django viewflow - StartFunction not assigning task owner info - django

Followed the answer provided to How to create a django ViewFlow process programmatically
However it is not assigning (or persisting) owner info in the activation record.
def start_process(request):
request.activation.prepare(request.POST or None,)
request.activation.flow_task.owner = request.user
request.activation.flow_task.task_title = "Start Process"
Also tried below and it is resulting in an error "'ManagedStartViewActivation' object has no attribute 'assign'"
def start_process(request):
request.activation.prepare(request.POST or None,)
request.activation.flow_task.task_title = "Start Process"

That's hard to understand what's you are going to achieve with that. #start_flow_view is the decorator for the Django view.That means that process started manually by a user through the browser.
StartActivation class has ho assign method.
To assign a task means preventing an existing task to be executed by another user. Start task instances does not exist in the database. Each new start view invocation creates new process instance started with new start task instance.
If you need to track a user who performed a start task, you can directly initialize a start activation with a user instance
self.activation.prepare(request.POST or None, user=request.user)
Or just use viewflow StartFlowMixinfor your class based view.


Django function execution

In views, I have a function defined which is executed when the user submits the form online. After the form submission there are some database transactions that I perform and then based on the existing data in the database API's are triggered:
execute API to send Email to the user and the administrator about
the submitted form
def databasetransactions():
check the data in the submitted form with the data in DB
if the last data submitted by the user is before 10 mins or more:
def formsubmitted(request):
save the user input in variables
save the data from the submitted form in the DB
In the above case, the user clicks on submit button 2 times in less than 5 milliseond duration. So 2 parallel data starts to process and both trigger Email which is not the desired behavior.
Is there a way to avoid this ? So that for a user session, the application should only accept the data once all the older data processing is completed ?
Since we are talking in pseudo-code, one way could be to use a singleton pattern for triggerapi() and return Not Allowed in case it is already istantiated.
There are multiple ways to solve this issue.
One of them would be to create a new session variable
request.session['activetransaction'] = True
This would however require you to pass request, unless it is already passed and we got a changed code portion. You can also add an instance/ class flag for it in the same way and check with it.
Another way, which might work if you need those submissions handled after the previous one, you can always add a while request.session['activetransaction']: and do the handling afterwards.
def formsubmitted(request):
if 'activetransaction' not in request.session or not request.session['activetransaction']:
request.session['activetransaction'] = True
# save the user input in variables
# save the data from the submitted form in the DB
request.session['activetransaction'] = False

Effecient Bulk Update of Model Records in Django

I'm building a Django app that will periodically take information from an external source, and use it to update model objects.
What I want to to be able to do is create a QuerySet which has all the objects which might match the final list. Then check which model objects need to be created, updated, and deleted. And then (ideally) perform the update in the fewest number of transactions. And without performing any unnecessary DB operations.
Using create_or_update gets me most of the way to what I want to do.
jobs = get_current_jobs(host, user)
for host, user, name, defaults in jobs:
obj, _ = Job.upate_or_create(host=host, user=user, name=name, defaults=defaults)
The problem with this approach is that it doesn't delete anything that no longer exists.
I could just delete everything up front, or do something dumb like
to_delete = set(Job.objects.filter(host=host, user=user)) - set(current)
(Which is an option) but I feel like there must already be an elegant solution that doesn't require either deleting everything, or reading everything into memory.
You should use Redis for storage and use this python package in your code. For example:
import redis
import requests
pool = redis.StrictRedis('localhost')
time_in_seconds = 3600 # the time period you want to keep your data
response = requests.get("url_to_ext_source")
pool.set("api_response", response.json(), ex=time_in_seconds)

django-channels: differentiate between different `AnonymousUser`s

Unfortunately I'm using django-channels channels 1.1.8, as I missed all the
updates to channels 2.0. Upgrading now is unrealistic as we've just
launched and this will take some time to figure out correctly.
Here's my problem:
I'm using the * *to differentiate between authenticated
users that I need to send messages to. However, there are cases where I'll
need to send messages to un-authenticated users as well - and that message
depends on an external API call. I have done this in ws_connect():
def ws_connect(message):
# create group for user
if str(message.user) == "AnonymousUser":
user_group = "AnonymousUser" + str(uuid.uuid4())
user_group = str(
print(f"user group is {user_group}")
Group(user_group).send({"accept": True})
message.channel_session['get_user'] = user_group
This is only the first part of the issue, basically I'm appending a random
string to each AnonymousUser instance. But I can't find a way to access
this string from the request object in a view, in order to determine who
I am sending the message to.
Is this even achievable? Right now I'm not able to access anything set in
the ws_connect in my view.
EDIT: Following kagronick's advice, I tried this:
def ws_connect(message):
# create group for user
if str(message.user) == "AnonymousUser":
user_group = "AnonymousUser" + str(uuid.uuid4())
user_group = str(
Group(user_group).send({"accept": True})
message.channel_session['get_user'] = user_group
message.http_session['get_user'] = user_group
However, http_session is None when user is AnonymousUser. Other decorators didn't help.
Yes you can save to the session and access it in the view. But you need to use the http_session and not the channel session. Use the #http_session decorator or #channel_and_http_session. You may need to call (I don't remember, I'm on Channels 2 now.). But after that you will be able to see the user's group in the view.
Also, using a group for this is kind of overkill. If the group will only ever have 1 user, put the reply_channel in the session and do something like Channel(request.session['reply_channel']).send() in the view. That way it doesn't need to look up the one user that is in the group and can send directly to the user.
If this solves your problem please mark it as accepted.
EDIT: unfortunately this only works locally but not in production. when AnonymousUser, message.http_sesssion doesn't exist.
user kagronick got me on the right track, where he pointed that message has an http_session attribute. However, it seems http_session is always None in ws_connect when user is AnonymousUser, which defeats our purpose.
I've solved it by checking if the user is Anonymous in the view, and if he is, which means he doesn't have a session (or at least channels can't see it), initialize one, and assign the key get_user the value "AnonymousUser" + str(uuid.uuid4()) (this way previously done in the consumer).
After I did this, every time ws_connect is called message will have an http_session attribute: Either the user ID when one is logged in, or AnonymousUser-uuid.uuid4().

Get form key from historic task

We get the form key from task service likes following snipped code
for (Task task : getTaskService().createTaskQuery().taskCandidateGroupIn(candidateGroup).initializeFormKeys().list()) {
but now for some special reason we wanna get the form key value from HistoricTaskInstance, and we try several ways to get it but all of them fail.
We are wondering that how we can get the form key value from completed task?
The form key is not available for historic tasks. Usually forms are not displayed for historic tasks since the tasks have been completed. If the task has not been completed (history contains both active and completed tasks), then you can use the id of the historic task to get the form key using the form service.
If the task has already been completed, then you need to use the model api to get the form key from the XML:
HistoricTaskInstance historicTask = historyService.createHistoricTaskInstanceQuery().singleResult();
BpmnModelInstance bpmnModelInstance = repositoryService.getBpmnModelInstance(historicTask.getProcessDefinitionId());
org.camunda.bpm.model.bpmn.instance.Task task = bpmnModelInstance.getModelElementById(historicTask.getTaskDefinitionKey());
String formKey = task.getAttributeValueNs(BpmnModelConstants.CAMUNDA_NS, "formKey");

Sidekiq job execution context

I want to perform some tasks in background but with something like "run as". In other words, like a task was launched by the user from the context of his session.
Something like
def perform
but I'm not sure it' won't collide with other tasks. I'm not very familiar with Sidekiq.
Can I safely perform separate tasks, each with a different user context, somehow?
I'm not sure what your shooting for with the "run as" context, but I've always setup sidekiq jobs that need a unique object by passing the id in the perform. This way the worker always knows which object it is trying to work on. Maybe this is what you're looking for?
def perform id
user = User.find(id)
Then setup a route in a controller for triggering this worker to start, something like:
def custom_route_for_performing_job
#users= User.where(your_conditions)
#users.each do |user|
redirect_to :back, notice: "Starting background job for users_dependent_method"
The proper design is to use a server-side middleware + a thread local variable to set the current user context per job.
class MyServerMiddlware
def call(worker, message, queue)
Thread.current[:current_user] = message['uid'] if message['uid']
Thread.current[:current_user] = nil
You'd create a client-side middleware to capture the current uid and put it in the message. In this way, the logic is encapsulated distinctly from any one type of Worker. Read more: