C++ 11 random number generation not working [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
Why do I get the same sequence for every run with std::random_device with mingw gcc4.8.1?
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
//My trial program
using namespace std;
int main(){
//USed to initialize (seed) the random number generator
random_device sd{};
// The random number generator
mt19937 engine {sd()};
//Uniformly distribute random numbers in [1...10]
uniform_int_distribution <> dis{1, 50};
//Generate a random integer
int x {dis(engine)};
//Print it
return 0;
I have used the code above to a generate random number between 1 to 50. But whenever I run the program, the random number generated is the same. An online course that I am taking has this code and it works perfectly fine on the instructor's clang compiler. I am using gcc compiler. Can anyone tell me what needs to be done please? thank you!!

From std::random_device :
std::random_device may be implemented in terms of an implementation-defined pseudo-random number engine if a non-deterministic source (e.g. a hardware device) is not available to the implementation. In this case each std::random_device object may generate the same number sequence.
Although it's not ideal for it's users, an implementation is allowed to have the behavior you described.

The issue here is that std::random_device does not have to really be a random device. It can be a wrapper around an unseeded rand which would give you the same value every time you use it. This means your seed for engine would be the same which means the pseudo-random sequence it generates would be the same as well.
One way you could get around this is to use the current as a seed like
auto seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
mt19937 engine {seed};
But this can be manipulated via external processes and isn't very fined grained so multiple instances seeded at the same time could all make the same sequence.


Storing random_device seeds for Monte Carlo simulations

On C++, I am using random_device to seed my 64-bit mersenne twister as follows:
random_device rand_dev;
mt19937_64 mersenne_generator(rand_dev());
And then calling the distribution function inside the loop:
double rand_no = uniform_real_distribution<double>(0.0,1.0)(mersenne_generator);
In other words, the standard way of using mt19937_64, as far as I'm aware. I am using this for a Monte Carlo simulation, and so far it has worked quite well.
However, I for future simulations I would like the simulation results to be fully reproducible based on a stored seed. Such that running:
mt19937_64 mersenne_generator(stored_rand_dev);
For the same parameter set and a given stored_rand_dev will result in the same outputs.
My first thought was to store the results of the random_device as some kind of integer or string. However, naive typecasting random_device to a integer does not work, nor does using to_string. I was wondering if there was an alternative method of storing random_device? Preferably in a form that can occupy a single cell in a tsv file.
Alternatively, I thought of using random device to choose an unsigned integer from 0 to INT_MAX and using this as a seed for mt19937. However, I was unsure if this would affect the quality of random numbers generated by mt19937 versus using random_device. Could anyone advise on this as well?

Using 'getrandom' to generate random number in C++

I want to use a random-number-generator in c++ to make a maths quiz with randomly-generated numbers.
My problem is that using time(0) is only accurate to a single second. In the IDE that I am using (NetBeans 8.2), a message appeared when hovering over srand(time(0)) with the message:
This is a weak random number generator; it is not useful for security purposes. Alternative: getrandom(void *buf,size_t buflen, unsigned int flags);/dev/urandom;
I could not find anything online about getrandom. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the syntax of getrandom? How to use it?
You should stop using srand / rand since these are old ways of generating random numbers. Since C++11, there is a random standard library:
#include <random>
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 100);
// To generate a number:
Quick explanation:
std::random_device is a random generator that can produce non-deterministic random numbers.
std::mt19937 is a specific instantiation of a Mersenne Twister engine to generate pseudo-random numbers.
std::uniform_int_distribution is a uniform number distribution. Here I generate number between 0 and 100 (included).
std::rand is also a pseudo-random number generator, but the random engine is implementation-defined, and you need to use srand to initialize it:
// Call srand once at the beginning of the program:
// Then you use rand() without (usually) calling srand() again:
But as you noticed, std::time usually returns a number of seconds, so if you run your program twice in a second, you will probably get the same output.
getrandom is a non-standard function (maybe POSIX?), there is really no needs to use it for a game now that the random standard library is available.

rand() and srand() functions in c++

I have been learning recently how to program games in c++ from a beginner book, and i reached a lesson where i have to make a game in where i have to guess the computer's random picked number, and i have to use this line of code:
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
I obviously use iostream cstdlib and ctime.I don't really understand how this works.How is it picking the time and date, and by what rules is it converting into an unsigned int. Basically, how those functions work.
Thank you!
1. About time()
time (or better std::time in C++) is a function that returns some integer or floating point number that represents the current time in some way.
Which arithmetic type it actually returns and how it represents the current time is unspecified, however, most commonly you will get some integer type that holds the seconds since begin of the Unix epoch.
2. About srand()
srand is a function that uses its argument (which is of type unsigned int), the so called seed, to set the internal state of the pseudo number generator rand. When I write random in the rest of this answer, read pseudo random.
Using a different seed will in general result in a different sequence of random numbers produced by subsequent calls to rand, while using the same seed again will result in the exactly same sequence of random numbers.
3. Using time() to seed rand()
If we do not want to get the same random numbers every time we run the program, we need some seed that is different on each run. The current time is a widely used source for such a seed as it changes constantly.
This integer (or whatever else time returned) representing the current time is now converted to unsigned int with a static_cast. This explicit cast is not actually needed as all arithmetic types convert to unsigned int implicitly, but the cast may silence some warnings. As time goes by, we can expect the resulting unsigned int and thus the sequence of random numbers produced by rand to change.
4. Pitfalls
If, as is common, time returns the number of seconds since the beginning of the Unix epoch, there are three important things to note:
The sequence you produce will be different only if at least a second has passed between two invocations.
Depending on the actual implementation, the resulting sequences may start of kind of similar if the time points used to seed rand are close to each other (compared to time since Epoch). Afaik, this is the case in MSVC's implementation. If that is problematic, just discard the first couple of hundred or thousand values of the sequence. (As I have learned by now, this does not really help much for poor RNGs as commonly used for rand. So if that is problematic, use <random> as described below.)
Your numbers are not very random in the end: If someone knows when your call to srand occurred, they can derive the entire sequence of random numbers from that. This has actually led to a decryption tool for a ransom ware that used srand(time(0)) to generate its "random" encryption key.
Also, the sequence generated by rand tends to have poor statistical properties even if the seed was good. For a toy program like yours, that is probably fine, however, for real world use, one should be aware of that.
5. The new <random>
C++11 introduced new random number facilities that are in many ways superior to the old rand based stuff. They provided in the standard header <random>. It includes std::random_device which provides a way to get actually random seeds, powerful pseudo random number generators like std::mt19937 and facilities to map the resulting random sequences to integer or float ranges without introducing unnecessary bias.
Here is an example how to randomly roll a die in C++11:
#include <random>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(1, 6);
for (int n=0; n<10; ++n)
std::cout << dis(gen) << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
(Code from cppr) Note: std::random_device does not work properly with MinGW, at least in the version (Nuwen MinGW5.3) I tested!
It should also be noted that the state space of a mt19937 is much larger than the 32 bit we (commonly) get out of a single call to random_device. Again, this will most likely not matter for toy programs and homework, but for reference: Here is my attempt to properly seed the entire state space, plus some helpful suggestions in the answers.
If you are interested in more details about rand vs <random>, this is an interesting watch.
First line:
srand() is a pseudo-random number generator. In your case it is initialized with the current time (execution time) on your system.
Second line:
After the pseudo-random number generator is configured, you can retrieve random numbers by calling rand().

Random number generator repeats every time?

I'm trying to find a random number generator that will give me a single random number each time I run it. I have spent a week trying dozens of different ones, both from this site and others. Every time I run it, it gives me the same number! The only time it changes is if I change the range, and then it just gives me the new number over and over.
I am running Code::Blocks ver. 16.01 on Windows 7. Can anyone help?? I'm at my wits' end!
This code gives me a decently ramdom string of numbers, but still the same string each time!
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
int main()
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 eng(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> distr(0, 10);
for(int n=0; n<100; ++n)
std::cout << distr(eng) << '\t';
I have tried the code on my compiler app on my phone as well.
Every pseudo random number generator will return the same sequence of numbers for the same initial seed value.
What you want to do is to use a different seed every time you run the program. Otherwise you'll just be using the same default seed every time and get the same values.
Picking good seeds is not as easy as you might think. Using the output from time(nullptr) for example still gives the same results if two copies of the program run within the same second. Using the value of getpid() is also bad since pid values wrap and thus sometimes you'll get the same value for different runs. Luckily you have other options. std::seed_seq lets you combine multiple bad sources and returns a good (or rather, pretty good) seed value you can use. There is also std::random_device which (on all sane implementations) returns raw entropy - perfect for seeding a pseudo random generator (or you can just use it directly if it is fast enough for your purpose) or you can combine it with std::seed_seq and the bad sources to seed a generator if you are worried it might be implemented as a prng on your implementation.
I would advice you to read this page: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random for an overview of how to deal with random number generation in modern C++.
The standard allows std::random_device to be implemented in terms of a pseudo-random number generator if there is no real random source on the system.
You may need to find a different entropy source, such as the time, or user touch co-ordinates.

Same random numbers every time I run the program

My random numbers that output, output in the same sequence every time I run my game. Why is this happening?
I have
#include <cstdlib>
and am using this to generate the random numbers
randomDiceRollComputer = 1 + rand() % 6;
You need to seed your random number generator:
Try putting this at the beginning of the program:
srand ( time(NULL) );
Note that you will need to #include <ctime>.
The idea here is to seed the RNG with a different number each time you launch the program. By using time as the seed, you get a different number each time you launch the program.
You need to give the randum number generator a seed. This can be done by taking the current time, as this is hopefully some kind of random.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main()
int r;
r = rand();
return 0;
The rand() function is specifically required to produce the same sequence of numbers when seeded with a given seed (by calling srand()); each possible seed value specifies a sequence. And if you never call srand(), you get the same sequence you would have gotten by calling srand(1) before any call to rand().
(This doesn't apply across different C or C++ implementations.)
This can be useful for testing purposes. If there's a bug in your program, for example, you can reproduce it by re-running it with the same seed, guaranteeing that (barring other unpredictable behaviors) you'll get the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.
Calling srand(time(NULL)) is the usual recommended way to get more or less unpredictable pseudo-random numbers. But it's not perfect. If your program runs twice within the same second, you'll probably get the same sequence, because time() (typically) has a resolution of 1 second. And typical `rand() implementations are not good enough for cryptographic use; it's too easy for an attacker to guess what numbers you're going to get.
There are a number of other random number implementations. Linux systems have two pseudo-devices, /dev/random and /dev/urandom, from which you can read reasonably high-quality pseudo-random byte values. Some systems might have functions like random(), drand48(), and so forth. And there are numerous algorithms; I've heard good things about the Mersenne Twister.
For something like a game, where you don't expect or care about players trying to cheat, srand(time(NULL)) and rand() is probably good enough. For more serious purposes, you should get advice from someone who knows more about this stuff than I do.
Section 13 of the comp.lang.c FAQ has some very good information about pseudo-random number generation.
Pseudorandom number generators take a starting number, or seed, and then generate the next number in the sequence from this. That's why they're called pseudorandom, because if they always use the same starting value, they will generate the same sequence of numbers like the C standard lib generator does. This can be fixed by giving the generator a starting value that will change the next time the program is run like the current time.
Anyway, the code you're looking for like others have said is:
srand(time(0)); //Seed the generator, give it a starting value