Trying out this snippet of code and doesn't seem to be working quite right..
(defn- multiple_of?
[div num]
(= (mod num div) 0))
(defn sum_of_multiples_from
([start] (sum_of_multiples_from start 0))
([start total]
(if (<= start 0)
(recur (dec start) (or (multiple_of? 3 start) (multiple_of? 5 start)
(+ total start) start)))))
I receive the following error:
java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
I am guessing it has to do with:
(recur (dec start) (or (multiple_of? 3 start) (multiple_of? 5 start)
(+ total start)
But I'm not sure why, I'm new to clojure, so I'm trying to get a grasp of recur.
You really want a conditional expression for your recur, and one that always returns a number. For example:
(defn sum_of_multiples_from
([start] (sum_of_multiples_from start 0))
([start total]
(if (<= start 0)
(recur (dec start)
(if (or (multiple_of? 3 start) (multiple_of? 5 start))
(+ total start)
Note that this is a weird way to implement this in a functional language. You're really picking values from a range and adding them up, so it's better to implement this as a filter and a reduce, for example:
(reduce + (filter #(or (multiple_of? 3 %) (multiple_of? 5 %)) (range 50)))
=> 543
Your or call returns a boolean ((multiple_of? 3 start)) as soon as start is a multiple of 3.
In Clojure, or always returns one of its arguments -- either the first truish one if one exists, or the last falsish one otherwise.
I'm learning Clojure and solving exercises from SICP book in the process. I get this error when evaluating (search-for-primes 1001 10000) but when called on smaller values (search-for-primes 101 1000) it works fine.
This seems to be a memory issue but I'm unable to zero in on the cause of it. Would love your help. Thank you. Below is the code.
(defn square [x]
(* x x))
(defn divides? [a b]
(= (rem b a) 0))
(defn find-divisor [n test-divisor]
(> (square test-divisor) n) n
(divides? test-divisor n) test-divisor
:else (find-divisor n (+ test-divisor 1))))
(defn smallest-divisor [n]
(find-divisor n 2))
;;return true if prime
(defn prime?
(= n (smallest-divisor n)))
;;return the first of the three consecutive prime numbers
(defn search-for-primes [low high]
(if (< low high)
(and (prime? low) (prime? (+ low 2)) (prime? (+ low 4))) low
:else (search-for-primes (+ low 2) high))))
You don't show the actual error you're getting, but I'll guess that it has something to do with the stack overflowing.
Unlike Scheme, Clojure does not support tail call elimination, so you probably need to look at loop/recur, see for example.
I am trying to write a lazy seq to generate the Collatz sequence for a given input int.
I love this function because is so cleanly maps to the mathematical definition:
(defn collatz
"Returns a lazy seq of the Collatz sequence starting at n and ending at 1 (if
(letfn [(next-term [x]
(if (even? x)
(/ x 2)
(inc (* 3 x))))]
(iterate next-term n)))
The problem is that this produces infinite seqs because of how the Collatz sequence behaves:
(take 10 (collatz 5))
=> (5 16 8 4 2 1 4 2 1 4)
I could easily drop the cycle by adding (take-while #(not= 1 %) ...), but the 1 is part of the sequence. All the other ways I've thought to trim the cycle after the one are ugly and obfuscate the mathematical heart of the Collatz sequence.
(I've considered storing the seen values in an atom and using that in a take-while predicate, or just storing a flag in an atom to similar effect. But I feel like there is some better, more beautiful, less intrusive way to do what I want here.)
So my question: What are clean ways to detect and trim cycles in infinite seqs? Or, could I generate my lazy seq in a way (perhaps using for) that automatically trims when it reaches 1 (inclusive)?
The below looks like a more or less literal translation of the definition and gives the result you want:
(defn collatz-iter [x]
(cond (= x 1) nil
(even? x) (/ x 2)
:else (inc (* 3 x))))
(defn collatz [n]
(take-while some? (iterate collatz-iter n)))
(collatz 12) ;; => (12 6 3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1)
Basically, you can use nil as the value to stop the sequence, thus keeping the final 1.
you could also use another approach, which is recursive lazy-seq generation. That is quite common for this class of tasks, doesn't break the lazy sequence abstraction and avoids intermediate sequences' creation:
(defn collatz [n]
(if (== n 1)
(list 1)
(lazy-seq (cons n (collatz (if (even? n)
(/ n 2)
(inc (* 3 n))))))))
user> (collatz 12)
;;=> (12 6 3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1)
Hey I'm doing a Project Euler question, and I'm looking to sum up all the numbers under 1000 that are multiplies of 3 or 5.
But being a clojure noob, my code just keeps returning zero.. and I'm not sure why.
(defn sum-of-multiples [max]
(let [result (atom 0)]
(for [i (range max)]
(if (or (= (rem i 3) 0) (= (rem i 5) 0))
(swap! result (+ #result i)))
(sum-of-multiples 1000)
Also the line (swap! result (+ #result i))) bugs me.. In C# I could do result += i, but I'm guessing there must be a better way to this in Clojure?
In Clojure - and at large in functional programming - we avoid assignment as it destroys state history and makes writing concurrent programs a whole lot harder. In fact, Clojure doesn't even support assignment. An atom is a reference type that is thread safe.
Another common trait of functional programming is that we try to solve problems as a series of data transformations. In your case you case some data, a list of numbers from 0 to 1000 exclusive, and you need to obtain the sum of all numbers that match a predicate. This can certainly be done by applying data transformations and completely removing the need for assignment. One such implementation is this:
(->> (range 1000)
(filter #(or (= (rem % 3) 0) (= (rem % 5) 0)))
(reduce +))
Please understand that a function such as the one you wrote isn't considered idiomatic code. Having said that, in the interest of learning, it can be made to work like so:
(defn sum-of-multiples [max]
(let [result (atom 0)]
(doseq [i (range max)]
(if (or (= (rem i 3) 0) (= (rem i 5) 0))
(swap! result #(+ % i)))
(sum-of-multiples 1000)
for returns a lazy sequence but since you're simply interested in the side-effects caused by swap! you need to use doseq to force the sequence. The other problem is that the second argument to swap! is a function, so you don't need to deref result again.
for is a list comprehension that return a lazy sequence, you have to traverse it for your code to work:
(defn sum-of-multiples [max]
(let [result (atom 0)]
(for [i (range max)]
(if (or (= (rem i 3) 0) (= (rem i 5) 0))
(swap! result + i))))
An equivalent, more idiomatic implementation using for:
(defn sum-of-multiples [max]
(reduce +
(for [i (range max)
:when (or (zero? (rem i 3))
(zero? (rem i 5)))]
The other answers are good examples of what I alluded to in my comment. For the sake of completeness, here's a solution that uses loop/recur, so it may be easier to understand for someone who's still not comfortable with concepts like filter, map or reduce. It also happens to be about 30-40% faster, not that it really matters in this case.
(defn sum-of-multiples [max]
(loop [i 0
sum 0]
(if (> max i)
(recur (inc i)
(if (or (zero? (rem i 3)) (zero? (rem i 5)))
(+ sum i)
this is the exercise 2.41 in SICP
I have wrote this naive version myself:
(defn sum-three [n s]
(for [i (range n)
j (range n)
k (range n)
:when (and (= s (+ i j k))
(< 1 k j i n))]
[i j k]))
The question is: is this considered idiomatic in clojure? And how can I optimize this piece of code? since it takes forever to compute(sum-three 500 500)
Also, how can I have this function take an extra argument to specify number of integer to compute the sum? So instead of sum of three, It should handle more general case like sum of two, sum of four or sum of five etc.
I suppose this cannot be achieved by using for loop? not sure how to add i j k binding dynamically.
(Update: The fully optimized version is sum-c-opt at the bottom.)
I'd say it is idiomatic, if not the fastest way to do it while staying idiomatic. Well, perhaps using == in place of = when the inputs are known to be numbers would be more idiomatic (NB. these are not entirely equivalent on numbers; it doesn't matter here though.)
As a first optimization pass, you could start the ranges higher up and replace = with the number-specific ==:
(defn sum-three [n s]
(for [k (range n)
j (range (inc k) n)
i (range (inc j) n)
:when (== s (+ i j k))]
[i j k]))
(Changed ordering of the bindings since you want the smallest number last.)
As for making the number of integers a parameter, here's one approach:
(defn sum-c [c n s]
(letfn [(go [c n s b]
(if (zero? c)
(for [i (range b n)
is (go (dec c) n (- s i) (inc i))
:when (== s (apply + i is))]
(conj is i))))]
(go c n s 0)))
;; from the REPL:
user=> (sum-c 3 6 10)
([5 4 1] [5 3 2])
user=> (sum-c 3 7 10)
([6 4 0] [6 3 1] [5 4 1] [5 3 2])
Update: Rather spoils the exercise to use it, but math.combinatorics provides a combinations function which is tailor-made to solve this problem:
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as c])
(c/combinations (range 10) 3)
;=> all combinations of 3 distinct numbers less than 10;
; will be returned as lists, but in fact will also be distinct
; as sets, so no (0 1 2) / (2 1 0) "duplicates modulo ordering";
; it also so happens that the individual lists will maintain the
; relative ordering of elements from the input, although the docs
; don't guarantee this
filter the output appropriately.
A further update: Thinking through the way sum-c above works gives one a further optimization idea. The point of the inner go function inside sum-c was to produce a seq of tuples summing up to a certain target value (its initial target minus the value of i at the current iteration in the for comprehension); yet we still validate the sums of the tuples returned from the recursive calls to go as if we were unsure whether they actually do their job.
Instead, we can make sure that the tuples produced are the correct ones by construction:
(defn sum-c-opt [c n s]
(let [m (max 0 (- s (* (dec c) (dec n))))]
(if (>= m n)
(letfn [(go [c s t]
(if (zero? c)
(list t)
(mapcat #(go (dec c) (- s %) (conj t %))
(range (max (inc (peek t))
(- s (* (dec c) (dec n))))
(min n (inc s))))))]
(mapcat #(go (dec c) (- s %) (list %)) (range m n))))))
This version returns the tuples as lists so as to preserve the expected ordering of results while maintaining code structure which is natural given this approach. You can convert them to vectors with a map vec pass.
For small values of the arguments, this will actually be slower than sum-c, but for larger values, it is much faster:
user> (time (last (sum-c-opt 3 500 500)))
"Elapsed time: 88.110716 msecs"
(168 167 165)
user> (time (last (sum-c 3 500 500)))
"Elapsed time: 13792.312323 msecs"
[168 167 165]
And just for added assurance that it does the same thing (beyond inductively proving correctness in both cases):
; NB. this illustrates Clojure's notion of equality as applied
; to vectors and lists
user> (= (sum-c 3 100 100) (sum-c-opt 3 100 100))
user> (= (sum-c 4 50 50) (sum-c-opt 4 50 50))
for is a macro so it's hard to extend your nice idiomatic answer to cover the general case. Fortunately clojure.math.combinatorics provides the cartesian-product function that will produce all the combinations of the sets of numbers. Which reduces the problem to filter the combinations:
(ns hello.core
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]))
(defn sum-three [n s i]
(filter #(= s (reduce + %))
(apply combo/cartesian-product (repeat i (range 1 (inc n))))))
hello.core> (sum-three 7 10 3)
((1 2 7) (1 3 6) (1 4 5) (1 5 4) (1 6 3) (1 7 2) (2 1 7)
(2 2 6) (2 3 5) (2 4 4) (2 5 3) (2 6 2) (2 7 1) (3 1 6)
(3 2 5) (3 3 4) (3 4 3) (3 5 2) (3 6 1) (4 1 5) (4 2 4)
(4 3 3) (4 4 2) (4 5 1) (5 1 4) (5 2 3) (5 3 2) (5 4 1)
(6 1 3) (6 2 2) (6 3 1) (7 1 2) (7 2 1))
assuming that order matters in the answers that is
For making your existing code parameterized you can use reduce.This code shows a pattern that can be used where you want to paramterize the number of cases of a for macro usage.
Your code without using for macro (using only functions) would be:
(defn sum-three [n s]
(mapcat (fn [i]
(mapcat (fn [j]
(filter (fn [[i j k]]
(and (= s (+ i j k))
(< 1 k j i n)))
(map (fn [k] [i j k]) (range n))))
(range n)))
(range n)))
The pattern is visible, there is inner most map which is covered by outer mapcat and so on and you want to paramterize the nesting level, hence:
(defn sum-c [c n s]
((reduce (fn [s _]
(fn [& i] (mapcat #(apply s (concat i [%])) (range n))))
(fn [& i] (filter #(and (= s (apply + %))
(apply < 1 (reverse %)))
(map #(concat i [%]) (range n))))
(range (dec c)))))
I'm trying to write a succinct, lazy Pascal's Triangle in Clojure, rotated such that the rows/columns follow the diagonals of the triangle. That is, I want to produce the following lazy-seq of lazy-seqs:
((1 1 1 1 ...)
(1 2 3 4 ...)
(1 3 6 10 ...)
The code I have written is:
(def pascal
(cons (repeat 1)
(map #(map + %1 %2)
(map #(cons 0 %) (rest pascal)))
so that each row is formed by adding a right-shifted version of itself to the previous row. The problem is that it never gets past the first line, since at that point (map #(cons 0 %) (rest pascal))) is empty.
=> (take 5 (map #(take 5 %) pascal))
((1 1 1 1 1))
What's a sensible way to go about solving this? I'm fairly new to programming in Clojure, and the very different way of thinking about a problem that it involves, so I'd really appreciate suggestions from anybody more experienced with this.
Succinct and lazy
(def pascal (iterate (partial reductions +') (repeat 1)))
(map (partial take 5) (take 5 pascal))
;=> ((1 1 1 1 1)
; (1 2 3 4 5)
; (1 3 6 10 15)
; (1 4 10 20 35)
; (1 5 15 35 70))
But too lazy?
(take 5 (nth pascal 10000))
;=> StackOverflowError
Try again
(take 5 (nth pascal 10000))
;=> (0)
Uh-oh, start over, and try, try again
(def pascal (iterate (partial reductions +') (repeat 1)))
(count (flatten (map (partial take 5) (take 100000 pascal))))
;=> 500000
Now these are all in your heap
(take 5 (nth pascal 100000))
;=> (1 100001 5000150001 166676666850001 4167083347916875001)
pascal should not be a var but a function that generates infinite seqs.
Check out this question for usage on lazy-seq
BTW, try this:
(defn gennext [s sum]
(let [newsum (+ (first s) sum)]
(cons newsum
(lazy-seq (gennext (rest s) newsum)))))
(defn pascal [s]
(cons s
(lazy-seq (pascal (gennext s 0)))))
(pascal (repeat 1)) gives you integer overflow exception but that does mean it produces the infinite seqs. You can use +' to use big integer.