AWS PutRolePolicy Action Restrictions - amazon-web-services

Is it possible to allow a role to call PutRolePolicy to put an inline policy document, but only allow said policy document to create statements for specific actions?
For example, I'd like to allow a role to create and attach policies for resources where the action is ec2:Describe*, but I do NOT want that role to be able to delete the VPC.


Export an inline user group policy in AWS

I want to make an inline policy (i.e, one that exists only in the context of an IAM permission group) a managed one (i.e, one that exists globally). Is that possible? If so, how? (I would prefer AWS GUI solutions and not CLI ones)
It is not possible to convert an inline policy to a managed policy.
What you can do is:
Go to IAM - Groups
Choose the group whose policy you want
Go to Permissions tab
Select inline policy
Open it in JSON Viewer and copy the whole JSON
Go to Policies
Click on Create a Policy button and follow the steps. On the first page, switch from Visual editor to JSON and paste your policy
I believe you are looking for a "Customer managed policy", see more at
You can create standalone policies that you administer in your own AWS account, which we refer to as customer managed policies. You can then attach the policies to multiple principal entities in your AWS account. When you attach a policy to a principal entity, you give the entity the permissions that are defined in the policy.
There is also a section specifically for Converting an inline policy to a managed policy

AWS cli/boto3- Is it possible to know if a role or policy has permissions over a resource?

I would like to know if I can check if a policy or role can see, list, or edit a resource.
Can be any type of resource, S3 bucket, Secrets Manager, EC2 instance, etc.
I will try to do this through boto3 as well.
You can Test IAM policies with the IAM policy simulator - AWS Identity and Access Management. This allows you to specify a policy and a resource (including conditions) and test whether the API call would be permitted.
If you wish to do this via boto3, you can use simulate_custom_policy():
Simulate how a set of IAM policies and optionally a resource-based policy works with a list of API operations and AWS resources to determine the policies' effective permissions. The policies are provided as strings.
The simulation does not perform the API operations; it only checks the authorization to determine if the simulated policies allow or deny the operations.
If you want to simulate existing policies that are attached to an IAM user, group, or role, use simulate_principal_policy() instead.

What is the purpose of having an option for both role and resource-based policy in Lambda when role inherently has 1 or more policies?

I have created a Lambda function. In the permissions pane there is section for role and another section for resource-based policy.
A role in IAM inherently has a policy. This specifies the resources and actions that the function (via role) has permission to access.
So what is the purpose of having the section for Resource-based policy? If there is access allowed in one and denied in another than which permission is prioritized.
They are two different things.
The role is what the lambda can do (i.e. what the function itself has access to when executing)
The resource-based policy is what other principals can do to the Lambda (i.e. who can execute it, who can update it, who can see it, who can delete it etc)
Lambda is one of a number of services in AWS where this dual set of policies is required as it is both a resource that can be acted upon, and runs as a principal which can act on other things. EC2 Instance Roles are another example.
The IAM role that is attached to the Lambda is used to grant the Lambda the ability to communicate with other AWS resources other the API. If the IAM policy allows access to perform an action, as long as there are no Deny statements the action should be able to be carried out.
The function policy on the other hand is a policy that evaluates invocation of your Lambda function, by default resources within your AWS account can invoke the Lambda should they have the right IAM permissions.
Some services do not have an IAM role that are assigned to them however, so properties such as the Arn of the calling resource or the service that is attempting to invoke the Lambda. In addition you can grant access to another AWS account, or restrict which IAM principals should be able to invoke the function. This is similar to the property of a bucket policy in an S3 bucket.
As per the AWS documentation here.
Identity-based policies are attached to an IAM user, group, or role. These policies let you specify what that identity can do (its permissions). For example, you can attach the policy to the IAM user named John, stating that he is allowed to perform the Amazon EC2 RunInstances action. The policy could further state that John is allowed to get items from an Amazon DynamoDB table named MyCompany. You can also allow John to manage his own IAM security credentials. Identity-based policies can be managed or inline.
Resource-based policies are attached to a resource. For example, you can attach resource-based policies to Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon SQS queues, and AWS Key Management Service encryption keys. For a list of services that support resource-based policies, see AWS services that work with IAM.
With resource-based policies, you can specify who has access to the resource and what actions they can perform on it. To learn whether principals in accounts outside of your zone of trust (trusted organization or account) have access to assume your roles, see What is IAM Access Analyzer?. Resource-based policies are inline only, not managed.

Difference between policy path "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/aws-service-role" and ""arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role

What difference between policies under the paths "aws:policy/service-role" and "aws:policy/aws-service-role"?
Is there any the logic behind this design?
The AWS managed policies within the aws-service-role path are policies that be attached to a service-linked role only.
If you go to AWS Console -> IAM -> Policies, filter by AWS Managed Polices and start clicking on them, you'll notice the ones with the aws-servive-role path have a help label at the top that reads "This policy is linked to a service and used only with a service-linked role for that service. You cannot attach, detach, modify, or delete this policy.". There might be a way to filter down to the service-linked policies in the AWS Console or CLI when desribing policies other than inspecting the paths, but it alludes me right now.
You can see their usage described here
Here also is the blog post that describes what a service-linked role is Basically these are roles that can only be assumed by a specific service type.
The AWS managed policies in the service-role path are policies that can be attached to any role including "normal/basic" roles. These types of roles can be assumed by users, EC2 instances, or anywhere else roles are assumed.
For example you could give someone permission to attach a linked-service role that has the policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/aws-service-role/AWSLambdaReplicator attached which is only attachable to a linked-role linked to the Lambda service. They would be able to use this role in the Lambda execution role, but they would not be able to use this role with another service like EC2 or an IAM user. This supports an admin allowing users to assign out permissions to new resources that users spins up (a new Lambda) that that the admin trusts the linked AWS service to use, but don't want to allow that user to access directly through their user account or give them to other custom applications running in AWS.

AWS IAM: How to prevent privilege elevation with IAM policies?

There is a policy attached to user/role which is allowed to create other policies and roles, but, for example, original role doesn't have permissions to do s3:PutObject. Is there any way I can prevent this role/user from creating another policy which allows s3:PutObject and elevating it's own permissions by that?
If you grant users the ability to create policies and roles, then you trust them not to abuse it. Very few admins should have this ability.
The way to solve your case is for an uber-admin to create policies and roles, and for your user to be restricted to which policies/roles he can attach (see related article). You can also implement automation to validate the policies created by your uber-admins meet certain conditions.