gst-plugin : how to add watch to cutter element - gstreamer

I have created a custom audio filter using gstreamer plugins audiocheblimit and cutter which will remove noise from the input mediapipeline and detect silence.
the problem which I am facing is how can I add a wacth to the cutter element in my gst-plugin project.


Google vision fails to identify numbers in a table

I am aiming to extract a table of text & numbers from a document using Google's Vision API. The results are far from satisfactory - Vision seems to completely miss the contents of 2 columns in my table.
Recognition rate improves when I manually erase the column border but I cannot pre-process each file which I intend to process.
Cropping the column text, MOVing the column text to a new location dont seem to make a difference.
Increasing the brightness/contrast of the document seems to help a little bit but not enough to be satisfactory.
I'm using the "Try-It" web interface at to test all my experiments... It mimics the results of running my code on the document.
I'm uploading JPG images, created from scanned PDF originals (converted in photoshop).
I dont have any code since the problem shows up just using the web-tool.
many of the numbers are single digits but many are not.
The numbers missed are 1,3,4,8,500,1,16,100,10
Other columns (which ARE read ok) contain decimal numbers
Perhaps there are some tricks/tips that I've not found that I can use?

How to get average over time only when PC is up in Prometheus

I'm currently trying to get the average amount of free RAM in the last week on a Windows PC, using the WMI Exporter ( and Prometheus with the following query :
The query inside "avg_over_time" is working correctly, but the problem is the PC is not up 24/7. Since I can't have holes in a range, I was considering the idea of using a recording rules.
The other problem is that the PC doesn't start and stop at known values, so I can't use the following solution : How to get the average over time only during the day in Prometheus because I can't tell the time of the day I need to start collecting.
Is there any recording rule that could concatenate all the information gathered only during the up time of the pc ?
Thanks in advance.
The above expression already does what you want, as there'll be no data for the periods when the target couldn't be scraped and avg_over_time doesn't try to do anything fancy with gaps.

Reload Same Page ionic2

Hello how can i reload the same component in ionic2 app.I have the following pages pushed to stack like this
Estimate List --> Main Estimate --> History --> Main Estimate
Here user can select an estimate from the estimate list.From there he can view the history all estimates given for a particular customer.From the estimate list if clicks on an estimate i should load Main Estimate Component.
If i simply push the Main Estimate Component the previous estimate remains in stack.What i need is remove the previous Estimate and History pages from stack and keep only the new estimate something like this
Estimate List --> Main Estimate
Can somebody please suggest me a way to achieve this.Thank you

How to use TimeSeriesForecasting in KnowledgeFlow?

Weka Explorer provides Time Series Forecasting perspective and it is easy to use.
However, what should I do, if I want to use KnowledgeFlow for time series forecast?
what if I want to save original dataset with predictions?
Solutions (Thanks to the help from people from WekaList, especially, Mark Hall, Eibe Frank)
Open knowledgeFlow, load dataset with ArffLoader
go to setting, check time series forecasting perspective, right-click ArffLoader to send to all perspective
go to time series forecasting perspective to set up a model
run the model and copy the model to clipboard
ctrl + v, and click to paste model to Data mining process canvas
save prediction along with original data with ArffSaver

Array connectivity map

I am an amateur wanted to take part in competition.Our first task was to read an image from a sd card, which we have achieved and we have stored in the form of binary array. Now we have to guide robot using this array to follow the map(image) in the maze.
Our team search on it but we are unable to find a solution. it is said that we can apply any version of Dijkstra's algorithm but for that we have to built the connectivity map.If you know any other way , please let us know. Since we are 1st year engineering students we don't know how to implement these algorithm. Can any one guide s to a achieve this task. we shall be very thankful.
Here is the picture of the array which we have read from bmp(image) file. Our robot has to enter from top and stop at "x" pattern made by array then exit. How can we use the binary data of 1's and 0's to mobilize the robot? We are using Arduino as our micro controller.
Link to original picture