How to expect a meteor error with chai - unit-testing

I want to test that my method throws an unauthorized error if called without the proper credentials. How would I do this with chai? I see that chai's examples are
var err = new ReferenceError('This is a bad function.');
var fn = function () { throw err; }
expect(fn).to.throw(/bad function/);
expect(fn).to.not.throw('good function');
expect(fn).to.throw(ReferenceError, /bad function/);
So I tried
let error = new Meteor.Error(UNAUTHORIZED, UNAUTHORIZED_REASON, 'detail');
chai.expect('addItem', item)).to.throw(error);
but this didn't work. Thoughts?

You can do it this way:
Say you have a method that throws following error:
throw new Meteor.Error('unauthorised', 'You cannot do this.');
Test for that error using:
it('will throw an error', function() {
assert.throws(() => {
//whatever you want to run that should throw the error goes here
}, Meteor.Error, /unauthorised/); //change 'unauthorised' to whatever your error is

Its expect(fn).to.throw(Meteor.Error);
it('Test Meteor Error', () => {
expect(() => { throw new Meteor.Error('test');}).to.throw(Meteor.Error);


Jest: Matcher error: expected value must be a function

I'm using NestJS with Jest and getting Matcher error: expected value must be a function error when run following unit test. I have set invalid email in mockBody. Did I missed anything here?
export class UserService {
constructor(private emailService: EmailService) {}
async registerUserInquiry(user: UserDto): Promise<{ email: string }> {
try {
await sendEmail(user);
} catch (error) {
throw new HttpException('Something went wrong!', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
return {
describe("registerUser()", () => {
it("Should throw bad request error when passing invalid data", async () => {
const mockBody: UserDto = {
name: "John Doe",
message: "Example inquiry message",
email: "#example",
mobile: "+60121234567",
expect(async () => await service.registerUserInquiry(mockBody)).toThrow(
new HttpException("Something went wrong!", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
export const sendEmail = async (user: User) => {
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
... // service & auth
const options = {
... // email info
await transporter.sendMail(options, function (error, info) {
try {;
return info;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Instead of this
expect(async () => await service.registerUserInquiry(mockBody)).toThrow(
new HttpException("Something went wrong!", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
Try this one
await except(service.registerUserInquiry(mockBody)).rejects.toThrowError(...)
Your function is a promise which means it is not throwing an error but instead it rejects.

Jest mock twilio - how to?

I have been using Jest to do my unit tests with node.
I am used to mocking the first level of the modules/functions, but on the challenge to mock Twilio, I am not having so much luck.
I am using the twilio method: client.messages.create, so here I have the twilio client from the constructor require('twilio')(account sid, token), and the first layer is from the object/method(?) messages, and last the third level create, and it's this last guy that I am trying to mock.
I was trying something like this:
jest.mock('twilio', () => {
const mKnex = {
messages: jest.fn(),
return jest.fn(mKnex);
However, I am not able to mock the client resolved value, where I get client.message.create is not a function.
If I try the above mock plus this client.messages.create.mockReturnValueOnce({sid: "FOO", status: "foo"); I get that cannot read the property create from undefined(messages).
Any tip, post, docs that could give me some luck on this?
The solution for this is:
Create a file for Twilio client:
// sms.client.ts
import { Twilio } from 'twilio';
const smsClient = new Twilio(
export { smsClient };
Then, your service file should look like this:
// sms.service.ts
import { smsClient } from './sms.client';
class SMSService {
async sendMessage(phoneNumber: string, message: string): Promise<string> {
const result = await smsClient.messages.create({
from: '(555) 555-5555',
to: phoneNumber,
body: message,
if (result.status === 'failed') {
throw new Error(`Failed to send sms message. Error Code: ${result.errorCode} / Error Message: ${result.errorMessage}`);
return result.sid;
export const smsService = new SMSService();
Last but not least, your spec/test file needs to mock the client file. E.g.
// sms.service.spec.ts
import { MessageInstance, MessageListInstance } from 'twilio/lib/rest/api/v2010/account/message';
import { smsClient } from './sms.client';
import { smsService } from './sms.service';
// mock the client file
// fixture
const smsMessageResultMock: Partial<MessageInstance> = {
status: 'sent',
sid: 'AC-lorem-ipsum',
errorCode: undefined,
errorMessage: undefined,
describe('SMS Service', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// stubs
const message: Partial<MessageListInstance> = {
create: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ...smsMessageResultMock })
smsClient['messages'] = message as MessageListInstance;
it('Should throw error if response message fails', async () => {
// stubs
const smsMessageMock = {
status: 'failed',
errorCode: 123,
errorMessage: 'lorem-ipsum'
smsClient.messages.create = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ ...smsMessageMock });
await expect(
smsService.sendMessage('(555) 555-5555', 'lorem-ipsum')
).rejects.toThrowError(`Failed to send sms message. Error Code: ${smsMessageMock.errorCode} / Error Message: ${smsMessageMock.errorMessage}`);
describe('Send Message', () => {
it('Should succeed when posting the message', async () => {
const resultPromise = smsService.sendMessage('(555) 555-5555', 'lorem-ipsum');
await expect(resultPromise).resolves.not.toThrowError(Error);
expect(await resultPromise).toEqual(smsMessageResultMock.sid);
I've found a solution. It's still calling the endpoint, but for each twilio account, you get a test SID and Token, I used this one so it does not send a sms when testing with this:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {
client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken)
listener = app.listen(3010, function(){
console.log('Ready on port %d', listener.address().port)
client = require('twilio')(testSid, testToken)

Testing catch block via jest mock

I'm trying to test the 'catch' block of an async redux action via jest, but throwing a catch in the mock causes the test as a whole to fail.
My action is as follows:
export function loginUser(username, password) {
return async dispatch => {
dispatch({type: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS});
try {
let response = await MyRequest.postAsync(
'/login', {username: username, password: password}
username: response.username,
token: response.token,
role: response.role,
} catch (error) {
dispatch({type: USER_SIGNED_OUT});
throw error;
} finally {
dispatch({type: UPDATE_COMPLETE});
The test is trying to mock up 'MyRequest.postAsync' to throw an error and thus trigger the catch block, but the test just bails with a 'Failed' message
it('calls expected actions when failed log in', async() => {
MyRequest.postAsync = jest.fn(() => {
throw 'error';
let expectedActions = [
await store.dispatch(userActions.loginUser('foo', 'bar'));
Is there a way to trigger the catch block to execute in my test via a jest mock function (or any other way for that matter)? Would be annoying to not be able to test a large chunk of code (as all my requests work in the same way).
Thanks in advance for help with this.
I don't know if it's still relevant, but you can do it in this way:
it('tests error with async/await', async () => {
try {
await store.dispatch(userActions.loginUser('foo', 'bar'));
} catch (e) {
error: 'error',
Here is a documentation about error handling
I had the same issue. For me the below works. Wrapping up the await with a try/catch
it('calls expected actions when failed log in', async() => {
MyRequest.postAsync = jest.fn(() => {
throw 'error';
let expectedActions = [
try {
await store.dispatch(userActions.loginUser('foo', 'bar'));
} catch(e) {
I set the instance variable which we will access in our testing function to undefined so that it will go to catch block.
PS : This might not be possible all the times as we might not be having variables all time
class APIStore {
async fetchProductsAPI() {
try {
const products = networkManager.fetch('products')
catch(e) {
this.apiStatus = API_FAILED
this.apiError = e
Test case
it('Check API Error ', async () => {
const toCheckErrorStore = new APIStore()
// Setting products store to undefined so that execution goes to catch block
toCheckErrorStore.productsStore = undefined
await toCheckErrorStore.fetchProductsAPI()

How to test Promise catch with Mocha

I'm trying to test the GET HTTP method from a requests module:
const get = (host, resource, options) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => fetch(url, opts)
.then(response => {
if (response.status >= 400) {
message: `[API request error] response status: ${response.status}`,
status: response.status });
.catch(error => reject(error)));
And here is how I tested the .then part:
it('Wrong request should return a 400 error ', (done) => {
let options = { <parameter>: <wrong value> };
let errorJsonResponse = {
message: '[API request error] response status: 400',
status: 400,
let result = {};
result = get(params.hosts.api, endPoints.PRODUCTS, options);
.then(function (data) {;
function (error) {
However I didn't find a way to test the catch part (when it gives an error and the response status is not >= 400).
Any suggestions?
It would also help me solve the problem a simple example with another code that tests the catch part of a Promise.
I've ended up writing the following code in order to test the catch:
it('Should return an error with invalid protocol', (done) => {
const host = 'foo://<host>';
const errorMessage = 'only http(s) protocols are supported';
let result = {};
result = get(host, endPoints.PRODUCTS);
() => {;
(error) => {

Angular 2 observable error testing with jasmine

I want to test this function:
register(): void {
let user: User = new User();
user.username = this.username.value; =;
user.password = this.password.value;
.map(rsp => rsp.json())
.subscribe((response) => { //
this._router.parent.navigate(["Login"]); //
}, (error) => {
this.responseError = JSON.parse(error._body).message;
}, () => {
.map(rsp => rsp.json())
.subscribe((data: any) => { //
this._authService.handleSuccessLogin(data, user);
My _authService using http but I want to fake that call. I have tried to call through in it and mocking the http, but even if my response was 4xx it ran on the success part. Is it possible to test the error part somehow?
To simulate an error, you need to use the mockError method of the MockConnection. It accepts an Error object as parameter not a Response one. To be able to provide hints like status code, you could extend the Error class like that:
class ResponseError extends Error {
status: number;
and use it this way:
it('Should return something', inject([XHRBackend, HttpService, Injector], (mockBackend, httpService, injector) => {
(connection: MockConnection) => {
if (connection.request.url === 'file1.json') {
var err = new ResponseError();
err.status = 404;
In this case, an error is thrown in your data flow and gotten for example into the second callback specified in the subcribe method.