opencart admin login No Error No Login - opencart

i have running opencart for months now never have an issue since yesterday when i try to login to admin it does not show any error but stay on admin page. with these 2 request
I am using windows. I've checked error.txt nothing there. Have no idea where to go from here

I had similar problems. Do you have slow_log enabled in MySQL's my.cnf? If so, check the size of the log and the free space on the server (when the slow log takes up all the free space things go nasty with OC).


Joomla administrator URL error

I am facing a very strange error. I searched a lot about this, tried a lot of fixes, but nothing seems to work.
The front end is fine, but the administrator does not show up (link to my site’s admin section). It says site cannot be reached.
The error log says:
Username and password does not match or you do not have an account yet.
As far as I know right now, I have checked .htaccess, configuration.php and even tried disabling all the system plugins. Still no luck.
I assume you normally use /Administrator/ but on the off chance you don't, the address to the administrator folder is usually case-sensitive and that could be your problem.

OSQA: lost access to web-site due to changing allowed IP (admin's maintenance-mode)

I am the admin of a OSQA system (which is cool and great, by the way).
I tried to learn and understand the "maintenance mode", in order to create backups. So I have entered the "maintenance mode", and there I saw the text box with the message that my users will see when the site is under maintenance mode. Plus, there was a list of IPs that will be allowed to access the site even if it is under maintenance mode.
My IP was there...
My mistake was that I changed the IP in that text box, in order to see what my users will see. Immediately, I lost access the web site, and all I can see is the message, as the rest of my users... (at least now I know that it works - users cannot access the site, and they DO see the message...)
How can I regain access to my web site?
do you have acces to the server where your site is hosted?
if so you just need to enter in django shell: python shell
then run the following code:
from forum import settings
With that the maintainance mode will be disable and you will be able to modify the allowed IP's.

Issues with Django authentication

I have a website that is being used by various corporate employees. Just today I have a user saying that everytime they login (even with correct username and password), they get an error saying they have to login to view the page. Basically, they type the right username/password and get forwarded to the home page, but that controller has a login required decorator which rejects them and they get sent back to the login screen. The user tried in IE10 and Google Chrome web browsers.
I have not been able to replicate this issue anywhere and unfortunately, i'm in no position to really ask this user for more information for debugging purposes :(. Has anybody seen this before??
I tried googling this, and i'm seeing issues with Django for IE but nothing with Chrome. Is there anything else that could be happening?
I'm using nginx+uwsgi on the server if that makes any difference.
Without more information this is pretty much impossible to solve.
Because no one else is having the problem and you can't reproduce it, I'm inclined to believe it's user error.
Have them clear their cache/cookies (The fact that it's multi-browser is troubling though), see if that helps.
Best guess so far without more information: The user has cookies disabled. I think Django auth relies on cookies.

Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: (#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions thrown

I am working on an app currently in sandbox mode and I need to test out the posting of user's scores... When I try the following I get the above subject matter. The odd thing about this is that I have the been granting the said permission (using my personal user account).
// var PERMS = 'user_likes,friends_likes,publish_stream,user_photos,photo_upload,publish_actions,offline_access';'+PERMS+'&client_id='+APP_ID+'&redirect_uri='
I don't see the permissions in the Auth Dialog(I'm using the Enhanced Auth Dialog. They said its hidden :-S) but I am not "denying" any permissions and process the Auth Dialog successfully....
Can anyone tell me whats up here?
Have you submitted a bug? If not you should, and I will vote on it as well. It is definitely a new bug. I can show my repro on it.
I just got this today as well. Within the last hour. Googled it, and found this post. Last week I successfully moved 5 apps to use timeline open graph, and the enhanced auth dialog. Today, moving a new app, I made sure to add publish_actions, added it to the code, uninstalled the app, and reinstalled it with the new dialog, and tried to run a timeline post. Got the same error. I don't get this error on the apps I moved last week, they work just fine (just tested). I also noticed a couple of other changes to the UI when editing in the dashboard. The preview windows are gone on the auth dialog page. You can still fill in the aggregations in the open graph section. My guess is they made some changes last week, and broke something with new app permission changes.

Django admin login page redirects to same page on correct login credentials

I'm running a relatively fresh Django app that I haven't added much to. I tried to set up the admin (which I've done on plenty of other apps) to create some sample data while I build out the app, but whenever I try to log in with the super user account I created I get kicked back to the login screen.
When I enter incorrect credentials, I see the proper error message... I just can't get it to take me past the login screen to the admin when I have correct credentials. Has anyone else had this problem and been able to solve it? I'm at a dead end troubleshooting.
Check that SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is not set while you are not using HTTPS.
Looks like your cookies are messed up. Please start with clearing cookies in browser. If it doesn't help you can also check if your cookies configuration for project is correct. List of settings for cookies configuration can be found here.
Use the below settings for the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN: