mysql group_concat silex doctrine - doctrine-orm

I'm currently working with Silex (PHP FW) + Doctrine. I need to get the users list where user belongs to various departments. When i use group_concat() i got error QueryException in QueryException.php line 52: [Syntax Error] line 0, col 77: Error: Expected known function, got 'GROUP_CONCAT' so when I google it, found that we have include the GroupConcat() library but not provided information on how to load library to use it inside the createQueryBuilder().
Thanks in advance,


lucee error says Entity does not exist, even if the component exists

I am newbie in Lucee administration, I am trying to set up coldbox application but every time I am getting this error:
entity [ABC] with cfc name [] does not exist, existing entities are [def,qwe,xyz,dws,dgd]
I could not found anything in web, Can any body help me out in this ?

relation does not exist error when extending on simple django_tables2 tutorial example

I am trying to follow this relatively simple tutorial for django-tables2. the tutorial isn't comprehensive and so I am a little lost as to what is causing my error although I should note that it is from me attempted to extend upon the tutorial. I am a beginner at django so I am just trying to learn.
I am getting an error:
ProgrammingError at /table_test
relation "demo_query" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "demo_query"
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Django Version: 1.10.2
Exception Type: ProgrammingError
Exception Value:
relation "demo_query" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "demo_query"
Exception Location: C:\Users\zack\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\ in execute, line 64
and my files are here:
First of all, you should not instantiate your table in your like you do with table = QueryTable(data) on line 23. You should only do that when using the table in a view.
I tried reproducing your error by creating a new Django environment, a new app and copying your files in. (demo/base.html was missing, some unrelated views in your
I cannot reproduce the error though, just displays a table:
My code can be found on github.

Taxon queries in Spree API

I'm trying to run searches using ransack queries, but I'm getting invalid search term results on the following /api/v1/products?q[classifications_taxon_id_eq]=3. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I deliberately set ransack to not ignore invalid terms, just to try to figure out what's going on.
The error I get is something like:
Invalid search term classifications_taxon_id_eq
You need to whitelist classifications in the product model:
After that in the classification model, you need to whitelist the taxon attribute.

Can not import any archive file to siebel tools

I have the following problem:
During archive import through tools I encounter the following error:
An error has occurred preparing a Sql statement.
Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DBC-00108)
ORA-00904: "T3"."SYNC_SUCCESS_FLG": invalid identifier
I looked at the logs T3 is S_EMP_PER table, and "SYNC_SUCCESS_FLG" does not even exist in this table. I don't know why it is referencing this column.
How could I resolve this problem? Thanks in advance.
Most probably, the SIF file came from a different version of Siebel, different from the one you are importing into. Or it could be that the table S_EMP_PER is also modified in your project, you may have to get a SIF of the table and import it first, before you import the BC SIF.

Sharepoint 2013 Online - Newsfeed error

Adding a news feed from Mysite of Sharepoint 2013 Online gives this error
The following error is returned: The request is invalid. Internal type name: Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.MicrofeedException. Internal error code: 14. Contact your system administrator for assistance in solving this problem.
This can not be sent, because there are some problems have occurred."
Adding a newsfeed from home page works though.
In my case i had jquery library refrence in the page. I created a new jquery object using noConflict() and used that instead of the default $. For some reasoms $ caused some issues and i was unable to post in the news feed.
var jQ = jQuery.noConflict();
//demo code
Below is the error message that used to get.
The request is invalid. Internal type name : Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.MicrofeedException . Internal error code : 14+sharepoint
Another reason was i have multiple references of jquery library in my page which was the reason.
Hope this might be useful to someone.
Internal error code 14 says "Invalid_Content_Null_Or_Empty". So it might be possible that the content you are updating is invalid. So you need to check that.