I am wondering on how to delete a single object in core data. I have a vc with a label on, when a user swipes left or right it shows each input from core data.
I want the user to be able to delete the selected input on the label without delete all of the other inputs.
Here is the code that I have tried below
This is where I swipe and left
#objc func handleSwipes(sender: UISwipeGestureRecognizer) {
if sender.direction == .left {
currentArrayIndex = (currentArrayIndex + 1) % coreNames.count
mainSubNameTF.leftToRightAnimation() // Swipe Animation from left to right for mainSubNameTF
} else if sender.direction == .right {
currentArrayIndex = (currentArrayIndex + coreNames.count - 1) % coreNames.count
mainSubNameTF.rightToLeftAnimation() // Swipe Animation from right to left for mainSubNameTF
mainSubNameTF.text = coreNames[currentArrayIndex].subName // Shows subName Core Data to mainSubNameTF
This is where i Delete the object
func deleteSub() {
do {
coreNames = try context.fetch(SubNames.fetchRequest())
for each in coreNames {
} catch {
I'm trying to make a click and drag selection system in c++ and SDL2 like the kind used in real time strategy games. You click with the mouse and drag it over what you want to select. How can I go about making it?
Edit: I know how to handle the mouse inputs. I have used a Rect structure to track the size of the selection zone. However while the zone draws correctly, the objects inside the zone don't react at all. However individually clicking on them works fine every time.
I guess my question is what is the best way to check for a group selection vs individual object selection?
You have to check what's inside the rect you are gonna drag (the test depends on the shapes that are included) and the drag those shapes aswell
I can describe how i have implemented this.
In the event handling routine, do something like the code below. I think the method names explain quite well what's happening and how i'm thinking (this is copied from my hobby-hack-RTS-engine which is based on SDL2):
// Calculate index, x and y for the tile that was clicked in the map.
int iClick = m_Map.getTileIndex(event.button.x, event.button.y);
if(iClick >= 0)
int xClick = m_Map.getTileX(iClick);
int yClick = m_Map.getTileY(iClick);
if((int)event.button.button == 1)
// Unmark all MO..
for(std::list<MGMovingObject>::iterator it = m_MO.begin(); it != m_MO.end(); it++)
activateFraming(event.button.x, event.button.y);
if((int)event.button.button == 1)
int endClickX = m_Map.getTileX(m_Map.getTileIndex(getFrameEndX(), getFrameEndY()));
int endClickY = m_Map.getTileY(m_Map.getTileIndex(getFrameEndX(), getFrameEndY()));
int startClickX = m_Map.getTileX(m_Map.getTileIndex(getFrameStartX(), getFrameStartY()));
int startClickY = m_Map.getTileY(m_Map.getTileIndex(getFrameStartX(), getFrameStartY()));
if(endClickX > 0 && endClickY > 0 && startClickX > 0 && startClickY > 0)
for(int x = std::min(startClickX, endClickX); x <= std::max(startClickX, endClickX); x++)
for(int y = std::min(startClickY, endClickY); y <= std::max(startClickY, endClickY); y++)
for(std::list<MGMovingObject>::iterator it = m_MO.begin(); it != m_MO.end(); it++)
if(it->getTileX() == x && it->getTileY() == y)
My selectable objects are stored as std::list<MGMovingObject> in m_MO.
The idea is that i save tile coordinates of the start of the selection frame and the end of the selection frame. I then iterate over the selectable objects and detect the ones inside the selection frame. I select these (mark()) and when i iterate over the objsects at a later stage, say during rendering, i can read out if they are selected (isMarked()).
If you want to steal code or ideas, here is the actual source file i copied it from: https://github.com/qmargyl/mgframework/blob/master/src/mgframework/mgframework.cpp
I've been studying this thread
Processing 2.0 - Open file dialog
with regard to the use of selectinput().
I'm hoping to import point data to construct some 3d plots.
I can import the data and construct the plot ok but when trying to use
selectinput() to choose a file I run into trouble.
The difficulty I am having is that selectinput() appears to be incompatible with a P3D
Using OS X10.10
for example This code works
void setup() {
size(400, 400,P3D); //3Dgraphics specified
void draw() {
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 90, 90);
and this works
String [] myInputFileContents ;
String myFilePath;
void setup() {
selectInput("Select a file : ", "fileSelected");
while (myInputFileContents == null) {//wait
// println("wait"); //If there is nothing inside the curly brackets
//delay(3000); //this doesn't work
size(400, 400 );/// If P3D is added it won't work
void draw() {
box(mouseX, mouseY, 150);
println("Selected at this point " + myFilePath);
void mousePressed() {
selectInput("Select a file : ", "fileSelected");
void fileSelected(File selection) {
if (selection == null) {
println("no selection so far...");
else {
myFilePath = selection.getAbsolutePath();
myInputFileContents = loadStrings(myFilePath) ;// this moves here...
println("User selected " + myFilePath);
but if
size(400, 400);
is changed to
The frame displays but it won't draw.
Could someone point me to the answer?
It seems that this problem is some kind of frame loading problem. This "hackish" approached worked for me under OS X 10.10 Yoesemite. It should also work under windows. Oh and whenever you use selectInput() please use mouseReleased so the function only gets called once :)
Setup() gets called twice for whatever reason, this is why we have the didPreSelect boolean.
You call mousePressed instead of mouseReleased
The loop already had the screen selection in it, this is why i changed the loop.
The delay also has problems, this is why i added the delay inside the while-loop.
Man that was quite the challenge, +1 for asking.
PS: I added an exit() if you press cancel the first time you open the application, which should be more convenient.
String [] myInputFileContents ;
String myFilePath;
boolean didPreSelect = false;
boolean secondPress = false;
void setup() {
if (didPreSelect == false)
didPreSelect = true;
selectInput("Select a file : ", "fileSelected");
//frame = null;
while (myInputFileContents == null || myInputFileContents.length < 2) {//wait
//this doesn't work
size(400, 400, P3D);
void draw() {
box(mouseX, mouseY, 150);
//println("Selected at this point " + myFilePath);
void mouseReleased() {
if(secondPress == false) secondPress = true;
selectInput("Select a file : ", "fileSelected");
void fileSelected(File selection) {
if (frameCount < 50)
if (selection == null) {
println("no selection so far...");
if(secondPress == false) exit();
} else {
myFilePath = selection.getAbsolutePath();
myInputFileContents = loadStrings(myFilePath) ;// this moves here..
println("User selected " + myFilePath);
I have a context menu and edit menu. I want to connect context menu slots with the edit menu.
Like EDIT menu has menu Items: cut, copy and paste
My context menu slots are:
void CadGraphicsScene::cut(getEntity *obj)
// id of item pasted is kept same as that of the item being cut
void CadGraphicsScene::copy(getEntity *obj)
// id of item pasted is one more than total number of items in the scene
void CadGraphicsScene::paste(const QPointF &pos)
// gets the items cut/copy from clipboardStack to paste
getEntity *pasteEntity = clipboardStack::instance()->pop();
if (pasteEntity->type() == Point::Type)
Point *itemPtr = dynamic_cast<Point *>(pasteEntity);
itemPtr->position = pos;
if (pasteEntity->type() == Line::Type)
Line *itemPtr = dynamic_cast<Line *>(pasteEntity);
itemPtr->startP = pos;
/* calculates difference between startP of line being cut/copy and line
* being pasted for proper pasting of line
differenceX = itemPtr->startP.x() - lineStartPoint.x();
differenceY = itemPtr->startP.y() - lineStartPoint.y();
itemPtr->endP = QPointF(lineEndPoint.x() + differenceX,
lineEndPoint.y() + differenceY);
if (pasteEntity->type() == Circle::Type)
Circle *itemPtr = dynamic_cast<Circle *>(pasteEntity);
itemPtr->centerP = pos;
if (pasteEntity->type() == Ellipse::Type)
Ellipse *itemPtr = dynamic_cast<Ellipse *>(pasteEntity);
itemPtr->p1 = pos;
if (pasteEntity->type() == Text::Type)
Text *itemPtr = dynamic_cast<Text *>(pasteEntity);
itemPtr->position = pos;
//context menu actions
void CadGraphicsScene::menuAction(QAction *action)
if (action == cutAction)
cut(static_cast<getEntity *>(contextItem));
else if (action == copyAction)
copy(static_cast<getEntity *>(contextItem));
else if (action == pasteAction)
How can the same be done from edit menu? How can the same slots be used?
for cut in the edit menu I made another slot:
void CadgraphicsScene::cut()
connect(actionCut, SIGNAL(triggered), this, SLOT(cut()));
If you want to reuse the same slots in your application's Edit menu, just use existing cutAction, copyAction and pasteAction actions when constructing it. So if you has established the connections for that actions the same slots will be called both when user triggers actions from context menu and from Edit menu.
I'm sending a bundle of cards to Glass with the Mirror API (c# library)
I know that you can use the default delete menu item on single cards, but is there a way to provide delete functionality for an entire bundle, ideally the result of one action by the users?
I have successfully used the DELETE action on a menu item with the code below
MenuItem mi = new MenuItem();
mi.Action = "DELETE";
TimelineItem tli = new TimelineItem()
Html = itemHtml.ToString(),
Notification = new NotificationConfig() { Level = "DEFAULT" },
MenuItems = new List<MenuItem>() { mi }
Is there a way to add this delete menu item to a bundle cover? I know this may be tricky because clicking the bundle cover causes you to navigate into the child cards thus no menu is present like on single cards. I'm looking for something (which I did try but it just ignored the menu item) like this:
MenuItem mi = new MenuItem();
mi.Action = "DELETE";
TimelineItem tli = new TimelineItem()
Html = itemHtml.ToString(),
Notification = new NotificationConfig() { Level = "DEFAULT" },
IsBundleCover = true,
BundleId = bundleId,
MenuItems = new List<MenuItem>() { mi }
If not possible on a cover card, is there a way to do this for a bundle by adding delete menu items to the child cards?
Any suggestions would be appreciated
You can use customized menu to do this. The code below is using Java but C# should be similar:
Add customized menu item to the card:
List<MenuValue> menuValueList = new ArrayList<MenuValue>();
menuValueList.add(new MenuValue().setIconUrl(iconUrl).setDisplayName("Delete All"));
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem();
List<MenuItem> menuItemList = new ArrayList<MenuItem>();
Define the controller which handles the callback request of Mirror server notification:
if (notification.getCollection().equals("timeline") && notification.getUserActions().contains(new UserAction().setType("CUSTOM").setPayload("delete_bundle_A"))) {
deleteCards(credential, bundleId);
The delete card function:
// if bundleId is null or "", delete all cards
public static void deleteCards(Credential credential, String bundleId) throws IOException {
if (bundleId == null) {
bundleId = "";
Mirror.Timeline timelineItems = MirrorClient.getMirror(credential).timeline();
Mirror.Timeline.List list = timelineItems.list();
List<TimelineItem> timelineItemList = null;
do {
TimelineListResponse response = list.execute();
timelineItemList = response.getItems();
if (timelineItemList != null && timelineItemList.size() > 0) {
for (TimelineItem item : timelineItemList) {
if (bundleId == "" || bundleId.equalsIgnoreCase(item.getBundleId())) {
LOG.info("Deleting card " + item.getId());
MirrorClient.deleteTimelineItem(credential, item.getId());
} else {
} while (list.getPageToken() != null && list.getPageToken().length() > 0);
Finally, don't forget to subscribe timeline notification when application starts up:
String notifyUrl = "https://mirrornotifications.appspot.com/forward?url=" + "http://yourServer.com/notify";
Subscription subscription = MirrorClient.insertSubscription(credential, notifyUrl, userId, "timeline");
It isn't clear if you're asking how to create the menu items to delete the entire bundle at once, or if you're looking for code to do the actual delete.
Yuan provides some very good answers to both (not least of which because he actually provides code, which I won't), but there are three things you might also want to consider.
1) You can't have a menu on the bundle cover, but if you don't explicitly specify a bundle cover, then the most recent card will be shown as the cover and will also be shown as the first card in the bundle. You'd be able to get to the menu this way. (The default messaging app works this way, for example, but the first card has the same menu as the rest.)
2) You don't need to create a new menu item. You can leverage the DELETE menu item, if you wish. You'll get a delete notification for one of the cards in the bundle and you can then read the bundleId and delete the rest.
3) You don't need to loop through all the cards you've inserted just to find ones that have that bundleId. That is horribly inefficient. I am not fluent in C#, but from reading the documentation at https://developers.google.com/resources/api-libraries/documentation/mirror/v1/csharp/latest/classGoogle_1_1Apis_1_1Mirror_1_1v1_1_1TimelineResource_1_1ListRequest.html, I get the sense that you can create a ListRequest and then set the bundleId before executing the query and get the results.
So I think you can change Yuan's code to something like:
Mirror.Timeline.List list = timelineItems.list();
list.BundleId = bundleId;
List<TimelineItem> timelineItemList = null;
do {
TimelineListResponse response = list.execute();
timelineItemList = response.getItems();
if (timelineItemList != null && timelineItemList.size() > 0) {
for (TimelineItem item : timelineItemList) {
LOG.info("Deleting card " + item.getId());
MirrorClient.deleteTimelineItem(credential, item.getId());
} else {
} while (list.getPageToken() != null && list.getPageToken().length() > 0);
(this should be treated as pseudo-code, at best)
If you're confident how many items you've put into a bundle, you might also be able to just set list.MaxResults and not have to iterate over the pages of results. So perhaps something more like
Mirror.Timeline.List list = timelineItems.list();
list.BundleId = bundleId;
list.MaxResults = 20; // Set to more than the max number of items in a bundle
TimelineListResponse response = list.execute();
List<TimelineItem> timelineItemList = response.getItems();
if (timelineItemList != null && timelineItemList.size() > 0) {
for (TimelineItem item : timelineItemList) {
LOG.info("Deleting card " + item.getId());
MirrorClient.deleteTimelineItem(credential, item.getId());
There doesn't appear to be a way to delete a bundle in one step but it's still possible...
You can do a GET on /Timeline to get a list of items your app has pushed to the users timeline. Filter that out to find the entries with the bundleId you want to delete. For each of those items, call DELETE /Timeline/{itemid}
I'm new to iphone development but I have done android before. The following is something I have done in java and I want to convert this over to iphone.
public class RelationshipTipsActivity extends Activity implements
OnClickListener {
private static final int SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE = 120;
private static final int SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH = 250;
private static final int SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY = 200;
private GestureDetector gestureDetector;
View.OnTouchListener gestureListener;
String facts[] = {"Coming soon",
"Coming soon", };
TextView display, display1;
TextView counter;
Button begin;
Button next;
Button previous;
Button random;
Random myRandom;
int index = facts.length;
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
AdView ad = (AdView) findViewById(R.id.ad);
ad.loadAd(new AdRequest());
display1 = (TextView) findViewById(starting.rt.R.id.Begin);
display = (TextView) findViewById(starting.rt.R.id.tvResults);
counter = (TextView) findViewById(starting.rt.R.id.tvCounter);
next = (Button) findViewById(starting.rt.R.id.Next);
previous = (Button) findViewById(starting.rt.R.id.Previous);
random = (Button) findViewById(starting.rt.R.id.Random);
// display.setOnTouchListener(this.gestureListener);
myRandom = new Random();
// gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(new MyGestureDetector());
// gestureListener = new View.OnTouchListener() {
// public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
// return gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
// }
// };
private void showDisplay() {
counter.setText(String.valueOf(index + 1) + "/"
+ String.valueOf(facts.length));
public void onClick(View arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
switch (arg0.getId()) {
case starting.rt.R.id.Next:
if (index > facts.length - 1) {
index = 0;
case starting.rt.R.id.Previous:
if (index < 0) {
index = facts.length - 1;
case starting.rt.R.id.Random:
index = (myRandom.nextInt(facts.length) - 1);
if (index < 0) {
index = facts.length - 1;
How would you convert something along the lines of that code from android to iphone.
I have this code so far for iphone, I just don't know where to go from there.
(IBAction) clicked:(id)sender{
NSArray *titleOfButton = [sender titleForState:UIControlStateNormal];
//NSString *newLabelText = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:#"%#", titleOfButton];
NSArray *initializedNSArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: #"red",
labelsText.text = initializedNSArray;
[initializedNSArray release];
I want to be able to display those strings within the Iphone View. And be able to click a next or previous button to go to the next or previous string which could be from blue to red or red to blue. Basically if there are any tutorials out there that help me with that or if you know how to help I would appreciate. Thanks!
Why not have a int variable with the current position of the string from the array and two methods goPrev - goNext that increments and decrements the int variable.
In the interface:
UIButton *btn;
int step;
NSArray *titles;
And in the implementation:
-(void)setup {
titles = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Title 1",#"Title 2",#"Title 3",#"Title 4", nil];
btn = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
-(void)goPrev {
if (step>0) {
[btn setTitle:[titles objectAtIndex:step] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
-(void)goNext {
if (step<titles.count-1) {
[btn setTitle:[titles objectAtIndex:step] forState:UIControlStateNormal];