Computation of symbolic eigenvalues with sympy - python-2.7

I'm trying to compute eigenvalues of a symbolic complex matrix Mof size 3x3. In some cases, eigenvals() works perfectly. For example, the following code:
import sympy as sp
kx = sp.symbols('kx')
x = 0.
M = sp.Matrix([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]])
M[0, 0] = 1.
M[0, 1] = 2./3.
M[0, 2] = 2./3.
M[1, 0] = sp.exp(1j*kx) * 1./6. + x
M[1, 1] = sp.exp(1j*kx) * 2./3.
M[1, 2] = sp.exp(1j*kx) * -1./3.
M[2, 0] = sp.exp(-1j*kx) * 1./6.
M[2, 1] = sp.exp(-1j*kx) * -1./3.
M[2, 2] = sp.exp(-1j*kx) * 2./3.
dict_eig = M.eigenvals()
returns me 3 correct complex symbolic eigenvalues of M. However, when I set x=1., I get the following error:
raise MatrixError("Could not compute eigenvalues for {}".format(self))
I also tried to compute eigenvalues as follows:
lam = sp.symbols('lambda')
cp = sp.det(M - lam * sp.eye(3))
eigs = sp.solveset(cp, lam)
but it returns me a ConditionSet in any case, even when eigenvals() can do the job.
Does anyone know how to properly solve this eigenvalue problem, for any value of x?

Your definition of M made life too hard for SymPy because it introduced floating point numbers. When you want a symbolic solution, floats are to be avoided. That means:
instead of 1./3. (Python's floating point number) use sp.Rational(1, 3) (SymPy's rational number) or sp.S(1)/3 which has the same effect but is easier to type.
instead of 1j (Python's imaginary unit) use sp.I (SymPy's imaginary unit)
instead of x = 1., write x = 1 (Python 2.7 habits and SymPy go poorly together).
With these changes either solveset or solve find the eigenvalues, although solve gets them much faster. Also, you can make a Poly object and apply roots to it, which is probably most efficient:
M = sp.Matrix([
sp.Rational(2, 3),
sp.Rational(2, 3),
sp.exp(sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(1, 6) + x,
sp.exp(sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(1, 6),
sp.exp(sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(-1, 3),
sp.exp(-sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(1, 6),
sp.exp(-sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(-1, 3),
sp.exp(-sp.I*kx) * sp.Rational(2, 3),
lam = sp.symbols('lambda')
cp = sp.det(M - lam * sp.eye(3))
eigs = sp.roots(sp.Poly(cp, lam))
(It would be easier to do from sympy import * than type all these sp.)
I'm not quite clear on why SymPy's eigenvals method reports failure even with the above modifications. As you can see in the source, it doesn't do much more than what the above code does: call roots on the characteristic polynomial. The difference appears to be in the way this polynomial is created: M.charpoly(lam) returns
PurePoly(lambda**3 + (I*sin(kx)/2 - 5*cos(kx)/6 - 1)*lambda**2 + (-I*sin(kx)/2 + 11*cos(kx)/18 - 2/3)*lambda + 1/6 + 2*exp(-I*kx)/3, lambda, domain='EX')
with mysterious (to me) domain='EX'. Subsequently, an application of roots returns {}, no roots found. Looks like a deficiency of the implementation.


What conventions does IPOPT use to construct its Lagrangian?

I am using IPOPT via Pyomo (the AMPL interface) to solve a simple problem and am trying to validate that the primal Lagrangian gradient is zero at the solution. I'm running the following script, in which I construct what I would expect to be the gradient of the Lagrangian with respect to primal variables.
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
m.ipopt_zL_out = pyo.Suffix(direction=pyo.Suffix.IMPORT)
m.ipopt_zU_out = pyo.Suffix(direction=pyo.Suffix.IMPORT)
m.ipopt_zL_in = pyo.Suffix(direction=pyo.Suffix.EXPORT)
m.ipopt_zU_in = pyo.Suffix(direction=pyo.Suffix.EXPORT)
m.dual = pyo.Suffix(direction=pyo.Suffix.IMPORT_EXPORT)
m.v1 = pyo.Var(initialize=-2.0)
m.v2 = pyo.Var(initialize=2.0)
m.v3 = pyo.Var(initialize=2.0)
m.eq_con = pyo.Constraint(expr=m.v1*m.v2*m.v3 - 2.0 == 0)
obj_factor = 1
m.obj = pyo.Objective(
expr=obj_factor*(m.v1**2 + m.v2**2 + m.v3**2),
solver = pyo.SolverFactory("ipopt")
solver.solve(m, tee=True)
grad_lag_map = ComponentMap()
grad_lag_map[m.v1] = (
(obj_factor*2*m.v1) + m.dual[m.eq_con]*m.v2*m.v3 +
m.ipopt_zL_out[m.v1] + m.ipopt_zU_out[m.v1]
grad_lag_map[m.v2] = (
(obj_factor*2*m.v2) + m.dual[m.eq_con]*m.v1*m.v3 +
m.ipopt_zL_out[m.v2] + m.ipopt_zU_out[m.v2]
grad_lag_map[m.v3] = (
(obj_factor*2*m.v3) + m.dual[m.eq_con]*m.v1*m.v2
for var, expr in grad_lag_map.items():
print(, pyo.value(expr))
According to this, however, the gradient of the Lagrangian is not zero when constructed in this way. I can get the gradient of the Lagrangian to be zero by using the following lines to construct grad_lag_map
grad_lag_map[m.v1] = (
-(obj_factor*2*m.v1) + m.dual[m.eq_con]*m.v2*m.v3 +
m.ipopt_zL_out[m.v1] + m.ipopt_zU_out[m.v1]
grad_lag_map[m.v2] = (
-(obj_factor*2*m.v2) + m.dual[m.eq_con]*m.v1*m.v3 +
m.ipopt_zL_out[m.v2] + m.ipopt_zU_out[m.v2]
grad_lag_map[m.v3] = (
-(obj_factor*2*m.v3) + m.dual[m.eq_con]*m.v1*m.v2
With a minus sign in front of the objective gradient, the gradient of the Lagrangian is zero. This is surprising to me. I would not expect to see this factor of -1 for minimization problems. Can anybody confirm whether IPOPT constructs its Lagrangian with this -1 factor for minimization problems, or whether this is the artifact of some other convention I am unaware of?
This is the Gradient of the Lagrangian w.r.t. x computed in Ipopt (
tmp->AddTwoVectors(1., *curr_jac_cT_times_curr_y_c(), 1., *curr_jac_dT_times_curr_y_d(), 1.);
ip_nlp_->Px_L()->MultVector(-1., *z_L, 1., *tmp);
ip_nlp_->Px_U()->MultVector(1., *z_U, 1., *tmp);
This corresponds to an Ipopt-internal representation of a NLP, which has the form
min f(x) dual vars:
s.t. c(x) = 0, y_c
d(x) - s = 0, y_d
d_L <= s <= d_U, v_L, v_U
x_L <= x <= x_U z_L, z_U
The Lagragian for Ipopt is then
f(x) + y_c c(x) + y_d (d(x) - s) + v_L (d_L-s) + v_U (s-d_U) + z_L (x_L-x) + z_U (x-x_U)
and the gradient w.r.t. x is thus
f'(x) + y_c c'(x) + y_d d'(x) - z_L + z_U
The NLP that is used by most Ipopt interfaces is
min f(x) duals:
s.t. g_L <= g(x) <= g_U lambda
x_L <= x <= x_U z_L, z_U
The Gradient of the Lagrangian would be
f'(x) + lambda g'(x) - z_L + z_U
In your code, you have a wrong sign for z_L.

Polynomial interpolation in python

I am studying function approximation and while trying to understand/implement polynomial interpolation I've found an example here. I find the code below a good example to understand what is actually going on instead of using ready functions, however it doesn't run:
Defining the interpolation algorithm. Essentially, we are trying to come up with a representation of true f as a linear combination of basis functions (psi-s).
import sympy as sym
def interpolation(f, psi, points):
N = len(psi) - 1 #order of the approximant polynomial
A = sym.zeros((N+1, N+1)) # initiating the square matrix, whose regular element is psi evaluated at each nodes
b = sym.zeros((N+1, 1)) # original function f evaluated at the selected nodes
psi_sym = psi # save symbolic expression
# Turn psi and f into Python functions
x = sym.Symbol('x')
psi = [sym.lambdify([x], psi[i]) for i in range(N+1)]
f = sym.lambdify([x], f)
for i in range(N+1):
for j in range(N+1):
A[i,j] = psi[j](points[i])
b[i,0] = f(points[i])
c = A.LUsolve(b) #finding the accurate weights for each psi
# c is a sympy Matrix object, turn to list
c = [sym.simplify(c[i,0]) for i in range(c.shape[0])]
u = sym.simplify(sum(c[i,0]*psi_sym[i] for i in range(N+1)))
return u, c
True function f:= 10(x-1)^2 -1, nodes: x0:= 1 + 1/3 and x1 = 1 + 2/3. Interval: [1,2].
x = sym.Symbol('x')
f = 10*(x-1)**2 - 1
psi = [1, x] # approximant polynomial of order 1 (linear approximation)
Omega = [1, 2] #interval
points = [1 + sym.Rational(1,3), 1 + sym.Rational(2,3)]
u, c = interpolation(f, psi, points)
comparison_plot(f, u, Omega)
The code doesn't run. The error occurs in line
A = sym.zeros((N+1, N+1))
Error message: ValueError: (2, 2) is not an integer
But A isn't supposed to be an integer, it is a square matrix whose each element is psi evaluated at each node. f = A*c.
Thank you!!!

Accuracy warnings in scipy.special

I am running an MCMC sampler which requires the calculation of the hypergeometric function at each step using scipy.special.hyp2f1().
At certain points on my grid (which I do not care about) the solutions to the hypergeometric function are quite unstable and SciPy prints the warning:
Warning! You should check the accuracy
This is rather annoying, and over 1000s of samples may well slow down my routine.
I have tried using special.errprint(0) with no luck, as well as disabling all warnings in Python using both the warnings module and the -W ignore flag.
The offending function (called from another file) is below
from numpy import pi, hypot, real, imag
import scipy.special as special
def deflection_angle(p, (x1, x2)):
# Find the normalisation constant
norm = (p.f * p.m * (p.r0 ** (t - 2.0)) / pi) ** (1.0 / t)
# Define the complex plane
z = x1 + 1j * x2
# Define the radial coordinates
r = hypot(x1, x2)
# Truncate the radial coordinates
r_ = r * (r < p.r0).astype('float') + p.r0 * (r >= p.r0).astype('float')
# Calculate the radial part
radial = (norm ** 2 / (p.f * z)) * ((norm / r_) ** (t - 2))
# Calculate the angular part
h1, h2, h3 = 0.5, 1.0 - t / 2.0, 2.0 - t / 2.0
h4 = ((1 - p.f ** 2) / p.f ** 2) * (r_ / z) ** 2
angular = special.hyp2f1(h1, h2, h3, h4)
# Assemble the deflection angle
alpha = (- radial * angular).conjugate()
# Separate real and imaginary parts
return real(alpha), imag(alpha)`
Unfortunately, hyp2f1 is notoriously hard to compute over some non-trivial areas of the parameter space. Many implementations would dilently produce inaccurate or wildly wrong results. Scipy.special tries hard to at least monitor convergence. An alternative could be to usr arbitrary precision implementations, e.g. mpmath. But these would certainly be quite a bit slower, so MCMC users beware.
EDIT: Ok, this seems to be scipy version dependent. I tried #wrwrwr's example on scipy 0.13.3, and it reproduces what you see: "Warning! You should check the accuracy" is printed regardless of the errprint status. However, doing the same with the dev version, I get
In [12]: errprint(True)
Out[12]: 0
In [13]: hyp2f1(0.5, 2/3., 1.5, 0.09j+0.75j)
/home/br/virtualenvs/scipy_py27/bin/ipython:1: SpecialFunctionWarning: scipy.special/chyp2f1: loss of precision
Out[13]: (0.93934867949609357+0.15593972567482395j)
In [14]: errprint(False)
Out[14]: 1
In [15]: hyp2f1(0.5, 2/3., 1.5, 0.09j+0.75j)
Out[15]: (0.93934867949609357+0.15593972567482395j)
So, apparently it got fixed at some point between 2013 and now. You might want to upgrade your scipy version.

Matrix multiplication with Python

I have a numerical analysis assignment and I need to find some coefficients by multiplying matrices. We were given an example in Mathcad, but now we have to do it in another programming language so I chose Python.
The problem is, that I get different results by multiplying matrices in respective environments. Here's the function in Python:
from numpy import *
def matrica(C, n):
N = len(C) - 1
m = N - n
A = [[0] * (N + 1) for i in range(N+1)]
A[0][0] = 1
for i in range(0, n + 1):
A[i][i] = 1
for j in range(1, m + 1):
for i in range(0, N + 1):
if i + j <= N:
A[i+j][n+j] = A[i+j][n+j] - C[i]/2
A[int(abs(i - j))][n+j] = A[int(abs(i - j))][n+j] - C[i]/2
M = matrix(A)
x = matrix([[x] for x in C])
return [float(y) for y in M.I * x]
As you can see I am using numpy library. This function is consistent with its analog in Mathcad until return statement, the part where matrices are multiplied, to be more specific. One more observation: this function returns correct matrix if N = 1.
I'm not sure I understand exactly what your code do. Could you explain a little more, like what math stuff you're actually computing. But if you want a plain regular product and if you use a numpy.matrix, why don't you use the already written matrix product?
a = numpy.matrix(...)
b = numpy.matrix(...)
p = a * b #matrix product

Finding polynomial roots using Python -- Possible Numpy Extension Bug

I am using Numpy to obtain the roots of polynomials. Numpy provides a module 'polynomial'.
My hand calc for x^2 + 5*x + 6 = 0 is x = -2 & x = -3. (Simple)
But my code shows me the wrong answer: array([-0.5 , -0.33333333]) (Inversed?)
Could anyone please find the culprit in my code? Or is it simply a bug?
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial as P
p = P([1, 5, 6])
Simply pass it in the other order,
p = P([6, 5, 1])
You could have realized this yourself if you had determined that, for a polynomial P of degree n, R(x) = x^n P(1/x) equals the reversed version of P. So, except for 0, the roots of R are the reciprocals of the roots of P.