login using "ec2-user" instead of root using user data in aws - amazon-web-services

I have an Amazon EC2 instance based off of a RHEL 6.4 64bit AMI. After writing some shell scripts; I created my own AMI Image off of it.
I'm writing user data section which will remove the contents under /home/ec2-user(sudo rm -rf /home/ec2-user/*) and then execute that script. But i'm unable to remove any files.
what I want:
I want to remove files.
One more weird use case I've, by default user data section enters as "root" user but is there possibility to enter as "ec2-user" user and get my work done..?

User data always runs as root so don't use sudo. Below runs the cmd as ec2-user. If you want to start an executable do so in the background (ie. add & at the end)
su ec2-user -c 'do whatever you want; ./run.sh &'

You cannot do it in the normal ec2-user account Do this command to be the deploy user ...
sudo su - deploy
which will then allow you to go to your app at the current location ...
cd /srv/www/sample_app/current


SSH to port exposed by container - permission denied

I have a docker container running and it's exposing port 22 to local host port 1312. I am using the following command to run the container:
docker run -it -d -p -v
/workspace/project:/root --name
cpp_dep cpp_dep
Now to build the project in CLion, it need to be able to ssh into the container. I entered the container in interactive mode and ran "service ssh restart".
Now when I try to ssh into root#, it asks for my password. But when I enter my sudo (root) password, it keeps saying permission denied.
Is it an issue with ssh key? Which password should i use? or is there any way to bypass the password?
I am running a MAC OS.
Thanks in advance.
You may enter the container in interactive mode, use whoami to find the current user while use passwd to change the password of current user, then ssh into it using the updated passwd.
More details if you are interested:
User running the container is decided by
USER config in your Dockerfile: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#user
-u option in docker run command: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#user
By default it's root (uid = 0), but it depends on your settings.
User password is stored in /etc/passwd file, which is different inside the container and in the host, so the same uid may have different password inside the container. It's a workaround to mannually reset it using passwd in the interactive mode but your may also set it in Dockerfile like
RUN echo 'root:Docker!' | chpasswd // (NOTICE: unsafe!)
It changes the password for root as "Docker!"
As emphasized by David Maze in comments, it's unsafe to store plain password in the Dockerfile as it's public to anyone who get the source file, and it's not uncommon source files intended to be private mistakenly submitted to open github repository. If the container needs to provide public service, you must use build args (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#set-build-time-variables---build-arg) so password can be secretly specified at build time.
RUN echo 'root:${PASSWD}' | chpasswd
docker build --build-arg PASSWD=<secret stored safely>

$HOME is not set for ec2-user during commands in User Data run

I put the following commands in user data of an EC2 running RedHat 8 AMI (ami-0fc841be1f929d7d1), when they run, the mkdir tries to create .kube at root which looks to me like $HOME is not set at the time.
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
Following are log from /var/log/user-data.log
+ mkdir -p /.kube
+ sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf /.kube/config
++ id -u
++ id -g
+ sudo chown 0:0 /.kube/config
When I SSH to the instance, the $HOME is set correctly to /home/ec2-user.
Could you advise what I did wrong here?
Thank you
When your EC2 server is provisioned, the user data script runs as user root, so $HOME is empty. What you could do, is to define the HOME env var at the top of your user data script, like this (insert your user's home directory here):
export HOME=/home/ubuntu
I've tried it and it works (I install NVM, SDKMAN, sbt, java, git, docker; all works fine). You might need to do some chown at the end of your user data script to change the owner of some files back to your user. For example, if your user data sets up some files in your home directory:
chown ubuntu ~/.foo/bar.properties
$HOME refers to the home directory of the logged in user. Userdata runs under the root user, and the root user $HOME is /. That is the result you are seeing.
Instead of the variable $HOME, your script should refer to /home as a literal.
See https://superuser.com/questions/271925/where-is-the-home-environment-variable-set
You are running as sudo which is known to change environment variables that are established with your users shell (such as $HOME) as well as shell context based such as ssh-agent.
Generally you can ensure this persists when you run sudo by adding it to the env_keep settings in your sudoers configuration by adding the below line within /etc/sudoers. More information is available here, be careful about modifying this file.
Defaults env_keep=HOME
Otherwise if you don't want to make the above change, ensure you have the permissions to carry this out without running sudo or pass an absolute path value in.
I would generally stay clear of user data for important configuration anyway,
instead build a pre-baked AMI ahead of time with the configuration how you want it, using a configuration tool such as Ansible, Chef, Puppet.
Alternatively as this is within the User Data anyway, it is unlikely you have already configured the sudoers configuration, you should instead just specify the path.
I faced the same issue. Adding this to the User Data script helped resolve it. The sub shells will have the HOME set with this change to profile.
cat > /etc/profile.d/set_home.sh << 'EOF'
export HOME=~
chmod a+x /etc/profile.d/set_home.sh

AWS EC2 User Data doesn't work after modifying it

Note: There are no asked questions about modifying EC2 instance user data.
my case: I added the user data below at EC2 first launch, and it worked perfectly.
#! /bin/bash
cd ~
echo "Test" > index.html
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
After launching the instance, in order to modify the user data I stopped the instance, changed the user data, and restarted the instance. But this time the scripts are not working.
#! /bin/bash
cd ~
echo "Test2" > index.html
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
I don't understand why the modified user data didn't work.
To quote User data and shell scripts:
By default, user data scripts and cloud-init directives run only during the boot cycle when you first launch an instance. You can update your configuration to ensure that your user data scripts and cloud-init directives run every time you restart your instance. For more information, see How can I execute user data with every restart of my EC2 instance? in the AWS Knowledge Center.
By default user data is only run on first boot (except instances using instance store volumes)
If you want to remove one time use the below info:
As per the answer from: https://serverfault.com/questions/797482/how-to-make-ec2-user-data-script-run-again-on-startup
rm /var/lib/cloud/instances/*/sem/config_scripts_user
rm /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/config_scripts_user
For Windows instances just add <persist>true</persist> in the user data.

AWS EC2 cloud-init script run as ec2-user

I am baking an image on top of Amazon linux image.
I need to run a service as ec2-user.
Is it possible to run a launch script of any kind as user other than root?
I'm assuming you're going to put the command under UserData.
Scripts entered as user data are executed as the root user, so do not use the sudo command in the script. Remember that any files you create will be owned by root; if you need non-root users to have file access, you should modify the permissions accordingly in the script. Also, because the script is not run interactively, you cannot include commands that require user feedback (such as yum update without the -y flag).
Here's the full documentation discussing topic
Use this:
su ec2-user -c 'your commands go here'

Creating user in ubuntu from AWS

Using AWS (Amazon Web Services) I have created an Ubuntu 16.10 instance and I am able to login using a pem file like this:
ssh -i key.pem ubuntu#
After I am logged, I can see that I am able to execute:
sudo su
(with no password), however the file /etc/sudoers does NOT contain any reference to the user current user: ubuntu.
How can I create another user with exactly the same behavior (without touching the sudoers file) from terminal in a NON interactive way?
I tried:
sudo useradd -m -c "adding a test user" -G sudo,adm -s /bin/bash testuser
But after I become "testuser" if I invoke:
sudo su
I have to provide a password. Which is exactly the way I want to avoid.
You can't do this without touching sudo, beacuse the ubuntu user is given passwordless access specifically.
$ for group in `groups ubuntu`; do sudo grep -r ^[[:space:]]*[^#]*$group[[:space:]] /etc/sudoers* ; done
/etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users:ubuntu ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
/etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users:ubuntu ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
/etc/sudoers:%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
But what you can do is create a new sudoers file without touching any existing files. sudo is typically configured these days to read all the configurations in a directiory, usually /etc/sudoers.d/, preceisely so that one failing config doesn't effect the rest of sudo.
In your case, you might want to give an admin group sudoless access rather than your user. Then you can add access in the future to other users without changing sudo config.