ColdBox 4.1.0 - Error creating eviction policy: LRU - coldfusion

I am using CF11 update 5. I downloaded ColdBox 4.1.0 and as the documentation says, I copied the downloaded folder to web-root and renamed the folder to coldbox. When I try to run any of the sample applications, I get the following error.
I don't know what the problem is. I searched the internet and found one related stuff-!msg/coldbox/fwmYOa4sLpY/YxmUmhroqaoJ
But that doesn't seem to solve the issue.
Do anyone know how to sort it out?


A fix using `browsersList` is not working in Expo

I could really use some help getting this to run on web...
I'm building a web app that uses leaflet. (MapView is non-web in Expo right now).
And using the react-leaflet library is giving an error with React 18.
The provided solution everyone mentions has to do with changing the browsersList in package.json. However this isn't working.
I'm wondering if it might be because of Expo somehow?
Please help 🙏 🙂
Here's a couple links to the issues:

I'm getting a SyntaxError when trying to run the ember CLI command

So I recently installed Ember and I was using the Getting Started guide on their site to work on a tutorial project, but unfortunately, when I tried to run the ember command, it threw this strange error. I have attached the image of the SyntaxError.
I have searched everywhere, but I couldn't find an answer to help resolve my issue. Can anyone help me out on how I can get this to work?
Thank you.
You need to upgrade your Node.js version to v4 or later (v7 is the latest). You can download Node.js from here:
class is a new feature that was added to ES6, a new version of Javascript that came out in 2015. Node.js did not support class prior to v4; that is why you are getting this error.

Sitecore 8 Installation Wizard in Development tools not working

After I installed sitecore 8, looks like I cant access installation wizard on development tools. All I can see is blank popup on all the browsers. I checked the log files and could not find anything related.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Might help anyone with the same problem.
Sitecore is checking for Packages folder in Data Folder and failed. I don't understand why it can't create one(I checked the permissions all good.)Kind of bug in Sitecore 8 rev. 141212.
Once I created Packages folder, it's all good.
This is probably due to mongoDB not being setup properly.
See this article

ContentBox giving error on installation

I am currently trying to install ContentBox 2 on my machine.
I am using ColdFusion 9.0.2, MySQL 5.6 and IIS 7 on Windows 7 Professional.
I have created database named “contentbox” and created a datasource named “contentbox” for it
as mentioned by the ContentBox documentation.
When I try to setup ContentBox, I’m presented with a datasource wizard page.
The wizard successfully verifies the datasource and gives me option to continue the setup.
On clicking the “continue installation” button I get the following error message:
Table cb_entry defined for cfc contentbox.model.content.Entry does not exist.
I’ve already given read/write permission to all the mentioned files and folders.
Can you help me sort out this issue.
I finally got the problem solved.
I contacted Ortus Solutions support. They advised to use ContentBox version 2.1 (Bleeding edge release) as Version 2.0 has some issues with CF9.
I have downloaded and installed the new version.
And it seems to be working fine.

"Error looking up a data source : null" in appserver 4.1.2 of wso2

I downloaded the appserver 4.1.2 (latest) from the wso2 site. Unfortunately when I tried to add a datasource I got an error message ("Error looking up a data source : null").
I found only one solution in the forum to update something. However when I add those repositories I cant find an update for the datasource component. I have to confess that I am a newbie and maybe I did something wrong.
Any more detailed help would be nice because without the datasource feature the appserver is worthless for me. I wonder how this work in production environments.
this seems to be a know issue. Can you try WSO2 DSS 2.6.3. you can download it from here[1].