parse doesn't accept all month names abbreviation - clojure

For a given custom-formatter, parse refuses certain month values.
(require '[clj-time.core :as t]
'[clj-time.format :as f])
(let [custom-formatter (f/formatter "dd MMM yyyy")]
(f/parse custom-formatter "27 mar 2010")
(f/parse custom-formatter "27 dec 2010"))
The first parsereturns the expected result, #object[org.joda.time.DateTime 0x62a9d176 "2010-03-27T00:00:00.000Z"], while the second returns Actual: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "27 dec 2010" is malformed at "dec 2010".
I can't make sense of this behavior. What can possibly causes this issue?
Thanks for help.
Here's my project.cljfile
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
[twitter-api "0.7.8"]
[cheshire "5.6.1"]
[clojure-csv/clojure-csv "2.0.1"]
[org.postgresql/postgresql "9.4-1206-jdbc42"]
[com.jolbox/bonecp "0.8.0.RELEASE"]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.6.1"]
[java-jdbc/dsl "0.1.0"]
[org.slf4j/slf4j-nop "1.7.21"]
[clj-time "0.11.0"]

You likely need to specify a Locale for your formatter. You can check to see your default Locale with:
user=> (java.util.Locale/getDefault)
#object[java.util.Locale 0x4713d9a5 "en_US"]
See the results for different locales (including the error you are seeing):
user=> (require '[clj-time.core :as t]
#_=> '[clj-time.format :as f])
user=> (let [custom-formatter (f/with-locale
(f/formatter "dd MMM yyyy")
(f/parse custom-formatter "27 mar 2010"))
#object[org.joda.time.DateTime 0x3cfceae6 "2010-03-27T00:00:00.000Z"]
user=> (let [custom-formatter (f/with-locale
(f/formatter "dd MMM yyyy")
(f/parse custom-formatter "27 mar 2010"))
#object[org.joda.time.DateTime 0x4f5e9955 "2010-03-27T00:00:00.000Z"]
user=> (let [custom-formatter (f/with-locale
(f/formatter "dd MMM yyyy")
(f/parse custom-formatter "27 mar 2010"))
IllegalArgumentException Invalid format: "27 mar 2010" is malformed at "mar 2010" org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseDateTime (


Values selected from the database table returns nil

I'm really new to clojure and I'm trying to select values from the database. It does select the values(I think) though it only returns nil
I tried following the tutorial in
Here is my code
(ns hello.core_test)
(:require [ :as sql]))
(def mysql-db {
:subprotocol "mysql"
:subname "//localhost:3307/blink"
:user "root"
:password ""})
(println (sql/query mysql-db
["select firstName from users"]
:row-fn :firstName))
And it returns
(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
(The database contains 9 variables)
Here is the picture of my column
Edited. Apparantly if I remove the
:row-fn :firstName
And replace it with
:row :firstName
It returns in a format like this
({:firstname Angel} {:firstname Austin} {:firstname enrico} {:firstname wilzen} {:firstname keith} {:firstname Joshua} {:firstname Ron Andre} {:firstname Allen Jay} {:firstname Ivan}) converts columns by default like that (-> column-name clojure.string/lower-case keyword), you already partially answered it by yourself showing result without :row-fn.
Right now, using [org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.7.7"] this works for me:
(sql/query mysql-db ["select firstName from users"] {:row-fn :firstname})
if you don't want auto conversion:
(sql/query mysql-db ["select firstName from users"] {:identifiers identity :keywordize? false})
;; => ({"firstName" "one"} {"firstName" "two"} {"firstName" "three"})

Is there some way to let compojure support type conversion automatically?

Now can use compojure this way:
(GET ["/uri"] [para1 para2]
Para1 and para2 are all of type String.
I would like to let it know the type correcttly,like this:
(GET ["/uri"] [^String para1 ^Integer para2]
It can convert para1 to be Sting and para2 to Integer.
Is there some library or good way to do this?
This is possible as of Compojure 1.4.0 using the syntax [x :<< as-int]
This is not currently possible with only Compojure.
You could use Prismatic schema coercion.
(require '[schema.core :as s])
(require '[schema.coerce :as c])
(require '[compojure.core :refer :all])
(require '[ring.middleware.params :as rparams])
(def data {:para1 s/Str :para2 s/Int s/Any s/Any})
(def data-coercer (c/coercer data c/string-coercion-matcher ))
(def get-uri
(GET "/uri" r
(let [{:keys [para1 para2]} (data-coercer (:params r))]
(pr-str {:k1 para1 :k2 (inc para2)}))))
(def get-uri-wrapped
(let [keywordizer (fn [h]
(fn [r]
(h (update-in r [:params] #(clojure.walk/keywordize-keys %)))))]
(-> get-uri keywordizer rparams/wrap-params)))
Here is a sample run:
(get-uri-wrapped {:uri "/uri" :query-string "para1=a&para2=3" :request-method :get})
{:status 200,
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html; charset=utf-8"},
:body "{:k1 \"a\", :k2 4}"}

Can't take value of a macro

I have created a project using lein command.
This is my source file:
(ns database.core)
(defn movies[na rent qty]
(spit "e.txt" (.toString [{:na na :rent rent :qty qty}]))
(read-string (slurp "e.txt")))
This is my project file:
(ns database.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[database.core :refer :all]))
(deftest movies-test
testing "movies"
(let [jun (movies "Dark-knight" 12 6)]
(is (= (get-in jun [0 :na]) "Dark-knight"))
(is (= (get-in jun [0 :rent]) 12))
(is (= (get-in jun [0 :qty]) 6))))
But when I try to run it i keep getting this error.
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't take value of a macro: #'clojure.test/testing, compiling:(C:\Users\A\database\test\database\core_test.clj:5:1)
What could be the possible reasons for this error?
testing macro must be enclosed in its own pair of parentheses so that it was invoked
(deftest movies-test
(testing "movies"
(let [jun (movies "Dark-knight" 12 6)]
(is (= (get-in jun [0 :na]) "Dark-knight"))
(is (= (get-in jun [0 :rent]) 12))
(is (= (get-in jun [0 :qty]) 6)))))

Why can't clojure.repl/print-doc binding be changed in Clojure REPL?

This works as expected:
java -jar clojure-1.4.0.jar -e "(do (require 'clojure.repl) (.setDynamic #'clojure.repl/print-doc) (with-bindings {#'clojure.repl/print-doc str} (eval '(clojure.repl/doc println))))"
"{:ns #<Namespace clojure.core>, :name println, :arglists ([& more]), :added \"1.0\", :static true, :doc \"Same as print followed by (newline)\", :line 3325, :file \"clojure/core.clj\"}"
But the same does not work in the REPL:
java -jar clojure-1.4.0.jar -e "(do (require 'clojure.repl) (.setDynamic #'clojure.repl/print-doc) (clojure.main/repl :init (fn [] {#'clojure.repl/print-doc str}))))"
Output of (doc println):
user=> (doc println)
([& more])
Same as print followed by (newline)
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Found the answer after diving into the counterclockwise and nrepl code:
java -jar clojure-1.4.0.jar -e "(do (require 'clojure.repl) (.setDynamic #'clojure.repl/print-doc) (with-bindings {#'clojure.repl/print-doc str} (clojure.main/repl)))))"
The output is the same as above:
"{:ns #<Namespace clojure.core>, :name println, :arglists ([& more]), :added \"1.0\", :static true, :doc \"Same as print followed by (newline)\", :line 3325, :file \"clojure/core.clj\"}"
The trick is to use with-bindings before calling repl:
(with-bindings {#'clojure.repl/print-doc str}

How to Parse and Compare Files?

I'd appreciate suggestions/insights on how I can leverage Clojure to efficiently parse and compare two files. There are two (log) files that contain employee attendance; from these files I need to determine all the days that two employees worked the same times, in the same department. Below are examples of the log files.
Note: each file has differing number of entries.
First File:
Employee Id Name Time In Time Out Dept.
mce0518 Jon 2011-01-01 06:00 2011-01-01 14:00 ER
mce0518 Jon 2011-01-02 06:00 2011-01-01 14:00 ER
mce0518 Jon 2011-01-04 06:00 2011-01-01 13:00 ICU
mce0518 Jon 2011-01-05 06:00 2011-01-01 13:00 ICU
mce0518 Jon 2011-01-05 17:00 2011-01-01 23:00 ER
Second File:
Employee Id Name Time In Time Out Dept.
pdm1705 Jane 2011-01-01 06:00 2011-01-01 14:00 ER
pdm1705 Jane 2011-01-02 06:00 2011-01-01 14:00 ER
pdm1705 Jane 2011-01-05 06:00 2011-01-01 13:00 ER
pdm1705 Jane 2011-01-05 17:00 2011-01-01 23:00 ER
if you are not going to do it periodically,
(defn data-seq [f]
(with-open [rdr (
( f))]
(let [s (rest (line-seq rdr))]
(doall (map seq (map #(.split % "\\s+") s))))))
(defn same-time? [a b]
(let [a (drop 2 a)
b (drop 2 b)]
(= a b)))
(let [f1 (data-seq "f1.txt")
f2 (data-seq "f2.txt")]
(reduce (fn[h v]
(let [f2 (filter #(same-time? v %) f2)]
(if (empty? f2)
(conj h [(first v) (map first f2)])))) [] f1)
will get you,
[["mce0518" ("pdm1705")] ["mce0518" ("pdm1705")] ["mce0518" ("pdm1705")]]
I came to somewhat shorter and (IMHO) more readable version
(use ; moar toolz - moar fun
'[ :only (reader)]
'[clojure.string :only (split)]
'[clojure.contrib.str-utils :only (str-join)]
'[clojure.set :only (intersection)])
(defn read-presence [filename]
(with-open [rdr (reader filename)] ; file will be securely (always) closed after use
(apply hash-set ; make employee's hash-set
(map #(str-join "--" (drop 2 (split % #" [ ]+"))) ; right-to-left: split row by spaces then forget two first columns then join using "--"
(drop 1 ; ommit first line
(line-seq rdr)))))) ; read file content line-by-line
(intersection (read-presence "") (read-presence "")) ; now it's simple!
;result: #{"2011-01-01 06:00--2011-01-01 14:00--ER" "2011-01-02 06:00--2011-01-01 14:00--ER" "2011-01-05 17:00--2011-01-01 23:00--ER"}
Assuming and are your files. I also assumed you'll have one hash-set for each employee -- (naive) generalization to N employees would need next six lines:
(def employees ["greg.txt" "allison.txt" "robert.txt" "eric.txt" "james.txt" "lisa.txt"])
(for [a employees b employees :when (and
(= a (first (sort [a b]))) ; thou shall compare greg with james ONCE
(not (= a b)))] ; thou shall not compare greg with greg
(str-join " -- " ; well, it's not pretty... nor pink at least
[a b (intersection (read-presence a) (read-presence b))]))
;result: (" -- -- #{\"2011-01-01 06:00--2011-01-01 14:00--ER\" \"2011-01-02 06:00--2011-01-01 14:00--ER\" \"2011-01-05 17:00--2011-01-01 23:00--ER\"}")
Actually this loop is sooo ugly and it doesn't memorize intermediate results... To be improved.
I knew there must be something elegant in core or contrib!
(use '[clojure.contrib.combinatorics :only (combinations)])
(def employees ["greg.txt" "allison.txt" "robert.txt" "eric.txt" "james.txt" "lisa.txt"])
(def employee-map (apply conj (for [e employees] {e (read-presence e)})))
(map (fn [[a b]] [a b (intersection (employee-map a) (employee-map b))])
(combinations employees 2))
;result: (["" "" #{"2011-01-01 06:00--2011-01-01 14:00--ER" "2011-01-02 06:00--2011-01-01 14:00--ER" "2011-01-05 17:00--2011-01-01 23:00--ER"}])
Now it's memorized (parsed data in employee-map), general and... lazy :D