How to programmatically open the Bluetooth settings in iOS 11 - swift3

Code that I used for iOS 10 no longer works on iOS 11... Any ideas what to change? I need to open Bluetooth Settings not general iOS Settings that is getting opened by code below
if let settings = URL(string: "App-Prefs:root=Bluetooth") {, options:[:], completionHandler:nil)

From iOS 11 onwards, Apple has suggested to use public APIs or remove the functionality using “prefs:root" or "App-Prefs:root" URL scheme which is a private entity.
So if you use above url schemes your app might get reject. If you want to open app settings, use UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString.


React native Wifi list

Is there a way to scan and all get Wifi list using react native for Android and iOS. I have seen a few libraries but mostly for android and even those doesnt work properly. Any suggestions?
If I need to write Native Modules can you point me to right direction. Never wrote a native module for React Native before.
Has method loadWifiList() gives Promise<Array<WifiEntry>>
Also you want to forcefully rescan :
method reScanAndLoadWifiList() gives Promise<Array<string>>
You can read docs about Native Modules under Guide section. Here are quick links
Native Modules - Android
Native Modules - iOS
Here is react-native-create-library, it will help you to create a React Native library with a single command.
Another blog on Medium about How to use Native Modules in React Native + Android - Hybrid Apps.
You can use react-native-wifi-reborn ( but there is no way to create a wifi list in iOS.
An explanation of a Apple Support

Transfer files from iOS device to Windows PC via USB

In my C++ Windows application, my users can plug in their mobile device via USB and my application can transfer specific files to/from the device. For Android devices, I was able to use MTP. But iOS devices have me tripped up (I'm not an iOS user).
Immediately, I saw that MTP wasn't an option as I couldn't view the device's filesystem via Windows Explorer (wasn't expecting that). So now I'm stuck, and confused. Googled like crazy and all I discovered was that other 3rd party programs can do it, but I can't find any documentation or resources as to HOW.
Can someone point me in the right direction? What would I need to do in order to view the filesystem on a connected iOS device? Are there any libraries I may be unaware of that I can't find? I can see that iTunes has the functionality I'm looking for.
Thanks for your time!
Well, it looks like my comment was wrong. There is at least libimobiledevice and that claims to still support access to the iOS device file system and even claims to be cross-platform. I haven't tried it though to verify if those claims are true.
See also for some possible alternatives

ios photo/video capture/usage using c++

hi there i need some help.
i already made an android app that take a pic/video, send it to a server which do some stuff and return a string . on the android app taking the photo/video was done using the java code, the path is sent to a C++ code which with help of NDK send the data to the server and get the string back. then pass the string to java for display and delete the photo/video.
now i need to do the same on ios.
is there a way to get a photo/video from camera, and then pass the path to my c++ code that will be the same as in my android app?
Let me describe the question better.
i need an objective c code, that will take an image/video from the camera (i could find the tutorial camera apps of apple and many other sites) what i need now to add is a code that will get me the absolute path to the media file so that i can pass it to the C++ code)
I found this artical how to access C/C++ Lib in iOS Objective-C++

Is it possible to turn off Internet Explorer Compatibility View in Qt QAxWidget?

I'm using QAxWidget to show pages trough Internet Explorer 11, and it is showing me all the pages in the "compatibility view", although they aren't set in the Internet Explorer itself.
Is it possible to turn that off, and to have the component to display pages in "normal" mode, i.e. to have underlying Internet Explorer 11 sign itself as Firefox as it does when it's started normally (i.e. not trough QAxWidget / ActiveX Control )
You obviously need to access IE object model and tweak the mode programmatically. For that you want to start learning IE API.
Also, I made my Qt project to interface with RDP, you can do similar thing to for IE11.
In your project file
TYPELIBS = $$PWD/rdp/mstscax.dll // replace with the path to your typelibrary. Then you will need to include the resulting header file to your project as well as .cpp one. Then you will probably have other problems better to discuss separately. Or you can look at Qt dumpcpp docs which does the import of typelibrary.

To Disable the multimedia contents in IE

I need to disable the multimedia contents in IE Programatically. Is there any way my programming environment is VC++
I'm not quite sure what you mean here.
MSDN has the registry settings for various IE options (such as ShowPictures)
This page shows an example of creating a web browser control with extremely fine grained settings:
The most complete C# Webbrowser wrapper control