My attempt at documenting a closure parameter to a function:
sends the request out.
- Parameter pzurl: request description including url, method, formdata.
- Parameter responseProcessor: closure that's on success invokes
- Parameter json: a json array or dictionary
- Parameter timestamp: and the same `timestamp` that this function returns
- parameter failure: closure is invoked when json could not be parsed or remote indicated failure
- Returns: timestamp to identify responses
internal static func processPZURL(pzurl: PZURL,
responseProcessor:#escaping (_ json:JSON, _ timestamp: TimeInterval) -> (), failure:#escaping (PZError) -> ()) -> TimeInterval {
yields "No description"
and I can find no description of how to change that
Apple markup documentation of no help is here
more documentation from NSHipster that does not address the closure woe
Apparently this is broken ever since january 2017 (or never worked in any xcode) per this:
so my question seems to be an up to date version of
How do you document the parameters of a function's closure parameter in Swift 3?
except answer in that question does not work in xcode 9.2
filed 35881586 with apple
I am in the process of implementing a LoanBroker with Mulesoft but have an error message when sending a request. I get the following error message back from Postman and Mulesoft Anypoint Studio:
ERROR 2021-06-27 15:20:51,133 [[MuleRuntime].uber.04: [loanbroker].LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7.CPU_LITE #254be3ee] [processor: LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7/processors/0; event: 7e49f560-d74a-11eb-b598-b66921dc5aa5] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.exception.OnErrorPropagateHandler:
Message: "You called the function 'Value Selector' with these arguments:
1: Binary ("" as Binary {base: "64"})
2: Name ("amount")
But it expects one of these combinations:
(Array, Name)
(Array, String)
(Date, Name)
(DateTime, Name)
(LocalDateTime, Name)
(LocalTime, Name)
(Object, Name)
(Object, String)
(Period, Name)
(Time, Name)
1| payload.amount
at main (line: 1, column: 1)" evaluating expression: "payload.amount".
Element : LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7/processors/0 # loanbroker:bi_gruppe7.xml:34 (Copy_of_setAmount)
Element DSL : <set-variable value="#[payload.amount]" doc:name="Copy_of_setAmount" doc:id="cbcca557-1a69-4cf2-80b1-64333175589d" variableName="amount"></set-variable>
FlowStack : at LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7(LoanBrokerFlow_Gr7/processors/0 # loanbroker:bi_gruppe7.xml:34 (Copy_of_setAmount))
(set debug level logging or '-Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for everything)
Can anyone help me?
This generally happens when one tries to access inner value of a payload like json but incoming payload is NOT actually a json type.
One could check the payload mediaType and then try to access the amount in order to avoid Value Selector exception.
%dw 2.0
output application/java
if( !isEmpty(payload) and payload.^mediaType contains "json" )
read(payload, "application/json").amount //best effort
Would recommend creating a separate dataweave file like dwl/set-amount.dwl and referencing it.
You are probably sending some body in the HTTP request from Postman but Mule doesn't know how to read it. Maybe you did not the Content-Type header in the request to let DataWeave know it is a JSON (application/json) or XML (application/XML).
Ensure you are sending the right content type.
I ran into the same situation. I know exactly the base64 is a json. So, I tried to set the MIME Type by
<set-payload value="#[payload]" doc:name="Set Payload" mimeType="application/json"/>
It works for me.
What I would like to have happen: Someone can make a post request to users/new with parameters, and I would like to create a User object from the JSON parameters.
In the readme, it gives this example:
foo = Foo.from_json(%({"name": "Granite1"}))
But when I try to do this I get this compile-time error:
in /usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.26.1/src/json/ no
overload matches '' with type Hash(String, Array(JSON::Any) | Bool | Float64 | Hash(String, JSON::Any) | Int64 | String | Nil)
Overloads are:
- : String)
- : IO)
#lexer = input
Here is what env.params.json looks like when logged to the console:
{"name" => "test",
"username" => "tester",
"email" => "test",
"password" => "test"}
Any help would be much appreciated.
The compiler is steering you in the right direction here. It looks like you're passing in a variable that, at compile-time, has the type Hash(String, V) where V is one of the types
Hash(String, JSON::Any)
What it's expecting is a String (or an IO object, which is similar to a String) of JSON. That's what you have in the example. %(foo) is another way to create the String "foo" (See "Percent string literals" in the guide for more info). They're using it here because it allows you to avoid escaping the double quotes used in the JSON.
Based on the compile-time type that Crystal has given your parameter, my guess is that it's already been converted from JSON into a Crystal Hash. Double-check that you're not parsing it twice.
Without seeing the source, there's not much more information I can provide, but I hope that helps.
In finch, we can define router, request parameters, request body like this.
case class Test(name: String, age: Int)
val router: Endpoint[Test] = post("hello") { Ok(Test("name", 30)) }
val requestBody: Endpoint[Test] =[Test]
val requestParameters: Endpoint[Test] = Endpoint.derive[Test].fromParams
The benefit is that we can compose EndPoint together. For example, I can define:
The request path is hello and Parameter should have name and age. (router :: requestParameters)
However, I can still run an invalid endpoint which doesnt include any request path successfully (There is actually no compilation error)
Await.ready(Http.serve(":3000", requestParameters.toService))
The result is returning 404 not found page. Even though I expect that the error should report earlier like compilation error. I wonder that is this a design drawback or it is actually finch trying to fix ?
Many thanks in advance
First of all, thanks a lot for asking this!
Let me give you some insight on how Finch's endpoints work. If you speak category theory, an Endpoint is an Applicative embedding StateT represented as something close to Input => Option[(Input, A)].
Simply speaking, an endpoint takes an Input that wraps an HTTP request and also captures the current path (eg: /foo/bar/baz). When endpoint is applied on to a given request and either matches it (returning Some) or falls over (returning None). When matched, it changes the state of the Input, usually removing the first path segment from it (eg: removing foo from /foo/bar/baz) so the next endpoint is the chain can work with a new Input (and new path).
Once endpoint is matched, Finch checks if there is something else left in the Input that wasn't matched. If something is left, the match considered unsuccessful and your service returns 404.
scala> val e = "foo" :: "bar"
e: io.finch.Endpoint[shapeless.HNil] = foo/bar
scala> e(Input(Request("/foo/bar/baz"))).get._1.path
res1: Seq[String] = List(baz)
When it comes to endpoints matching/extracting query-string params, no path segments are being touched there and the state is passed to the next endpoint unchanged. So when an endpoint param("foo") is applied, the path is not affected. That simply means, the only way to serve a query-string endpoint (note: an endpoint that only extract query-string params) is to send it a request with empty path /.
scala> val s = param("foo").toService
s: com.twitter.finagle.Service[com.twitter.finagle.http.Request,com.twitter.finagle.http.Response] = <function1>
scala> s(Request("/", "foo" -> "bar")).get
res4: com.twitter.finagle.http.Response = Response("HTTP/1.1 Status(200)")
scala> s(Request("/bar", "foo" -> "bar")).get
res5: com.twitter.finagle.http.Response = Response("HTTP/1.1 Status(404)")
I am calling a method "get_text" on GText.buffer detailed here
let text = textView#buffer#get_text in
However as get_text returns multiple values, when I try to use my variable "text" as a string, for example
textView2#buffer#set_text text;
I get the following error message:
Error: This expression has type
?start:GText.iter ->
?stop:GText.iter -> ?slice:bool -> ?visible:bool -> unit -> string
but an expression was expected of type string
How can I access the string being returned by the method? In general, how can I separate the multiple values returned by a method so I can access and use them individually?
I just looked up your link to lablgtk - it looks like you are missing the ():
let text = textView#buffer#get_text () in ...
The problem with this kind of error is that you are using a (curried) function where a string is required, and the message about the type error sounds kind of "long winded" and not to the point.
OK, I think there's no easy (make that lazy) way to do what I want but given the Perl SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI code fragment below what I am looking to do is intercept all SOAP operation passing through the service and log the result of an operation or fault...
-> dispatch_to(
#first arg needs to be the directory holding the modules with no trailing "/". The args aftre the first are name of SPECIFIC packages to be loaded as needed by SOAP requests
#Failure to call out specific moudules below will allow the external SOAP modules to be loaded, but the overall module #INC path for other Perl modules will be blocked for security reasons
SOAP_MODULE_INCULDE, #name of the directory holding the modules with no trailing "/"
"TechnicalMetaDataExtraction", #prod - wrapper for EXIFTool
"Ingest", #module (package) name
"ImageManipulation", #module (package) name
"FacebookBroadcast", #unfinished
"CompressDecompress", #unfinished
"ImageOCR", #prod - tesseract
"HandleDotNet", #prod
"Pipeline", #prod (needs work)
"TwitterBroadcast", #prototype
"Messaging", #prototype but text format email works
"Property", #development
"FileManager", #prototype
"PassThrough" #prod - module to do location conversion (URL -> Fedora Obj+DS, Fedora Obj+DS -> file, URL -> InlineBase64, etc.) but format conversion
) #done with the dispacth_to section
-> on_action(sub {
#on_action method lets you specify SOAPAction understanding. It acceptsreference to subroutine that takes three parameters: SOAPAction, method_uri and method_name.
#'SOAPAction' is taken from HTTP header and method_uri and method_name are extracted from request's body. Default behavior is match 'SOAPAction' if present and ignore it otherwise.
#die SOAP::Data->type('string')->name('debug')->value("Intercepted call, SOAP request='".shift(#_)."'");
if($Debug) {
##_ notes:
#[0] - ""
#[1] -
#[2] - NewOperation
#[3] - "undefined"
my %DataHash=(
message => #_[0]
#SendMessageToAMQTopic(localtime()." - ".#_[0]);
SendDebugMessage(\%DataHash, "info");
} #there's only one element passed at this level
}) #end on_action
#-> on_debug() #not valid for SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI
#-> request() #valid, but does not fire - request method gives you access to HTTP::Request object which you can provide for Server component to handle request.
#-> response() #does not fire - response method gives you access to HTTP::Response object which you can access to get results from Server component after request was handled.
#-> options({compress_threshold => 10000}) #causes problems for the JavaScript soap client - removed for the moment
-> handle() #fires but ignores content in sub - handle method will handle your request. You should provide parameters with request() method, call handle() and get it back with response().
Initially I thought I could get the information I needed from the "on_action" method, but that only contains the destination of the SOAP call (before it is sent?) and I'm looking for data in the operation result that will be sent back to the SOAP client. The documentation of "SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI" is a bit thin and there are few examples online.
Anyone know if this is possible give the what the code above is set up? If not, then the only other option is to alter each method of my SOAP service code modules to include the "SendDebugMessage" function.
I would suggest subclassing SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI and hooking into the handle() method. An untested and probably non-working example would be:
package MySoapCGI;
use Data::Dumper;
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
use base 'SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI';
sub handle {
my $self = shift;
warn Dumper($self->request);
warn Dumper($self->response);
Replace the dumpers with whatever logging you want. You may need to do some XML parsing, because these will be the raw HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response.