Cocos2D runaction doesn't run - cocos2d-iphone

I have a project with 2 Scenes.
In my second Scene, i have a button. This button when clicked create at runtime a CCNode from a SPriteBuilder Resources. This CCNode called "Strategy", has 5 custom CCNode created in SpriteBuilder in the Strategy Node.
When I add a simple CCNode in this Strategy CCNode and try to run an Action, nothing happened, meanwhile in another SCene all is working fine and also in second Scene but not in Strategy CCNode context.
Why this???
- (void)didLoadFromCCB
//Load Strategy
strategy = (Strategy*) [CCBReader load:#"LevelScene/Strategy"];
[strategy setContentSizeType:CCSizeTypeMake(CCSizeUnitNormalized, CCSizeUnitNormalized)];
[strategy setContentSize:CGSizeMake(1.0, 1.0)];
//Add as a child
[self addChild:strategy];
[self runAction:[CCActionRotateBy actionWithDuration:1.0 angle:360]];
[strategy runAction:[CCActionRotateBy actionWithDuration:1.0 angle:360]];
Crystal *crystal = (Crystal*) [CCBReader load:#"Resources/Crystal"];
[strategy addChild:crystal];
//... set crystal position ...//
[crystal runAction:[CCActionRotateBy actionWithDuration:1.0 angle:360]];


CCAction blocks does not works in cocos2d v3?

CCActionCallBlock *call=[CCActionCallBlock actionWithBlock:^
[self runAction:call];
Is not working if i put it in another node, and add this node to my main scene .
It only works in my main scene, and not in any other layer added to that scene .
why ?
I just tried it and it works for me, have you called [super onEnter] on your scene?
If that does not work please a bit more code please.

How to show particle from a thread in Cocos2d

I am trying to take a particle effect in my Cocos2d project. Particle effect shows good. But I am confused when I put the particle showing function into a thread as follows, it only shows tiny dark squares instead of the right texture. thanx in advance.
// thread caller
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(showParticleThrd:) withObject:nil];
// it works good when i call it directly
-(void) showParticleThrd{
CCParticleSystem * system = [[ParticleEffectSelfMade alloc] initWithTotalParticles:1];
[aLayer removeChildByTag:R_TAG cleanup:YES];
system.position = ccp(self.position.x,self.position.y);
[self.parent addChild:system z:R_ORDER tag:R_TAG];
[system release];
You can not modify anything cocos2d related in a background thread. Cocos2d requires you to make changes to nodes in the main thread, where the OpenGL context was created.

cocos2d remove scene / scene transitions

I started my app using the base code found here in the menus tutorial. In this manner, all of my 'screens' (there are only 5 of them) are implemented as extensions of the CCLayer class, and I have a shared + Scene Manager which works by adding my layer classes as children to a new scene and then using the director to run or replace the currently playing scene:
+(void) goMenu{
// \/---------- Issue right here, next line:
CCLayer *layer = [MenuLayer node];
[SceneManager go: layer];
+(void) go: (CCLayer *) layer{
CCDirector *director = [CCDirector sharedDirector];
CCScene *newScene = [SceneManager wrap:layer];
if ([director runningScene]) {
[director replaceScene: newScene];
}else {
[director runWithScene:newScene];
+(CCScene *) wrap: (CCLayer *) layer{
CCScene *newScene = [CCScene node];
[newScene addChild: layer];
return newScene;
The problem I am having is as follows. Let's say I have 2 layers -- 'MenuLayer' and 'GameLayer'. I start off with MenuLayer and later on use [SceneManager go:[GameLayer node]] to transition over to GameLayer. From GameLayer, if I goMenu the app terminates with an 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'child already added. It can't be added again' where indicated. I assumed that this is happening because I am trying to add some child sprites in the layer's init code and I am re-adding them again.
My first attempt at debugging was to call [self removeAllChildrenWithCleanup:YES]; within the onExit code of all my layers. That didn't solve the issue. I added in some debugging logs and found out the last line that executes before the script blows up is the indicated one [myLayerClass node];. The init code inside the layer class does not get executed at all -- so it can't be one of the sprites or other children being added that is causing the issue. Again -- remember that everything works the first time I try to open any scene. It's moving back to an opened scene that is currently problematic.
So I tried a different approach -- the approach used in Cocos2D Hello world. I modified all my Layer Classes by adding a singleton +(id) scene method defined as follows:
+(id) scene
CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];
myLayerClass *layer = [myLayerClass node];
[scene addChild: layer];
return scene;
Added in a [super dealloc] in the dealloc, and encapsulated all my init code within:
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init] )) {
// All init code here....
Of course, all of the goLayerName singleton methods in the scene manager had their contents replaced to match this -- for example:
+(void) goMenu {
//CCLayer *layer = [MenuLayer node];
//[SceneManager go: layerMenu];
CCDirector *director = [CCDirector sharedDirector];
if ([director runningScene])
[director replaceScene:[MenuLayer scene]];
[director runWithScene:[MenuLayer scene]];
I figured this was the way Cocos2D's hello world worked, it must be good. Also, since each of my scenes would be created once and once alone (and thus every layer would be created once and once alone). No effect whatsoever! The first time I visit any scene it runs as expected. Whenever I try to navigate back to any existing scene, I get the error I mentioned above.
I tried poking around SO and found this, but I am unsure how to properly implement it; also I'm not entirely sure that would even solve the issue -- since the symptoms are different (he just gets a pink screen, whereas my app terminates).
Any assistance would be appreciated.
For anyone who was interested in this question, I was able to resolve the issue.
In summary, any child of a child you add, will not be released with releaseAllChildrenWithClenup. That function will only release the immediate children, so you are responsible to release any nested children yourself.
In my game, I had some characters and their eyes were nested in the head sprites (so that I could just move / rotate the heads). The eyes had their own animation loop but I wanted them to transform with the head. All that worked, but since I had a line of code in init which basically [headSprite addChild:eyeSprite];, I had to also add [headSprite removeChild:eyeSprite]; in the onExit code to dissociate it, followed by releaseAllChildrenWithClenup to remove all of the n=1 level children as well.
Once that was handled, everything worked as advertised.

Accessing Objects in other Layers (cocos2d)

I was playing around with a Joystick moving a Sprite around in one layer. Now, according to best practice, the Joystick and the Sprite have to be in different Layers of the same scene. I have managed to separate these, yet I am now completely stuck having absolutely no clue whatsoever how to pass joystick commands from one layer to another? What is the recommended way to do this?
Game Play Layer
Game Control Layer
When the joystick is manipulated I need to pass this info to the GamePlayLayer to control the sprite.
Well, I got a great Cocos2d book, written by Rod Strougo and Ray Wenderlich, by the name "Learning Cocos2d". In their book, they implement a game, which has a joystick implemented and all, using your initial setup. The GamePlayLayer contains both the joyStick and the hero sprite. (See book page 40).
I don't believe they would use bad practices in their book, given they are very talented!
With that being said, I have possible solutions, if you wish to implement them on separate layers:
That's your basic setup. But, intuitively, what is the purpose of the control layer? Control the game layer's content! So, I would suggest you hold a (weak) reference to the GameLayer within the ControlLayer. That way, using a simple:
#property (nonatomic, assign) CCSprite* hero;
you now have access to the hero from the ControlLayer!
Extra (if needed):
//GameScene init:
- (id)init {
gameLayer = [GameLayer node];
controlLayer = [ControlLayer node];
[controlLayer setGameLayerRef:gameLayer];
// Control layer:
#property (nonatomic, assign) GameLayer* gameLayerRef;
Even though I just suggested that way, I don't use it in my games :)
What I normally do is:
Make the GameScene class a "Semi-Singleton". (I learned this method from "Learn iPhone and iPad Game Dev" By Itterheim (aka gaming horror, Kobold2d publisher ... etc).
Then, inside the control layer, I would call the GameScene object:
[[GameScene sharedScene] doSomethingToTheGameLayer];
Yeah, the gameScene has simplistic methods that just relies what the control need to update in the game layer.
Implementing the Semi-singleton pattern, as described by Itterheim in his book.
But, what is semi-singleton?
It has the singleton pattern's property: you can access the object instance from anywhere using a static call.
[GameScene sharedScene];
However, singleton objects are usually retained, after being created for the first time, till the end of the application's life. In the Semi-singleton pattern, this is not the case.
Once you create the instance, you cannot create another instance before destroying the old one, BUT once you are done with the instance, you destroy it (dealloc). Creating another one when necessary.
Semi-Singleton: Create many object from it, but only one at any given time. Only recreate after destroying the old.
Of course, as you do with any singleton class, you first declare a static variable of the same type of the class:
//In GameScene.m
static GameScene* instance = nil;
//Here we have the static method to access the instance:
+(GameScene*)sharedScene {
//you must have created one before trying to access it "Globally".
///Typically, created where you transition the GameScene using CCDirector's replaceScene.
NSAssert(instance != nil, #"GameScene not instantiated!!");
return instance;
-(id)init {
if((self = [super init])) {
//Make sure you don't have another instance of the class created
//NOTE: Possible race condition that I wouldn't worry about, since it should never happen.
NSAssert(instance == nil, #"Another instance is already created!!");
instance = self;
return self;
//Don't forget!! Dealloc!!
- (void)dealloc {
//the only instance we had is dealloc'd! We are back to zero. Can create a new one later! :D
instance = nil;
[super dealloc];
So, the timeline:
CCScene* scene = [GameScene node];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:scene];
[[GameScene sharedScene] doSomething];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:otherScene];
//After the new scene replaces GameScene, dealloc will be called, implicitly. Making instance = nil;
instance = nil;
[super dealloc];
//Loop again
CCScene* scene = [GameScene node];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:scene];

crash when add and remove sprite in cocos2d

i am doing something wrong, maybe someone could help me .
when app is start i add a sprite as a child,from DB like this :
b_pic=[CCSprite spriteWithFile:basic_pic];
[self addChild:b_pic];
then i do things,and run animation, so before animation starts, i remove the sprite with :
[b_pic.parent removeChild:b_pic cleanup:YES];
and then i am trying to add it back, BUT its crashes. i add it with :
b_pic=[CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"regular.png"];
[self addChild:b_pic];
what am i doing wrong here ?
i cant understand this child and parent thing.
i have also tried to remove the sprite with :
[self removeChild:b_pic cleanup:YES];
thanks a lot .
The sprite is an autorelease object in cocos2d. So when you remove the sprite the CleanUp should be NO like so...
[self removeChild:b_pic cleanup:NO];