Create a Data Modal Class from JSON Response in Swift 3.0? - swift3

I am a beginner and want to learn how to create Data Modal Class from JSON reponse in Swift 3.0.Could someone help to work with this with explanation and what are advantages of it with example.Thanks in advance


How to query the object and its children to JSON?

In my model I have, for now, 3 classes:
Quest: Basics attributes of quest
GoToAndAnswer: Kinda type of a quest, which extends Quest
SeekAndAnswer: Same as above, extending Quest
I'm using Django to build an API so in my View I want to print the info about these Quests in JSON format. The problem is I don't know how to serialize the objects correctly (Im really new at Django and Python):
# Only get the attributes of the class Quest, obviously
serializers.serialize("json", Quest.objects.all())
# Only get the atributes of the GoToAndAnswer, nothing about the Quest attributes
serializers.serialize("json", GoToAndAnswer.objects.all())
So which is the best way to achieve this?
I have seen posts like this: JSON Serialization of a Django inherited model
But it didnt help...
Thanks in advance
You might want to take a look at Django REST Framework which solves all your problems.
That's a Django app with a excellent documentation and all the tools you need to create a API.

SharePoint - document library items to list

What is best way to do this?
I want to read all document library items to list and create direct link those documents. Or is it easier read documents to webpart, example to Listbox/DataGrid?
Document library
Link to MyDocument.doc file
Sorry about this stupid question, but I try to create my first webpart.
If you can help me in the right direction... Thank you!
You should learn how to get documents from a document libraries(or get items from a list) and you can get the url of the document items. So, you will be able to creating your web part as you want. If you're going to using server code(C#) you should learn to using sharepoint object model. Otherwise, sharepoint client object model. Here is a link for your reference:

OpenCart: Creating a standalone Ajax page

I'm working on an OpenCart project. I'm creating a "quick view" effect on the special products on the homepage where if people mouse over the item, a popover displays including a bigger image and an add to cart button.
I'm trying to create an Ajax page where I can use in my js to call and get the details of the product.
My ajax file works fine as far as looking at the passed query string and returning some data; I just don't know how I can include the opencart core files, or module files where I can use to get the details.
I hope I'm making sense.
The easiest and best method would be to use the framework itself and simply use the methods provided to get the data you want. You can read the basics about how to use the framework here assuming you are a php developer and have a basic grasp of OOP and MVC

Creating Dynamic combobox in multiple front-end Django 1.4 and jQuery?

sorry if you do not understand the translation but I need help with Django 1.4, the fact is that I need an example or a tutorial how to create multiple dynamic backend comboboxes in html form, the combobox data are obtained from the database and should be saved.
An example
The idea of this example is using Django 1.4, Mysql and Jquery.
Any question, if not let me know please understand, I will be attentive to your feedback.
Thank you!.
You can use dajaxproject to get data for dynamic combobox, here is an example:

How to partially update a layout / template in Grails

I'm not really experienced with web development especially on views , I need a simple explanation (and pointers to a resource would be really nice as well) on how to deal with rendering a layout or a template partially without rendering whole page again...
What is the best practice?
Does Sitemesh layouts provide this? if so how ?
Shall I use JQuery pass the data as JSON from controller and update the corresponding div with ".html()" ? (which i did something like this a long time ago for some basic stuff, and think this is not really a grails way to do it)
or <g:include> does this for me?
Everything I read about this confused me even more :)
Actually the question is, what is the best practice in Grails to handle partial page updates (with Ajax or without ajax if there is any other ways these days)
Thanks in advance
this tutorial actually gives a really good idea of how to do it
What is the best practice?
The usual practice is to submit an AJAX request (i.e. a HTTP request triggered from JavaScript), and use a JavaScript callback function that updates a section of the page when a response is returned.
Does Sitemesh layouts provide this? if so how ?
When an AJAX request is received on the server-side, you could layout the response using Sitemesh in the same way that you can layout the response of a non-AJAX request. Sitemesh doesn't know or care what kind of request is being processed or whether it's laying out a whole page or just a fragment.
Shall I use JQuery pass the data as JSON from controller and update the corresponding div with ".html()"
Have a look at the tags provided by Grails that have the word "remote" somewhere in the tag name. They provide a very simple way to perform common AJAX tasks within a Grails application. For example, to submit an AJAX request to an action named bookByName and add the response to an element with id foo, simply add the following tag to your page.
<g:remoteFunction action='bookByName' update='foo'/>
Probably you need to use RemoteLink tag:
You can configure it to update some fragment of your page, after calling an remote action.
BTW, it's grails way too, to use ajax and javascript, on client side :)