I'm doing for my college a work in c++, my code is based on 2 classes,
NumSet and Game.
data members are private.
class NumSet
int arr[5]; //Cards
int Score;
class Game
NumSet P1, P2; //Player 1 , And Player 2
int OpenCard; //For The Card in The center
for adding a score to P1 \ P2 from a method inside of Game
I created this method:
void NumSet::Addscore()
and this other method:
void NumSet::PrintScore()
cout << this->Score << endl;
Until now it all looks fine, but for some reason
when I call the method Addscore:
it raises its value from 0 to 2..
NumSet::NumSet() //C'tor
for (int i = 0; i < STARTCARDS; i++)
arr[i] = NULL;
this->Sort(); //BubbleSort
Score = 0;
void Game::ChangeCards()
if (x1 > x2) //Player 1 is Stronger
else if (x2 > x1) //Player 2 is Stronger
else //Both Cards Are Equal
{ //Checkin For The Lower Max Num
int max1 = P1.Max(); //Max returns maximum num in arr
int max2 = P2.Max();
if (max1 < max2)
else if (max2 < max1)
I really would like an explanation of what's wrong in here.
nothing seems wrong here.. just make sure -
1) Score is initialized to 0
2) Not doing any assignment or increment by mistake
I'm writing a battleship game in the console, and I'm writing a function that will draw one grid based on a 2-dimensional array. The approach I'm taking is such:
--> Draw 1 row which contains a character X amount of times (like 10)
--> Draw that row, putting a newline at the end of the drawing process, 10 times to get a nice field.
Now, I do need to insert a newline at the end of 1 row, right? But how do I compare only the x-element of the array, and not the y-element?
Here's my code:
// Includes
#include <iostream> // For IO
#include <cstdlib> // For rand()
// Important game stuff
const int empty = 0; // Water
const int occupied = 1; // Ship
const int hit = 2; // Hit a ship
const int missed = 3; // Missed
// Variables
const int fields = 10;
// We want a 10x10 field
int board[fields][fields]; // board[x][y]
// Initialize board
void initb(int array[fields][fields]);
// Draw board x-axis
void drawbx(int array[fields][fields]);
int main(void)
// game(Players);
return 0;
// Initialize the board, make everything hit
void initb(int array[fields][fields])
for(int x = 1; x <= 10; x++)
for(int y = 1; y <= 10; y++)
array[x][y] = hit;
void drawbx(int array[fields][fields])
for(int i = 1; i <= fields; i++)
if(array[i][] == empty || array[i][] == occupied)
if(i == 10)
std::cout << " X\n";
else if(i == 1)
std::cout << "X ";
std::cout << " X ";
Take a look specifically at the drawbx() function. I want to draw something like
X X X X X X X X X X\n
The syntax that I tried, if(array[i][] == empty || array[i][] == occupied), doesn't work. There must be an expression in the second pair of square brackets. Can someone help me?
I see two major problems:
1) Array indexing is out of range. You use index 1 to 10. It shall be 0 to 9.
2) Code array[i][] == empty is illegal syntax. You can't leave one index empty.
If you want a function that draw one row, perhaps pass the row number to the function like:
void draw_one_row(int array[fields][fields], int row_to_draw)
for(int i = 0; i < fields; i++)
if(array[row_to_draw][i] == empty || array[row_to_draw][i] == occupied)
To draw the whole board:
void draw_board(int array[fields][fields])
for(int i = 0; i < fields; i++)
draw_one_row(array, i);
BTW: Since you write C++, I'll recommend that you use vector instead of arrays.
I'm making a C++ program for the game chopsticks.
It's a really simple game with only 625 total game states (and it's even lower if you account for symmetry and unreachable states). I have read up minimax and alpha-beta algorithms, mostly for tic tac toe, but the problem I was having was that in tic tac toe it's impossible to loop back to a previous state while that can easily happen in chopsticks. So when running the code it would end up with a stack overflow.
I fixed this by adding flags for previously visited states (I don't know if that's the right way to do it.) so that they can be avoided, but now the problem I have is that the output is not symmetric as expected.
For example in the start state of the game each player has one finger so it's all symmetric. The program tells me that the best move is to hit my right hand with my left but not the opposite.
My source code is -
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
std::array<int, 625> t; //Flags for visited states.
std::array<int, 625> f; //Flags for visited states.
int no = 0; //Unused. For debugging.
class gamestate
gamestate(int x, bool t) : turn(t) //Constructor.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
val[i][j] = x % 5;
x /= 5;
void print() //Unused. For debugging.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
std::cout << val[i][j] << "\t";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
std::array<int, 6> canmove = {{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }}; //List of available moves.
bool isover() //Is the game over.
return ended;
bool won() //Who won the game.
return winner;
bool isturn() //Whose turn it is.
return turn;
std::vector<int> choosemoves() //Choose the best possible moves in the current state.
std::vector<int> bestmoves;
return bestmoves;
std::array<int, 6> scores;
int bestscore;
bestscore = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
bestscore = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (canmove[i]) {
gamestate *play = new gamestate(this->playmove(i),!turn);
scores[i] = minimax(play, 0, std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
std::cout<<i<<": "<<scores[i]<<std::endl;
delete play;
if (turn) if (scores[i] > bestscore) bestscore = scores[i];
if (!turn) if (scores[i] < bestscore) bestscore = scores[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (scores[i] == bestscore)
return bestmoves;
std::array<std::array<int, 2>, 2 > val; //The values of the fingers.
bool turn; //Whose turn it is.
bool ended = false; //Has the game ended.
bool winner; //Who won the game.
void init() //Check if the game has ended and find the available moves.
if (!(val[turn][0]) && !(val[turn][1])) {
ended = true;
winner = !turn;
if (!(val[!turn][0]) && !(val[!turn][1])) {
ended = true;
winner = turn;
if (!val[turn][0]) {
canmove[0] = 0;
canmove[1] = 0;
canmove[2] = 0;
if (val[turn][1] % 2)
canmove[5] = 0;
if (!val[turn][1]) {
if (val[turn][0] % 2)
canmove[2] = 0;
canmove[3] = 0;
canmove[4] = 0;
canmove[5] = 0;
if (!val[!turn][0]) {
canmove[0] = 0;
canmove[3] = 0;
if (!val[!turn][1]) {
canmove[1] = 0;
canmove[4] = 0;
int playmove(int mov) //Play a move to get the next game state.
auto newval = val;
switch (mov) {
case 0:
newval[!turn][0] = (newval[turn][0] + newval[!turn][0]);
newval[!turn][0] = (5 > newval[!turn][0]) ? newval[!turn][0] : 0;
case 1:
newval[!turn][1] = (newval[turn][0] + newval[!turn][1]);
newval[!turn][1] = (5 > newval[!turn][1]) ? newval[!turn][1] : 0;
case 2:
if (newval[turn][1]) {
newval[turn][1] = (newval[turn][0] + newval[turn][1]);
newval[turn][1] = (5 > newval[turn][1]) ? newval[turn][1] : 0;
} else {
newval[turn][0] /= 2;
newval[turn][1] = newval[turn][0];
case 3:
newval[!turn][0] = (newval[turn][1] + newval[!turn][0]);
newval[!turn][0] = (5 > newval[!turn][0]) ? newval[!turn][0] : 0;
case 4:
newval[!turn][1] = (newval[turn][1] + newval[!turn][1]);
newval[!turn][1] = (5 > newval[!turn][1]) ? newval[!turn][1] : 0;
case 5:
if (newval[turn][0]) {
newval[turn][0] = (newval[turn][1] + newval[turn][0]);
newval[turn][0] = (5 > newval[turn][0]) ? newval[turn][0] : 0;
} else {
newval[turn][1] /= 2;
newval[turn][0] = newval[turn][1];
std::cout << "\nInvalid move!\n";
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 1; i > -1; i--)
for (int j = 1; j > -1; j--) {
return ret;
static int minimax(gamestate *game, int depth, int alpha, int beta) //Minimax searching function with alpha beta pruning.
if (game->isover()) {
if (game->won())
return 1000 - depth;
return depth - 1000;
if (game->isturn()) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (game->canmove[i]&&t[game->playmove(i)]!=-1) {
int score;
t[game->playmove(i)] = -1;
gamestate *play = new gamestate(game->playmove(i),!game->isturn());
score = minimax(play, depth + 1, alpha, beta);
delete play;
t[game->playmove(i)] = score;
score = t[game->playmove(i)];
if (score > alpha) alpha = score;
if (alpha >= beta) break;
return alpha;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (game->canmove[i]&&f[game->playmove(i)]!=-1) {
int score;
f[game->playmove(i)] = -1;
gamestate *play = new gamestate(game->playmove(i),!game->isturn());
score = minimax(play, depth + 1, alpha, beta);
delete play;
f[game->playmove(i)] = score;
score = f[game->playmove(i)];
if (score < beta) beta = score;
if (alpha >= beta) break;
return beta;
int main(void)
gamestate test(243, true);
auto movelist = test.choosemoves();
for(auto i: movelist)
return 0;
I'm passing the moves in a sort of base-5 to decimal system as each hand can have values from 0 to 4.
In the code I have input the state -
3 3
4 1
The output says I should hit my right hand (1) to the opponent's right (3) but it does not say I should hit it to my opponent's left (also 3)
I think the problem is because of the way I handled infinite looping.
What would be the right way to do it? Or if that is the right way, then how do I fix the problem?
Also please let me know how I can improve my code.
Thanks a lot.
I have changed my minimax function as follows to ensure that infinite loops are scored above losing but I'm still not getting symmetry. I also made a function to add depth to the score
static float minimax(gamestate *game, int depth, float alpha, float beta) //Minimax searching function with alpha beta pruning.
if (game->isover()) {
if (game->won())
return 1000 - std::atan(depth) * 2000 / std::acos(-1);
return std::atan(depth) * 2000 / std::acos(-1) - 1000;
if (game->isturn()) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (game->canmove[i]) {
float score;
if(!t[game->playmove(i)]) {
t[game->playmove(i)] = -1001;
gamestate *play = new gamestate(game->playmove(i), !game->isturn());
score = minimax(play, depth + 1, alpha, beta);
delete play;
t[game->playmove(i)] = score;
} else if(t[game->playmove(i)] == -1001)
score = 0;
score = adddepth(t[game->playmove(i)], depth);
if (score > alpha) alpha = score;
if (alpha >= beta) break;
return alpha;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (game->canmove[i]) {
float score;
if(!f[game->playmove(i)]) {
f[game->playmove(i)] = -1001;
gamestate *play = new gamestate(game->playmove(i), !game->isturn());
score = minimax(play, depth + 1, alpha, beta);
delete play;
f[game->playmove(i)] = score;
} else if(f[game->playmove(i)] == -1001)
score = 0;
score = adddepth(f[game->playmove(i)], depth);
if (score < beta) beta = score;
if (alpha >= beta) break;
return beta;
This is the function to add depth -
float adddepth(float score, int depth) //Add depth to pre-calculated score.
int olddepth;
float newscore;
if(score > 0) {
olddepth = std::tan((1000 - score) * std::acos(-1) / 2000);
depth += olddepth;
newscore = 1000 - std::atan(depth) * 2000 / std::acos(-1);
} else {
olddepth = std::tan((1000 + score) * std::acos(-1) / 2000);
depth += olddepth;
newscore = std::atan(depth) * 2000 / std::acos(-1) - 1000;
return newscore;
Disclaimer: I don't know C++, and I frankly haven't bothered to read the game rules. I have now read the rules, and still stand by what I said...but I still don't know C++. Still, I can present some general knowledge of the algorithm which should set you off in the right direction.
Asymmetry is not in itself a bad thing. If two moves are exactly equivalent, it should choose one of them and not stand helpless like Buridan's ass. You should, in fact, be sure that any agent you write has some method of choosing arbitrarily between policies which it cannot distinguish.
You should think more carefully about the utility scheme implied by refusing to visit previous states. Pursuing an infinite loop is a valid policy, even if your current representation of it will crash the program; maybe the bug is the overflow, not the policy that caused it. If given the choice between losing the game, and refusing to let the game end, which do you want your agent to prefer?
Playing ad infinitum
If you want your agent to avoid losing at all costs -- that is, you want it to prefer indefinite play over loss -- then I would suggest treating any repeated state as a terminal state and assigning it a value somewhere between winning and losing. After all, in a sense it is terminal -- this is the loop the game will enter forever and ever and ever, and the definite result of it is that there is no winner. However, remember that if you are using simple minimax (one utility function, not two), then this implies that your opponent also regards eternal play as a middling result.
It may sound ridiculous, but maybe playing unto infinity is actually a reasonable policy. Remember that minimax assumes the worst case -- a perfectly rational foe whose interests are the exact opposite of yours. But if, for example, you're writing an agent to play against a human, then the human will either err logically, or will eventually decide they would rather end the game by losing -- so your agent will benefit from patiently staying in this Nash equilibrium loop!
Alright, let's end the game already
If you want your agent to prefer that the game end eventually, then I would suggest implementing a living penalty -- a modifier added to your utility which decreases as a function of time (be it asymptotic or without bound). Implemented carefully, this can guarantee that, eventually, any end is preferable to another turn. With this solution as well, you need to be careful about considering what preferences this implies for your opponent.
A third way
Another common solution is to depth-limit your search and implement an evaluation function. This takes the game state as its input and just spits out a utility value which is its best guess at the end result. Is this provably optimal? No, not unless your evaluation function is just completing the minimax, but it means your algorithm will finish within a reasonable time. By burying this rough estimate deep enough in the tree, you wind up with a pretty reasonable model. However, this produces an incomplete policy, which means that it is more useful for a replanning agent than for a standard planning agent. Minimax replanning is the usual approach for complex games (it is, if I'm not mistaken, the basic algorithm followed by Deep Blue), but since this is a very simple game you probably don't need to take this approach.
A side note on abstraction
Note that all of these solutions are conceptualized as either numeric changes to or estimations of the utility function. This is, in general, preferable to arbitrarily throwing away possible policies. After all, that's what your utility function is for -- any time you make a policy decision on the basis of anything except the numeric value of your utility, you are breaking your abstraction and making your code less robust.
I'm trying to implement NegaMax ai for Connect 4. The algorithm works well some of the time, and the ai can win. However, sometimes it completely fails to block opponent 3 in a rows, or doesn't take a winning shot when it has three in a row.
The evaluation function iterates through the grid (horizontally, vertically, diagonally up, diagonally down), and takes every set of four squares. It then checks within each of these sets and evaluates based on this.
I've based the function on the evaluation code provided here: http://blogs.skicelab.com/maurizio/connect-four.html
My function is as follows:
//All sets of four tiles are evaluated before this
//and values for the following variables are set.
if (redFoursInARow != 0)
redScore = INT_MAX;
redScore = (redThreesInARow * threeWeight) + (redTwosInARow * twoWeight);
int yellowScore = 0;
if (yellowFoursInARow != 0)
yellowScore = INT_MAX;
yellowScore = (yellowThreesInARow * threeWeight) + (yellowTwosInARow * twoWeight);
int finalScore = yellowScore - redScore;
return turn ? finalScore : -finalScore; //If this is an ai turn, return finalScore. Else return -finalScore.
My negamax function looks like this:
inline int NegaMax(char g[6][7], int depth, int &bestMove, int row, int col, bool aiTurn)
char c = CheckForWinner(g);
if ('E' != c || 0 == depth)
return EvaluatePosition(g, aiTurn);
int bestScore = INT_MIN;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
if (CanMakeMove(g, i)) //If column i is not full...
//...then make a move in that column.
//Grid is a 2d char array.
//'E' = empty tile, 'Y' = yellow, 'R' = red.
char newPos[6][7];
memcpy(newPos, g, sizeof(char) * 6 * 7);
int newRow = GetNextEmptyInCol(g, i);
if (aiTurn)
UpdateGrid(newPos, i, 'Y');
UpdateGrid(newPos, i, 'R');
int newScore = 0; int newMove = 0;
newScore = NegaMax(newPos, depth - 1, newMove, newRow, i, !aiTurn);
newScore = -newScore;
if (newScore > bestScore)
bestMove = i;
bestScore = newScore;
return bestScore;
I'm aware that connect four has been solved are that there are definitely better ways to go about this, but any help or suggestions with fixing/improving this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I am trying to generate a deck of cards using C++. I have already written all of the code, but there is a problem that I can't seem to figure out:
Card card;
bool match = false;
for (int i=0;i<47;i++){
match = cardInDeck(card, i);
}while(match == true);
match = false;
cards[i] = card;
numDrawn = 0;
In my constructor for the Deck class, I have a for() loop which generates all 52 cards and makes sure that the deck contains no matching cards. At least it should. The thing is, I can't make the loop iterate more than 47 times and still have it work. Any number over 47 causes the console screen to be empty upon run time, except for the blinking cursor. I am not quite sure what it is about numbers greater than 47 that cause it to stop working. I have tested it extensively and every number between 0 and 48 works.
Maybe I have some tiny error somewhere else in my code that I'm just not seeing. I don't really know. But I would really appreciate any help that I can get.
Here is my full code:
using namespace std;
void run();
class Card{
char suit;
int value;
void setCard();
void getCard();
int getValue();
int getSuit();
class Deck{
Card cards[52];
int numDrawn;
void shuffle();
void draw();
bool cardInDeck(Card card, int index);
int main(){
value = rand() % 12 + 1;
suit = rand() % 4 + 1;
void Card::setCard(){
value = rand() % 12 + 1;
suit = rand() % 4 + 1;
void Card::getCard(){
cout<<" ----"<<endl<<"| |"<<endl<<"| ";
if (value == 1) cout<<'A';
else if (value == 10) cout<<'J';
else if (value == 11) cout<<'Q';
else if (value == 12) cout<<'K';
else cout<<value;
if (suit == 1) cout<<(char)3;
else if (suit == 2) cout<<(char)4;
else if (suit == 3) cout<<(char)5;
else cout<<(char)6;
cout<<" |"<<endl<<"| |"<<endl<<" ----"<<endl;
int Card::getSuit(){
return suit;
int Card::getValue(){
return value;
bool Deck::cardInDeck(Card card, int index){
bool match;
for(int i=0;i<=index;i++){
if((card.getValue() == cards[i].getValue()) && (card.getSuit() == cards[i].getSuit())){
match = true;
else match = false;
return match;
Card card;
bool match = false;
for (int i=0;i<47;i++){
match = cardInDeck(card, i);
}while(match == true);
match = false;
cards[i] = card;
numDrawn = 0;
void Deck::shuffle(){
Card card;
bool match = false;
for (int i=0;i<52;i++){
match = cardInDeck(card, i);
}while(match == true);
match = false;
cards[i] = card;
numDrawn = 0;
void Deck::draw(){
void run(){
Deck cards;
char choice;
int cardsDrawn = 0;
cout<<"Enter 's' to shuffle the deck, 'd' to draw a card, or 'x' to exit: ";
case 'X':
case 'x':break;
case 'S':
case 's':cards.shuffle();
cout<<"Deck shuffled."<<endl;
cardsDrawn = 0;
case 'D':
case 'd':if (cardsDrawn == 52){
cout<<"Out of cards. Deck reshuffled."<<endl;
cardsDrawn = 0;
default: cout<<"Invalid entry.\a Enter a valid option('s','d','x'): ";
}while((choice != 'x') && (choice != 'X'));
You are generating cards and discarding those already present. A better way would be to generate all of them linearly and them shuffle the deck.
The more your deck grows, the longer it gets to find a new valid card
There are 13 values in a 52 cards deck
value = rand() % 13 + 1;
suit = rand() % 4 + 1;
void Card::setCard(){
value = rand() % 13 + 1;
suit = rand() % 4 + 1;
12 * 4 -> 48
13 * 4 -> 52
Your original code with 12 values can only produce 48 different cards, this is why you get an infinite loop when you try to generate 52.
Edited :
By the way, you should follow Eric's and Hans Passant's (see comments on your question) advice. The way you do the shuffling is the wrong way to do it in the sense that there exists a much simpler / more natural / cleaner way. See below,
* Forward counting implementation of Fisher-Yates / Knuth shuffle.
* see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle
template< typename A >
void shuffle ( A& a, int i, const int j ) {
// one item left => no need to shuffle
const int _j = j - 1;
for ( ; i < _j ; ++i ) {
// pick item uniformly at random to put at ith position
// once moved the item will stay in place
const int k = i + rand() % ( j - i );
// swap
auto tmp = a[i];
a[i] = a[k];
a[k] = tmp;
then you would have to generate all the 52 different cards once, like this
Card::Card( const int value, const int suit ) {
this->value = value;
this->suit = suit;
// we do not need this anymore
// void Card::setCard(){
// value = rand() % 13 + 1;
// suit = rand() % 4 + 1;
// }
Card cards[52];
int i = 0;
for ( int suit = 1 ; suit <= 4 ; ++suit ) {
for ( int value = 1 ; value <= 13 ; ++value ) {
cards[i] = Card( value, suit );
and finally shuffle the deck
shuffle( cards, 0, 52 );
More references on this common issue : http://bost.ocks.org/mike/shuffle and http://blog.codinghorror.com/the-danger-of-naivete.
Also please consider (as drescherjm sugested in his comment) to put the call to srand outside of this class. The call to srand resets the seed for the rand function and should in a very basic scheme only be called once at the very beginning of your main function. In your case, without a call to setCard() for each card you have, you might end up with 52 times the same card even though they are generated randomly ( see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudorandomness ).
I you have time you should look at the C++ random standard library header which provides way more the C rand lib. There even is a shuffle method in <algorithm>!
Just start off with a fresh pack. And then go through them swapping the current one with a random one. Do this seven times them done.
See https://www.math.hmc.edu/funfacts/ffiles/20002.4-6.shtml
Sort of code
int pack[52];
for (int i = 0; i < 52; ++i) { pack[i] = i; }
for (int shuffle = 0; shuffle < 7; ++ shuffle) {
for (int i=0; i < 52; ++i) {
j = rand() % 52;
t = pack[i];
pack[i] = pach[j];
pack[j] = t;
This removes the problem as the pack is loaded and this shuffles it.
Here is a fully functional example that I did in class last semester, it works pretty well.
cout << "Constructor was run" << endl;
nextCard = 0;
cards = new Card[numCards];
int c = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < Card::numSuits; s++)
for (int r = 1; r <= Card::numRanks; r++)
Card cd(s, r);
cards[c++] = cd;
I would rather prepare full unshuffled deck first then every time user draws a card, pick random one from deck, replace its place in deck with last card on deck and decrement size of deck.
int deck[52];
int size=0;
void init()
for (int i=0; i<52; i++)
int draw()
if (!size)
int i = rand()%size;
int card = deck[i];
return card;
I'm trying to write code for the Knight's Tour:
A knight's tour is a sequence of moves of a knight on a chessboard such that the knight visits every square exactly once.
I've been trying to alter someone else's code, but the backtracking seems to not work properly - it never finds the solution. It works perfectly fine when the knight starts at 0, 0 but if it starts at any other spot on the 2D grid, the program goes on forever.
Where is the bug in this code?
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
const int N = 8;
int map[N][N];
/* A utility function to check if i,j are valid indexes for N*N chessboard */
bool isSafe(int x, int y) {
return x >= 0 && x < N && y >= 0 && y < N && map[x][y] == -1;
/* A utility function to print solution matrix sol[N][N] */
void printSolution() {
for (int x = 0; x < N; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < N; y++)
cout << map[x][y];
cout << endl;
/* A recursive utility function to solve Knight Tour problem */
bool knightsTourRecursive(int x, int y, int movei, int xMove[N], int yMove[N]) {
int nextX, nextY;
if (movei == N*N)
return true;
/* Try all next moves from the current coordinate x, y */
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
nextX = x + xMove[k];
nextY = y + yMove[k];
if (isSafe(nextX, nextY)) {
map[nextX][nextY] = movei;
if (knightsTourRecursive(nextX, nextY, movei+1, xMove, yMove)) // recursion
return true;
map[nextX][nextY] = -1; // backtracking
return false;
bool knightsTour() {
/* Initialization of solution matrix */
for (int x = 0; x < N; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < N; y++)
map[x][y] = -1;
/* xMove[] and yMove[] define next move of Knight.
xMove[] is for next value of x coordinate
yMove[] is for next value of y coordinate */
int xMove[8] = { 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2 };
int yMove[8] = { 1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1 };
int initX = rand() % N;
int initY = rand() % N;
cout << "Starting at " << initX << " " << initY << endl;
// Since the Knight is initially at the first block
map[initX][initY] = 0;
/* explore all tours using solveKTUtil() */
if(!knightsTourRecursive(initX, initY, 1, xMove, yMove) ) {
cout << "Solution does not exist" << endl;
return false;
return true;
int main() {
srand( (unsigned) time(0));
return 0;
This program seems to be absolutely correct, I cannot see a bug in this code.
However, the knight's tour IS a highly complex algorithm. Actually, the program needs to check up to 64!=1*2*3*...*64 different ways through the board. This is a number with 89 zeroes!
In many cases the backtracking will stop at an early branch, but some branches will go up forever.
If the tour starting at 0,0 is foudn so quickly, then it might either be pure chance, or the arrays xMove and yMove were cleverly initialized, such that a solution for (0,0) is found quickly.
So the problem is not your program, but it is the algorithm. I suggest you to do some research on this topic. There are many algorithms for the knight's tour which will give you a solution in more reasonable time.
I don't have enough reputation to comment, but this is more like a comment. Check here for a python implementation of Warnsdorff's Rule. Further optimizations over Warnsdorff's Rule is discussed here