Visual Studio 2017: can't see target framework 4.7 [duplicate] - visual-studio-2017

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Can't choose .NET 4.7
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
From .NET blog I came to know that, they have added support for targeting .NET framework 4.7 in Visual Studio 17. I just have installed Visual Studio 2017 but not getting the target framework 4.7. Highest target framework i can see is 4.6.1.

Start the Visual Studio Installer and install the .NET Framework 4.7 Development Tools.


Change (use older) c++ version in Visual Studio [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Disable c++11 features in Visual Studio2013
(5 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is it possible to use an older version in Visual Studio than c++11? A similar question revealed that it is not possible to use a newer version, but I want the compiler to complain when I am using language features that are only available for c++11.
To completely disable C++11 features in Visual Studio, you must compile with a toolset old enough that it does not have any C++11 features. The last version of Visual Studio to have no C++11 support was VS2008 (question about that here: Visual Studio 2008 with c++11).
To use an older toolset, you must first install that version of Visual Studio, and then modify the "Configuration Properties->General->Platform Toolset" and set it to the appropriate Visual Studio version. When you compile with Visual Studio 2008 toolset, any C++11 usage will be errors.
No, there is no way to disable C++11 features for a Visual Studio project without installing an older MSVC version.

What is Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1?

I am going to use Cython for my project. As a prerequisite, Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 should be installed in order to link with the right runtime.
However, I already have Virtual Studio 2012 installed in my computer, so I am wondering if this is still necessary?
And, what is it? Is it different from Visual Studio? I found some introduction about it, and seems it is already included in Visual Studio.
VS 2012 contain framework 4.5 till now and yes they both are same.
since, cython was originally made on VS2008 so it has some issue to later framework.
some cool guys solved this issue on vs 2010.
You can have more detail on this links

Why does WiX not work in Visual Studio 2012 Express? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Wix project template for Visual Studio Express versions?
Was looking for a free installer creator that integrates with Visual Studio 2012 Express. I have read great things about Windows Installer XML (WiX), but is seems like it won't work out of the box with the Express version of Visual Studio. Are there any work-arounds? I was wondering why a free and open-source capability wouldn't or couldn't support the project templates in the Express edition but can in all the others. Is this a built-in barrier from Microsoft to get people to upgrade?
Visual Studio Express does not support Extensibility by 3rd parties. This is a limitation Microsoft has placed on all the free editions of Visual Studio. Since Wix is being maintained as an open source project, it cannot integrate into Visual Studio Express as deep as it can into Visual Studio Professional and better.
You can still call Wix from the command-line or through WixEdit.

How can I add wince sdk 6 to embedded visual c++ 4? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0?
I installed Windows CE 5.0 Standard Software Development Kit (SDK).msi and now I have STANDARDSDK_500 in eMbedded Visual c++ 4.
Now I have installed Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Evaluation Edition.exe. How can I add it to eMbedded Visual c++ 4. as STANDARDSDK_600?
Is there any way to do that?
There are a few things going on here, but most importantly, eVC will only show SDKs . I'm not sure exactly what "Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Evaluation Edition.exe" is in your context, but I doubt it's an SDK, since the SDK roller doesn't generate EXEs.
You must build and install an actual SDK. This must be created with Platform Builder. Thankfully, Microsoft abandoned the "Stndard SDK" after CE 5.0, so there is no out-of-the-box general SDK you can install. You need to generate one (which is pretty simple since it seems you've installed Platform Builder) or get one from an OEM.
Also, since you have PB 6.0 installed, which installs Studio 2005, why are you using eVC? You can do application development with Visual Studio.

Is Qt Visual Studio add-in a subset of Qt Visual Studio integration? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What's the difference in the Visual Studio integration tools for Qt?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Qt software recently released Qt Visual Studio Add-in. Does anybody know, is it a subset of Visual Studio Integration, or is there included something new? Anyone tried both?
It is a full replacement.
There is no need to use the (commercial) Visual Studio Integration.
I highly recommend switching to the new Qt Visual Studio Add-in, which finally is available as version 1.0.
Full replacement.
The only difference I noticed was that the Qt Designer opens in a new Window for the Open Source (LGPL/GPL) version. In a commercial license version the Qt Designer should be completely integrated.
It's a replacement, but a bit different. (It knows about precompiled headers! Finally!)