Is it possible to set a session variable and then to change it later if it equals a certain value?
<cfif session.checkout.vehicle.vehiclebody eq "TK1" or "TK2" or "TK3" or "TK4" or "TK5">
<cfparam name="#session.checkout.vehicle.vehiclebody#" default="TK">
What I am trying to do is if the session variable equals TK1,TK2,TK3,TK4, or TK5 then to reassign the session variable to equal just TK
So that then #session.checkout.vehicle.vehiclebody# is eq to "TK"
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Try this:
<cfparam name="session.checkout.vehicle.vehicleBody" default="TK" />
<cfif listFindNoCase("TK1,TK2,TK3,TK4,TK5", session.checkout.vehicle.vehicleBody)>
<cfset session.checkout.vehicle.vehicleBody = "TK" />
<cfparam name="instance.params.sel_isCriteriaChanged" default="false">
Here instance is a global structure but "sel_isCriteriaChanged" inside that is created using form variable. But in certain form i dont have that variable. It'll be undefined in that case.
So in that case how to set the variable to false as default value.
I am using this variable inside CFC file
If I understand the question correctly you have something like this:
<cfparam name="instance.params.sel_isCriteriaChanged" default="false">
<cfset instance.params = {}>
<cfloop collection="#FORM#" item="key">
<cfset instance.params[key] = FORM[key]>
but the cfparam gets overwriten here. Just make sure the form value is always defined:
<cfparam name="FORM.sel_isCriteriaChanged" default="false">
If I understand your problem correctly, you might do something like the following:
<cfset instance.params.sel_isCriteriaChanged = structKeyExists(form, "sel_isCriteriaChanged") ? form.sel_isCriteriaChanged : false />
This is shorthand for:
<cfif structKeyExists(form, "sel_isCriteriaChanged")>
<cfset instance.params.sel_isCriteriaChanged = form.sel_isCriteriaChanged />
<cfset instance.params.sel_isCriteriaChanged = false />
I like the terseness of the ternary operator ? : and I try to avoid using <cfparam> if possible. Hope this helps.
I have a page (form) set up like this:
<cfif not structKeyExists(session, "checkout")>
<cflocation url="ownerInfo.cfm" addToken="false">
<cfif not structKeyExists(session.checkout, "vehicle")>
<cfset session.checkout.vehicle = {ownership=""}
<cfparam name="form.ownership" default="#session.checkout.vehicle.ownership#">
<cfif structKeyExists(form, "submit")>
<cfset errors = []>
<cfif not arrayLen(errors)>
<cfset session.checkout.vehicle = {ownership=form.ownership}
<cflocation url="ownerCheck.cfm" addToken="false">
I am trying to figure out how I can reset this form by having a link on another page that when this page is linked back to it will reset all the session variables to null making the entire page needing to be filled out again.
This is what I have tried but am unsuccessful.
<cfif session.checkout.vehicle.ownership != null />
<cfset session.checkout.vehicle.ownership = null />
I cannot use <cfset StructClear(Session)> because I do not want all the session variables cleared from the previous pages only want this page to reset.(Not All Pages or All Session Variables). Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
You can do using structDelete(structure,key)
<cfif session.checkout.vehicle.ownership != null />
<cfset structDelete(session.checkout.vehicle,'ownership ')>
If you want to clear the session scope variables if the ownership key already exists in the session scope then you can do:
<cfif structKeyExists(session.checkout.vehicle, "ownership")>
<!--- struct key exists so delete it --->
<cfset structDelete(session.checkout.vehicle, "ownership")>
You can actually just do:
<cfif structKeyExists(session.checkout, "vehicle")>
<!--- try and delete ownership key might not exist --->
<cfset structDelete(session.checkout.vehicle, "ownership")>
As long as the parent scope exists, you can try and delete the ownership key without first checking that it exists.
If you want to know if the key did exist then structDelete accepts a 3rd boolean parameter so it'll return true if it did exists and false if it didn't.
<cfset didExist = structDelete(session.checkout.vehicle, "ownership", true)>
An alternative approach to solving your problem would be to reset the form if it's not a form (POST) submission. So you'd do:
<cfif structKeyExists(form, "submit")>
<!--- form has been submitted store values in session and redirect... -->
<!--- form not submitted so clear the session vars... --->
I have:
<cfif not isDefined(activity)>
<cfset activity="">
And I'm getting the error: :"Variable ACTIVITY is undefined."
Oh, and the error is with isDefined, not with the cfset.
isDefined takes the name of a variable, not the variable itself:
<cfif not isDefined("activity")>
<cfset activity="">
<cfif structKeyExists(VARIABLES, 'Activity')>
<cfset Activity = "Something" />
In ColdFusion, how can I determine if a variable exists within the querystring without throwing an error attempting to check it?
There are two options.
The first is to use cfparam to define a default value eg:
<cfparam name="url.varname" type="string" default="" />
This ensures that you can always refer to url.varname
The second is to use isDefined or structKeyExists to test for the presence of the variable:
<cfif isDefined("url.varname") and url.varname eq 42> do something </cfif>
<cfif structKeyExists(url, "varname") and url.varname eq 42> do something </cfif>
I have used this approach in many places.
At the top of the page:
<cfparam name="request.someVal" default="request.defaultVal">
Later in the page or custom tag, check for the value of the request.someVal variable, without fear of it crashing, since it has a default value.
<cfif ("request.someVal" eq "something")>
In <cfscript>, you can
param url.varname; // throws error if it does not exist
param url.varname = ""; // sets value it was not already set
With ColdFusion MX7 if we encounter an exception we send an email to the development team containing dumps of the various data scopes including the form structure.
This works great for debugging except in the case of an error when the user logs in. We end up getting the password printed out.
So, the question is, is there a way to modify the CFDUMP file so that it filters the password value out of the form object?
Naturally we could put it in the same code that sends the email, however it would be ideal to put it in the CFDUMP file so that we do not have to worry about it showing up in other spots.
I have located the CFDUMP file and it seems to be binary, so I'm guessing we can't do it.
You can copy the dump.cfm file to dumporiginal.cfm, and then make a new dump.cfm that calls dumporiginal.cfm.
So that it won't execute twice if you
have a closing slash (<cfdump ... />)
<cfif thisTag.executionMode neq "start">
<cfexit method="exitTag" />
defaults for optional attributes, taken from the docs
<cfparam name="attributes.expand" default="yes" />
<cfparam name="attributes.format" default="html" />
<cfparam name="attributes.hide" default="all" />
<cfparam name="attributes.keys" default="9999" />
<cfparam name="attributes.label" default="" />
<cfparam name="attributes.metainfo" default="yes" />
<cfparam name="attributes.output" default="browser" />
<cfparam name="" default="all" />
<cfparam name="attributes.showUDFs" default="yes" />
<cfparam name="" default="9999" />
<!--- Hide the password, but store its value to put it back at the end --->
<cfif isStruct(attributes.var) and structKeyExists(attributes.var, 'password')>
<cfset originalPassword = attributes.var.password />
<cfset attributes.var.password = "{hidden by customized cfdump}"/>
Call the original cfdump.
Which attributes you pass depends on CF version.
<cfswitch expression="#listFirst(server.coldfusion.productVersion)#">
<cfcase value="6">
var = "#attributes.var#"
expand = "#attributes.expand#"
hide = "#attributes.hide#"
label = "#attributes.label#"
<cfcase value="7">
var = "#attributes.var#"
expand = "#attributes.expand#"
hide = "#attributes.hide#"
label = "#attributes.label#"
top = ""
var = "#attributes.var#"
expand = "#attributes.expand#"
format = "#attributes.format#"
hide = "#attributes.hide#"
keys = "#attributes.keys#"
label = "#attributes.label#"
metainfo = "#attributes.metainfo#"
output = "#attributes.output#"
show = ""
showUDFs = "#attributes.showUDFs#"
top = ""
<!--- Restore the password, in case it's read after cfdump call --->
<cfif isDefined("originalPassword")>
<cfset attributes.var.password = originalPassword />
No, I don't think there is a way to modify <cfdump>'s behavior. I can't be sure, obviously. It's thinkable that such a hack exists, though it's not necessarily recommendable.
Why not go with a simple:
<cfset DoSomethingThatFails()>
<cfif StructKeyExists(FORM, "Password")>
<cfset FORM.Password = "***">
<cfdump var="#FORM#">
CFDUMP began life as a custom tag (CF_DUMP) way back in the CF5 days. You could always get the code for that custom tag and modify it to your needs and use that instead of the built-in tag.
Is it only the password that is a problem of showing? If so, perhaps the solution is to salt/hash the password? That I think is good practice anyway.