i've got many "compiled" underscore template ( some months ago i save compiled templates to on file, and accidentally remove original templates folder... :( ) is it pissible to "decompile" this templates? one of example:
UV.templates["template-button-widget"] = function() {
return $.trim(function(obj) {
var __t, __p = "",
__j = Array.prototype.join,
print = function() {
__p += __j.call(arguments, "")
with(obj || {}) __p += '\n\n <div class="button" data-id="' + (null == (__t = data._id) ? "" : _.escape(__t)) + '">\n\n <div class="icon"></div>\n\n </div>\n\n';
return __p
}.apply(this, arguments))
If you read over the source of _.template, you'll find it's simple enough that you could reverse it with a few hours of work. Make sure to find the code for your version of underscore (clearly yours isn't the most recent as there are changes), old docs can be found in the changelog.
Here's the code required to reverse your example template:
var compiled = function() {
return $.trim(function(obj) {
var __t, __p = "",
__j = Array.prototype.join,
print = function() {
__p += __j.call(arguments, "")
with(obj || {}) __p += '\n\n <div class="button" data-id="' + (null == (__t = data._id) ? "" : _.escape(__t)) + '">\n\n <div class="icon"></div>\n\n </div>\n\n';
return __p
}.apply(this, arguments))
var source = compiled.toString();
// Strip start/end code
source = source.substring(source.indexOf("with(obj || {}) __p += '\\n\\n") + 28);
source = source.substring(0, source.indexOf("\\n\\n';"));
// Reverse escape
source = source.replace(/' \+ \(null == \(__t = ([^)]+)\) \? "" : _.escape\(__t\)\) \+ '/g, "<%- $1 %>");
$('#result').text(source.replace(/\\n/g, "\n"));
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.8.3/underscore-min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/backbone.js/1.3.3/backbone-min.js"></script>
<pre id="result"/>
You can manually decompile it.. base on your code your template definition will be:
`<div class="button" data-id="<%= data._id %>'">
<div class="icon"></div>
It is easy but for complex template it will be harder.
Initially I had everything working with Chosen plugin when the options were directly passed from python to the html template.
I then tried to make the options filled dynamically depending on one of the buttons clicked, the options were not rendered so nothing showed up (but if I inspect the Elements, each optgroup was filled correctly with options).
And if I remove $(".chosen-select").chosen() , then the options are rendered.
Here's my code:
<!-- language: html -->
<div class="container" style="margin:auto; padding-top: 2%; text-align: center;">
<b>Choose the Program:</b>
<ul id="programs" class="no-bullets" data-tag="programList">
<li onclick="selectProgram(this)">Type1</li>
<li onclick="selectProgram(this)">Type2</li>
<li onclick="selectProgram(this)">Type3</li>
<b>Choose the Documents:</b>
<select id="documentOptions" name="documents" data-placeholder="Your Documents" class="chosen-select" multiple>
<optgroup label="Group1" id="Group1"></optgroup>
<optgroup label="Group2" id="Group2"></optgroup>
<optgroup label="Group3" id="Group3"></optgroup>
<!-- language: lang-js -->
function selectProgram(el){
Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('ul[data-tag="programList"] li')).forEach(function(element){
programSelected = el.innerText;
return response.json();
documentListJSON = {"documents":documentList};
type: 'POST',
url: '/api/data/programDocuments',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(documentListJSON),
success: function( allDocuments ){
const Type1_Options = document.getElementById("Group1");
const Type2_Options = document.getElementById("Group2");
const Type3_Options = document.getElementById("Group3");
Type1_Options.innerHTML = "";
Type2_Options.innerHTML = "";
Type3_Options.innerHTML = "";
let docs_type1 = allDocuments['type1'];
let docs_type2 = allDocuments['type2'];
let docs_type3 = allDocuments['type3'];
// create list of options
var options = "";
for(var i = 0; i<docs_type1.length;i++){
options += "<option value='" + docs_type1[i] +"'>" + docs_type1[i] + "</option>";
Type1_Options.innerHTML += options;
var options = "";
for(var i = 0; i<docs_type2.length;i++){
options += "<option value='" + docs_type2[i] +"'>" + docs_type2[i] + "</option>";
Type2_Options.innerHTML += options;
var options = "";
for(var i = 0; i<docs_type3.length;i++){
options += "<option value='" + docs_type3[i] +"'>" + docs_type3[i] + "</option>";
Type3_Options.innerHTML += options;
I'm quite new to JavaScript and Jquery..Could someone please help explain why this happens?
Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you!
I have a model name Ratings and its connected to custom user model through foreignkey relationship.i used javascript to post data and get ratings in the backend by get method using id but the problem is rating process works fine but it just upgrades the current queryset when ever regarded delivery man gets rated. so how do i calculatye the average as it does not store the previous querysets rather its just upgrades the queryset of that particular deliveryman
def rate_user(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
el_id = request.POST.get('el_id')
val = request.POST.get('val')
obj = Ratings.objects.get(id=el_id)
obj.rated_number = val
return JsonResponse({'success':'true', 'score': val}, safe=False)
return JsonResponse({'success':'false'})
class Ratings(models.Model):
rated_user = models.ForeignKey(User,on_delete=models.CASCADE,blank=True,null=True)
avg_rating = models.CharField(max_length=5,null=True,blank=True,default=0)
# count = models.CharField(max_length=100000,blank=True,null=True,default=0)
rated_number = models.IntegerField(blank=True,null=True,default=0,
validators = [
def __str__(self):
return str(self.pk)
#receiver(post_save, sender=User)
def create_ratings(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
if created:
if instance.is_delivery_man or instance.is_driver:
const one = document.getElementById('first')
const two = document.getElementById('second')
const three = document.getElementById('third')
const four = document.getElementById('fourth')
const five = document.getElementById('fifth')
// get the form, confirm-box and csrf token
const form = document.querySelector('.rate-form')
const confirmBox = document.getElementById('confirm-box')
const csrf = document.getElementsByName('csrfmiddlewaretoken')
const handleStarSelect = (size) => {
const children = form.children
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (i <= size) {
} else {
const handleSelect = (selection) => {
switch (selection) {
case 'first': {
case 'second': {
case 'third': {
case 'fourth': {
case 'fifth': {
default: {
const getNumericValue = (stringValue) => {
let numericValue;
if (stringValue === 'first') {
numericValue = 1
else if (stringValue === 'second') {
numericValue = 2
else if (stringValue === 'third') {
numericValue = 3
else if (stringValue === 'fourth') {
numericValue = 4
else if (stringValue === 'fifth') {
numericValue = 5
else {
numericValue = 0
return numericValue
if (one) {
const arr = [one, two, three, four, five]
arr.forEach(item => item.addEventListener('mouseover', (event) => {
arr.forEach(item => item.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
// value of the rating not numeric
const val = event.target.id
let isSubmit = false
form.addEventListener('submit', e => {
if (isSubmit) {
isSubmit = true
// rate id
const id = e.target.id
// value of the rating translated into numeric
const val_num = getNumericValue(val)
type: 'POST',
url: '/rate/',
data: {
'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrf[0].value,
'el_id': id,
'val': val_num,
success: function (response) {
confirmBox.innerHTML = `<h1>Successfully rated with ${response.score} star</h1>`
error: function (error) {
confirmBox.innerHTML = '<h1>Ups... something went wrong</h1>'
{%for i in ratings%}
<a href="#" >Average Ratings: {{i.rated_number}}</a><br><br>
i class="fas fa-vote-yea"></i> Rate this user <br>
<form class="rate-form" action="" method="POST" id={{i.id}}>
{% csrf_token %}
<button type="submit" class="fa fa-star fa-3x my-btn" id="first"></button>
<button type="submit" class="fa fa-star fa-3x my-btn" id="second"></button>
<button type="submit" class="fa fa-star fa-3x my-btn" id="third"></button>
<button type="submit" class="fa fa-star fa-3x my-btn" id="fourth"></button>
<button type="submit" class="fa fa-star fa-3x my-btn" id="fifth"></button>
<div id="confirm-box"></div>
Finally waiting for answer from stackoverflow i got tired and started debugging myself and i ended up with an nice mathmetical algorithm to achieve my desired goal and i think i have achieved it except it doest show or take values after decimal. avg are coming with a round shape .
i just changed a field in my model to store previous and now all rating number addition
class Ratings(models.Model):
rated_user = models.ForeignKey(User,on_delete=models.CASCADE,blank=True,null=True)
storing_prev_now_rated_value = models.IntegerField(null=True,blank=True,default=1)
avg_rating = models.IntegerField(null=True,blank=True,default=1)
count = models.IntegerField(blank=True,null=True)
rated_number = models.IntegerField(blank=True,null=True,default=1,
validators = [
def __str__(self):
return self.rated_user.username
and i have changes in my views.py too
def rate_user(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
el_id = request.POST.get('el_id')
val = request.POST.get('val')
obj = Ratings.objects.get(id=el_id)
storing_prev_rated_number = obj.rated_number
obj.rated_number = val
obj.count = obj.count + 1
store_count = obj.count
old_addition_values = obj.storing_prev_now_rated_value
obj.storing_prev_now_rated_value = int(old_addition_values) + int(val)
store_storing_prev_now_rated_value = obj.storing_prev_now_rated_value
obj.avg_rating = float(store_storing_prev_now_rated_value // store_count)
j = obj.avg_rating
return JsonResponse({'success':'true', 'rated_number': val}, safe=False)
return JsonResponse({'success':'false'})
I used Gridelements a while now. I used the following code:
TypoScript (Gridelements (deprecated) (gridelements)):
tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup {
2col < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
2col.cObject = FLUIDTEMPLATE
2col.cObject.file = {$resDir}/Private/Partials/Gridelements/2spalten.html
FLUID Template:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="col-md-6">
tx_gridelements.setup {
2col {
title = Two Columns
config {
colCount = 2
rowCount = 1
rows {
1 {
columns {
1 {
name = Links
colPos = 0
2 {
name = Rechts
colPos = 1
But now I want to use "Gridelements w/DataProcessing (recommended) (gridelements)" because the other one is deprecated. But all I see is the error:
Tried resolving a template file for controller action "Standard->2col"
in format ".html", but none of the paths contained the expected
template file (Standard/2col.html). The following paths were checked:
If I write this in my TypoScript code:
lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup =< lib.contentElement
lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup {
templateRootPaths {
20 = {$resDir}/Private/Templates/Gridelements/
tt_content.gridelements_pi1 < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
tt_content.gridelements_view < tt_content.gridelements_pi1
And when I create the named file, the error no longer appears. But there is no output. I see the divs but no content. How can I switch from deprecated gridelements to dataprocessing gridelements?
"The documentation is wrong you need this"
tt_content.gridelements_pi1 =< lib.contentElement
Sure? I could still use the original as it is written in the example for w / DataProcessing:
lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup =< lib.contentElement
The problem is that this code
tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup {
2col < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
2col.cObject = FLUIDTEMPLATE
2col.cObject.file = {$resDir}/Private/Partials/Gridelements/2spalten.html
does not match the new static you included.
Take a look at the basic example shown in the documentation:
lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup =< lib.contentElement
lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup {
templateName.field = tx_gridelements_backend_layout
templateName.ifEmpty = GridElement
layoutRootPaths {
1 = EXT:gridelements/Resources/Private/Layouts/
partialRootPaths {
1 = EXT:gridelements/Resources/Private/Partials/
templateRootPaths {
1 = EXT:gridelements/Resources/Private/Templates/
dataProcessing {
10 = GridElementsTeam\Gridelements\DataProcessing\GridChildrenProcessor
10 {
default {
as = children
# Default options of the grid children processor
# Change them according to the needs of your layout
# Read more about it in the TypoScript section of the manual
# options {
# sortingDirection = ASC
# sortingField = sorting
# recursive = 0
# resolveFlexFormData = 1
# resolveBackendLayout = 1
# respectColumns = 1
# respectRows = 1
# }
Now if you want to add your own templates and rendering configurations you just need to add something in dataProcessing.10 like
dataProcessing {
10 = GridElementsTeam\Gridelements\DataProcessing\GridChildrenProcessor
10 {
2col {
as = columncontent
options {
resolveFlexFormData = 0
respectRows = 0
accordion {
as = accordionitems
options {
resolveFlexFormData = 0
respectRows = 0
respectColumns = 0
The name of the variables can still be children, but it might be more comfortable to deal with variable names matching then purpose of your template.
I found the solution:
<html xmlns:f="http://typo3.org/ns/TYPO3/CMS/Fluid/ViewHelpers" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">
<div class="row">
<f:if condition="{children}">
<f:for each="{children.1}" as="column" key="columnNumber">
<div id="c{data.uid}-{columnNumber}" class="grid-column grid-column-{columnNumber} col-lg-6">
<f:for each="{column}" as="child">
<f:render partial="Child"
arguments="{data: child.data, children: child.children, options: options, settings: settings}" />
For two different cols
<div id="c{data.uid}-{columnNumber}" class="grid-column grid-column-{columnNumber} {f:if(condition: '{columnNumber} == 0', then: 'col-lg-3', else: 'col-lg-9')}">
My column numbers are left 0 and right 1
TS in dataprocessing.10:
2col {
as = children
options {
resolveChildFlexFormData = 0
The documentation is wrong you need this
tt_content.gridelements_pi1 =< lib.contentElement
Default gridelements TSConfig
I got same error after i upgrade to latest TYPO3 10 version from Typo3 9 and include Gridelement (Recommended).
Tried resolving a template file for controller action "Standard->1" in format ".html", but none of the paths contained the expected template file (Standard/1.html). The following paths were checked:
Rename gridelement template name with 1.html for gridelement uid=1
Change TS like:
tt_content.gridelements_pi1 {
templateRootPaths {
15 = EXT:site_config/Resources/Private/Templates/Extensions/Grid-Templates/
dataProcessing {
10 {
default {
options {
resolveFlexFormData = 1
resolveChildFlexFormData = 0
Inside Grid-Templates add your gridelement templates like 1.html, 2.html etc.
3) change template(HTML) code like this:
<html xmlns:f="http://typo3.org/ns/TYPO3/CMS/Fluid/ViewHelpers" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">
<div class="row">
<f:if condition="{children}">
<f:for each="{children.1}" as="column" key="columnNumber">
<div id="c{data.uid}-{columnNumber}" class="grid-column grid-column-{columnNumber} col-lg-6">
<f:for each="{column}" as="child">
<f:render partial="Child"
arguments="{data: child.data, children: child.children, options: options, settings: settings}" />
I have a problem when using Regex. I have a html document which create an anchor link when it matches condition.
An example html:
Căn cứ Luật Tổ chức HĐND và UBND ngày 26/11/2003;
Căn cứ Nghị định số 63/2010/NĐ-CP ngày 08/6/2010 của Chính phủ về
kiểm soát thủ tục hành chính;
Căn cứ Quyết định số 165/2011/QĐ-UBND ngày 06/5/2011 của UBND tỉnh
ban hành Quy định kiểm soát thủ tục hành chính trên địa bàn tỉnh;
Căn cứ Quyết định số 278/2011/QĐ-UBND ngày 02/8/2011 của UBND tỉnh
ban hành Quy chế phối hợp thực hiện thống kê, công bố, công khai thủ
tục hành chính và tiếp nhận, xử lý phản ánh, kiến nghị của cá nhân, tổ
chức về quy định hành chính trên địa bàn tỉnh;
Xét đề nghị của Giám đốc Sở Công Thương tại Tờ trình số
304/TTr-SCT ngày 29 tháng 5 năm 2013
I want to match these bold texts and make anchor links from these. If it has, try ignore. Link example 63/2010/NĐ-CP
var matchLegals = new Regex(#"(?:[\d]+\/?)\d+\/[a-z\dA-Z_ÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚĂĐĨŨƠàáâãèéêìíòóôõùúăđĩũơƯĂẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶẸẺẼỀỀỂưăạảấầẩẫậắằẳẵặẹẻẽềềểỄỆỈỊỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢỤỦỨỪễệỉịọỏốồổỗộớờởỡợụủứừỬỮỰỲỴÝỶỸửữựỳỵỷỹ\-]+", RegexOptions.Compiled);
var doc = new HtmlDocument();
var allElements = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[#class='main-content']").Descendants();
foreach (var node in allElements)
var matches = matchLegals.Matches(node.InnerHtml);
foreach (Match m in matches)
var k = m.Value;
//dont know what to do
What can i do this
Many thanks.
I assume your regex pattern is OK and works. Another assumption is that node.InnerHtml doesn't contain any <a> tags already encompassing any of the potential matches.
In this case, it's as simple as doing something like this:
node.InnerHtml = Regex.Replace(node.InnerHtml, "[your pattern here]", "<a href='query=$&'>$&</a>");
Note, that you may need to work on the href component - I'm unsure how your link should be built.
you match text and replace:
var s = '...';
var matchs = s.match(/\d{2,3}\/\d{4}\/[a-zA-Z\-áàảãạăâắằấầặẵẫậéèẻẽẹêếềểễệóòỏõọôốồổỗộơớờởỡợíìỉĩịđùúủũụưứửữựÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚĂĐĨŨƠƯĂẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶẸẺẼÊỀỂỄỆỈỊỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢỤỨỪỬỮỰỲỴÝỶỸửữựỵỷỹ]+/gi);
if (matchs != null) {
for(var i=0; i<matchs.length;i++){
var val = matchs[i];
s = s.replace(val, '<a href="?key=' + val + '"/>' + val + '</a>');
#Shaamaan thank for your advice. After few hours of coding, it works now
var content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[#class='main-content']");
var items = content.SelectNodes(".//text()[normalize-space(.) != '']");
foreach (HtmlNode node in items)
if (!matchLegals.IsMatch(node.InnerText) || node.ParentNode.Name == "a")
var texts = node.InnerHtml.Trim();
node.InnerHtml = matchLegals.Replace(texts, a => string.Format("<a href='/search?q={0}'>{0}</a>",a.Value));
Hey anyone can help me with this problem ?
I have this issue with my code, two files:
1 - test.php
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Documento sin título</title>
var url = "getagentids.php?param=";
function handleHttpResponse() {
if (http.readyState == 4) {
results = http.responseText.split(",");
document.getElementById('formality').value = results[0];
document.getElementById('fullname').value = results[1];
document.getElementById('sex').value = results[2];
document.getElementById('id').value = results[3];
document.getElementById('joindate').value = results[4];
document.getElementById('jobtitle').value = results[5];
document.getElementById('city').value = results[6];
document.getElementById('typeofsalary').value = results[7];
document.getElementById('contract_type').value = results[8];
function getagentids() {
var idValue = document.getElementById("email").value;
var myRandom=parseInt(Math.random()*99999999); // cache buster
http.open("GET", url + escape(idValue) + "&rand=" + myRandom, true);
http.onreadystatechange = handleHttpResponse;
function getHTTPObject() {
var xmlhttp;
if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
try {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (e) {
xmlhttp = false;
return xmlhttp;
var http = getHTTPObject();
<form name="schform">
<table bgcolor="#dddddd">
echo $param;
include '../../../connect.php';
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "SELECT email FROM dbemployeekpw";
$result = $db->loadObjectList();
$email = $result[0];
echo " <select size='1' name='email' id='email' onChange='getagentids()' required >
<option value=''> Seleccione </option>";
foreach($result as $email)
echo "<option value='".$email->email."'>".$email->email."</option>";
echo "</select>"
<tr><td>Formality</td><td><input id="formality" type="text" name="formality"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Fullname</td><td><input id="fullname" type="text" name="fullname"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Sex</td><td><input id="sex" type="text" name="sex"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Id</td><td><input id="id" type="text" name="id"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Joindate</td><td><input id="joindate" type="text" name="joindate"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Jobtitle</td><td><input id="jobtitle" type="text" name="jobtitle"></td></tr>
<tr><td>City</td><td><input id="city" type="text" name="city"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Typesalary</td><td><input id="typeofsalary" type="text" name="typeofsalary"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Contract Type</td><td><input id="contract_type" type="text" name="contract_type"> </td></tr>
<tr><td><input size="60" type="reset" value="Clear"></td><td></td>
2 - getagentids.php
//$param = $_GET["param"];
include '../../../connect.php';
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query = "SELECT * FROM dbemployeekpw WHERE email = 'camilo.uribe#kantarworldpanel.com'";
$results = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ( $results as $result )
$formality = $result->formality;
$fullname = $result->fullname;
$sex = $result->sex;
$id = $result->id;
$joindate = $result->joindate;
$jobtitle = $result->jobtitle;
$city = $result->city;
$typeofsalary = $result->typeofsalary;
$contract_type = $result->contract_type;
$textout = $formality.",".$fullname.",".$sex.",".$id.",".$joindate.",".$jobtitle.",".$city.",".$typeofsalary.",".$contract_type;
echo $textout;
But ajax dont works, only works if I put this :
$query = "SELECT * FROM dbemployeekpw WHERE email = 'camilo.uribe#kantarworldpanel.com'";
instead this:
$query = "SELECT * FROM dbemployeekpw WHERE email = '".$param."'";
But I need that the code works with second one :(
Anyone can help me with this problem ?
Thanks !!
SOLVED (works like a charm!!):
I change this:
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$param = $jinput->get('param', 'param', 'filter');
instead this:
$param = $_GET["param"];
and I'm still with:
$query = "SELECT * FROM dbemployeekpw WHERE email = '".$param."'";
because this code don't works for me:
->where($db->quoteName('email') . ' = '. $db->quote($param));
Many Thanks #lodder
Before anything, lets see if the $param variable is correct and gets the value. Add the following which one the form is processed, will display the value. If the result is NULL then you firstly need to ensure you get the correct value. If you do get the correct value, then carry on reading.
Just on a side note, I would recommend looking at the following link rather than using $_GET:
Lets now use up to date coding standards for you database query:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->quoteName('email') . ' = '. $db->quote($param));
$results = $db->loadObjectList();
Hope this helps