I have two buttons as right and left arrow on my main page and every time a button is clicked UILabel is updated through an array e.g let names = ["John, Smith, "Ahmed", "Jack", "Kathy"]. I have two UIActions as rightArrowClicked and leftArrowClicked. Initially the label should appear as John with left arrow disabled, which'll be done by the isHidden property of leftArrow and likewise when the value is Kathy then rightArrow should be disabled. Along with that i also need to update another label w.r.t to the name value e.g john can have a value of "cute", and kathy as "pretty" and these values are coming from an external library which i've added via cocoapods which are being generated in a function of that class. Any ideas how would i do that?
This is code with simple logic that you need
let names = ["John", "Smith", "Ahmed", "Jack", "Kathy"]
var currentIndex = 0
leftButton.isHidden = true
#IBAction func left(_ sender: Any) {
currentIndex --
label.text = names[currentIndex]
if currentIndex == 0 {
leftButton.isHidden = true
rightButton.isHidden = false
#IBAction func right(_ sender: Any) {
currentIndex ++
label.text = names[currentIndex]
if currentIndex == names.count - 1 {
rightButton.isHidden = true
leftButton.isHidden = false
You can try like below and call updateButtonsState() in viewDidLoad method
let names = ["John", "Smith", "Ahmed", "Jack", "Kathy"]
let nature = ["cute", "pretty", "cute", "pretty", "cute"]
var currenIndex = 0
#IBAction func leftBtnClick(_ sender: UIButton) {
currenIndex = currenIndex - 1
#IBAction func rignthBtnClick(_ sender: UIButton) {
currenIndex = currenIndex + 1
func updateButtonsState() {
leftBtn.isEnabled = currenIndex > 0 ? true : false
rightBtn.isEnabled = currenIndex < names.count - 1 ? true : false
if currenIndex >= 0 && currenIndex < names.count {
lblName.text = names[currenIndex]
lblNameWithNature.text = nature[currenIndex]
print("currenIndex == \(currenIndex)")
I am working with the IF/Else training in Udemy and cannot see where my error/issue is.
When I run the code, nothing happens and it doesn't activate an error(in XCode)
When I apply it to the (online)playground, it's identifying almost everything as an error.
I'm a beginner. I'm follwong the lessons but if she doesn't supply the solution, I can't see where I went wrong. Help.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let softTime = 5
let mediumTime = 7
let hardTime = 12
#IBAction func hardnessSelected(_ sender: UIButton) {
let hardness = sender.currentTitle
func hardness(temp: Int){
let hardness = Int.random(in: 0 ... 12)
if hardness >= 10 {
print("Hard Boiled")
};if hardness <= 9 {
print("Medium Boiled")
} else {
print("Soft Boiled")
You have an unnecessary semi-colon (';') on your second if, also you should use else if when you have another condition you want to check for. Try this code:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let softTime = 5
let mediumTime = 7
let hardTime = 12
#IBAction func hardnessSelected(_ sender: UIButton) {
let hardness = sender.currentTitle
func hardness(temp: Int){
let hardness = Int.random(in: 0 ... 12)
if hardness >= 10 {
print("Hard Boiled")
} else if hardness <= 9 {
print("Medium Boiled")
} else {
print("Soft Boiled")
You can read more about javascript if statements here: https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_if_else.asp
Hello i am trying to make a shop page on my application. The shop page contains a table with a title that is clickable so it expands into subcategories of that title. Etc click coffee and get some different kind of coffee to buy from.
Title = Drinks, Sandwiches & Drinks in the picture below.
subcategory from title = Ham & cheese, Chicken, bacon & curry .... and so on.
Now the expanding and closing the titles work fine. But when i press + (add iteem to cart) i get a out out of index if it's clicked in a specific order.
if i expand sandwiches (like it is in the picture) and then expand drinks (the one below sandwiches) and then click on the plus on any subcategory in sandwiches and then close sandwiches again and press on plus on any subcategory in Drinks (the one below the now closed sandwiches) the application will crash with a out of index error. Only this combination gives this error.
How the code works:
/* Create Cells */
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -
> UITableViewCell {
// Row is DefaultCell
if let rowData = destinationData?[indexPath.row] {
let defaultCell = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("TableViewCellMenuItems", owner: self, options: nil)?.first as! TableViewCellMenuItems
// tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "TableViewCellMenuItems", for: indexPath).first as! TableViewCellMenuItems
defaultCell.menuName.text = rowData.name
defaultCell.menuPicture.image = rowData.image
defaultCell.menuFoldPic.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "ic_keyboard_arrow_down")
defaultCell.selectionStyle = .none
return defaultCell
// Row is ExpansionCell
else {
if let rowData = destinationData?[getParentCellIndex(expansionIndex: indexPath.row)] {
// print("her åbner vi")
// // Create an ExpansionCell
let expansionCell =
Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("TableViewCellMenuItemExpanded", owner: self, options: nil)?.first as! TableViewCellMenuItemExpanded
// Get the index of the parent Cell (containing the data)
let parentCellIndex = getParentCellIndex(expansionIndex: indexPath.row)
// Get the index of the flight data (e.g. if there are multiple ExpansionCells
let flightIndex = indexPath.row - parentCellIndex - 1
// Set the cell's data
expansionCell.itemPrice.text = String (describing: "\(rowData.menuItems![flightIndex].price) kr")
expansionCell.itemName.text = rowData.menuItems?[flightIndex].name
expansionCell.itemCount.text = String (describing: rowData.menuItems![flightIndex].count)
// expansionCell.itemCount.text = String (describing: indexPath.row)
expansionCell.itemAdd.tag = Int(indexPath.row)
expansionCell.itemMinus.tag = Int(indexPath.row)
expansionCell.itemAdd.addTarget(self, action: #selector(HomeSelectedShopViewController.plus(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
expansionCell.itemMinus.addTarget(self, action: #selector(HomeSelectedShopViewController.minus(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
expansionCell.selectionStyle = .none
return expansionCell
return UITableViewCell()
as you can see the expansionCells get a tag for my function plus and minus (so i can know which indexPath i should add up or down)
Plus function:
func plus(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
if let rowData = destinationData?[getParentCellIndex(expansionIndex: sender!.tag)] {
// Get the index of the parent Cell (containing the data)
let parentCellIndex = getParentCellIndex(expansionIndex: sender!.tag)
// Get the index of the flight data (e.g. if there are multiple ExpansionCells
let flightIndex = sender!.tag - parentCellIndex - 1
var con = 0;
for a in rowData.menuItems! {
print("her er navn : \(a.name) og her er id \(con)")
con += 1
let data = rowData.menuItems![flightIndex]
let item = Items(name: data.name, price: data.price, count: data.count)
var counter = 0;
for x in self.basket {
if(x.name == item.name || x.price == item.price)
counter = counter+1;
if(counter >= 99)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
rowData.menuItems![flightIndex].count = rowData.menuItems![flightIndex].count+1;
Rest of the functions:
/* Expand cell at given index */
private func expandCell(tableView: UITableView, index: Int) {
// print("when is this run 1")
// Expand Cell (add ExpansionCells
if let flights = destinationData?[index]?.menuItems {
for i in 1...flights.count {
destinationData?.insert(nil, at: index + i)
tableView.insertRows(at: [NSIndexPath(row: index + i, section: 0) as IndexPath] , with: .top)
/* Contract cell at given index */
private func contractCell(tableView: UITableView, index: Int) {
// print("when is this run 4")
if let flights = destinationData?[index]?.menuItems {
for i in 1...flights.count {
destinationData?.remove(at: index+1)
tableView.deleteRows(at: [NSIndexPath(row: index+1, section: 0) as IndexPath], with: .top)
/* Get parent cell index for selected ExpansionCell */
private func getParentCellIndex(expansionIndex: Int) -> Int {
// print("when is this run 5")
var selectedCell: Menu?
var selectedCellIndex = expansionIndex
while(selectedCell == nil && selectedCellIndex >= 0) {
selectedCellIndex -= 1
selectedCell = destinationData?[selectedCellIndex]
return selectedCellIndex
func minus(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
if let rowData = destinationData?[getParentCellIndex(expansionIndex: sender!.tag)] {
// Get the index of the parent Cell (containing the data)
let parentCellIndex = getParentCellIndex(expansionIndex: sender!.tag)
// Get the index of the flight data (e.g. if there are multiple ExpansionCells
let flightIndex = sender!.tag - parentCellIndex - 1
let data = rowData.menuItems![flightIndex]
let item = Items(name: data.name, price: data.price, count: data.count)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
var counter = 0;
for x in self.basket {
if(x.name == item.name || x.price == item.price)
if(item.count == 0)
self.basket.remove(at: counter)
rowData.menuItems![flightIndex].count = rowData.menuItems![flightIndex].count-1;
counter = counter+1;
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if let data = destinationData?[indexPath.row] {
// If user clicked last cell, do not try to access cell+1 (out of range)
if(indexPath.row + 1 >= (destinationData?.count)!) {
expandCell(tableView: tableView, index: indexPath.row)
else {
// If next cell is not nil, then cell is not expanded
if(destinationData?[indexPath.row+1] != nil) {
expandCell(tableView: tableView, index: indexPath.row)
} else {
contractCell(tableView: tableView, index: indexPath.row)
I dont really know how to solve this, all i know is that the plus function gets out of range on this bit "let data = rowData.menuItems![flightIndex]".
How do I check if I have pressed on an NSSearchField search button?
search button of NSSearchField
#IBAction func searchTextField(_ sender: NSSearchField) {
if `searchButtonIsClicked` {
//Code if searchButtonIsClicked
if sender.stringValue != "" {
//My code
What I need to do instead of searchButtonIsClicked?
Here is the solution.
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var searchFieldText: NSSearchField!
#IBOutlet weak var labelSearchText: NSTextField!
#IBAction func searchFieldButton(_ sender: NSSearchField) {
if searchFieldText.stringValue != "" {
//My code. For example:
labelSearchText.stringValue = searchFieldText.stringValue
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
let cellMenu = NSMenu(title: "Search Menu")
var item: NSMenuItem!
item = NSMenuItem(title: "Clear", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
item.tag = Int(NSSearchFieldClearRecentsMenuItemTag)
cellMenu.insertItem(item, at: 0)
item = NSMenuItem.separator()
item.tag = Int(NSSearchFieldRecentsTitleMenuItemTag)
cellMenu.insertItem(item, at: 1)
item = NSMenuItem(title: "Recent Searches", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
item.tag = Int(NSSearchFieldRecentsTitleMenuItemTag)
cellMenu.insertItem(item, at: 2)
item = NSMenuItem(title: "Recents", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
item.tag = Int(NSSearchFieldRecentsMenuItemTag)
cellMenu.insertItem(item, at: 3)
searchFieldText.searchMenuTemplate = cellMenu
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
Thank you for your help.
I think this demo can resolve your question.
Swift Code is below:
if let cell = searchField.cell as? NSSearchFieldCell {
let searchButtonCell: NSButtonCell = cell.searchButtonCell!
let cacelButtonCell: NSButtonCell = cell.cancelButtonCell!
searchButtonCell.target = self
cacelButtonCell.target = self
searchButtonCell.action = #selector(clickSearchButton(_:))
cacelButtonCell.action = #selector(clickCacelButton(_:))
I am trying to save a simple piece of information using NSUserdefaults. I am trying to save a SKSprite to have an alpha of 1. Here is how I am doing it.
First scene: Level select (sprite alpha is 0.2)
When user completes Level: (edit sprite in Level Select to equal one)
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let view = self.view as! SKView? {
// Load the SKScene from 'GameScene.sks'
if let scene = levelselectscene {
// Set the scale mode to scale to fit the window
scene.scaleMode = .fill
// Present the scene
view.ignoresSiblingOrder = true
view.showsFPS = true
view.showsNodeCount = true
override var shouldAutorotate: Bool {
return true
Level Select:
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
if unlockLevelTwoButton == true {
levelselectscene?.childNode(withName: "LevelTwoButton")?.alpha = 1
UserDefaults.standard.set(unlockLevelTwoButton, forKey: "LevelTwoUnlocked")
print("I got this far")
Level One:
func didBegin(_ contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
var bodyA = contact.bodyA
var bodyB = contact.bodyB
let threeStars = SKScene(fileNamed: "LevelCompleted3Star")
let fadeAction = SKAction.fadeAlpha(by: 1, duration: 0.45)
if bodyA.categoryBitMask == 1 && bodyB.categoryBitMask == 2 || bodyA.categoryBitMask == 2 && bodyB.categoryBitMask == 1{
levelOneCompleted() //islevelonecompleted
unlockLevelTwoButton = true
//3 stars
threeStars?.scaleMode = .fill
self.view?.presentScene(threeStars!, transition: .fade(withDuration: 0.3))
3 Stars:
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
if isLevelOneCompleted == true{
unlockLevelTwoButton = true
UserDefaults.standard.set(isLevelOneCompleted, forKey: "LevelOne")
levelselectscene?.scaleMode = .fill
levelselectscene?.childNode(withName: "levelTwoButton")?.alpha = 1
To me, it looks like the information should save. What am I doing wrong? I also have the keys set to retrieve:
if let z = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "LevelTwoButton")
unlockLevelTwoButton = z as! Bool
Can't figure out why it's not saving!
Based on the code you've shown, you are saving it with one name, and retrieving it with a different name (LevelTwoUnlocked) vs (LevelTwoButton)
I am trying to make a numbered list out of the information the user inputs into a UITextView. For example,
List item one
List item two
List item three
Here is the code that I have tried but does not give me the desired effect.
var currentLine: Int = 1
func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
// Add "1" when the user starts typing into the text field
if (textView.text.isEmpty && !text.isEmpty) {
textView.text = "\(currentLine). "
currentLine += 1
else {
if text.isEmpty {
if textView.text.characters.count >= 4 {
let str = textView.text.substring(from:textView.text.index(textView.text.endIndex, offsetBy: -4))
if str.hasPrefix("\n") {
textView.text = String(textView.text.characters.dropLast(3))
currentLine -= 1
else if text.isEmpty && textView.text.characters.count == 3 {
textView.text = String(textView.text.characters.dropLast(3))
currentLine = 1
else {
let str = textView.text.substring(from:textView.text.index(textView.text.endIndex, offsetBy: -1))
if str == "\n" {
textView.text = "\(textView.text!)\(currentLine). "
currentLine += 1
return true
as suggested here: How to make auto numbering on UITextview when press return key in swift but had no success.
Any help is much appreciated.
You can subclass UITextView, override method willMove(toSuperview and add an observer for UITextViewTextDidChange with a selector that break up your text into lines enumerating and numbering it accordingly. Try like this:
class NumberedTextView: UITextView {
override func willMove(toSuperview newSuperview: UIView?) {
frame = newSuperview?.frame.insetBy(dx: 50, dy: 80) ?? frame
backgroundColor = .lightGray
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(textViewDidChange), name: .UITextViewTextDidChange, object: nil)
func textViewDidChange(notification: Notification) {
var lines: [String] = []
for (index, line) in text.components(separatedBy: .newlines).enumerated() {
if !line.hasPrefix("\(index.advanced(by: 1))") &&
!line.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty {
lines.append("\(index.advanced(by: 1)). " + line)
} else {
text = lines.joined(separator: "\n")
// this prevents two empty lines at the bottom
if text.hasSuffix("\n\n") {
text = String(text.characters.dropLast())
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let textView = NumberedTextView()