, a, and c (in that order!):
foo_pairs(Ps) :-
bagof(X-Y, ( foo(X), foo(Y) ), Ps).
and then:
?- foo_pairs(R).
R = [b-b, b-a, b-c, a-b, a-a, a-c, c-b, c-a, ... - ...].
The order of the clauses of foo/1 defines the order of your alphabet. The conjunction foo(X), foo(Y) together with the order of X-Y in the pair defines the order of pairs in the list. Try writing for example bagof(X-Y, ( foo(Y), foo(X) ), Ps) to see what will be the order of pairs in Ps.
Use dcg in combination with lambda!
?- use_module(library(lambda)).
In combination with meta-predicate init0/3 and
xproduct//2 ("cross product") simply write:
?- init0(=,3,Xs), phrase(xproduct(\X^Y^phrase([X-Y]),Xs),Pss).
Xs = [0,1,2], Pss = [0-0,0-1,0-2,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-0,2-1,2-2].
How about something a little more general? What about other values of N?
?- init0(=,N,Xs), phrase(xproduct(\X^Y^phrase([X-Y]),Xs),Pss).
N = 0, Xs = [], Pss = []
; N = 1, Xs = [0], Pss = [0-0]
; N = 2, Xs = [0,1], Pss = [0-0,0-1,
; N = 3, Xs = [0,1,2], Pss = [0-0,0-1,0-2,
; N = 4, Xs = [0,1,2,3], Pss = [0-0,0-1,0-2,0-3,
; N = 5, Xs = [0,1,2,3,4], Pss = [0-0,0-1,0-2,0-3,0-4,
Does it work for other terms, too? What about order? Consider a case #Boris used in his answer:
?- phrase(xproduct(\X^Y^phrase([X-Y]),[b,a,c]),Pss).
Pss = [b-b,b-a,b-c,a-b,a-a,a-c,c-b,c-a,c-c]. % succeeds deterministically

prolog two lists are exactly the same

I want to write a function that returns true if two lists are exactly the same(order of elements matters).
I tried it this way:
same([ ], [ ]).
same([H1|R1], [H2|R2]):-
H1 == H2,
same(R1, R2).
It returns true while two lists are the same, also I expect if I have
?- same(X, [1, 2, 3]).
I want it to return
X = [1, 2, 3].
But it doesn't work if input is like this. Here are some sample outputs I got:
?- same([1, 2], [1, 2]).
?- same([2, 1], [1, 2]).
?- same(X, [1, 2, 3]).
?- same([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, X]).
How to fix it?
The problem is that you're using ==/2 (checking whether two items are instantiated the same) rather than =/2 (checks if two items are unified or unifiable). Just change to unification:
same([], []).
same([H1|R1], [H2|R2]):-
H1 = H2,
same(R1, R2).
Then this will have the behavior you're looking for:
| ?- same(X, [1, 2, 3]).
X = [1,2,3] ? a
| ?- same([1, 2], [1, 2]).
(1 ms) yes
| ?- same([2, 1], [1, 2]).
| ?- same([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, X]).
X = 3
(1 ms) yes
| ?- same([A,B,C], L).
L = [A,B,C]
% In this last example, A, B, and C are variables. So it says L is [A,B,C],
% whatever A, B, and C are.
If you query X == 3 in Prolog, and X is not bound to the value 3, or it is just unbound, it will fail. If X is unbound and you query, X = 3, then Prolog will unify X (bind it) with 3 and it will succeed.
For more regarding the difference between =/2 and ==/2, see What is the difference between == and = in Prolog?
You can also use maplist for a nice, compact solution. maplist is very handy for iterating through a list:
same(L1, L2) :- maplist(=, L1, L2).
Here, unification (=/2) is still used for exactly the same reason as above.
Finally, as #Boris points out, in Prolog, the unification predicate will work on entire lists. In this case, this would suffice:
same(L1, L2) :- L1 = L2.
Or equivalently:
same(L, L). % Would unify L1 and L2 queried as same(L1, L2)
This will succeed if the lists are the same, or will attempt to unify them by unifying each element in turn.
| ?- same([1,2,X], [1,2,3]). % Or just [1,2,X] = [1,2,3]
X = 3
| ?- same([1,2,X], [1,2,3,4]). % Or just [1,2,X] = [1,2,3,4]
The prior more elaborate approaches are considered an exercise in list processing for illustration. But the simplest and most correct method for comparison and/or unification of lists would be L1 = L2.