Building a dynamic SQL query - c++

I want to read value from the user and use it in my select query. How can I use a dynamic value in the SQL query?
My current code gives me this error:
ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence
This is my code:
void buildQuery()
cout << "Enter flight no :";
cin >> value;
strcpy((char *)sql_statement.arr,"select fname from flights where
flno = " + value );
cout << "Query is " << (char *) sql_statement.arr<< endl;
void executeQuery()
sql_statement.len = strlen((char *) sql_statement.arr);
exec sql PREPARE S1 FROM :sql_statement;
exec sql declare C1 cursor FOR S1;
exec sql open C1 ;
exec sql FETCH C1 INTO :fname;
if ( sqlca.sqlcode != 0)
cout << "past fetch..." <<endl;
cout << "Employee Name is: = " << (char *)ename.arr << endl;
exec sql close C1;


ZeroMQ: how to use multiple Publishers and a single Client, using C < C11

I am new to ZeroMQ.
I have multiple publishers and one client. Seeking suggestions to implement it in a best way.
Currently its making use of a reply - request pattern for a single client and a server; this has to be extended to multiple publishers and a single subscriber.
This application is going to run on a QNX-system that does not support C11, so zmq::multipart_t is not helping.
void TransportLayer::Init()
socket.bind( "tcp://*:5555" );
void TransportLayer::Receive()
while ( true ) {
zmq::message_t request;
string protoBuf;
socket.recv( &request );
uint16_t id = *( (uint16_t*) );
protoBuf = std::string( static_cast<char*>(
+ sizeof( uint16_t )
request.size() - sizeof( uint16_t )
InterfaceLayer::getInstance()->ParseProtoBufTable( protoBuf );
usleep( 1 );
void TransportLayer::Send()
zmq::message_t reply( 1 );
memcpy(, "#", 1 );
socket.send( reply );
This is the code that I had written, this was initially designed to listen to only one client, now I have to extend it to listen to multiple clients.
I tried using zmq::multipart_t but this requires C11 support but the QNX-version we are using does not support C11.
I tried implementing the proposed solution.
I created 2 publishers connecting to same static location.
Observation :
I )
Execution Order :
1. Started Subscriber2. Started Publisher1 ( it published only one data value )
Subscriber missed to receive this data.
II )modified Publisher1 to send the same data in a while loop
Execution Order :
1. Started Subscriber2. Started Publisher13. Started Publsiher2.
Now I see that the Subscriber is receiving the data from both publishers.
This gives me an indication that there is a possibility for data loss.
How do I ensure there is absolutely no data loss?
Here is my source code :
Publisher 2 :
dummyFrontEnd::dummyFrontEnd():context(1),socket(context,ZMQ_PUB) {
void dummyFrontEnd::Init()
cout << "Connecting .... " << endl;
void dummyFrontEnd::SendData() {
while ( std::getline(file, line_str) ) {
std::stringstream ss(line_str);
std::string direction;
double tdiff;
int i, _1939, pgn, priority, source, length, data[8];
char J, p, _0, dash, d;
ss >> tdiff >> i >> J >> _1939 >> pgn >> p >> priority >> _0 >> source
>> dash >> direction >> d >> length >> data[0] >> data[1] >> data[2]
>> data[3] >> data[4] >> data[5] >> data[6] >> data[7];
timestamp += tdiff;
while ( gcl_get_time_ms() - start_time <
uint64_t(timestamp * 1000.0) - first_time ) { usleep(1); }
if (arguments.verbose) {
std::cout << timestamp << " " << i << " " << J << " " << _1939 << " "
<< pgn << " " << p << " " << priority << " " << _0 << " " << source
<< " " << dash << " " << direction << " " << d << " " << length
<< " " << data[0] << " " << data[1] << " " << data[2] << " "
<< data[3] << " " << data[4] << " " << data[5] << " " << data[6]
<< " " << data[7] << std::endl;
uint64_t timestamp_ms = (uint64_t)(timestamp * 1000.0);
protoTable.add_columnvalues(uint64ToString(timestamp_ms)); /* timestamp */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(pgn)); /* PGN */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(priority)); /* Priority */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(source)); /* Source */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(direction); /* Direction */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(length)); /* Length */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(data[0])); /* data1 */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(data[1])); /* data2 */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(data[2])); /* data3 */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(data[3])); /* data4 */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(data[4])); /* data5 */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(data[5])); /* data6 */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(data[6])); /* data7 */
protoTable.add_columnvalues(intToString(data[7])); /* data8 */
zmq::message_t create_values(protoTable.ByteSizeLong()+sizeof(uint16_t));
*((uint16_t*) = TABLEMSG_ID; // ID
protoTable.SerializeToArray(, protoTable.ByteSizeLong());
Publisher 1 :
dummyFrontEnd::dummyFrontEnd():context(1),socket(context,ZMQ_PUB) {
void dummyFrontEnd::Init()
cout << "Connecting .... " << endl;
void dummyFrontEnd::SendData()
cout << "In SendData" << endl;
while(1) {
canlogreq canLogObj = canlogreq::default_instance();
zmq::message_t logsnippetmsg(canLogObj.ByteSizeLong() + sizeof(uint16_t));
*((uint16_t*) = 20;
canLogObj.SerializeToArray(, canLogObj.ByteSizeLong());
Subscriber :
TransportLayer::TransportLayer():context(1),socket(context,ZMQ_SUB){ }
void TransportLayer::Init()
socket.setsockopt(ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "", 0);
void TransportLayer::Receive()
cout << "TransportLayer::Receive " << " I am in server " << endl;
static int count = 1;
// Producer thread.
while ( true ){
zmq::message_t request;
string protoBuf;
uint16_t id = *((uint16_t*);
cout << "TransportLayer : " << " " << << endl;
cout << "TransportLayer : count " << count << endl; count = count + 1;
cout << "TransportLayer : " << request.size() << endl;
protoBuf = std::string(static_cast<char*>( + sizeof(uint16_t)), request.size() - sizeof(uint16_t));
cout << "ProtoBuf : " << protoBuf << endl;
InterfaceLayer *interfaceLayObj = InterfaceLayer::getInstance();
switch(id) {
case TABLEMSG_ID: cout << "Canlyser" << endl;
case LOGSNIPPET_ID: cout << "LogSnip" << endl;
interfaceLayObj->logsnippetSignal(); // publish the signal
default: break;
Q : "how to use multiple Publishers and a single Client, using C < C11?"
So, the QNX-version was not explicitly stated, so let's work in general.
As noted in ZeroMQ Principles in less than Five Seconds, the single Client ( being of a SUB-Archetype ) may zmq_connect( ? ), however at a cost of managing some, unknown for me, way how all the other, current plus any future PUB-s were let to zmq_bind(), after which to let somehow let the SUB learn where to zmq_connect( ? ), so that to get some news from the newly bound PUB-peer.
So it would be a way smarter to make the single SUB-agent to perform a zmq_bind() and let any of the current or future PUB-s perform zmq_connect() as they come, directed to the single, static, known SUB's location ( this does not say, they cannot use any of the available transport-classes - one inproc://, another one tcp://, some ipc://, if QNX permits & system architecture requires to do so ( and, obviously, supposing the SUB-agent has exposed a properly configured AccessNode for receiving such connections ).
Next, your SUB-Client has to configure its subscription filtering topic-list: be it an order to "Do Receive EVERYTHING!" :
retCode = zmq_setsockopt( <aSubSocketINSTANCE>, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "", 0 );
assert( retCode == 0 && "FAILED: at ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE order " );
Given this works, your next duty is to make the setup robust enough ( an explicit ZMQ_LINGER setting to 0, access-policies, security, scaled-resources, L2/L3-network protective measures, etc ).
And you are done to harness the ZeroMQ just fit right to your QNX-system design needs.

Stringstream is outputting the correct data, but not extracing the correct data

I was unlucky enough that his exact code was actually working for me. There is obviously some underlying problem that I am not seeing/understanding because it no longer works.
This is what is happening:
I am streaming data from a file, and when using the
buffer >> table_data;
As I output table_data each time, it is starting from the middle of the buffer.
The tricky thing, If I output the buffer using
std::cout << buffer.str();
That yields the correct data. So the stream buffer, has all of the right things, its just not going into table_data correctly.
See full code block below.
//read from table
buffer << table.rdbuf();
//clear table contents for rewrite later
std::ofstream table(filename);
while (buffer >> table_data)
//num_table_items = 3, which is correct.
for (int i = 1; i < num_table_items; i++)
buffer >> table_data;
//I removed the part where I write to the table from the vector because the problem is above.
if it matters, this is what the buffer is reading from the file:
1 'Gizmo' 19.99
2 'PowerGizmo' 29.99
3 'SingleTouch' 149.99
4 'MultiTouch' 199.99
5 'SuperGizmo' 49.99
And thats what is printed when I do the std::cout << buffer.str();
however, if I print table data after both "buffer >> table_data" lines in the code, i get this (same results if I print the vector):
Gizmo' 29.99 3
'SingleTouch' 149.99 4
'MultiTouch' 199.99 5
'SuperGizmo' 49.99 49.99
See how it starts in the middle? 'Gizmo' is even missing its first apostrophe. Any idea what is happening? Am i missing something obvious?
**EDIT: Here is more code as requested. This is the if statement that eventually calls the function, the entire function, and the function declaration from my Table class. Thank you everyone for the help.
//Function definiton
void update_table(std::string table_name, std::string table_path, std::string set_schema, std::string set_item,
std::string where_schema, std::string where_item);
//From file that calls the function
if (text == "DELETE" || text == "Delete" || text == "delete")
//skips "from"
std::cin >> objName >> objName >> text;
if (objName.back() == ';')
objName = objName.substr(0, objName.size()-1);
if (text == "WHERE" || text == "Where" || text == "where")
std::cin >> del_name >> operation >> del_param;
if (del_param.back() == ';')
del_param = del_param.substr(0, del_param.size()-1);
table.delete_table_data(objName, use_DB, del_name, operation, del_param);
//The entire function
void Table::update_table(std::string table_name, std::string table_path, std::string set_schema, std::string set_item,
std::string where_schema, std::string where_item)
filename = table_name + ".txt";
std::ifstream table (filename);
//init counter
if (table)
getline(table, table_data);
buffer << table.rdbuf();
std::ofstream table(filename);
//Finds size of table, writes table labels back to file.
num_table_items = 0;
modify_count = 0;
while(table_info >> item_name)
table_info >> item_type;
table << item_name << " " << item_type << "\t\t";
if (item_name == set_schema) // && item_name == where_schema
set_index = num_table_items;
if (item_name == where_schema)
where_index = num_table_items;
std::cout << buffer.str() << std::endl;
while (getline(buffer, table_data))
std::cout << table_data << std::endl;
for (int i = 1; i < num_table_items; i++)
buffer >> table_data;
std::cout << "i = " << i << " Data = " << table_data << std::endl;
if (temp_vec[where_index] == where_item)
temp_vec[set_index] = set_item;
//store in vector
for (int i = 0; i < temp_vec.size(); i++)
std::cout << temp_vec[i] << " ";
for (int i = 0; i < table_vec.size(); i++)
if (i % num_table_items == 0)
table << "\n" << table_vec[i] << "\t";
else if (i % num_table_items == num_table_items - 1)
table << table_vec[i];
table << table_vec[i] << "\t\t";
if (table_vec[i].length() < 8 && i % num_table_items != num_table_items - 1)
table << "\t";
//write vector to file.
if (modify_count == 1)
std::cout << "-- " << modify_count << " record modified." << std::endl;
std::cout << "-- " << modify_count << " records modified." << std::endl;
std:: cout << "-- !Failed to query " << table_name << " because it does not exist" << std::endl;
the user input that should invoke this is:
update Product
set name = 'Gizmo'
where name = 'SuperGizmo';
update Product set price = 14.99 where name = 'Gizmo';

Creating temporary table while still accessing other tables

I've got 2 or more databases ATTACHed to one SQLite database connection. Each database consists of 3 tables. To have better access for searching/filtering, I create a huge temporary table over all tables and databases like this:
"SELECT * FROM pb.name_table "
"LEFT JOIN pb.phone_table ON ( " \
"LEFT JOIN pb.email_table ON ( " \
"UNION SELECT * FROM name_table " \<br>
"LEFT JOIN phone_table ON ( " \
"LEFT JOIN email_table ON (;";
If something changes in a table, I have to recreate the temporary table. With an increasing amount of data, creating a temporary table takes some time, but since I'm having continuous read access to the table, my idea was as follows:
Create a thread, which creates a second temp table in background
Block access for the reading clients
DROP first temp table
Rename the second temp table
The problem is now: Creating a temporary table is a write access to the database, which blocks automatically all reading threads also.
Has anyone a good idea how I can handle this? I need read access while recreating the temporary table.
As long as all threads are part of the same program, you have control over all database connections.
So you can write the data in a completely separate database, and ATTACH is quickly later.
Thanks a lot for your answer. I changed my code and found out that I need a new database connection (sqlite3_open) in the working thread not to block the other thread. Also creating a TEMPORARY TABLE in the attached "temporary database" was not possible, because creating a temporary table doesn't allow a qualifier (like: x.temp_table), so I had to create a real table which consumes a lot of memory in our flash file system (which is not allowed).
But wait! I've got an idea
(2 hours later)
I did it! I open an empty database and attach alll relevant databases to the connection. I create a temporary table "in" the empty database which consumes no memory in flash, because it's temporary.
When I have to create a new table, I open another empty database and attach the relevant databases to the connection. When the operation is finished, I switch the old and the new connection. Code as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include "dbAccess.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
bool inProgress = true;
DWORD WINAPI createTempTableThread(void *param);
int callback(void *NotUsed, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName)
cout << "*";
return 0;
int main(void)
sqlite3* db = NULL;
HANDLE hThreadHandle = NULL;
CdbAccess *dba = new CdbAccess();
int i = 0;
db = dba->dbaConnect();
cout << "INFO: Creating initial temporary table. " << endl;
sqlite3_exec(dba->dbaGetDatabase(), "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table AS " \
"SELECT * FROM pb.name_table " \
"LEFT JOIN pb.phone_table ON ( " \
"LEFT JOIN pb.email_table ON ( " \
"UNION SELECT * FROM intern.name_table " \
"LEFT JOIN intern.phone_table ON ( " \
"LEFT JOIN intern.email_table ON (;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
cout << "INFO: Creating initial temporary table finished. " << endl;
hThreadHandle = CreateThread(0, 0, createTempTableThread, dba, 0, 0);
sqlite3_exec(dba->dbaGetDatabase(), "SELECT * FROM name_table WHERE id LIKE 1;", callback, NULL, NULL);
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
sqlite3_exec(dba->dbaGetDatabase(), "SELECT * FROM name_table WHERE id LIKE 2;", callback, NULL, NULL);
inProgress = true;
return 0;
hSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 1, 0);
sqlite3 *CdbAccess::dbaConnect()
sqlite3 *db;
static int num = 1;
int err = SQLITE_OK;
string attach = "ATTACH DATABASE \"";
string internal = "cbInternal.db";
if(num == 1)
cout << endl << "INFO: cbTemp1.db";
err = sqlite3_open("cbTemp1.db", &db);
num = 2;
cout << endl << "INFO: cbTemp2.db";
err = sqlite3_open("cbTemp2.db", &db);
num = 1;
if(err == SQLITE_OK)
cout << endl << "INFO: Temp database opened.";
err = sqlite3_exec(db, "ATTACH DATABASE \"cbInternal.db\" AS intern;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if(err == SQLITE_OK)
cout << endl << "INFO: Internal database attached.";
err = sqlite3_exec(db, "ATTACH DATABASE \"0123456789.db\" AS pb;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if(err == SQLITE_OK)
cout << endl << "INFO: Phone book attached.";
cout << endl << "ERROR: Attaching phone book: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db);
cout << endl << "ERROR: Attaching internal database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db);
cout << endl << "ERROR: Opening database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db);
return db;
int CdbAccess::dbaDisconnect(void)
int err = SQLITE_OK;
err = sqlite3_exec(db, "DETACH DATABASE pb;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if(err == SQLITE_OK)
cout << endl << "INFO: Phone book detached.";
err = sqlite3_exec(db, "DETACH DATABASE intern;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if(err == SQLITE_OK)
cout << endl << "INFO: Internal database detached.";
err = sqlite3_close(db);
if(err == SQLITE_OK)
cout << endl << "INFO: Database connection closed.";
cout << endl << "ERROR: Could not close database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db);
cout << endl << "ERROR: Could not detach internal database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db);
cout << endl << "ERROR: Could not detach phone book: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db);
return err;
sqlite3* CdbAccess::dbaGetDatabase(void)
return db;
void CdbAccess::dbaSetDatabase(sqlite3 * sqldb)
db = sqldb;
int CdbAccess::dbaGetTempTableAccess(void)
cout << endl << "INFO: Access requested.";
WaitForSingleObject(hSemaphore, INFINITE);
return 0;
int CdbAccess::dbaReleaseTempTableAccess(void)
cout << endl << "INFO: Access released.";
ReleaseSemaphore(hSemaphore, 1, NULL);
return 0;
DWORD WINAPI createTempTableThread(void *param)
int err = SQLITE_OK;
CdbAccess *d = (CdbAccess *)param;
sqlite3 *db;
cout << endl << "INFO: createTempTable: IN";
inProgress = true; // global variable for test porpose only
db = d->dbaConnect();
if(db != NULL)
cout << endl << "Thread: INFO: Creating temporary table. ";
err = sqlite3_exec(db, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table AS " \
"SELECT * FROM pb.name_table " \
"LEFT JOIN pb.phone_table ON ( " \
"LEFT JOIN pb.email_table ON ( " \
"UNION SELECT * FROM intern.name_table " \
"LEFT JOIN intern.phone_table ON ( " \
"LEFT JOIN intern.email_table ON (;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if(err != SQLITE_OK)
cout << endl << "Thread: ERROR: Creating temporary table: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db);
cout << endl << "Thread: INFO: Creating temporary table finished. ";
inProgress = false; // global variable for test porpose only
cout << endl << "Thread: INFO: createTempTable: OUT";
return 0;

fread hanging, C++ with pipes

I'm writing a tictactoe application which communicates between a server and client file. Currently, my program hangs when trying to read in the players move. The client is showing successful write to the pipe but the server is not reading the information. Any help would be appreciated. Heres the offending code from both portions. Edit: I just realized the formatting got completely buggered in the copy/paste, I am sorry.
client main() :
//used to define int holder for server read in
const int MAX = 2;
//used to define buffers to transfer information
const int BUFFERS = 10;
//path of the global pipe
const string PRIMARY = "/home/mking/GPipe";
int main() {
size_t result;
srand(time(NULL) );
int s = rand() % 10000;
if (s < 1000) { s += 1000; }
cout << s << endl;
string userWrite = "/temp/" + to_string(s);
s = rand() % 10000;
if (s < 1000) { s += 1000; }
cout << s << endl;
string serverWrite = "/temp/" + to_string(s);
cout << PRIMARY << endl;
cout << "User pipe is " << userWrite << endl;
cout << "Server pipe is " << serverWrite << endl;
// send personal pipe information through global pipe to server
FILE * comms = fopen(PRIMARY.c_str(), "w");
cout << "Comms open" << endl;
result = fwrite(userWrite.c_str(), 1, userWrite.length(), comms);
if (result < userWrite.length()) { cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << "write error, userfifo" << endl; }
result = fwrite(serverWrite.c_str(), 1, serverWrite.length(), comms);
if (result < userWrite.length()) { cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << "write error, serverfifo" << endl; }
cout << "Comms written to" << endl;
//done with comms so close it
// for some reason sending /tmp/ caused a hang also, so i improvised
// make the personal pipes
cout << userWrite << " " << serverWrite << endl;
mkfifo(userWrite.c_str(), 0777);
mkfifo(serverWrite.c_str(), 0777);
// open the personal pipes with read or write privelege
cout << "fifos made" << endl;
FILE * pwrite = fopen(userWrite.c_str(), "w");
cout << "pwrite open" << endl;
FILE * pread = fopen(serverWrite.c_str(), "r");
cout << "pread open" << endl;
// if either pipe did not get made correctly, print an error
if (pwrite == NULL ) { cout << "pwrite is wrong" << endl; }
if (pread == NULL ) { cout << "pread is wrong" << endl; }
// used to transfer information between pipes
string buffer = "/temp/0000";
string catcher = "/temp/0000";
// initialize curses functions
WINDOW * screen = newwin(LINES/2, COLS/2, 0, 0);
//wait for input before playing the game
int c = getch();
c = getch();
//initialize the game data types
int row = 0;
int column = 0;
vector<pair<int, int> > userMoves;
vector<pair<int,int> > serverMoves;
int charInt[MAX];
bool invalid = 0;
//until game is over or user exits
while (1) {
// update the board
displayBoard(screen,userMoves,serverMoves, row, column, invalid);
// based on user input, do stuff, supports wsad or arrow keys
switch(c = getch() ) {
// if go up, move up a row or go back to bottom if at top
case KEY_UP:
case 'w':
if (row == 0) { row = 2; }
else { row--; }
// if go down, move down a row or go back to the top if at bottom
case KEY_DOWN:
case 's':
if (row == 2) { row = 0; }
else { row++; }
// if go left, move left a column or go back to the far right if at far left
case KEY_LEFT:
case 'a':
if (column == 0) { column = 2; }
else { column--; }
// if go right, move right a column or go back to the far left if at far right
case 'd':
if (column == 2) { column = 0; }
else { column++; }
// if spacebar is pressed, enter move if valid, otherwise tell invalid and get more input
case ' ':
if (checkX(row, column, userMoves, serverMoves)) {
invalid = 0;
// no longer used function, thought maybe was the issue
//catch information in buffer to send to server
buffer[8] = (row + '0');
buffer[9] = (column + '0');
//cout << "buffer 0 and 1 are " << int(buffer[0]) << " " << int(buffer[1]) << endl;
// add newest move to the list of user moves
// check if the game is over, send a game over message to server if so and exit/clean up pipes
if (checkValid(userMoves,serverMoves) == 0 || (userMoves.size() + serverMoves.size() == 9) ) {
buffer[8] = (3 + '0');
buffer[9] = (3 + '0');
result = fwrite(buffer.c_str(), 1, buffer.length(), pwrite);
if (result < BUFFERS) { cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << "write error, usermove" << endl; }
return 0;
//mvwaddch(screen, 12, 1, 'k');
//cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << buffer << " " << buffer.length() << endl;
// write newest move to server, currently where hangs!!!!!!
result = fwrite(buffer.c_str(),1,buffer.length(),pwrite);
if (result < BUFFERS) { cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << "write error, usermove" << endl; }
//cout << endl << "written successfully" << endl;
// read in server counter move
result = fread(&catcher[0],1,BUFFERS,pread);
if (result < BUFFERS) { cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << "read error, servermove" << endl; }
// catch newest computer move
charInt[0] = (catcher[8] - '0');
charInt[1] = (catcher[9] - '0');
// if the server says it won, clean up pipes and exit
if (charInt[0] == 3 && charInt[1] == 3) {
return 0;
// check if the server made a valid move
if (checkX(charInt[0], charInt[1], userMoves, serverMoves)) { invalid = 1; }
// add newest server move to list of server moves
// if server has won or a draw, tell the server and clean up pipes/exit
if (checkValid(userMoves,serverMoves) == 0) {
buffer[8] = (3 + '0');
buffer[9] = (3 + '0');
result = fwrite(&buffer[0],1,BUFFERS,pwrite);
if (result < BUFFERS) { cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << "write error, usermove" << endl; }
return 0;
// if the move was invalid say so
else { invalid = 1; }
// if user wants to exit, tell the server and clean up/exit
case 'q':
buffer[8] = 3 + '0';
buffer[9] = 3 + '0';
result = fwrite(&buffer[0],sizeof(char),BUFFERS,pwrite);
if (result < BUFFERS) { cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << "write error, usermove" << endl; }
return 0;
return 0;
server main() :
const int GRID = 9;
const int MAX_G = 10;
const int MAX_L = 10;
const string PRIMARY="/home/mking/GPipe";
int main() {
// variables to hold personal pipe input
char userWrite[MAX_L];
char serverWrite[MAX_L];
// open global pipe and prepare for input
cout << PRIMARY << endl;
FILE * comms = fopen(PRIMARY.c_str(), "r");
cout << "comms open" << endl;
pid_t pid;
bool valid = 1;
int charInt[MAX_G];
char prev[] = "/temp/0000";
size_t result;
// run until forced to close
while(1) {
// get the personal pipe names
//cout << "about to read user" << endl;
result = fread(&userWrite[0], sizeof(char),MAX_L,comms);
if (result < MAX_L && result > 0) { cout << "read error, user" << endl; }
//cout << "read user" << endl;
result = fread(&serverWrite[0], sizeof(char), MAX_L,comms);
if (result < MAX_L && result > 0) { cout << "read error, server" << endl; }
//cout << "read server" << endl;
//cout << "User pipe is " << userWrite << endl;
//cout << "Server pipe is " << serverWrite << endl;
// if a new pipe was detected, fork and play against a client
if (strcmp(prev, userWrite) != 0) { pid = fork(); }
strcpy(prev, userWrite);
// if a chiled, play against a client
if (pid == 0) {
//close comms and open personal pipes
cout << "In child" << endl;
string user(userWrite);
string server(serverWrite);
// was having issues with fread earlier also, roundabout fix
// set up pipes
cout << "opened pipes " << user << " " << server << endl;
FILE * userFifo = fopen(user.c_str(), "r");
cout << "opened user pipe" << endl;
FILE * serverFifo = fopen(server.c_str(), "w");
cout << "opened server pipe" << endl;
// set up data for server to check moves
pair<int,int> move;
vector<pair<int,int> > userMoves;
vector<pair<int,int> > serverMoves;
char buffer[MAX_G] = {'/','t','e','m','p','/','0','0' };
char filler[MAX_G];
vector<bool> untaken (GRID, 1);
// while game not over
while (valid) {
// get a new move, HANGS HERE!!!!!
cout << "waiting for user move" << endl;
result = fread(&filler[0], sizeof(char), MAX_G, userFifo);
if (result < MAX_G) { cout << "read error, usermove" << endl; }
cout << "move read in" << endl;
// catch user move
charInt[0] = filler[6] - '0';
charInt[1] = filler[7] - '0';
cout << charInt[0] << " " << charInt[1] << endl;
// if user says game over, close pipes
if (charInt[0] == 3 && charInt[1] == 3) {
// add user move to list of moves
userMoves.push_back(make_pair(charInt[0], charInt[1]));
// mark location of taken moves
untaken[(userMoves.back().first * 3 + userMoves.back().second)] = 0;
// see if game can be ended and add a server move
valid = checkX(userMoves,serverMoves, untaken);
untaken[(serverMoves.back().first * 3 + serverMoves.back().second)] = 0;
//prepare server move for writing
buffer[6] = serverMoves.back().first + '0';
buffer[7] = serverMoves.back().second + '0';
//buffer[0] = -1;
//buffer[1] = -1;
// write servermove to client
//cout << buffer[0] << " " << buffer[1] << endl;
result = fwrite(&buffer[0],sizeof(char),MAX_G,serverFifo);
if (result < MAX_G) { cout << "write error, servermove" << endl; }
// close pipes if game is over
return 0;

why mysql_commit is so slow?

I'm a new one used MYSQL.
The codes is:
void gdns_mysql::commit_task()
if (mysql_commit(conn) != 0)
throw_trackerr_str(boost::format("MysqlCommitError %d %s") % mysql_errno(conn) % mysql_error(conn));
This function commit_task is always spending 6~7 seconds.
I want to know why this happen ?
please list some reasons. Thank you
By the way:
The queries is like:
void gdns_mysql::update_server_status(std::string const& server_, std::string const& status_)
stringstream sql;
sql << "update server";
if (!status_.empty()) sql << " set status = '" << get_escape_string(status_) << "'";
else sql <<" set status = status_predict";
sql << " where serverip = '" << get_escape_string(server_) << "'"
<< endl;
zone_ptrs_t gdns_mysql::query_zone_bykey(std::string const& zonename_)
string statement = "select * from zone";
bool where_flag = false;
if (!zonename_.empty())
statement += " where zonename = '" + get_escape_string(zonename_) + "'";
where_flag = true;
return fetch_datas<zone_t>();