I have the following examples and they do not work even though the types do matchup with each other
- isSome;
val it = fn : 'a option -> bool
val it = fn : 'a -> 'a option
- val my_converter = (fn x => if x = 5 then SOME x else NONE);
val my_converter = fn : int -> int option
Both SOME and my_converter return an option but when I do the following
- fn x => isSome o SOME x;
stdIn:19.9-19.24 Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
operator domain: ('Z option -> bool) * ('Y -> 'Z option)
operand: ('Z option -> bool) * 'X option
in expression:
isSome o SOME x
I get a type error why?
The error message is telling you that o wants a function operand but what it actually gets is an option. This is because isSome o SOME x parses as isSome o (SOME x), which makes no sense.
You can fix this by writing
(isSome o SOME) x
I have the following peano number written with GADTs:
type z = Z of z
type 'a s = Z | S of 'a
type _ t = Z : z t | S : 'n t -> 'n s t
module T = struct
type nonrec 'a t = 'a t
type 'a nat = 'a t
type e = T : 'n nat -> e
The following function to decode a 'a nat (or 'a t) into the number it encoded, works:
let to_int : type n. n t -> int =
let rec go : type n. int -> n t -> int =
fun acc n -> match n with Z -> acc | S n -> go (acc + 1) n
fun x -> go 0 x
but if I try to rewrite it almost exactly the same this way:
let to_int2 (type a) (a: a nat) : int =
let rec go (type a) (acc : int) (x : a nat) : int =
match x with
| Z -> acc
| S v -> go (acc + 1) v
go 0 a
I get a scope error. What's the difference between the two functions?
138 | | S v -> go (acc + 1) v
Error: This expression has type $0 t but an expression was expected of type
The type constructor $0 would escape its scope
The root issue is polymorphic recursion, GADTs are a red herring here.
Without an explicit annotation, recursive functions are not polymorphic in their own definition.
For instance, the following function has type int -> int
let rec id x =
let _discard = lazy (id 0) in
because id is not polymorphic in
let _discard = lazy (id 0) in
and thus id 0 implies that the type of id is int -> 'a which leads to id having type int -> int.
In order to define polymorphic recursive function, one need to add an explicit universally quantified annotation
let rec id : 'a. 'a -> 'a = fun x ->
let _discard = lazy (id 0) in
With this change, id recovers its expected 'a -> 'a type.
This requirement does not change with GADTs. Simplifying your code
let rec to_int (type a) (x : a nat) : int =
match x with
| Z -> 0
| S v -> 1 + to_int v
the annotation x: a nat implies that the function to_int only works with a nat, but you are applying to an incompatible type (and ones that lives in a too narrow scope but that is secondary).
Like in the non-GADT case, the solution is to add an explicit polymorphic annotation:
let rec to_int: 'a. 'a nat -> int = fun (type a) (x : a nat) ->
match x with
| Z -> 0
| S v -> 1 + to_int v
Since the form 'a. 'a nat -> int = fun (type a) (x : a nat) -> is both a mouthful and quite often needed with recursive function on GADTs, there is a shortcut notation available:
let rec to_int: type a. a nat -> int = fun x ->
match x with
| Z -> 0
| S v -> 1 + to_int v
For people not very familiar with GADTs, this form is the one to prefer whenever one write a GADT function. Indeed, not only this avoids the issue with polymorphic recursion, writing down the explicit type of a function before trying to implement it is generally a good idea with GADTs.
See also https://ocaml.org/manual/polymorphism.html#s:polymorphic-recursion , https://ocaml.org/manual/gadts-tutorial.html#s%3Agadts-recfun , and https://v2.ocaml.org/manual/locallyabstract.html#p:polymorpic-locally-abstract .
I am trying to define a function that is similar to Lisp's apply. Here is my attempt:
type t =
| Str of string
| Int of int
let rec apply f args =
match args with
| (Str s)::xs -> apply (f s) xs
| (Int i)::xs -> apply (f i) xs
| [] -> f
(* Example 1 *)
let total = apply (fun x y z -> x + y + z)
[Int 1; Int 2; Int 3]
(* Example 2 *)
let () = apply (fun name age ->
Printf.printf "Name: %s\n" name;
Printf.printf "Age: %i\n" age)
[Str "Bob"; Int 99]
However, this fails to compile. The compiler gives this error message:
File "./myprog.ml", line 7, characters 25-30:
7 | | (Str s)::xs -> apply (f s) xs
Error: This expression has type 'a but an expression was expected of type
string -> 'a
The type variable 'a occurs inside string -> 'a
What is the meaning of this error message? How can I fix the problem and implement apply?
You cannot mix an untyped DSL for data:
type t =
| Int of int
| Float of float
and a shallow embedding (using OCaml functions as functions inside the DSL) for functions in apply
let rec apply f args =
match args with
| (Str s)::xs -> apply (f s) xs (* f is int -> 'a *)
| (Int i)::xs -> apply (f i) xs (* f is string -> 'a *)
| [] -> f (* f is 'a *)
The typechecker is complaining that if f has type 'a, f s cannot also have for type 'a since it would mean that f has simultaneously type string -> 'a and 'a (without using the recursive types flag).
And more generally, your function apply doesn't use f with a coherent type: sometimes it has type 'a, sometimes it has type int -> 'a, other times it would rather have type string -> 'a. In other words, it is not possible to write a type for apply
val apply: ??? (* (int|string) -> ... *) -> t list -> ???
You have to choose your poison.
Either go with a fully untyped DSL which contains functions, that can be applied:
type t =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Fun of (t -> t)
exception Type_error
let rec apply f l = match f, l with
| x, [] -> f
| Fun f, a :: q -> apply (f a) q
| (Int _|Float _), _ :: _ -> raise Type_error
or use OCaml type system and define a well-typed list of arguments with a GADT:
type ('a,'b) t =
| Nil: ('a,'a) t
| Cons: 'a * ('b,'r) t -> ('a -> 'b,'r) t
let rec apply: type f r. f -> (f,r) t -> r = fun f l ->
match l with
| Nil -> f
| Cons (x,l) -> apply (f x) l
Using the GADT solution is quite direct since we are using usual OCaml type without much wrapping:
let three = apply (+) (Cons(1, Cons(2,Nil)))
(and we could use a heterogeneous list syntactic sugar to make this form even lighter syntactically)
The untyped DSL requires to build first a function in the DSL:
let plus = Fun(function
| Float _ | Fun _ -> raise Type_error
| Int x -> Fun(function
| Float _ | Fun _ -> raise Type_error
| Int y -> Int (x+y)
but once we have built the function, it is relatively straightforward:
let three = apply_dsl plus [Int 2; Int 1]
type t =
| Str of string
| Int of int
| Unit
let rec apply f args =
match args with
| x::xs -> apply (f x) xs
| [] -> f Unit
Let's go step by step:
line 1: apply : 'a -> 'b -> 'c (we don't know the types of f, args and apply's return type
line 2 and beginning of line 3: args : t list so apply : 'a -> t list -> 'c
rest of line 3: Since f s (s : string), f : string -> 'a but f t : f because apply (f s). This means that f contains f in its type, this is a buggy behaviour
It's actually buggy to call f on s and i because this means that f can take a string or an int, the compiler will not allow it.
And lastly, if args is empty, you return f so the return type of f is the type of f itself, another buggy part of this code.
Looking at your examples, a simple solution would be:
type t = Str of string | Int of int
let rec apply f acc args =
match args with x :: xs -> apply f (f acc x) xs | [] -> acc
(* Example 1 *)
let total =
(fun acc x ->
match x with Int d -> d + acc | Str _ -> failwith "Type error")
0 [ Int 1; Int 2; Int 3 ]
(* Example 2 *)
let () =
(fun () -> function
| Str name -> Printf.printf "Name: %s\n" name
| Int age -> Printf.printf "Age: %i\n" age)
() [ Str "Bob"; Int 99 ]
Since you know the type you want to work on, you don't need GADT shenanigans, just let f handle the pattern matching and work with an accumulator
I found myself wanting a way to do some codegen around some large variant types in my code, and I found ppx_variants_conv (https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_variants_conv)
The make_matcher method sounds potentially useful to me, but there are no docs and tbh I am struggling to read the example signature:
val make_matcher :
a:(('a -> 'a t) Variant.t -> 'b -> ('c -> 'd) * 'e)
-> b:((char -> 'f t) Variant.t -> 'e -> (char -> 'd) * 'g)
-> c:('h t Variant.t -> 'g -> (unit -> 'd) * 'i)
-> d:((int -> int -> 'j t) Variant.t -> 'i -> (int -> int -> 'd) * 'k)
-> 'b
-> ('c t -> 'd) * 'k
a b c and d labelled arguments correspond to the cases of the variant and the first part of each signature corresponds to the constructor for each case... I get a bit lost after that 🤔
and it seems a odd to me that 'b 'c 'd and 'k appear in the latter part of the signature but not 'e 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j
In the make_matcher function each labeled argument takes a function of two arguments that has a general form, fun v x -> f, y, where v is the first-class variant that represents the corresponding constructor, x is the value that is folded over all matchers-generating functions. The function returns a pair, in which the first constituent, the function f, is actually the matcher that will be called if that variant matches and some value y that will be passed to the next matcher-generating function.
Let's do some examples to illustrate this. First, let's define some simple matcher, e.g.,
type 'a t =
| A of 'a
| B of char
| C
| D of int * int
[##deriving variants]
let matcher init = Variants.make_matcher
~a:(fun v (x1 : char) ->
(fun x -> x+1),Char.code x1)
~b:(fun v (x2 : int) ->
(fun c -> Char.code c),float x2)
~c:(fun v (x3 : float) ->
(fun () -> 0), string_of_float x3)
~d:(fun v (x4 : string) ->
(fun x y -> x + y),[x4])
and here's how we can use, it,
# let f,s = matcher '*';;
val f : int t -> int = <fun>
val s : Base.string list = ["42."]
# f (A 10);;
- : int = 11
# f (B '*');;
- : int = 42
# f C;;
- : int = 0
# f (D (1,2));;
- : int = 3
To be honest, I don't know the purpose of the extra parameter that is passed to each matcher-generating function1. Probably, the idea is that depending on the initial parameter we could generate different matchers. But if you don't need this, then just pass () to it and/or define your own simplified matcher that ignores this additional information, e.g.,
let make_simple_matcher ~a ~b ~c ~d =
fst ##Variants.make_matcher
~a:(fun _ _ -> a,())
~b:(fun _ _ -> b,())
~c:(fun _ _ -> c,())
~d:(fun _ _ -> d,())
The make_simple_matcher function has an expected type,
a:('a -> 'b) ->
b:(char -> 'b) ->
c:(unit -> 'b) ->
d:(int -> int -> 'b) ->
'a t -> 'b
1) looking into the guts of the code that generates this function doesn't help a lot, as they use the generic name acc for this parameter, which is not very helpful.
I am trying to write a quicksort function of type
'a list * ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list
but for some reason I am getting:
'a list -> ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list
Here is my code for the function:
fun quicksort xs f = let
fun qs [] = []
| qs [x] = [x]
| qs (p::xs) = let
val (less, more) = List.partition (fn x => f (x, p)) xs
qs less # p :: qs more
qs xs
When I call the function I get this error:
stdIn:73.1-73.18 Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
operator domain: 'Z list
operand: int list * (int * int -> bool)
in expression:
quicksort (L, op <)
I realize that I must be passing it in wrong, but I just can't see my mistake. So, my question is what is going on here in which I get this error while trying to pass in my list and operator?
You could simple change:
fun quicksort xs f = let
fun quicksort (xs,f) = let
since you want quicksort to have as parameters a tuple (xs,f).
let rec add_tail l e = match l with
| [] -> [e]
| (h::t) -> h::(add_tail t e)
let rec fill_help l x n = match n = 0 with
true -> l
| false -> add_tail(l, x); fill_help(l, x, n-1)
let fill x n =
let l = [] in
fill_help(l, x, n)
and I'm getting the error in the interpreter
# #use "prac.ml";;
val prod : int list -> int = <fun>
val add_tail : 'a list -> 'a -> 'a list = <fun>
File "prac.ml", line 13, characters 21-27:
Error: This expression has type 'a * 'b
but an expression was expected of type 'c list
line 13 would be
| false -> add_tail(l, x); fill_help(l, x, n-1)
First of all you call fill_help with a tuple as an argument ((l, x, n-1)) even though it's not defined to take one. You should call fill_help as fill_help l x (n-1) instead. Same for add_tail.
Secondly you call a side-effect-free function (add_tail) and throw away its return value. This is almost always an error. It looks like you expect l to be different after the call to add_tail. It won't be. You probably want fill_help (add_tail l x) x (n-1).