I've updated to Cocos2d v2.2, and added arm64 in my build settings. When i run my project i get this error:
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue,
'kazmath/neon_matrix_impl.h" file not found
Okay, my guess is that your project's header search paths need to be updated.
To do this, go into the project "Build Settings" and type in "header search" to easily look up the header search path setting. It should look like this:
Open Build Settings http://www.apusstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Screen-Shot-2014-09-22-at-8.46.14-am-1024x399.png
And make sure these two paths are in there:
I feel like this should be basic, but I can't find anything for it online. I downloaded OpenCV and can't figure out how to have my projects recognize it. When I try to include it with like
#include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
I get the error:
"No such file or directory"
The only solution I've tried is to add /usr/include/opencv4/ to my PATH. Also, I am running ArchLinux if that is helpful to know.
So I ended up just moving the directory /usr/include/opencv4/opencv2 to /usr/include and that worked. Unless there are any ways to add directories to the list of directories that c++ checks when running the #include, this is the only way I've figured to solve it.
if you have trouble with this
#include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
You can find more detail information on "Googling".
what I have organized shown below:
try using include "opencv2/core/version.hpp" instead of it.
right-click, then check-the-location
recheck several environment settings:
Additional Include Directories
Additional Dependencies
Try changing these three:
I have combined several projects into one solution. I created empty solution and added these projects and here is a blue print of how it looks like:
Project1 - directory
Project2 - directory
Debug - directory
Main.sln - file
Now I want to direct the executable and dll from both projects to \debug folder shown up of the solution file. I go into project properites >> Configuration Properities >> General >> 'Output Directory' and change the output directory to $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\ which is default for a new project.
The problem is that it has no effect on where the output file is created, it is still created in the old destination. The old path for `Output Directory' was .\Debug\ not that it matters.
Could this be because the SolutionDir & Configuration may not be defined? Where can I see their definition or values? I also want to create a new configuration which would be 'Release with Debug' how can I create that using environment variable? Thanks!
My project is MFC/Visual C++.
Where are these identifiers like SolutionDir defined in the scrip? I look up for in .vcxproj file but there is mention of it. I create a new dummy VS2010 project just to look at it's .vcxproj file but these project settings identified are not defined in any place that I can see!
This is most likely caused by specific settings overriding global settings, namely Linker's "output" setting. This happens often as a result of conversion from earlier Visual Studio.
What you need is to go through every setting, paying attention to those whose values are written in bold, and reset to default (select it from dropdown) every setting with 'debug' or 'release', and others as necessary.
There could also be specific settings on files. I usually resolve this by opening project in notepad and removing any excessive settings. Just be careful. Using multiline replace in Notepad++ or any other capable editor helps.
I think I had a similar problem.
What I ended up doing was editing the vcxproj file directly. Find this section and edit it like this for each of your configurations:
<OutDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">$(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\</OutDir>
<OutDir Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">$(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\</OutDir>
I had a similar problem with the Intermediate Directory setting in one of my VS2010 projects. No matter what I set it to, it would always use the default value of $(SolutionDir)$Configuration. Oddly, other projects in the same solution with the same settings worked just fine.
After playing around, I stumbled upon a solution.
Click on the setting in the propery page dialog.
Click on the down arrow button in the right-hand side of the edit box.
Select "inherit from parent or project defaults".
Click "Apply".
Click on the setting and change it to your desired value.
I don't know why this works, but it does. It seems like the macros were not being properly evaluated for whatever reason. Then, after you apply the inherited values, it seems to reset itself and start evaluating the macros properly.
I've been using Eclipse for a while and this has me stymied. I created a library name ITS8410_LIB a few weeks ago and then let it sit while I worked on a supporting library called Reach_Lib. The directory include paths I added back when I first created the project work fine. Today I finished Reach_Lib and went to add its path to ITS8410_Lib. I used the project properties C++ settings to add a workspace path (like I've done many times before). I have only one build configuration. The path is shown in the image (the one highlighted in blue is the specific one I'm talking about in this question).
When I go to include the file in the source neither Eclipse (I see the yellow question mark) nor the compiler (I get a compiler error) can locate the file. If I add the a directory path using the full absolute path syntax the results are the same. I can modify the source code and specify the #include via a full relative path from the current directory, and it is found. Eclipse just won't use the path specified in the project settings. This same Reach_Lib has an associated unit test project and the path is specified with a workspace setting from there and it works fine.
Directory paths that were added before today appear fine. Paths (there are two libs showing this behavior) I add today just seem to be ignored. I took a look at the compiler settings (see image below) and the path specified to the compiler appears to be OK.
Running under Windows7 64 bit (but using a 32 bit version of Eclipse Indigo).
I have tried:
rebuilding indices
Exiting and restarting Eclipse multiple times
workspace and absolute file paths
modifying the order of the include paths
different .h include files in project
I took a look into the .cproject file and while I don't know much about what these files are supposed to look like I think I have a problem. Maybe the question is: How do I tell Eclipse to rebuild the .cproject file? I appear to have two similar sections and Eclipse is getting confused. I can see different version numbers tagged as suffixes. It appears to me that the visual editors are letting me modify one section but the IDE and compiler only care about the other section. Here's the relevant portions
<folderInfo id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.396284009." name="/" resourcePath="">
<toolChain id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.1465290409" name="NetBurner Device Library" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc">
<targetPlatform id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.targetPlatform.283367649" isAbstract="false" name="NetBurner Module Library" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.targetPlatform"/>
<builder buildPath="${workspace_loc:/ITS8410_Lib/Release}" id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.builder.2064025940" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" managedBuildOn="true" name="Release ELF builder (MINGW)" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.builder"/>
<tool id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gcc.278195048" name="GNU C Compiler" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gcc">
<inputType id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gcc.input.1060035859" name="GNU C Input" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gcc.input"/>
<tool id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gpp.767008127" name="GNU C++ Compiler" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gpp">
<option id="nbeclipse.toolchain.super.gcc.directories.includepaths.1666029541" name="Include paths (-I)" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.super.gcc.directories.includepaths" valueType="includePath">
**inside here is an option list with all my include paths**
Then right after the folderInfo close tag another folderInfo section starts
<folderInfo id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.396284009.2022231003" name="/" resourcePath="src">
<toolChain id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.1982112905" name="NetBurner Device Library" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc" unusedChildren="">
<targetPlatform id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.targetPlatform" isAbstract="false" name="NetBurner Module Library" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.targetPlatform"/>
<tool id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gcc.1671008421" name="GNU C Compiler" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gcc.278195048">
<inputType id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gcc.input.436341699" name="GNU C Input" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gcc.input"/>
<tool id="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gpp.498310867" name="GNU C++ Compiler" superClass="nbeclipse.toolchain.nbl.rel.tc.gpp.767008127">
**the newly added paths don't show up here, if I add them manually things start working**
The key to the answer was posted by dbrank0 but he didn't promote it to an answer so I just upvoted the comment. Something went wrong in the .cproject file and editing it manually fixed the problem.
Try to replace relative workspace path to real path (add same include as filesystem) in include directories project settings.
full absolute path is okay at any time.
when use the relative directory you should be careful.
in eclipse the current directory is not the same as run directory.
string strRunDir, strCurDir;
strRunDir = AfxGetApp()->m_pszExeName;
strCurDir = GetCurrentDirectory(...);
and strRunDir != strCurDir;
when you want to use the relative directory, you should reference to the runDir;
I'm trying to port over a project I initially wrote in Windows to OS X and am having some difficulty with the header search paths.
I've used user search paths to include by source folder "project/src/core/"
Under core, I have, for example:
which tries to include
with the directive:
#include "render/opengl_render.h"
I've tried tons of different options, but I can't get seem to get Xcode to find the file unless I change it to "../render/opengl_render.h"
Is there something I'm missing here in the settings to get it to recognize relative paths to the header search paths?
Did you try setting the User Header Search Path to $SRCROOT/..? $SRCROOT is the directory that contains the target's source files, so $SRCROOT/.. should be the directory above that, which I think is what you want.
A related question (How do I print a list of "Build Settings" in Xcode project?) shows a useful command that makes it easy to see all the build settings and the variables they modify:
$ xcodebuild -project myProj.xcodeproj -target "myTarg" -showBuildSettings
I have a two projects, AI and Core, which used to hold a circular dependency. I have a CoreUtilities file that I have broken up to remove this dependency, and added the functions I have removed to a new file called AIUtilities(.cpp/.h).
I then went to the piece in my AI project that uses these functions and added #include "AI/AIUtilities.h" and changed the function call from CoreUtilities::Functionname to AIUtilities::Functionname. Upon compile, I recieved the error given in the title.
Why! How can I fix it?
Did you update your project settings with the path to the direcory containing AI/AIUtilities?
From the solution explorer window, right click on your project and choose "properties" then a new windows "your_project_name property page" will pop up.
In this window on the left pane you'll see a tree. Click on 'Configuration properties' which expands to multiple choices. Continue clicking on 'C/C++' then on General. On the right pane appears multiple properties that affect your project.
Choose the "Additional include directories" property and add the path to your new directory. For instance if your path is : "C:\AI\AIUtilities.h" add the following: "C:\" in the property.
Click on "Aplpy button". Done.
As mentioned in other post, you must consider that moving your project around will break your project settings. Don't forget to update them. Or use either environnement variable to set the root of your project or use the "../../" trick. But personnaly I prefer the former.
You need to ensure that the parent directory of AI is on your header include path. Assuming that your code is laid out like this:
So either you need to have the header search path to '/blah/Source' or '..' depending on how your directories are structured.
Note that if you have sub-directories inside each project then this can cause problems with resolving the header search path. In that case set the header search path to $(ProjectDir)\.. .