I have this Lisp code, and I'm trying to convert it into Clojure code.
(defun copy-tree (tr)
(if (atom tr)
(cons (copy-tree (car tr))
(copy-tree (crd tr)))))
It seems like that Clojure doesn't have Lisp's atom (or atom in Clojure has very different meaning), I had to modify the code as follows. (Am I using atom? wrong or there is something else....?)
(defn single-valued?
(not (or (nil? x)
(.. x getClass isArray)
(some #(instance? % x) [clojure.lang.Counted
(defn copy-tree [tr]
(if (or (= tr ()) (single-valued? tr))
(cons (copy-tree (first tr))
(copy-tree (rest tr)))))
The code works fine, but is there better way to replace Lisp's atom function?
I think you'll find this behaves apropriately:
(def single-valued? (complement coll?))
the difference is that it will bottom out sooner for nil -- (rest nil) is () which finally does not recur, but ((complement coll?) nil) returns true, so stops the recursion one step sooner.
How to make clojure to count '() as nil?
For example:
How to make something like
(if '() :true :false)
;to be
;Or easier
(my-fun/macro/namespace/... (if '() :true :false))
And not just if. In every way.
(= nil '()) or (my-something (= nil '()))
And every code to be (= '() nil) save.
(something (+ 1 (if (= nil '()) 1 2)))
I was thinking about some kind of regural expression. Which will look on code and replace '() by nil, but there are some things like (rest '(1)) and many others which are '() and I am not sure how to handle it.
I was told that macros allow you to build your own languages. I want to try it by changing clojure. So this is much about "How clojure works and how to change it?" than "I really need it to for my work."
Thank you for help.
'() just isn't the same thing as nil - why would you want it do be?
What you might be looking for though is the seq function, which returns nil if given an empty collection:
(seq [1 2 3])
=> (1 2 3)
(seq [])
=> nil
(seq '())
=> nil
seq is therefore often used to test for "emptiness", with idioms like:
(if (seq coll)
(do-something-with coll)
You say you would like to change Clojure using the macros. Presently, as far as I know, this is not something you could do with the "regular" macro system (terminology fix anyone?). What you would really need (I think) is a reader macro. Things I have seen online (here, for example) seem to say that there exists something like reader macros in Clojure 1.4--but I have no familiarity with this because I really like using clooj as my IDE, and it currently is not using Clojure 1.4. Maybe somebody else has better info on this "extensible reader" magic.
Regardless, I don't really like the idea of changing the language in that way, and I think there is a potentially very good alternative: namely, the Clojure function not-empty.
This function takes any collection and either returns that collection as is, or returns nil if that collection is empty. This means that anywhere you will want () to return nil, you should wrap it not-empty. This answer is very similar to mikera's answer above, except that you don't have to convert your collections to sequences (which can be nice).
Both using seq and not-empty are pretty silly in cases where you have a "hand-written" collection. After all, if you are writing it by hand (or rather, typing it manually), then you are going to know for sure whether or not it is empty. The cases in which this is useful is when you have an expression or a symbol that returns a collection, and you do not know whether the returned collection will be empty or not.
=> (if-let [c (not-empty (take (rand-int 5) [:a :b :c :d]))]
(println c)
(println "Twas empty"))
;//80% of the time, this will print some non-empty sub-list of [:a :b :c :d]
;//The other 20% of the time, this will return...
Twas empty
=> nil
What about empty? ? It's the most expressive.
(if (empty? '())
You can override macros and functions. For instance:
(defn classic-lisp [arg]
(if (seq? arg) (seq arg) arg))
(defn = [& args]
(apply clojure.core/= (map classic-lisp args)))
(defmacro when [cond & args]
`(when (classic-lisp ~cond) ~#args))
Unfortunately, you can't override if, as it is a special form and not a macro. You will have to wrap your code with another macro.
Let's make an if* macro to be an if with common-lisp behavior:
(defmacro if* [cond & args]
`(if (classic-lisp ~cond) ~#args)
With this, we can replace all ifs with if*s:
(use 'clojure.walk)
(defn replace-ifs [code]
(postwalk-replace '{if if*} (macroexpand-all code)))
(defmacro clojure-the-old-way [& body]
`(do ~#(map replace-ifs body)))
=> (clojure-the-old-way (if '() :true :false) )
You should be able to load files and replace ifs in them too:
(defn read-clj-file [filename]
;; loads list of clojure expressions from file *filename*
(read-string (str "(" (slurp filename) ")")))
(defn load-clj-file-the-old-way [filename]
(doseq [line (replace-ifs (read-clj-file filename))] (eval line))
Note that I didn't test the code to load files and it might be incompatible with leiningen or namespaces. I believe it should work with overriden = though.
I encountered the StackOverflowError for the following code:
(defn recursive-reverse
([coll] (recursive-reverse [coll nil]))
([coll acc]
(if (= coll '()) acc
(recur (rest coll) (cons (first coll) acc)))))
though using loop would make it work:
(defn recursive-reverse [lst]
(loop [coll lst acc nil]
(if (= coll '()) acc
(recur (rest coll) (cons (first coll) acc)))))
What goes wrong with the prior code without loop?
Your bug is here:
([coll] (recursive-reverse [coll nil]))
You're calling recursive-reverse with one argument (a vector). This calls the same argument list of the function, so it does it recursively and creates a stack frame every time.
Change it to:
([coll] (recursive-reverse coll nil))
and you should be right.
(Also, separate issue, but I would generally do checking for nil rather than '() and using next rather than rest. I don't think it has any real advantage in terms of performance or anything, but it seems cleaner to me.)
This worked for me:
(defn recursive-reverse
([coll] (recursive-reverse coll nil))
([coll acc]
(if (= coll '()) acc
(recur (rest coll) (cons (first coll) acc)))))
You passed the arguments to recursive-reverse inside a couple of unnecessary brackets, that's all.
I'm learning clojure and I've written a small function that given a directory pathname returns a sorted-map of files in descending order according to their mtimes. Here it is:
(defn get-sorted-mtimes [dir]
(loop [sm (sorted-map-by >)
lst (for [f (.listFiles (File. dir))]
(let [k (.lastModified f)
v (.getName f)]
[k v]))]
(if (seq lst)
(recur (assoc sm ((first lst) 0) ((first lst) 1))
(rest lst))
My question is: is there a way to pass the comparator method as a symbol name to the function and make it sort by asc or desc order accordingly? I mean something like:
(defn get-sorted-mtimes [dir <sym>]
(loop [sm (sorted-map-by <sym>)
Also, is there a more clojuresque way of accomplishing this task?
Well, for the record, this is the final form of the function that does exactly what I need it to:
(defn get-sorted-mtimes [dir comp]
(loop [sm (sorted-map-by (comparator comp))
lst (for [f (.listFiles (File. dir))]
(let [k (.lastModified f)
v (.getName f)]
[k v]))]
(if (seq lst)
(recur (assoc sm ((first lst) 0) ((first lst) 1))
(rest lst))
If the (comparator) function isn't used, you get a java.lang.ClassCastException exception.
> is just a function like any other in Clojure. So there is nothing to stop you passing it as an argument.
In fact I'd say that is good Clojure style to do it this way. Clojure is a functional programming language at heart, so there's nothing wrong with using higher order functions where appropriate!
Some other minor suggestions:
Use comparator instead of <sym> as a name for your function parameter. I think that's more descriptive and also more consistent with Clojure's normal naming conventions.
You could also add another function parameter to determine what you are comparing so that you can pass a function like get-mtime (a simple function that returns the mtime of a file).
I would suggest making a sequence of files the input to the function rather than a directory. Then your function is more general and can del with things like e.g. recursive directory scans in exactly the same manner
I'd suggest using (into sm lst) - much simpler than your big loop/if/recur construct!
Then you can do really nice things like (get-sorted-files (list-files-recursive dir) > get-mtime) - or any similar combinations you can think of!
Are there non-macro versions of and and or in Clojure?
Update: In this case I don't care about the short circuiting.
The function some "Returns the first logical true value of (pred x) for any x in coll, else nil."
So you could use (some identity coll) for or. Note that its behaviour will differ from or when the last value is false: it will return nil where or would return false.
If you don't need to know the value of the last form in the coll vector, you can use (every? identity coll) for and. This will differ from the behaviour of the and macro in that it returns true if all of its arguments are truthy. See larsmans' answer if you need the result of the last form.
Let land stand for "logical and", then they're trivial to define:
(defn land
([] true)
([x & xs] (and x (apply land xs))))
Or, slightly closer to the standard and behavior:
(defn land
([] true)
([x] x)
([x & xs] (and x (apply land xs))))
And similarly for or.
This actually came up as a topic on clojure-dev recently. Rich Hickey ultimately concluded they should be added to core for 1.3 as every-pred and any-pred (logged as CLJ-729). I think further discussions there have led them to now be called every-pred (the and variant) and some-fn (the or variant). The final version was just recently committed to master.
If you mean functions: no, and they cannot be. The reason is that function forms always evaluate all their arguments before applying the function to their value. You do not want that here.
Most cases where you want this there is a more idiomatic way to do it, but just an exercise, it is possible to defer evaluation by thunking. Thunk your expressions and give them to logical operators that evaluate the the thunk when needed, using the standard and/or:
(defn &&* [& fns]
(cond (= 1 (count fns)) ((first fns))
(and ((first fns)) (apply &&* (next fns)))))
(defn ||* [& fns]
(cond (= 1 (count fns)) ((first fns))
(or ((first fns)) (apply ||* (next fns)))))
Example use:
(partial apply &&*)
(map (partial map constantly) ;; thunk all of these values
[["yes" "no"]
[false true]
[true "something"]
[true "something" "false"]]))
("no" false "something" "false")
Another Example:
(defmacro thunks
"convert expressions into thunks to prevent advance evaluation"
[& exprs]
(let [fns# (map (fn [e] `(fn [] ~e)) exprs)]
(cons 'vector fns#)))
(apply ||* (thunks (+ 1 2) false (* 1 5)))
(apply &&* (thunks (+ 1 2) false (* 1 5)))
(apply &&* (thunks (+ 1 2) (* 1 5)))
SQL offers a function called coalesce(a, b, c, ...) that returns null if all of its arguments are null, otherwise it returns the first non-null argument.
How would you go about writing something like this in Clojure?
It will be called like this: (coalesce f1 f2 f3 ...) where the fi are forms that should only be evaluated if required. If f1 is non-nil, then f2 should not be evaluated -- it may have side-effects.
Maybe Clojure already offers such a function (or macro).
EDIT: Here a solution that I came up with (modified from Stuart Halloway's Programming Clojure, (and ...) macro on page 206):
(defmacro coalesce
([] nil)
([x] x)
([x & rest] `(let [c# ~x] (if c# c# (coalesce ~#rest)))))
Seems to work.
(defmacro coalesce
([] nil)
([x] x)
([x & rest] `(let [c# ~x] (if (not (nil? c#)) c# (coalesce ~#rest)))))
What you want is the "or" macro.
Evaluates exprs one at a time, from left to right. If a form
returns a logical true value, or returns that value and doesn't
evaluate any of the other expressions, otherwise it returns the
value of the last expression. (or) returns nil.
If you only want nil and not false do a rewrite of and and name it coalesce.
This could not be done as a function because functions evaluate all their arguments first. This could be done in Haskell because functions are lazy (not 100% sure about the Haskell thing).
Based on nickik's answer and "or" clojure macro:
(defmacro coalesce
([] nil)
([x] x)
([x & next]
`(let [v# ~x]
(if (not (nil? v#)) v# (coalesce ~#next)))))
You could use keep introduced in 1.2:
EDIT: extended answer a little bit. Macro for direct invokations. Helper for eg. apply + lazy seq producing the values.
(defn coalesce*
(first (keep identity values)))
(defmacro coalesce
[& values]
`(coalesce* (lazy-list ~#values)))
However to prevent evaluation of the values one needs some home-grown way.
(lazy-cat [e1] [e2] [e3])
A little more involved but prettier in the code:
(defn lazy-list*
[& delayed-values]
(when-let [delayed-values (seq delayed-values)]
(first [this] #(first delayed-values))
(next [this] (lazy-list* (next delayed-values)))
(more [this] (or (next this) ())))))
(defmacro lazy-list
[& values]
`(lazy-list* ~#(map (fn [v] `(delay ~v)) values))
Some function versions of coalesce, if you'd rather avoid macros:
(defn coalesce
"Returns first non-nil argument."
[& args]
(first (keep identity args)))
(defn coalesce-with
"Returns first argument which passes f."
[f & args]
(first (filter f args)))
=> (coalesce nil "a" "b")
=> (coalesce-with not-empty nil "" "123")
Unlike the spec, this will evaluate all args. Use or or another appropriate macro solution if you want short circuiting evaluation.
Perhaps I'm misapprehending the question, but isn't this just the first filtered element?
user=> (first (filter (complement nil?) [nil false :foo]))
user=> (first (filter (complement nil?) [nil :foo]))
user=> (first (filter (complement nil?) []))
user=> (first (filter (complement nil?) nil))
It could be shortened up to:
(defn coalesce [& vals]
(first (filter (complement nil?) vals)))
user=> (coalesce nil false :foo)
user=> (coalesce nil :foo)
user=> (coalesce nil)
user=> (coalesce)