IIS Express keeps running - visual-studio-2017

I recently upgraded to VS2017 pro, and IIS express continues to run after I stop the debugger in visual studio.
I know this is the reverse of most of these questions (aka how to keep IIS express running), but I can't figure out how to get IIS express to stop when I stop the debugger. I've unchecked the option for "Edit and Continue," but IIS express doesn't stop unless I right click on it in the notification bar and kill it.
Has anyone else experienced this?

"Edit and Continue" works with Web application:
“Enable Edit and Continue” debugging option is now on by default for new web applications
For WebSite project, and there is no this option.


break point not hit in ASP.NET web API remote debug in IIS

I have attached my Visual Studio 2109 debugger to the process with my web API published in IIS
But when I try to insert a break point
"the breakpoint will not be activated currently. No symbols have been loaded for this document"
Any idea please?
Another possible solution for the same type of error is that the build has "Optimize code" checked.
"Api project" > properties > Build > (select "Configuration" for the one you are debugging), make sure "optimize code" is unchecked.
If you changed it you need to deploy the project again.
The problem was that my webAPI is an ASP.NET Core 2 web API and in this case w3wp.exe is not the correct process. The process is the application itself. In may case api.exe instead w3wp.exe

Silverlight business application: windows authentication using IIS express not working

When using IIS Express and Windows Authentiction with Silverlight 5 (using silverlight business application template in VS 2012), the status bar is stuck at "authenticating..."
Switching back to the Visual Studio Developer Server, Windows Authentication works.
Please assist.
Solved the issue by applying below.
Need to update extra configurations (at IIS express level), in addition to Visual studio settings.
Go to MyDocuments\IISExpress\config\applicationhost
Search for windowsAuthentication
3.1 Under sectionGroup name="authentication" and section name="windowsAuthentication", update overrideModeDefault to "Allow". Default is "Deny"
3.2 Under authentication >> windowsAuthentication, update enabled="true". Default is false.
Save and close
All projects, using Windows authentication and running under IIS express, will start running smoothly.

How can I make Visual Studio automatically attach its debugger to both a web application and web service?

I'm working on a Visual Studio project. I'm using Visual Studio 2010. The project has an ASP.NET application project and a separate ASMX web service project. The web application project is set as the start-up project.
When I tell Visual Studio to start debugging, it correctly starts both the web application and web service. However, it only attaches the debugger to the web application and not the web service. This problem seems to occur regardless of which web server I use for either project (IIS, IIS Express, Visual Studio Development Web Server).
In order to debug both simultaneously, I need to manually attach the debugger to the web service during the debugging session.
How can I make Visual Studio automatically attach to both projects when I tell it start debugging?
I found that this works if I set both the web service and application to start-up projects. Do this by right-clicking the solution file and choosing something like Set Start-up Projects....
One of the options is to open two instances of Visual Studio and debug the projects separately, however it is pretty much the same inconvenience as attaching the debugger manualy.
By the way, do you have ASP.NET debugger allowed in both projects (project properties > web tab > debuggers section)?

Pocket PC 2003 application with webservice

I am working on a Pocket PC 2003 application that is referencing a Webservice.
I was figuring out ways to debug the Webmethods but not successful.
-I checked the URL property of the Service in WebReferences and made sure it is correct.
-I started debugging the PocketPC application, then built the Webservice as start without debugging, after that went to Debuh> Attach process and attached devenv-"Pocket PC app"
-I also tried attaching to the aspwp.exe process but couldn't seem to hit the break points in Web Methods.
-The webservice is deployed to IIS virtual directory.
-I copy pasted the entire webservice folder in the virtual directory. Then I am opening the solution file in Visual Studio. Start without debugging, when the webmethods show in browser, click on it, then click Invoke
Can someone guide me the proper way to debug a Webservice of this type? Thanks in advance.
If you're using Visual Studio 2005 or higher, instead of IIS, use the toy Web service that comes with Visual Studio. In the properties of your ASP.NET project with the Web services, under "Web", check the "Use Visual Stuidio Development server". In order to make the toy server start, you have so start the ASP.NET project from Visual Studio.
Then you attach to the process called Webdev.Webserver.exe using Managed code debugging.

Debugging asmx web services

How can I debug asmx webservices running on IIS? I read that I must Attach to process called aspnet_wp or w3wp. But I can not find these processes... I selected checkbox show processes from all users but still nothing. What can be wrong?
If your service is not running, then there might not be a worker process running. Start your service by accessing it from the browser, of use "View In Browser" from inside of Visual Studio.
It may not be what you are looking for, but can't you run your project from visual studio first? I usually do it that way before going to IIS.
Or does your project run fine on VS and an other way with IIS? I personnaly never done it myself since I debug all my code in local.
As far as remote and local IIS debugging are concerned, I think you can check on this site CodeProjectI and CodeProjectII. The author claims to be a former MVP in ASP.NET, should be useful.
You have to be logged onto the machine that runs web service. You would need a debugger installed on that machine.
If that is not possible, you can install remote debugger for VS on the server. To install remote debugger you just need to copy msvsmon.exe from your VS installation CD or from machine where VS is already installed and start it.
Then when you attach to proccess from your machine you can type in the name of your remote server and click Browse. You should be able to see all proccess that are running on remote server. You would need administrative or Debugger rights on that server.