place CCSprite by percentage - cocos2d-iphone

I am searching for a way to place a sprite via objective-c in percentage based on the parents dimensions. Is there any way?

try this :
sprite.positionType = CCPositionTypeNormalized;
sprite.position.x = .2f; // 20% of parent's width
sprite.position.y = .45f; // 45% of parent's height
make certain that sprite has a parent i.e. has been added to another node.
obcit. not tested, from memory. With cocos2d 3.x.


Touch detection for SpriteBatchNode

I am curious if anyone knows how to detect when a SpriteBatchNode has been touched since it's BoundingBox is always null. This is how I detect touch for single sprites.
Node *parentNode = event->getCurrentTarget();
Vector<Node *> children = parentNode->getChildren();
Point touchPosition = parentNode->convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch);
for (auto iter = children.rbegin(); iter != children.rend(); ++iter) {
childObject = *iter;
if (childObject->getBoundingBox().containsPoint(touchPosition)){
//do something
But in most cases I want my sprites to be animated hence using SpriteBatchNode. Any ideas? Can I get the BoundingBox of the grandchildren since they are a series of sprites?
Depends on which method you are using.
Armature skeletal animation: Are you using the cocostudio skeletal animation tool to create your animations? If you use that you will get a node with the correct bounding box wrapping your sprite tightly and adjusting when bones change position
Sprite sheet animation: If you are using a sprite sheet with a .plist file you can inspect the size reflected in the .plist file and set your batchNode size to the biggest one you find, or dynamically adjust it based on the sprite currently being shown. I think cocos does this by default.
Loading sprite frames: If you are loading individual sprites using spriteFrames, you can inspect the contentSize of the spriteFrame and set your bounding box manually.
I have used all 3 and were always able to get the boundingBox size. Let me know if this helps. I used this article to learn sprite sheet animations and just played around with cocos skeletal animation and figured that out as I was experimenting with it.
Well I figured it out by getting the BoundingBox of the grandchild, which is a sprite. I was then able to do whatever I wanted to the spritebatchnode.

Exchanging sprite content in cocos2d-x 3

I exchange sprite content with this code:
The problem is that newImage.png is much smaller than the old content image of the sprite. But cocos2d-x scales newImage.png to have the same size as oldImage.png. How I can prevent this scaling. I need newImage.png to be its natural size, but to appear in the coordinates of oldImage.png (I want to retain the same sprite object, as far as I have a pointer on it and also the same position and same anchor point. That's why I use setTexture just to change the image.)
Well, this may not be the cleanest way, but it seems the most straigthforward to me :
Sprite *newSprite = Sprite::create("newImage.png");
mySprite = newSprite; // <-- magic happens here
So basically you create a new sprite, place it based in old sprites position/anchor and then after removing the old one, you assigne the mySprite variable to point to the same place as newSprite.
This sets the content Rect too.

CCParallaxNode adding childs while scrolling

I'am using a CCParallaxNode to scroll 3 backgrounds along with Ray Wenderlich's category to move the backgrounds when they go out of the screen.
It is working just fine, my problem is that i want to add childs (enimies) on the fly, like every 5 seconds. Normally i would just add the enemies to the parent layer using a CCMoveTo action to animate him over the screen but I want my enimies to follow the foreground of the parallax layer.
I'am increasing the scroll speed slowly as the game progresses.
I can't seem to figure out the right offset when calling
CGFloat offset = self.gameBackground.position.x;
[self.gameBackground addChild:enimy z:5 parallaxRatio:ccp(0.1, 0.1) positionOffset:ccp(offset, 85)];
Can someone help me out with this?
I'am doing this to move the background:
- (void)update:(ccTime)delta
self.speed -= 0.5f;
CGPoint backgroundScrollVel = ccp(self.speed, 0);
self.gameBackground.position = ccpAdd(self.gameBackground.position, ccpMult(backgroundScrollVel, delta));
Rays article:
Final solution:
I ended up just adding the enimies to the CCLayer instead of the Parallax. To move the enimies in the same speed as the foremost layer child in Parallax i did the following:
in update:(ccTime)delta:
CGFloat parallaxRatio = 0.1f;
CGPoint backgroundScrollVel = ccp((self.backgroundSpeed * - 1) * parallaxRatio, 0);
for(WKEnimy *enemy in self.enimies)
enemy.position = ccpAdd(enemy.position, ccpMult(backgroundScrollVel, delta));
You could add your enemy CCSprites to your foreground CCLayer (instead of directly adding them to your CCParallaxNode). Besides, I wouldn't recommend using actions (such as CCMoveTo) for this particular case; you may update your sprites positions as your doing with your gameBackground, and 'manually' check wether or not they're off the screen.

Cocos2d particle system positioning

I'm trying to make a rain effect. I used Particle Designer to create the effect. However in Cocos2d I need the rain to fall everywhere along the x axis, from the top of the screen, no matter how wide the screen is.
self.rainParticleSystem = [CCParticleSystemQuad particleWithFile:#"particle-rain.plist"];
self.rainParticleSystem.positionType = kCCPositionTypeFree;
self.rainParticleSystem.autoRemoveOnFinish = NO;
self.rainParticleSystem.position = ccp(self.screenRight*0.5, self.screenTop);
[self addChild:self.rainParticleSystem];
How can I "stretch" the emitter so that the rain falls from any x position on the screen? Right now I can only control it via Emitter Location X Variance in Particle Designer. I can't use hard coded plist values because I don't know what my screen size will be.
You can programmatically change emitter location variance through posVar property. Try something like this.-
self.rainParticleSystem.sourcePosition = ccp(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, POSITION_Y);
self.rainParticleSystem.posVar = ccp(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, 0);

ccSpriteBatchNode child bounding box transformation

I'm using cocos2d 1.0.1.
I've created a CCSpriteBatchNode, it includes a CCSprite (let's name it parentLayer) which includes some X number of childs(CCSprites).
The problem is - when I rotate parentLayer all sprites (childs) correctly displayed, however bounding boxes are at the same place (where they've been before rotation), so world coordinates of those sprites won't be changed.
Off course, all of the above works great without CCSpriteBatchNode. But, I would like to use batch node due to amount of sprites involved.
The question is, is there any way to update bounding boxes & child positions correspondingly?
How many sprites are we talking about? I would just go with a fast enumeration call to rotate each one individually. I nave never noticed a performance hit when doing this, have you?
CCArray *listOfChildren = [parentLayer children];
for (CCSprite *sprite in listOfChildren) {
[sprite setRotation:someValue];